Kansas / Long Beach Arena 1977: Mike Millard Master Tapes / 2CD

Kansas / Long Beach Arena 1977: Mike Millard Master Tapes / 2CD / Virtuoso

Long Beach Arena, Long Beach, CA, USA 31st December 1977 TRULY PERFECT/ULTIMATE SOUND

Play sample :

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The famous board “POINT OF KNOW RETURN” shined in multi-platinum, and KANSAS in 1977 was in the middle of the climax. Introducing Mike Millard’s masterpiece, a vacuum-packed New Year’s Eve show that concludes the year of glory.
Of course, this work was recorded on “December 31, 1977”. It is a transcendental audience recording recorded at the large venue “Long Beach Arena” representing California. Speaking of their heyday, they are all about “LEFTOVERTURE”, “POINT OF KNOW RETURN” and “TWO FOR THE SHOW”. First, let’s look back at that time and check the position of the show.

● 1977
《July “POINT OF KNOW RETURN” completed》
・ August 5-September 4: North America # 1 (8 performances)
“October 11” POINT OF KNOW RETURN “released”
・ October 21st-December 31st: North America # 2a (34 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
● 1978
・ January 1-23: North America # 2b (11 performances)
・ March 7-27: Europe (14 performances)
・ June 23-August 26: North America # 3 (40 performances)
“October” TWO FOR THE SHOW “released”

This is KANSAS in 1977/1978. The long beach performance of this work is New Year’s Eve, so of course it was the last in 1977. It was the main concert of “POINT OF KNOW RETURN TOUR”, “North America # 2”. This work recorded at such a show is truly a superb item with “super”. It is the work of the legendary master Millard, and is a newly excavated Omoto cassette. I know that there is no bad loss, but I am always surprised that “Is there any loss in Mirrored !?” Especially this time, the crystal clear and clear air is wonderful … or rather, the level where “air” no longer exists. Of course, in reality, the sound cannot be transmitted without air, but it is hard to believe that it is a spatial recording with super-tight performance sound with too vivid details and no reverberant components.
The super-name recording is (again) exciting to the world tree enthusiasts, but this work is the ultimate version of the name recording. Of course, since it is a mirrored sound, there is no problem with the basic sound quality, but the stereo feeling that changes slightly depending on the site environment and the high-pitched sound are also stable. The degree of perfection as a music album is thoroughly enhanced.
The tight and direct sound is drawn in a big full show. Speaking of the symbol of this tour, the big name board “TWO FOR THE SHOW” is the most important thing, so let’s organize the set while comparing.

● Initial 3 works (4 songs)
・ First album: Lonely Wind
・ Song for America: Down The Road (★)
・ Masque: Icarus –Borne On Wings Of Steel / Child Of Innocence (★)
● Eternal Overture (4 songs)
・ Cheyenne Anthem (★) / Miracles Out Of Nowhere (★) / Carry On My Wayward Son / Magnum Opus
● Point of Know Return (8 songs)
・ Hopelessly Human (★) / Point Of No Return / Paradox / Closet Chronicles / Dust In The Wind / The Spider (★) / Portrait (He Knew) / Sparks Of The Tempest (★)
* Note: The “★” mark is a song that cannot be heard on the official “TWO FOR THE SHOW (original version)”.

… And it looks like this. There are two versions of “TWO FOR THE SHOW”, the traditional original version and the 2008 extended version, but this work is longer than the original and shorter than the extended version. Although all the sets of this work can be listened to in the extended version, that extended version had a dimension of two and a half hours, which greatly exceeded one performance, and was different from the experience of the full show. In that respect, since this work is an audience recording of 100% of the original students, it is possible to have an ultra-realistic on-site experience.
The experience can be enjoyed in the whole story, but the symbol is the encore. They finish the main set with “Sparks Of The Tempest”, but when they come back to the stage, they request the audience to count down for the New Year. The MC while looking at the clock has a good feeling of being uneasy, and the count starts 24 seconds ago. The more you count “23”, “22”, “21” …, the more your voice grows, and the closer you get to “12”, “11”, “10” … Finally, “5”, “4”, “3” came and “2”, “1”, “HAPPY NEW YEAR !!” were shouted, and the deadly “Carry On Wayward Son” wraps around the venue. !! What a dramatic! Mirrored’s work has a tremendous special feeling just in terms of sound quality, but the sound is drawn with a series of moments that never return … It is a moving highlight that makes you realize such a natural thing now.

If you could experience “TWO FOR THE SHOW”, which can be said to be KANSAS’s masterpiece, … It is a live album that will make such a dream come true on New Year’s Eve. Moreover, while boasting the tremendous reality unique to that audience recording, the mirrored miracle sound is comparable to the official work in terms of audio quality. It is one of the treasures of progressive rock in the United States.
In the United States, the first work of “Star Wars” caused a whirlwind, and in Japan, “007 The Spy Who Loved Me” was a big hit at the end of 1977. Master sound that the atmosphere of 43 years ago blows out from the speaker. Please fully experience with the permanent storage press 2CD.

★ Superb audience recording of “December 31, 1977 Long Beach Performance”. It is a digital product from the legendary master Mike Millard’s original cassette, and it has a crystal clear air feeling that forgets the existence of the atmosphere and a super tight direct feeling. It is the perfection of the iron wall that does not shake the best feeling from corner to corner. If you can experience “TWO FOR THE SHOW” in the heyday of the big heyday … It is a live album that makes the ultimate dream of American progressive rock a reality.

大名盤『POINT OF KNOW RETURN』がマルチ・プラチナムに輝き、絶頂のド真ん中にいた1977年のKANSAS。栄光の1年を締めくくる大晦日ショウを真空パックしたマイク・ミラードの名作が登場です。
そんな本作が記録されたのは、もちろん「1977年12月31日」。カリフォルニアを代表する大会場“ロングビーチ・アリーナ”で収録された超絶級オーディエンス録音です。彼らの一大全盛期と言えば、何と言っても『LEFTOVERTURE』『POINT OF KNOW RETURN』『TWO FOR THE SHOW』に尽きる。まずはその当時を振り返り、ショウのポジションを確かめてみましょう。

・10月21日-12月31日:北米#2a(34公演) ←★ココ★

これが1977年/1978年のKANSAS。本作のロングビーチ公演は大晦日ですから当然1977年の最後。“POINT OF KNOW RETURN TOUR”のメインとなる「北米#2」にあたるコンサートでした。そんなショウで記録された本作は、まさに「超」の付く極上品。伝説名手ミラードの作ですし、新発掘の大元カセット。悪かろうハズがないとは分かっているものの、毎度のように「ミラードにハズレはないのか!?」と驚かされる。特に今回は、クリスタル・クリアに澄み切った空気感が素晴らしい……というか、もはや「空気」の存在感がないレベル。もちろん、実際には空気がなければ音が伝わらないわけですが、微細部まであまりにも鮮やかなディテールと反響成分のない超タイトな演奏音に空間録音だとはにわかに信じられないのです。
そんなタイト&ダイレクト・サウンドで描かれるのは、一大全盛のフルショウ。このツアーの象徴と言えば、何はさておいても大名盤『TWO FOR THE SHOW』ですので、比較しながらセットを整理しておきましょう。

・ファースト・アルバム:Lonely Wind
・ソング・フォー・アメリカ:Down The Road(★)
・仮面劇:Icarus – Borne On Wings Of Steel/Child Of Innocence(★)
・Cheyenne Anthem(★)/Miracles Out Of Nowhere(★)/Carry On My Wayward Son/Magnum Opus
・Hopelessly Human(★)/Point Of No Return/Paradox/Closet Chronicles/Dust In The Wind/The Spider(★)/Portrait (He Knew)/Sparks Of The Tempest(★)
※注:「★」印は公式『TWO FOR THE SHOW(のオリジナル盤)』では聴けない曲。

……と、このようになっています。『TWO FOR THE SHOW』には伝統のオリジナル版と2008年の拡張版の2つがありますが、本作はオリジナルより長く、拡張版より短い。本作のセットはすべて拡張版でも聴けるものの、あの拡張版は1公演分を大きく超える2時間半もあってフルショウの体験感とは次元が違ってもいました。その点、本作は本生100%のオーディエンス録音ですから、超リアルな現場体験ができるわけです。
その体験感は全編で味わえますが、象徴とも言えるのがアンコール。「Sparks Of The Tempest」で本編セットを終えるわけですが、ステージに帰ってきた彼らは観客に新年のカウントダウンをリクエストする。時計を見ながらのMCは気もそぞろな感じが良く現れており、24秒前からカウント開始。「23」「22」「21」……と数えるほどに声色が昂ぶっていき、「12」「11」「10」……と迫るほど観客達の声も大きく広がっていく。そして、いよいよ「5」「4」「3」と来て「2」「1」「HAPPY NEW YEAR!!」のかけ声一発、必殺の「Carry On Wayward Son」のぶ厚いサビが高らかに会場を包み込む!! なんとドラマティック! ミラードの作品は音質だけでも特別感が凄まじいのですが、そのサウンドで描かれるのは二度と戻らない瞬間の連続……そんな当たり前の事に今さら気付かされる感動のハイライトなのです。

KANSASの最高傑作とも言える『TWO FOR THE SHOW』を本生体験できたら……そんな夢を大晦日の現場で叶えてくれるライヴアルバムです。しかも、そのオーディエンス録音ならではの絶大なリアリティを誇りつつ、オーディオ・クオリティ的にはオフィシャル作品にも匹敵するというミラードのミラクル・サウンド。まさに米国プログレッシヴ・ロックの至宝とも言うべき1本です。
アメリカでは『スターウォーズ』の第一作が旋風を巻き起こし、日本では『007 私を愛したスパイ』が大ヒットしていた1977年の暮れ。そんな43年前の大気がスピーカーから吹き出してくるマスター・サウンド。どうぞ、永久保存プレス2CDで存分にご体験ください。

★「1977年12月31日ロングビーチ公演」の超極上オーディエンス録音。伝説名手マイク・ミラードの大元カセットからデジタル化された銘品で、もはや大気の存在を忘れるクリスタル・クリアに澄み切った空気感と超タイトなダイレクト感が絶大。隅から隅まで極上感が揺るがない鉄壁の完成度です。一大全盛期の『TWO FOR THE SHOW』を現場体験できたら……そんな米国プログレ究極の夢を現実にしてくれるライヴアルバムです。

Disc 1 (55:55)
1. Intro
2. Magnum Opus Intro / Hopelessly Human
3. Point Of Know Return
4. Paradox
5. Icarus (Borne On Wings Of Steel)
6. Child Of Innocence
7. Closest Chronicles
8. Dust In The Wind
9. Acoustic Guitar Solo
10. Piano Solo
11. Lonely Wind
12. Cheyenne Anthem

Disc 2 (53:58)
1. Band Introductions
2. Miracles Out Of Nowhere
3. Drum Solo
4. The Spider
5. Portrait (He Knew)
6. Sparks Of The Tempest
7. MC
8. Countdown / Carry On Wayward Son ★新年おめでとう!1978年!
9. Down The Road
10. Violin Solo
11. Magnum Opus

Phil Ehart – Drums & Percussions
Dave Hope – Bass
Kerry Livgren – Guitars, Keyboards, Vocals
Robby Steinhardt – Violin, Vocals
Steve Walsh – Keyboards, Vocals
Richard Williams – Guitars

Virtuoso 447/448


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