Judas Priest / Extreme Microphone Mix /1DVDR

Judas Priest / Extreme Microphone Mix /1DVDR /Non Label

Translated text:

Mid-South Coliseum, Memphis, Tennessee, USA 12th December 1982.


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Visual impact that you can enjoy the “metal vocals” the ultimate gift appeared in the title! Of JUDAS PRIEST, this work is what you say, was covered with a different mix audio to video Official Live serving as a Masters in a total of HEAVY METAL “LIVE VENGEANCE ’82”. Performance and video are the same at all, but I have extracted only the extreme vocals and drums. It is common for the multi-track of each part flows out from the studio album, but I would not be easy to image if you think you live the full-scale version.

If you try to play, and (far away modest even hear), exploding! Performance sound is only a small extremely heroic voice aboard the beat bass drum and toms engrave guitar and bass can not hear most, only a taste of voice you transmitted clearly enough to understand too. It’s a title that I would like you to enjoy with headphones but by all means, please take care to volume earnestly. If you would turn the volume up too high to say from the smallness of playing, (and watch out in the “Screaming For Vengeance”!) That Scream too intense will pierce brains.
Moreover, the Lord of his voice, the person Rob Halford of heyday that are trying to conquer the United States right now. High notes tightening said, “guy?’m Out of what octave voice” and by the KK down queuing is extremely top form, to produce a sensitive exquisite control even in the height of a long tone even where extended. Force in the sprint tune is, of course, stretched and sonorous in the rust of “Desert Plains”, that a brilliant high tone that inflame the customer!
And “Sinner” and “The Ripper”, in the 70’s song rugged, plenty of “arts voice” protean further. And if you think that it was imminent or in wild voice hoarse, Let Me Hear the weirdness in Dos voice the next moment, cult, sudden Scream cuts the sky talking with a smooth voice now. On the other hand in the “Devil’s Child”, Rob barking freely as if you have never heard such melody of the studio, play. It can be seen better able to reproduce the beautiful melody of the studio, he will live in is of plays to Supontiniasu and to feel the air, the audience of the spot. Instead of (singer) so-called singer, Rob what,!’s A vocalist you manipulate the voice (voice) exactly
Not just Rob. It’s only really in the drum part and riffs and guitar solos, no song, but the beat of Dave Holland where it hear is delicious also. Once you’ve said, it’s only a bland beat, but the sense of groove is far from the image rich surprisingly of “Metal = mineral”. This is a band that has continued to change the drummer in a long history, but (while too late) it will be noticed that they were looking for more “finesse school drummer just”.
There is also a way to enjoy the back to this work. The sound of stringed instruments Corps also fall from a distance (vocal microphone? Have picked up) I is part of the vocal, but is only vocals of Rob in part looked like a replacement. For example, voice (hear voices of two people and chitin in reverse In “Hell Bent For Leather”) only Rob Rob Glenn and even share the microphone in the video in the “Victim Of The Changes”. In addition, we have to adjust the VOLUME finely finely in dialogue scene of the audience and Rob, and etc. Talking live, you can see good work of meticulous or are repeated how to make up the work. If it will love JUDAS PRIEST mania, to analyze the back decisive masterpiece of “LIVE VENGEANCE ’82” also manufacture or would not be interesting.

Speaking of “LIVE VENGEANCE ’82”, “textbook of metal” is said “If you want to know what kind of music is metal, Look at this,” up to and. This work was extracted only the “voice” that is, will be able to drink to the dregs the “textbook of metal vocals”. Rob is whether the icon of metal, whether the person where ever he sing, Why poorly integrated with the heavy metal vocals. Questions all of its, you You will be answered clearly all too clear. Deep one even where to taste fresh and do not know hundreds of times you seen the “LIVE VENGEANCE ’82”, if you pursue the deep. Give to all metal person, super entertainment epic is the gift release decision!


究極の“メタル・ヴォーカル”を堪能できる衝撃映像がギフトタイトルで登場! 本作はJUDAS PRIESTの、いえ、全HEAVY METALの名作中の名作たるオフィシャル・ライヴ「LIVE VENGEANCE ’82」の映像に別ミックス音声を被せたもの。演奏・映像はまったく同一ですが、ドラムとヴォーカルだけを極端に抽出しています。スタジオアルバムから各パートのマルチトラックが流出することはよくありますが、そのフルスケールライヴ・バージョンとお考えいただければイメージしやすいのではないでしょうか。

 再生してみると、ギターとベースがほとんど聞こえず(聞こえても遠く控え目)、タムとバスドラが刻むビートに乗ってヒロイックヴォイスが炸裂!! 演奏音が極端に小さいだけに、声の旨みだけが分かりすぎるほど分かりやすく伝わります。ぜひヘッドフォンで楽しんでいただきたいタイトルなのですが、くれぐれもボリュームにはお気をつけください。演奏の小ささからといって音量を上げすぎてしまうと、強烈すぎるスクリームが脳天に突き刺さります(「Screaming For Vengeance」には要注意!)。
 しかも、その声の主は、今まさに全米を征服しようとしている全盛期のロブ・ハルフォードその人。K.K.ダウンイングをして「ヤツは何オクターヴの声が出るんだ?」と言わしめたハイノートは絶好調を極め、どこまでも伸びるロングトーンでは高さの中にも絶妙なコントロールで機微を演出する。爆走チューンでの迫力はもちろんですが、「Desert Plains」のサビで朗々と伸ばし、客を煽るハイトーンの鮮烈なこと!
 さらに「Sinner」や「The Ripper」など、起伏の激しい70年代曲では、変幻自在な“声芸”もたっぷり。かすれ声でワイルドに迫ったかと思えば、次の瞬間にはドス声で凄味を利かせ、今度は滑らかな声で語りかると、唐突なスクリームが空を切る。その一方で「Devil’s Child」では、スタジオのメロディなど聴いたことがないかのように自由に吠え、演じるロブ。ライヴでの彼はスタジオのメロディを美しく再現することより、その場の空気・観客を感じ取ってスポンティニアスに演じているのがよく分かる。ロブこそ、いわゆる歌手(シンガー)ではなく、まさに声(ヴォイス)を操るヴォーカリストなのです!!
 また、本作にはウラの楽しみ方もあります。ヴォーカルのパートは弦楽器隊の音も遠目に入る(ヴォーカル・マイクが拾っている?)のですが、差し替えと思しきパートではロブのヴォーカルだけになる。例えば、「Victim Of The Changes」では映像でグレンとロブがマイクを共有しても声はロブだけ(逆に「Hell Bent For Leather」ではキチンと2人の声が聞こえる)。さらに、ロブと観客の掛け合いシーンでも細かく細かくヴォリュームを調整しており、ライヴと言えど、作品を作り上げるためにいかに細心の作業が繰り返されているかがよく分かります。JUDAS PRIESTマニアの諸氏なら、決定的名作「LIVE VENGEANCE ’82」製作の裏側を解析するのも面白いのではないでしょうか。

 「LIVE VENGEANCE ’82」といえば、「メタルがどんな音楽か知りたければ、これを見ろ」とまで言われる“メタルの教科書”。その“声”だけを抽出した本作は、“メタル・ヴォーカルの教科書”を味わい尽くすことができます。なぜ、ロブがメタルのアイコンなのか、彼がどこまで歌える人なのか、重金属ヴォーカルとは一体なんなのか。そのすべての疑問に、明快すぎるほど明快に答えてくれるのす。何百回見たかも分からない「LIVE VENGEANCE ’82」を新鮮に味わえ、深みを追究したらどこまでも深い1本。全メタル者に贈る、超娯楽大作がギフト・リリース決定です!

1. The Hellion 2. Electric Eye 3. Riding On The Wind 4. Heading Out To The Highway
5. Metal Gods 6. Bloodstone 7. Breaking The Law 8. Sinner 9. Desert Plains 10. The Ripper
11. Diamonds & Rust 12. Devil’s Child 13. Screaming For Vengeance
14. You’ve Got Another Thing Comin’ 15. Victim Of Changes

16. Living After Midnight 17. The Green Manalishi (With the Two Pronged Crown)

Encore 2:
18. Hell Bent For Leather

Rob Halford – Vocals Glenn Tipton – Guitars K.K. Downing – Guitars Ian Hill – Bass 
Dave Holland – Drums


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