KISS / Toronto September 1974 / 1CD+1Bonus CDR

KISS / Toronto September 1974 / 1CD+1Bonus CDR / Zodiac

Translated Text:
Live at Victory Burlesque, Toronto, ON. Canada 14th September 1974 plus Bonus CDR “Memphis 1974 2nd Night”

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The emergence of a new excavation master who valued valuable 1974 KISS vacuum packed. It is permanent preservation press decision.
It is contained in this work “September 14, 1974 Toronto Performance”. It is a new excavation audience recording which had never been known at all. Before you step into the contents, first of all the show position. Let’s check from the whole picture of “HOTTER THAN HELL TOUR”.

“August” HOTTER THAN HELL “completed”
· September 13 – October 4: Warm up (15 shows) ← ★ Coco ★
“October 22” HOTTER THAN HELL “Release”
· October 17 – December 31: North America # 1 (40 shows)
· January 7 – February 1: North America # 2 (13 performances)
· February 20 – 22: North America # 3 (3 performances)

This is the big picture of “HOTTER THAN HELL TOUR”. The record of this tour is precious, but this work is early in its early days. It is a live recording of the warm-up tour that took place before the release of “HOTTER THAN HELL”. Actually, the discovery of this recording itself was a miracle. When a collector traded a recording of another band (MAX WEBSTER), KISS was recorded on one side of the master cassette. Although the collector was not very familiar with KISS, even if I looked up the index date as a clue, I could not find a record anywhere. So I consulted KISS experts and found out that it was completely new recording. Even now it is still unlikely that the best master who was kept secret by name recordingists will be discovered, but it is rare to find by accident without any intention here. If this collector had done with “I do not know KISS”, it was a record that had disappeared into the darkness of history if there was no expert who can consult.
The sound discovered through such circumstances is extremely strong and vintage audience approaching with force. Rather than delicacy and neat ringing, a strong and wicking core roars. To tell the truth, the audience is hardly felt even though it is an audience, and both the performance and singing voice come closer to the guyguy. “HOTTER THAN HEL” was also a powerful sound in the early days, but it is amazing as if the consciousness had spread to the stage. Ultra real and cool thing of the base sound which raises roaring in the intro of “100,000 Years” ….
And more than anything, the freshness of the master cassette is preeminent. I do not feel deterioration due to dubbing or aged deterioration, and singing as if 22 year old Paul Stanley is on the spot. In this work, to make the most of the taste of such recording, meticulous remastering is also carried out. In addition to correcting the low pitch, it also made the brilliant direct feel more vivid, and adjusted the slightly muzzled ringing to bright. Of course, the taste of the raw sound is finished in a sound with a powerful vocal pushed further forward, paying close attention to the fine dust.
KISS in 1974 roaring with its sound is exactly a demon. As a matter of fact, there is a show twice a day on this “September 14”, it is unknown whether this work is the first or the second. Either way, it is extremely early that warm-up 2-3 performances eyes. The momentum of creating a new work and trying to get into a full-blown tour is fierce everywhere and continues to deliver a harsh rock that will scrape off the audience. All songs are intense version, but the one I want to pay attention to is “Parasite”. “Let Me Go Rock ‘n’ Roll” started to play since 1973, but “Parasite” comes from this warm up tour. This work is exactly the 2nd and 3rd impulse initial impulse, it is the tension which is just broken.

A coincidence goddess smiling and emerged as if it fell. If so many recordings were asleep, how much secret recordings are hiding this earth … ?. A vintage inscription that will be driven to such a delusion. Please, enjoy this new excavation time with a permanent preservation press CD.

本作に収められているのは「1974年9月14日トロント公演」。これまでまったく知られていなかった新発掘のオーディエンス録音です。その中身に踏み込む前に、まずはショウのポジション。“HOTTER THAN HELL TOUR”の全体像から確認してみましょう。

《10月22日『HOTTER THAN HELL』発売》

これが“HOTTER THAN HELL TOUR”の全体像。このツアーの記録自体が貴重ですが、さらに本作はその初期。『HOTTER THAN HELL』のリリース前に行われたウォームアップ・ツアーの実況録音なのです。実は、この録音の発見自体が奇跡でした。あるコレクターが別バンド(MAX WEBSTER)の録音をトレードしていたところ、マスター・カセットの片面にKISSが録音されていた。そのコレクターはKISSにはそれほど詳しくなかったものの、インデックスの日付を手がかりに調べてみてもどこにも記録が見当たらない。そこでKISSの専門家に相談し、完全初登場の録音だと判明したのです。現在でも名録音家が秘匿していた極上マスターが発掘されることはままありますが、ここまで何の意図もなく偶然見つかることは珍しい。もし、このコレクターが「KISSは知らないや」で済ませていたら、相談できる専門家がいなかったら、歴史の闇に消えていた記録だったのです。
そんな経緯を経て発見されたサウンドは、極めて逞しくド迫力で迫るヴィンテージ・オーディエンス。繊細さや端正な鳴りと言うよりは、強力で図太い芯が轟くタイプ。実のところ、オーディエンスとは言っても観客の声はほとんど感じられず、演奏も歌声も目の前にグイグイと迫ってくる。『HOTTER THAN HEL』も初期にしては強力なサウンドになっていましたが、その意識がステージにまで波及したようなド迫力ぶりが凄い。「100,000 Years」のイントロで唸りを上げるベース・サウンドの超リアルでカッコイイ事……。
そのサウンドで轟く1974年のKISSは、まさに鬼神。実のところ、この「9月14日」には1日2回のショウがあり、本作が1回目なのか2回目なのかは不明です。そのどちらにしろ、ウォームアップ2-3公演目という極初期なのです。新作を作り上げ、本格的なツアーに乗り出さんとする勢いはどこまでも激しく、観客たちを鉈でなぎ払うような苛烈なロックを繰り出し続けるのです。全曲が強烈なバージョンですが、特に注目したいのは「Parasite」。「Let Me Go Rock ‘n’ Roll」は1973年から演奏し始めていたものの、「Parasite」はこのウォームアップ・ツアーから。本作は、まさに2-3回目という極初期衝動が弾け、ブチ切れんばかりのテンションなのです。



1. Intro 2. Deuce 3. Strutter 4. Nothin’ To Lose 5. Firehouse 6. She 7. Parasite
8. 100,000 Years 9. Black Diamond 10. Let Me Go Rock ‘n’ Roll

Paul Stanley – Guitar, Vocal Gene Simmons – Bass, Vocal Ace Frehley – Guitar
Peter Criss – Drums, Vocal

Zodiac 301



KISS / Memphis 1974 2nd Night / 1Bonus CDR / Non Label

Translated text:
Live at Lafayette’s Music Hall, Memphis, TN. USA 18th April 1974 STEREO SBD

Click Image To Enlarge

The main press CD is a new classic live album that vacuum packed the precious 1974 figure even in the long KISS history. To that bonus, we prepared a traditional sound board album that kept telling the initial KISS.
Such a work is contained in “Memphis Performance on 18th April 1974”. It is the same 1974 as the main press press CD, but this work is a tour that accompanies the debut work further going back. First of all, let’s check the position of the show from the whole.
· January 8 – February 21: Warm-up (8 shows)
“February 18” KISS “release”
· March 22 – June 22: North America # 1 (54 shows) ← ★ Coco ★
· July 11 – 25: North America # 2 (9 shows)
· August 3rd + 4th: North America # 3 (2 performances)

This is the tour and schedule accompanying the debut work “KISS”. Memphis’ s performance of this work is “16 North American # 1” 16 performances just after releasing the album. It is a two-day continuous performance in Memphis, it is the second day.
Such a show is broadcasted on the local local radio station “WMC FM – 100” in the local area, and it is a large staple that has produced a number of previous episodes. It has been loved as a sound board symbolizing just after debut. This work is the one that will be the best. Like the pre-departure group, it does not change to air check · master, and the disadvantage that the tape shake happens as the song progresses from “Deuce” at the beginning is also the same. However, master freshness is preeminent, you can fully enjoy the taste of sound board such as clear separation feeling and direct feeling. Especially after the latter half “100,000 Years” when the tape shake improves, you can enjoy official questionable classical sound.
It is drawn with that quality …… No, Touching “direct contact” extremely early KISS has the highest. Kick off at the beginning with “Deuce” and connect to “Strutter”, the set list that drives steadily from there is exactly the “ALIVE!” Prototype. Even then, “ALIVE!” Is a series of masterpieces familiar to the body and mind, while the performance is indeed primitive. It is already pouring directly into my brain by the real sound board, as I am already acquiring the essence of the historical masterpiece live album, and running up toward the completion form.
Among them, “Acrobat” shines all the time. It is an album not yet recorded alias “You’re Much Too Young” which was also called. Although there is an official live take at “THE BOX SET” “KISSOLOGY VOLUME ONE: 1974? 1977”, it still symbolizes this time, it is still a rare rare number with only a few records of Hong. Moreover, in this work, the sound is recorded with a stable encore · last, and it can be enjoyed with the beautiful sound which can not be defeated to the official take.

In 1974 when KISS flew to the world. It is a new masterpiece press CD of this volume and this work which is the representative work of tradition. It’s youthful, the initial impulse drips, it is the nameplate set of two sheets spilling overflowing. Please, please enjoy together.


そんなショウは、現地のローカルラジオ局“WMC FM-100”で放送され、数々の既発を生み出してきた大定番。デビュー直後を象徴するサウンドボードとして愛されてきました。本作は、その最高峰となるもの。既発群と同じくエアチェック・マスターなことには変わらず、冒頭「Deuce」から曲が進行するにつれてテープ揺れが起きる欠点も同じです。しかし、マスター鮮度はバツグンで、クリアな分離感やダイレクト感といったサウンドボードの旨みがたっぷり味わえる。特にテープ揺れが改善する後半「100,000 Years」以降は問答無用のオフィシャル級サウンドが楽しめるのです。
そんな中で一際輝くのが「Acrobat」。別名「You’re Much Too Young」とも呼ばれていたアルバム未収録曲です。『THE BOX SET』『KISSOLOGY VOLUME ONE: 1974?1977』での公式ライヴテイクも存在しますが、それでもこの時期を象徴し、ホンの数回しか記録のない激レアナンバーには変わりない。しかも、本作ではサウンドも安定したアンコール・ラストで収録されており、公式テイクにも負けない美音で楽しむことができます。


1. Intro 2. Deuce 3. Strutter 4. Firehouse 5. She 6. Nothin’ To Lose 7. Cold Gin
8. 100,000 Years 9. Black Diamond 10. Acrobat


Paul Stanley – Guitar, Vocal Gene Simmons – Bass, Vocal Ace Frehley – Guitar
Peter Criss – Drums, Vocal

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