Joni Mitchell / Greek Theatre 1979 Mike Millard First Generation Tapes / 2CD

Joni Mitchell / Greek Theatre 1979 Mike Millard First Generation Tapes / 2CD / Zion-188
Greek Theatre, Los Angeles, CA, USA 14th September 1979

Play sample :

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The 1979 tour, in which Joni Mitchell unveiled a new frontier on stage with a jazz musician, is summarized in the official sound source & video “SHADOWS AND LIGHT”, one of the peaks beyond a mere live album. It was also a record. However, in the case of live video, it is undeniable that the image image is inserted during the performance, which makes us feel the times. Also, both songs, “Big Yellow Taxi” and “Just Like This Train”, which are played at the beginning of the actual stage, have been cut, so it is not a complete recording of the concert (plus editing for each album and video). It was a big difference).
In that respect, “FOREST HILLS 1979” was released by UXBRIDGE as a leaked soundboard album that revealed the whole picture of the concert. It was a maniac madness release in that I could hear the complete version 1979 tour that did not come true officially, but it is a fact that it was in a rough state because it was a leaked sound source, which is why even with CD-R there were. And now there is even a gray zone CD called “LIVE IN NEW YORK” based on the same sound source.
After all, the sound board was not for the level approaching “SHADOWS AND LIGHT”, but for enthusiasts who want to pursue this tour. However, a powerful helper called a new sound source for this tour appeared last month. This time it was an audience recording, and it was Mike Millard who recorded it! No way he even recorded Joni’s stage in 1979.
Come to think of it, the final destination of the 1979 tour is the Greek Theater in LA. A venue where you would be happy and courageous if you were a mirrored person. It’s also the place where I went to record the jazz keyboard duo Chick Corea and Herbie Hancock the previous year. In that case, it may be said that it was “inevitable” that Millard recorded.

What impresses me most is the stable mirrored quality this time as well. The closeness of the total sound image including Joni’s singing voice is still a wonderful work. “SHADOWS AND LIGHT” will be live to highlight the outstanding performance of the supergroup, which is a gathering of jazz masters who are a combination of Pat Metheny Group and Weather Report when this tour is roughly divided. I couldn’t deny the lack of realism that is unique to it, but in that respect, Shadows and Light’s recordings show the true character of audience recording.
It’s not a rock concert in the first place, so there’s no noisy audience around for this recording, but it still captures the enthusiasm of the audience who came to see Joni and the supergroup. On the contrary, Millard excels in both the enchanting phrases and timbral beauty that Metheny played on “In France They Kiss On Main Street,” and yet the reaction of the audience cheering on his guitar. I’m catching it properly.
On the contrary, the audience of the day cheered enthusiastically not only for Jaco Pastorius’ bass solo but also for Don Alias’s percussion solo. It would be natural to have a group of such superstars in front of us. In addition to that, Jaco’s solo has a tremendous sound pressure on his bass. Mirrored quality is what makes his eccentric solo, which was at the height of his popularity, entertaining with a very realistic tone and sound pressure.

In the first place, this day was a stage one week after Santa Barbara where the official “SHADOWS AND LIGHT” was recorded, so both the outstanding performances of the masters and Joni’s singing voice full of leeway The end of the tour, which had already reached the level of the iron wall. He helped the JEMS team to release the sound source this time, and made Goody, a master of pitch adjustment familiar to enthusiasts, and said, “This day should have been officially released.”
Anyway, both musicians and audiences are enjoying the concert, and in “God Must Be A Boogie Man”, you can see the chorus with the usual audience, but the atmosphere that seems to be more fun than the official one is clearly conveyed. At the end of this tour, the oldies cover “Why Do Fools Fall in Love” with the chorus corps Persuasions was omitted, but it seems that both the performance and the excitement are perfectly balanced so that it does not bother me. The best audience album. It’s breathtaking when it comes to songs that Joni will perform in a narration, such as the finale “Woodstock.” This is the best Another Side of “SHADOWS AND LIGHT” by Mirrored!

★ Super high sound quality.

ジョニ・ミッチェルがジャズ・ミュージシャンを従えてステージで新境地を披露した1979年のツアーはオフィシャルの音源&映像の「SHADOWS AND LIGHT」にてまとめられており、単なるライブアルバムを超えた頂点の一つの記録でもありました。もっともライブビデオの方は演奏中にイメージ映像が挿入されてしまうなど、今となっては時代を感じさせる感が否めないのですが。またどちらも実際のステージの序盤に演奏される「Big Yellow Taxi」と「Just Like This Train」の二曲がカットされており、コンサート完全収録とはいきません(おまけにアルバムとビデオそれぞれで編集が大きく違う)でした。
その点コンサートの全貌を明らかにしてくれた流出サウンドボード・アルバムがUXBRIDGEからリリースされた「FOREST HILLS 1979」。オフィシャルでは叶わなかったコンプリ版79年ツアーが聞けたという点でマニア狂喜のリリースであった訳ですが、流出音源ということもあってラフな状態であったのは事実で、だからこそCD-Rでもあった。そして今や同じ音源を基にした「LIVE IN NEW YORK」というグレーゾーンCDまで存在します。
結局「SHADOWS AND LIGHT」に迫るレベルではなく、あくまでこのツアーを追求したいマニア向けと言えたのが先のサウンドボード。ところがこのツアーの新たな音源という強力な助っ人が先月現れました。今回はオーディエンス録音、それを録音してくれたのは何とマイク・ミラード!まさか彼が79年のジョニのステージまで録音してくれていただなんて。

何より感激させられるのが、今回も安定のミラード・クオリティ。ジョニの歌声を始めとしたトータルな音像の近さは相変わらずの見事な仕事ぶり。「SHADOWS AND LIGHT」は本ツアーが大まかに分けるとパット・メセニー・グループ勢とウェザー・リポート勢の合わさったジャズ界の名手たちが集結したスーパーグループの卓越した演奏を浮き彫りにすべく、その分ライブならではの臨場感の薄さが否めませんでしたが、その点ミラードの録音はオーディエンス録音の本領を発揮。
そもそもロックコンサートではないのだから、今回の録音に騒がしいオーディエンスというのが周囲に存在しない訳ですが、それでもジョニとスーパーグループを観に来たオーディエンスの熱気はしっかり捉えてくれている。それどころかミラードが卓越しているのは、例えば「In France They Kiss On Main Street」でメセニーが弾いたうっとりするようなフレーズと音色の美しさ、それでいて彼のギターさばきに声援を送るオーディエンスの反応の両方をちゃんと捉えてくれているところ。

そもそもこの日はオフィシャル「SHADOWS AND LIGHT」の収録が行われたサンタ・バーバラから一週間後のステージということもあり、ただでさえ名手たちの卓越した演奏と余裕に溢れたジョニの歌声の両方がもはや鉄壁の域に達していたツアー終盤。今回の音源公開に際しJEMSチームに手助けした、マニアにはお馴染みのピッチ調整の達人Goodyをして「この日こそオフィシャルにリリースされるべきだった」と言わしめたほど。
とにかくミュージシャンもオーディエンスもコンサートを楽しんでおり、「God Must Be A Boogie Man」では恒例の観客を交えた合唱が見られるのですが、そこなどオフィシャルよりも楽しそうな雰囲気がはっきりと伝わってくる。このツアー終盤ではコーラス隊パースエージョンズとのオールディーズ・カバー「Why Do Fools Fall in Love」が省かれてしまったのですが、それがまるで気にならないほど演奏と盛り上がりの両方が絶妙なバランスで捉えられた極上オーディエンス・アルバム。フィナーレ「Woodstock」など、ジョニが弾き語りで披露する曲になると息を吞むほど。これはミラードによる最高のアナザーサイド・オブ「SHADOWS AND LIGHT」!



Disc 1 (60:07)
1. Big Yellow Taxi
2. Just Like This Train
3. In France They Kiss On Main Street
4. Coyote
5. Edith And The Kingpin
6. Free Man In Paris
7. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat
8. Jaco’s Solo
9. The Dry Cleaner From Des Moines
10. Amelia
11. Pat’s Solo
12. Hejira

Disc 2 (43:17)
1. Don’s Solo
2. Dreamland
3. Black Crow
4. Furry Sings The Blues
5. God Must Be A Boogie Man
6. Raised On Robbery
7. Shadows And Light
8. The Last Time I Saw Richard
9. Woodstock

Joni Mitchell: Guitar, Vocals, Piano
Jaco Pastorius: Bass
Pat Metheny: Guitar
Lyle Mays: Keyboards
Michael Brecker: Saxophone
Don Alias: Congas, Drums
The Persuasions: Backing Vocals


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