Kinks / LA Forum 1983 Mike Millard First Generation Tapes / 1CDR

Kinks / LA Forum 1983 Mike Millard First Generation Tapes / 1CDR  / Uxbridge

Live At The Forum , Inglewood, CA , USA 25th April 1983

Play sample :

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The latest release of the Mirrored Master is the Kinks 1983 LA Forum. Speaking of their record by Millard, the release of “LOS ANGELES 1978: MIKE MILLARD SECOND GENERATION TAPES” released last year is also new to my memory, but this time it is 1983. “LOS ANGELES 1978-” captured their stage just before their popularity in the United States exploded, but this time it is a document of the time when they were enjoying the peak of popularity in the United States.
Speaking of the 1983 American tour, it is also new to remember that “MILWAUKEE 1983” released by UXBRIDGE last year made enthusiasts say “Isn’t this a sound board?” Kato. In addition, it was the best document from the 1983 tour “North America # 2”, but this time it was two weeks after Milwaukee, and Millard went to the LA Forum performance that was also realized in “North America # 2”.
In other words, the existence of two types of audience recordings of unparalleled quality on the same tour also shows the height of popularity. At this point, the new album “STATE OF CONFUSION” had not been released yet, but the venue was very exciting with the single “Come Dancing” already a big hit the previous year.

“MILWAUKEE 1983” was really shocking quality, but of course the recording of Mirrored is not inferior at all. Not only the usual on-sound pressure, but also the warm and expansive presence that is very unique makes you feel the charm different from “MILWAUKEE 1983”. The exquisite balance and presence of Ray Davies’s specialty call and response at the opening “Around The Dial” is exactly the true value of Millard, and when you close your eyes, you will travel back in time to the LA Forum in 1983. It makes me feel as if I had done it.
According to the JEMS team released this time, the quality rank was described as “Fair” in the sound source memo left by Millard, but you can understand why he had such a strict rating for such a recording. It’s natural that he said no … Especially the sound pressure and freshness of Dave Davies’ guitar is a masterpiece.
Rather, unfortunately, the whereabouts of the second cassette that captured the end of the live was unknown, and it was released in an incomplete state. That’s why it was released on CD-R this time, even though it was a mirrored recording and captured the peak of the Kinks’ popularity in the 1980s. However, 70% of the day was captured, and the enthusiasm of the LA Forum in 1983 seems to be more than enough. This is the Kinks when arenas and stadiums were commonplace in the United States.
And fortunately, it was unfortunate that the finale number “Bernadette” of “STATE OF CONFUSION”, which was not played in Milwaukee, was recorded. It is valuable to capture the scene where we were considering introducing a repertoire of new songs ahead of the album release, and the hard and wild performance is also wonderful. Above all, it is exceptional to hear the Kinks stage, which was at the peak of popularity in the 1980s, with mirrored quality. Mirrored was amazing this time too!

ミラード・マスター公開の最新作はキンクス1983年のLAフォーラム。ミラードによる彼らの記録と言えば昨年リリースされた「LOS ANGELES 1978: MIKE MILLARD SECOND GENERATION TAPES」のリリースも記憶に新しいところですが、今回は83年というところがミソ。「LOS ANGELES 1978~」はアメリカでの人気が爆発する直前の彼らのステージを捉えていましたが、今回は正にアメリカでの人気絶頂を謳歌していた時期のドキュメント。
83年のアメリカ・ツアーと言えば昨年UXBRIDGEがリリースした「MILWAUKEE 1983」が「これサウンドボードじゃないの?」という強烈なクオリティのオーディエンス録音でマニアをアッと言わせてくれたのもまた記憶に新しいところかと。おまけにそちらは83年のツアー「北米#2」からの極上ドキュメントでしたが、今回はミルウォーキーから二週間後であり、やはり「北米#2」で実現したLAフォーラム公演にミラードが出向いたもの。
つまり同じツアーで二種類の比類なきクオリティのオーディエンス録音が存在しているということは、これまた人気の絶頂ぶりを表わしている。この時点でニューアルバム「STATE OF CONFUSION」はまだリリースされていませんでしたが、既に前年にシングル「Come Dancing」が大ヒットを記録していたことで会場は大いに盛り上がっています。

「MILWAUKEE 1983」は本当に衝撃的なクオリティでしたが、もちろんミラードの録音もまったく引けを取らない。いつものオンな音圧はもちろん、いかにも彼らしいウォーミーで広がりのある臨場感が「MILWAUKEE 1983」とは違った魅力を感じさせる。オープニングの「Around The Dial」でレイ・ディヴィスお得意のコール・アンド・レスポンスを求める場面の絶妙なバランスと臨場感は正にミラードの真骨頂であり、目をつぶると83年のLAフォーラムにタイムスリップしたかのような気分にさせてくれる。
そして幸いなことに、ミルウォーキーでは演奏されなかった「STATE OF CONFUSION」のフィナーレ・ナンバー「Bernadette」が録音されていたのは不幸中の幸い。アルバム発売を控え新曲のレパートリー導入を検討していた場面が捉えられているのが貴重ですし、そのハードでワイルドな演奏も素晴らしい。何より80年代における人気のピークにあったキンクスのステージをミラード・クオリティで聞けるのは格別。今回もミラードは凄かった!

01. Around The Dial
02. Definite Maybe / State Of Confusion
03. The Hard Way
04. Catch Me Now I’m Falling
05. All Day And All Of The Night / Destroyer
06. Yo-Yo
07. Come Dancing
08. Don’t Forget To Dance
09. Lola
10. David Watts
11. A Gallon Of Gas
12. Back To Front
13. Art Lover
14. Till The End Of The Day
15. Bernadette
16. All Day And All Of The Night

Ray Davies – vocals, guitar
Dave Davies – guitar, vocals
Mick Avory – drums
Jim Rodford – bass
Ian Gibbons – keyboards

Uxbridge 1451

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