Led Zeppelin / Fillmore West 1969 Day 2 / 2CD

Led Zeppelin / Fillmore West 1969 Day 2 / 2CD / Non Label
Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA, USA 10th January 1969 UPGRADE

Play sample :

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Fillmore on January 10, 1969, famous for the ZEP playing “For Your Love” by The Yardbirds. In addition to that, a band that had just released their first album and was not recognized by the United States visited Fillmore for the first time and captured almost the entire length of the show in the performance that took place over four nights. It was a high-value sound source that captured the ZEP in early 1969, and was one of the classics that had been released as early as the analog era.
However, it is ZEP in 1969 and in January, it is not the sound quality that can be said to be the best, but rather it should be a model of the 1969 vintage audience in this recording. It is surprisingly easy to hear due to the combination of sound quality close to the midrange and a sense of distance. Therefore, it would be suitable for eyeglasses that will be released from the LP era (the name is also “FOR YOUR LOVE”).
Conversely speaking, it is also a fact that it sounds shabby when the gene drop due to cassette dubbing occurs due to such a recording state. In fact, some of the titles of this sound source released after the CD era had fallen into such a state, and there were even items that tried to eliminate it by equalizing.
SCORPIO’s “FRESH GARBAGE” was the one who recorded this sound source in the most natural state in such a situation. In the first place, unlike “Eddie” and “Blueberry Hill”, it is a time when it is not in the limelight so much, so it is regrettable that this epoch-making release did not get much reputation. More recently, GRAFF ZEPPELIN achieved the feat of recording from the first generation copy of this sound source for the first time under the name of “FRESH GARBAGE”, which is a new memory.

In 2019, the first generation copy appeared on the net with the mention that it was “confirmed by the recorder”, but this July another version that sang the first generation appeared. It was the familiar Krw_co who made it public. Of course, since the previous version was already in circulation, it was the same 1st Gen. But there was no big difference … I was thinking that the sound quality was clearly improved compared to the 2019 version. That is.
Compared to that, the sound quality is more natural and warm, and if you look forward to this version, the 2019 version will sound shaky, and you will also be worried about hiss noise. As I said at the beginning, the original recording is full of analog feeling closer to the midrange, so a slight difference in generation is likely to appear. Or it may be said that the difference in the equipment used for playback and transfer has appeared.
On the other hand, in this version, like some previous versions, the afterglow after finishing “Babe I’m Gonna Leave You” is cut off just before it disappears, but since it is a level of afterglow, this sound source We respected the main body and did not make any compensation. Instead, the pitch deviation that occurred in “Babe I’m ~” from “Dazed And Confused”, which was the biggest drawback of this sound source, was finely adjusted. I finished it so that I can listen to the whole story with confidence.

And on this day, the performance was outstanding. Even though he released his first album, ZEP performed a big performance to catch the hearts of the audience who gathered in Fillmore at a time when it was not yet a sea thing and a mountain thing for the United States. From the beginning of the opening “The Train Kept A Rollin'”, Jimmy will attack with a enthusiastic cutting, and his tricky play explodes through the whole first set contained in the first piece. I wondered if Jimmy’s light-footed phrases at this time would be overwhelming.
Not only that, “As Long As I Have You”, which was unveiled in the first set, is definitely the best version in January 1969. It feels like the experimental developments that had been unfolding at Gonzaga University and Whiskey a Go Go before that were at their peak here. What is most impressive is that the audience of the day, who would have heard this song for the first time, is being drawn in more and more. It can be said that the slow-moving performance became the basis of the famous performances of the song such as Denmark in March and Fillmore Triumph in April.
When the second set was reached, a series of psychedelic blues called “You Shook Me” on “Killing Floor” became intense again. This is also unique to ZEP at this time, but especially in the former, phrases that will be the material for the live development and new songs after this are included everywhere, Jimmy’s creative play and young scream. You can clearly see how the light plant is also captivating the Fillmore crowd.

And the encore “For Your Love” which is the highlight of the day. By playing the same song, ZEP became a form to inform the audience of Fillmore that ZEP is a development of The Yardbirds, but it no longer retains the prototype, and this also seems to be an early ZEP arrangement like psychedelic blues. Now that the Whiskey a Go Go take has been unearthed and the value of “only this day” has disappeared, the performance is clearly evolving from there on a daily basis. Unique to ZEP at this time.
The influence of the blues was strong, yet it was a record of the time when Jimmy and other creative performances caught the hearts of the American audience. Not only is it valuable as a sound source that captures the live performances of that period for the longest time, but you can also enjoy the famous performance of January 1969 with this version, which has an even more analog feel that is typical of a vintage audience. It is no exaggeration to say that the whole story should be heard on this day, but “As Long As I Have You” is especially spectacular!


ZEPがヤードバーズの「For Your Love」を演奏していたことで昔から有名な1969年1月10日のフィルモア。それに加えてまだファースト・アルバムをリリースしただけでアメリカに認知されていなかったバンドが初めてフィルモアに見参、四夜に渡って行われた公演の中でほぼショウの全長を捉えてくれている点でも価値が高く、なおかつ1969年初頭のZEPを捉えた貴重音源としてアナログ時代から早くもリリースされていた定番の一つでもありました。
とはいえ69年でしかも1月という時期のZEPです、さすがに極上といえるような音質ではなく、むしろいい意味で69年ビンテージ・オーディエンスのお手本というべきなのが本録音。中域に寄った音質と程よい距離感が相まって意外なほど聞きやすい。それ故にLPの時代からリリース(その名も「FOR YOUR LOVE」)されるというお眼鏡に適ったのでしょう。
こうした状況の中でもっともナチュラルな状態で本音源を収録してくれたのがSCORPIOの「FRESH GARBAGE」ではないでしょうか。そもそも我が国では「エディー」や「ブルーベリーヒル」と違ってあまり脚光を浴びない時期でもありますので、この画期的なリリースもあまり評判を呼ばなかったことが惜しまれます。さらに最近になってGRAFF ZEPPELINが再び「FRESH GARBAGE」の名の下で初めて本音源のファースト・ジェネレーション・コピーから収録するという快挙を成し遂げたのは記憶に新しいところ。

2019年には「録音者から確認済」との触れ込みでファースト・ジェネレーション・コピーがネット上に現れていたのですが、この7月また別のファースト・ジェネレーションを謳ったバージョンが現れました。それを公開してくれたのはおなじみKrw_co。もちろん先のようなバージョンが既に流通していたことから、どうせ同じ1st Gen.だし大した違いがないのでは…とタカをくくっていたところ、どっこい2019版よりも明らかに音質が向上していたという。
その反面、今回のバージョンでは過去のいくつかのバージョンと同じく「Babe I’m Gonna Leave You」を終えた後の余韻が消え入る寸前で切れているのですが、あくまで余韻というレベルですので今回の音源本体を尊重して補填などは行いませんでした。その代わり本音源における最大の欠点と言えた「Dazed And Confused」から先の「Babe I’m~」に生じていたピッチの狂いを緻密にアジャスト。全編を安心して聞き通せるように仕上げました。

そしてこの日は何と言っても演奏が抜群。ファースト・アルバムを出したとは言えど、まだアメリカにとって海のモノと山のモノともつかなかった時期のZEPがフィルモアに集まった観客の心を掴むべく大熱演を披露。オープニング「The Train Kept A Rollin’」の出だしからしてジミーの気合が入りまくったカッティングで攻めてきますし、一枚目に収められたファーストセット全編を通して彼のトリッキーなプレイが炸裂。この時期のジミーの足腰の軽いフレーズだけでも圧倒されてしまうかと。
それだけではありません、ファーストセットにて披露された「As Long As I Have You」は間違いなく69年1月におけるベスト・バージョン。それ以前のゴンザガ大学やウイスキー・ア・ゴーゴーで繰り広げられていた実験的な展開がここで頂点を迎えた感じ。何より感動的なのが、本曲を初めて聞かされたであろうこの日のオーディエンスがどんどん引き込まれていく様子まで捉えられていること。その緩急自在な演奏が3月のデンマークや4月のフィルモア凱旋といった同曲の名演の基礎になったと言えるでしょう。
セカンドセットを迎えると「Killing Floor」に「You Shook Me」というサイケデリック・ブルースの連続がまた強烈。これがまたこの時期のZEPならではなのですが、特に前者ではこの後のライブの展開や新しい曲のネタとなるようなフレーズが随所に盛り込まれていて、ジミーの創造性に溢れたプレイと若くてスクリームを軽々とこなすプラントがこれまたフィルモアの観衆を虜にしている様子がはっきり伝わってくる。

そしてこの日の目玉であるアンコールの「For Your Love」。同曲を演奏したことでZEPがヤードバーズの発展形であることをフィルモアのオーディエンスに知らしめる形となった一方もはや原型を留めない、これまたサイケデリック・ブルース的なアレンジが初期ZEPらしい。今でこそウイスキー・ア・ゴーゴーのテイクが発掘されて「この日だけ」という価値がなくなってしまいましたが、そこから演奏が明らかに発展しているのがライブ一日単位で進化を遂げていたこの時期のZEPならでは。
ブルースの影響が色濃く、それでいてジミーを中心として創造性溢れる演奏でアメリカのオーディエンスの心を掴んでいた時期の記録でもある。そんな時期のライブをもっとも長時間に渡って捉えてくれた音源としての価値はもちろん、ビンテージ・オーディエンスらしいアナログ感がさらに増した今回のバージョンで69年1月の名演を心ゆくまで味わってください。この日は全編を聞きどころと言っても過言ではないのですが、中でも「As Long As I Have You」は壮絶!


Disc 1 (44:41)
1. The Train Kept A Rollin’
2. I Can’t Quit You Baby
3. As Long As I Have You
4. Dazed And Confused
5. How Many More Times

Disc 2 (48:37)
1. White Summer / Black Mountain Side
2. Killing Floor
3. You Shook Me
4. Pat’s Delight
5. Babe I’m Gonna Leave You
6. Communication Breakdown
7. For Your Love

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