Joni Mitchell / Tokyo 1983 1st Night / 2CD

Joni Mitchell / Tokyo 1983 1st Night / 2CD / Zion
Koseinenkin Kaikan, Tokyo, Japan 28th February 1983

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Joni Mitchell’s only Japan tour to date was in 1983. The first visit to Japan was supposed to be realized in 1976, but it was canceled due to her illness (the Wikipedia has a schedule at this time, but it has not been realized), and finally realized But there was. Since then, he has been to Japan for solo exhibitions and events in Nara. Above all, she was one of the big guys who had been waiting for her to come to Japan, and the Japan tour at that time was a big topic.
First of all, Joni, who is far from active live activities, performed a massive world tour in 1983, completing the previous jazz fusion route, newly contracting with Gefin Records and attacking rock・ Since the album “WILD THINGS RUN FAST” was released, it moved to sound.
Since it was a world tour that also promoted such an album, it was recorded and filmed everywhere. The most famous is the Budokan radio broadcast which will be released this time as well, but there are also other new styles that have produced a lot of materials such as TV broadcasts at Wembley Arena, and radio sound sources in Sydney and Brussels. Probably, it was a technique that could make the aggressive attitude of releasing the album.
The starting point of such a world tour is Japan, and Budokan performances were broadcasted on radio, and many fans remembered it. However, no Odins recordings other than the Budokan were excavated or distributed between traders, and the mania continued to be very frustrating. Rather than throwing a stone in such a situation, the sound source of mania madness was provided, until now Joni’s first visit to Japan performances with taper that recorded Stones, Clapton, Beck, Floyd, Genesis etc. with super high sound quality I was recording. In addition, the sound source will also be excavated two performances at once!

The first release this time is the Shinjuku Welfare Pension Hall on February 28th, the first day of such a Japan tour. Just as the Japanese performances other than the Budokan are finally discovered, it is a super valuable recording that is sure to attract attention from mania all over the world, and at the same time the precious record of the first day of the world tour that attracted “ WILD THINGS RUN FAST ” It is also a sound source.
It is also surprising that the sound quality is very wonderful because it is a taper recording that created the masterpiece of the artist mentioned above. Not only does it really capture the “sounding” of a venue that is unique to a concert hall different from the later Budokan, but the sound pressure of the performance is also fully on and heard. Of course, there is no tape change cut in the performance, and the fact that Odins recording boasting such a high sound quality has been asleep until now is inevitable.

And on the first day of the world tour, it is also the moment when Joni first got up on the Japanese stage. The sound quality is very good by putting a circle around it, so you can clearly see how she is challenging her lively. When “Cotton Avenue” was over, I was talking to the Japanese audience for the first time, but there was a smile that she explained that she could only understand the greeting “High!” The scene. Nevertheless, the level of performance of the backband formed by translating musicians who participated in the recording of “WILD THINGS RUN FAST” is a rocky area that you can’t think of as the first day of the tour. Among them, Joni and newly-married bassist Larry Klein, and guitarist Michael Landau and drummer Vinnie Caliuta, joined us and made a great performance.
The album has a hard atmosphere with songs like “You Dream Flat Tires” and “Underneath The Streetlights” just because Joni has taken on new sounds under the influence of Police and Talking Heads In addition to being played, in past numbers like “Raised On Robbery”, the rock-oriented arrangement featuring Landau’s hard-edged guitar on the front is very fresh and still not faded.
By the way, before starting “Underneath The ~”, it was different from the arrangement that uttered “Chottmatte” in Japanese and boiled the venue or decided “You Turn Me On, I’m A Radio” Joni started singing at the tempo, and the band still came along (as if it was a good musician). Moreover, the historical excavation of the first day of Joni’s first visit to Japan that appeared in the best sound quality. This is a documentary about the show in Japan that I want to recommend to all music fans!

第一に積極的なライブ活動とは縁遠いジョニが83年に大々的なワールド・ツアーを行ったのは、それまでのジャズ・フュージョン路線を完結させ、新たにゲフィン・レコードと契約して攻めのロック・サウンドに移ったアルバム「WILD THINGS RUN FAST」をリリースしたからだったから。

今回まずリリースされるのは、そんなジャパン・ツアーの初日を飾った2月28日の新宿厚生年金会館。遂に武道館以外の日本公演が発掘されたというだけでも世界中のマニアから注目を浴びること間違いなしの超貴重録音であると同時に、「WILD THINGS RUN FAST」を引っ提げたワールド・ツアー初日の記録という貴重音源でもあるのです。

そしてワールド・ツアーの初日にして、ジョニが初めて日本のステージに上がった瞬間でもある。そこに輪をかけて音質が非常に良いので、彼女が緊張気味な様子でライブに挑んでいる様子がはっきりと伝わってきます。「Cotton Avenue」が終わったところで初めて日本の観客に語り掛けているのですが、そこで彼女は「ハイ!」という挨拶しか理解できていないと説明しているのが微笑ましく、これぞ来日公演の初日ならではという場面。それでいて「WILD THINGS RUN FAST」のレコーディングに参加したミュージシャンを平行移動させる形で結成されたバックバンドの演奏のレベルはツアー初日と思えないほど盤石の域。中でもジョニと新婚ほやほやだったベーシストのラリー・クライン、そこにギターのマイケル・ランドーとドラムのヴィニー・カリウタのプレイが加わって素晴らしい演奏を聞かせてくれます。
同アルバムはジョニがポリスやトーキング・ヘッズの影響を受けてジョニが新たなサウンドに取りくんだものだけに、「You Dream Flat Tires」や「Underneath The Streetlights」といった曲がアルバムそのままのハードな雰囲気で演奏されるのはもちろん、「Raised On Robbery」のような過去のナンバーでもランドーのハード・エッジなギターが前面にフィーチャーされたロック寄りのアレンジがとても新鮮で、今なお色褪せていません。
ちなみに「Underneath The~」を始める前では「チョットマッテ」と日本語を発して会場をドッと沸かせてみたり、あるいは「You Turn Me On, I’m A Radio」を決めていたアレンジとは違うテンポでジョニが歌い出してしまい、それでもバンドがついてきてしまった(さすがは腕利きミュージシャン)ところあえなくやり直すといったハプニングもあり、同時リリースの武道館とまるで違う緊張気味な雰囲気がとにかく面白い。しかも最高の音質で登場してくれたジョニ初来日公演の初日という歴史的発掘。これはもう、すべての音楽ファンに全力で薦めたい昭和の来日公演ドキュメント!


Disc 1(60:20)
1. Intro.
2. Free Man In Paris
3. Coyote
4. Cotton Avenue
5. Edith And The Kingpin
6. I Heard It Through The Grapevine
7. You Dream Flat Tires
8. Song For Sharon
9. God Must Be A Boogie Man
10. For Free
11. Big Yellow Taxi
12. A Case Of You
13. Carey
14. Amelia

Disc 2(61:05)
1. Wild Things Run Fast
2. Ladies’ Man
3. Raised On Robbery
4. Don’t Interrupt The Sorrow
5. Refuge Of The Roads
6. (You’re So Square) Baby I Don’t Care
7. Solid Love
8. Chinese Cafe
9. Help Me
10. You Turn Me On, I’m A Radio
11. Love
12. Both Sides Now
13. Band Introduction
14. Underneath The Streetlights
15. Woodstock

Joni Mitchell – Guitar, Dulcimer & Piano
Michael Landau – Guitar
Larry Klein – Bass
Russell Ferrante – Keyboards
Vinnie Colaiuta – Drums


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