KISS / Studio Demos 1975 2nd Press / 1CD+1Bonus CDR

KISS / Studio Demos 1975 2nd Press / 1CD+1Bonus CDR / Zodiac
Master Studio Reels to DAT recordings (from Original Masters) plus Bonus CDR “Destroyer Demos”

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Our own official spilled sound board series that shook the world of mania. Three works that were sold out and abandoned out of popularity will be reprinted.
In our store, we have introduced a lot of sound board sound sources that were not on the market until then. Among them, KISS is a series of masters brought from related parties through their own routes. The world is trembling with a number of live and demos that no one else has heard in the world, or even a sound source that has been well-known. Contributed to dramatic progress in underground research. However, every work is very popular because it is so shocking. Some of them are sold out immediately and many years have passed. However, now KISS is nearing the last performance in Japan. That’s why this week, three of the most popular titles for those who have been missed will be reprinted!
Although this is a valuable sound board work, this is a particularly rare studio album. A sound board demo sound source that makes the production process of masterpieces “DRESSED TO KILL” and “DESTROYER” more enjoyable. There are two types of sessions engraved in this work: “January 1975: LARRABEE Studio” and “August 1975: MAGNA GRAPHICS Studio”. Let’s look back on what kind of session each was from the schedule at that time.

<< January 7-February 22 “HOTTER THAN HELL TOUR” >> ← ★
・ February “DRESSED TO KILL” production
・ March 19 “DRESSED TO KILL” released
《March 19-August 28 “DRESSED TO KILL TOUR”》 ← ★
・ Started production of “DESTROYER” on September 3
・ September 10 “ALIVE!” Released
<< Start of “ALIVE! TOUR” on September 10 >>

This is KISS’s 1975. January is “HOTTER THAN HELL TOUR” and August is the end of “DRESSED TO KILL TOUR”, but there were several “skimming dates” at that time. This is a session that took place. Both of them seem to have been composition sessions that have not yet been officially recorded on the album. Some of these sessions have been known for a long time, but this work is a unique master of spillage of different parties. The provider himself said, “You can find a 3rd generation copy cassette on youtube and online download site in mp3, and it has a bad sound quality. This take is a reel tape that a former KISS crew member found in the warehouse. The sound is dropped from tape to DAT as it is. Let’s take a closer look at each of the two sessions.

[January 1975: LARRABEE Studio (4 songs)] ● “DRESSED TO KILL” demo (2 songs)
“Anything For My Baby” “Rock And Roll All Nite”
”Dressed to Kill” recorded song demo. In particular, “Rock And Roll All Nite” is more powerful than the official version, and the echo on the vocals is a take that has become popular among enthusiasts when it looks live.
● “GENE SIMMONS” demo (1 song)
“Burning Up With Fever”
A song from the solo album “GENE SIMMONS” released in 1978. The two sessions in this work were basically for KISS, but the songs that were not adopted were eventually transferred to “GENE SIMMONS”. “Burning Up With Fever” was heard in the already-released demo boot, but this work is a different take and a version that is closer to the finished form. It’s strangely wonderful that it wasn’t adopted in “DRESSED TO KILL”.
● Other (1 song)
This is a song that is known for its boots, but this work has a different take and a strong chorus version. The song has been completed, and pastoral tunes and slide guitars are impressive numbers, giving you a glimpse of the unexpected side of KISS.

[August 1975: MAGNA GRAPHICS Studio (15 songs, 17 takes)] ● “DESTROYER” demo (4 songs, 5 takes)
“God Of Thunder (Paul Vocal)” “Detroit Rock City” “Mad Dog (2 take)” “Night Fly”
† From the 5th song, a session for “DESTROYER”. Three songs were also recorded in the final version. “Mad Dog” and “Night Fly” are unfamiliar titles, but the former is the original “Flaming Youth” and the latter is the original “Sweet Pain”. “Detroit Rock City” with different lyrics is also interesting, but what is amazing is “God Of Thunder” which Paul sings. Although it is Jean’s signature song, Paul wrote it in the first place. The tempo is faster than the final version, and you can enjoy the discotic Omoto’s ideas.
● “GENE SIMMONS” demo (3 songs)
“Man Of 1,000 Faces” “Burning Up With Fever” “True Confessions”
”A number that was diverted to“ GENE SIMMONS ”was also born in the“ DESTROYER ”session. All three songs had demos in the existing bootlegs, but all of this work is a different version. “Man Of 1,000 Faces” is particularly wonderful. It is a band version different from the final version of the strings, with guitar solos and vocal overdubs. You can enjoy the KISS version that is not solo.
● Another take of “THE BOX SET” demo (2 songs, 3 takes)
“Doncha Hesitate” “Bad Bad Lovin’ (2 Takes) ”
“Many demos were recorded in“ THE BOX SET ”, which was officially released in 2001, but this version also includes another version of the song that was released for the first time. “Doncha Hesitate” is an up-tempo KISS-like number, and “Bad Bad Lovin’ ”is an early version that evolves into“ Calling Dr. Love ”from“ ROCK AND ROLL OVER ”.
● Other (6 songs)
“It Ai n’t The Smoke That Burns Ya” “Love Is Alright” “Do n’t Want Your Romance” “Rock And Rolls Royce” “I ’m A Star” “Howling For Your Love”
In addition, this work also includes six rare numbers that cannot be heard in “THE BOX SET” or Gene ’s “VAULT”. The four songs “It Ain’t The Smoke That Burns Ya”, “Don’t Want Your Romance”, “Rock And Rolls Royce”, and “Howling For Your Love” were recorded on the bootlegs, but this book The work has dramatically improved sound and has a different take.
“Rock Is Rolls Royce” and “Ladies Room” that are the basis of “Love Is Alright”, “Love ‘Em Leave’ Em” sounding like (?) Don’t Want Your Romance “and so on, you can listen to the number that will sprout” ROCK AND ROLL OVER “here.

This is a collection of treasures spanning 21 takes and 65 minutes and 25 seconds. This is a collection of demo tracks that not only “DRESSED TO KILL” and “DESTROYER”, but also plenty of original songs from “ROCK AND ROLL OVER” and “GENE SIMMONS”. A super masterpiece by a spill master. Please enjoy the permanent preservation press CD thoroughly.

どれもこれもが貴重なサウンドボード作品ではありますが、本作は特にレアなスタジオ・アルバム。名作『DRESSED TO KILL』『DESTROYER』の製作過程をつまびらかにするサウンドボード・デモ音源です。本作に刻まれているセッションは2種「1975年1月:LARRABEEスタジオ」と「1975年8月:MAGNA GRAPHICSスタジオ」。それぞれ、どんなセッションだったのか、当時のスケジュールから振り返ってみましょう。

《1月7日-2月22日“HOTTER THAN HELL TOUR”》←★ココ★
《3月19日-8月28日“DRESSED TO KILL TOUR”》←★ココ★
《9月10日“ALIVE! TOUR”開始》

これがKISSの1975年。1月“HOTTER THAN HELL TOUR”の、8月は“DRESSED TO KILL TOUR”の終盤にあたるわけですが、その頃には連日がライヴまみれではなく、いくつかの「スキマ日程」がありました。本作は、そこで行われたセッション。どちらもアルバムの正式レコーディングには至っていない作曲セッションだったと思われます。これらのセッションは以前から幾つか知られてきましたが、本作はそれらとは異なる関係者流出の独自マスター。提供者自ら「youtubeやネットのダウンロード・サイトにあるのは3rdジェネ・コピーのカセットをmp3化したもので、酷い音質だ。このテイクは、元KISSのクルー・メンバーが倉庫で発見したリール・テープをそのままテープからDATに落としたもの。正真正銘、大元マスターのサウンドだ」と断言するするものなのです。それでは、2種のセッションをそれぞれ詳しくご紹介していきましょう。

「Anything For My Baby」「Rock And Roll All Nite」
『DRESSED TO KILL』収録曲のデモ。特に「Rock And Roll All Nite」は公式バージョンよりもパワフルで、ヴォーカルにかかったエコーがライヴっぽいとマニアに人気となったテイクです。
「Burning Up With Fever」
1978年にリリースされたソロアルバム『GENE SIMMONS』の曲。本作の2つのセッションは基本的にKISSのためのものでしたが、採用されなかった曲が最終的に『GENE SIMMONS』にも転用されたわけです。「Burning Up With Fever」は既発デモ・ブートでも聴けましたが、本作は異なるテイクで、より完成形に近づいたバージョン。『DRESSED TO KILL』に採用されなかったのが不思議なほど素晴らしい出来です。

【1975年8月:MAGNA GRAPHICSスタジオ(15曲・17テイク)】
「God Of Thunder (Paul Vocal)」「Detroit Rock City」「Mad Dog(2テイク)」「Night Fly」
5曲目からは『DESTROYER』用のセッション。3曲分が最終版にも収録されました。「Mad Dog」「Night Fly」は見慣れない曲名ですが、前者は「Flaming Youth」、後者は「Sweet Pain」の原型にあたります。歌詞違いの「Detroit Rock City」も面白いですが、何と言っても素晴らしいのがポールの歌う「God Of Thunder」。ジーンの看板曲ではありますが、そもそも書いたのはポール。最終盤よりテンポも速く、ディスコティックな大元の曲想を楽しめます。
「Man Of 1,000 Faces」「Burning Up With Fever」「True Confessions」
『DESTROYER』セッションでも『GENE SIMMONS』に転用されるナンバーが生まれました。3曲とも既発ブートレッグにデモがありましたが、本作はすべて別バージョンです。特に素晴らしいのは「Man Of 1,000 Faces」。ストリングス盛りだくさんの最終版とは異なるバンド・バージョンで、ギターソロやヴォーカルのオーバーダブも施されている。ソロではないKISSバージョンを楽しめます。
●『THE BOX SET』デモの別テイク(2曲・3テイク)
「Doncha Hesitate」「Bad Bad Lovin’(2テイク)」
2001年に公式リリースされた『THE BOX SET』にも数多くのデモが収録されましたが、本作にはそこで初めて公開された曲の別バージョンも収録されています。「Doncha Hesitate」はアップテンポでKISSらしいナンバーですし、「Bad Bad Lovin’」は『ROCK AND ROLL OVER』収録の「Calling Dr. Love」へと進化していく初期バージョンです。
「It Ain’t The Smoke That Burns Ya」「Love Is Alright」「Don’t Want Your Romance」「Rock And Rolls Royce」「I’m A Star」「Howling For Your Love」
さらに本作は『THE BOX SET』やジーンの『VAULT』でも聴けないレア・ナンバーも6曲収録。「It Ain’t The Smoke That Burns Ya」「Don’t Want Your Romance」「Rock And Rolls Royce」「Howling For Your Love」の4つは既発ブートレッグにも収録されていた曲ですが、本作はサウンドが飛躍的に良くなっていたり、テイクが異なっています。
「Rock Bottom」から改作しようとした(?)ように聞こえる「Love Is Alright」、「Love ‘Em Leave’ Em」の元になる「Rock And Rolls Royce」、「Ladies Room」に転用されていく「Don’t Want Your Romance」等、ここでも『ROCK AND ROLL OVER』の萌芽となるナンバーが聴けます。

以上、21テイク・65分25秒に及ぶ秘宝集です。『DRESSED TO KILL』や『DESTROYER』だけでなく、『ROCK AND ROLL OVER』『GENE SIMMONS』の原曲もたっぷりと収録され、70年代の裏側を覗かせてくれるデモ・トラック集です。関係者流出マスターによる超傑作。どうぞ、永久保存プレスCDでとことんお楽しみください。


Larrabee Studios, Los Angeles January 1975

1. Burnin’ Up With Fever
2. Anything For My Baby
3. Rock And Roll All Nite 4. Mistake

Magna Graphics Studio, New York August 1975

5. Doncha Hesitate
6. God Of Thunder (Paul on Vocal)
7. It Aint The Smoke That Burns Ya
8. Detroit Rock City
9. Love Is Alright
10. Bad, Bad Lovin’ #1
11. Bad, Bad Lovin’ #2
12. Man Of 1,000 Faces
13. Don’t Want Your Romance
14. Burning Up With Fever
15. Rock And Rolls Royce
16. Mad Dog #1
17. Mad Dog #2
18. Night Fly
19. I’m A Star
20. Howling For Your Love
21. True Confessions


Zodiac 054


KISS / Destroyer Demos / 1CDR / Non Label

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The main press CD is the highest-ever demo album in which the leaked masters brought from related parties are directly converted into CDs. In particular, the main “DESTROYER” session is a superlative first-class resource that is unrivaled in quality and volume. However, this is not the only demonstration that gives a glimpse of the production process of Kano Daimyo. Therefore, the classic demo album that has been loved for a long time is also decided to include a bonus.
Included in this work is the initial composition session of “DESTROYER”. Although the main press CD was related to the outflow of people involved, the time and studio could be confirmed, but since this is a sound source excavated in the 90s, the recording date and generation are not clear. However, the sound is also thin on the main press CD (depending on the take) and seems to be a pretty young master.
The contents are from the initial composition stage to the arrangement. Includes “Beth”, “God Of Thunder”, “King Of The Night Time World”, “Detroit Rock City” in the instrumental version, and “Do You Love Me?”, “Flaming Youth” and “Great Expectations” with songs. In addition, three kinds of instrumental parts before the song is recorded. Since all the takes were not recorded at the same time, I will avoid affirmation, but it may be earlier than “August 1975: MAGNA GRAPHICS Studio” on the main press CD.
“Ain’t None Of Your Business” is an unfamiliar song name. This is a song by Becky Hobbs and Lou Anderson’s pen of country SSW, and it is recorded in two types of Peter’s singing and instrument. As a result, KISS did not formally record or perform live, but later provided to DETECTIVE, who was appointed to the tournament. It will be recorded in the debut work “DETECTIVE” in 1977.

な が ら While playing riffs, explore possibilities, arrange arrangements, and assemble famous songs. How was a group of famous songs famous in rock history born, grown up, and what we did? It is a studio album that makes the backstage a glimpse. In addition to the main press CD, which is an impact sound board that leaks out the people involved, this is a further collection of treasures that can be stepped deeper into the field. Please add to this collection along with this opportunity

内容は初期の作曲からアレンジを詰めていく段階のもの。インスト版の「Beth」「God Of Thunder」「King Of The Night Time World」「Detroit Rock City」の他、歌入り「Do You Love Me?」「Flaming Youth」「Great Expectations」も収録。さらに曲になる前のパーツ的なインストも3種録音されています。すべてのテイクが同じタイミングで録音されたとも限らないので断言は避けますが、本編プレスCDの「1975年8月:MAGNA GRAPHICSスタジオ」より初期かも知れません。
そんな中で見慣れない曲名なのが「Ain’t None Of Your Business」。これはカントリー系SSWのベッキー・ホッブズとルー・アンダーソンのペンによる曲で、ピーターの歌入りとインストの2種で収録しています。結果としてKISSが正式に録音することもなければ、ライヴで演奏することもありませんでしたが、後にツアーの前座に起用されたDETECTIVEに提供。1977年のデビュー作『DETECTIVE』に収録されることになりました。


1. Beth (Instrumental)
2. Do You Love Me?
3. Flaming You
4. God Of Thunder (Instrumental)
5. Ain’t None Of Your Business #1
6. Ain’t None Of Your Business #2 (Instrumental)
7. Great Expectations
8. King Of The Night Time World (Instrumental)
9. Detroit Rock City (Instrumental)
10. Instrumental #1
11. Instrumental #2
12. Instrumental #3

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