Jimmy Page & Robert Plant / Osaka 1996 1st Night Dat Master / 2CD

Jimmy Page & Robert Plant / Osaka 1996 1st Night Dat Master / 2CD / Wardour

Live at Osaka-Jo Hall, Osaka, Japan 15th February 1996

Play sample :

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The taper of the shocking audience album “NAGOYA 1996 DAT MASTER” that made the enthusiast who was wondering “Nagoya 96 of Page Plant? You don’t need AUD because there is SBD?” Provided me. The 1996 Japan tour was about to begin in the second half of the Osaka performance, which was a sandwich between Nagoya, so if you’re a maniac who was shocked by the high sound quality of “NAGOYA 1996-“, you can also go to Osaka before and after. I want to hear it with the same superb audience … I can’t help but think so. Therefore, this time, we released two days’ worth of audience recording by providing the taper of the same work at once.
First of all, it is the first day in Osaka, but there is a stereo sound board recording on this day as well as in Nagoya. The sound board sound of THIRD EYE PRODUCTION’s first day video in Osaka, which shot this tour with the highest level of audience shots at that time, was synchronized with the audience recording as “realistic personnel”. Actually, the sound is the same sound source as this time. It is presumed that it was based on what was circulating among traders. However, this time, the master DAT was provided by Taper himself who made the recording, and the audience recording body was released on a limited press CD.
Therefore, it seems that most enthusiasts knew this sound source while being able to hear it from between the sound boards in the example, but the audience recording that became clear and clear was completely as high quality as “NAGOYA 1996 ~”. .. On this day, Jimmy’s thick guitar tone will overwhelm you in the folding development of the first half of the live that started with “Custard Pie”. Certainly, even with the stereo sound board recording on the same day when the sound quality itself was clear, I could not capture such a thick sound.

More than that, the first day in Osaka is “Ten Years Gone”, which made enthusiasts from all over the world say “Ten Years Gone” as well as the fans who were there on that day. As you can see from the previous video, Jimmy’s time slip to 1977 with a string vendor specification Brown Telecaster was a maniac tearful scene. The sound source this time captures the tone he played much more realistically than the sound board, and if you are a maniac who was present at the venue on the day, it will be flashed back as “this is the sound that you experienced that day” That’s right. Reproducibility unique to the finest audience that goes beyond the sound board.
Another attraction of this Audience Master is that it captures the atmosphere of the venue on the day, which was very peaceful. Unlike the United States and Europe, where the audience’s reaction is enthusiastic, the venue is full of peace and a national character that “listens” to music. This is also something that cannot be felt from the sound board, and I am convinced that THIRD EYE used this sound source to add a sense of realism that was lacking in it.
It is probably because of the atmosphere of the venue that it was possible to showcase “Ten Years Gone,” which was the first and last stage of the Page Plant. It is also wonderful that this song and “Tea For One” capture the rich and deep sound quality of the orchestra that covers the performance.

Of course, the on-adjustment of the sound image is also outstanding, for example, the performance of two ZEP classic songs of encore and the sound pressure of Jimmy’s guitar, which should be described as “like a sound board”. While boasting such closeness, it still captures the sounds of performances and instruments more realistically than the sound board. Unlike the ZEP stage, Plant Page was a stage that used not only ordinary band sounds but also the previous orchestra and various instruments, so even more so, this audience recording has exceptional quality and you can experience the realistic tone of the day. I’m just overwhelmed by letting me do it.
And not only was he able to show off “Ten Years Gone”, but the whole performance was also splendid due to the aggressive attitude that continued to change toward the end of the tour. What was amazing was that he even clearly captured the baseline of Charlie Jones. Recording using DAT was widespread in 1996, but thanks to that, it was easy to capture with a clear and on sound image, but on the other hand, it was not possible to capture the bass sound and it lacked thickness. It was DAT recording that was easy to fall into. However, this time, even the original rich tone of the bass is reproduced perfectly. As “NAGOYA 1996-” proved, I was surprised to hear this time as well. Ultra quality beyond the sound board!

「ペイジ・プラントの名古屋96?SBDがあるからAUDいらないでしょ?」と訝しげだったマニアをアッと言わせた衝撃のオーディエンス・アルバム「NAGOYA 1996 DAT MASTER」のテーパーが今度は大阪公演のDATマスターを提供してくれました。1996年ジャパン・ツアーが後半に差し掛かった大阪公演は先の名古屋をサンドイッチした形で行われただけに、「NAGOYA 1996~」あまりの高音質に衝撃を受けたマニアであれば、前後の大阪も同等の極上オーディエンスで聞きたい…そう思わずにはいられなかったことでしょう。そこで今回は同作のテーパー提供によるオーディエンス録音二日分を一気にリリース。
まずは大阪初日ですが、この日も名古屋と同じようにステレオ・サウンドボード録音が存在します。このツアーを当時としては最高級レベルのオーディエンスショットで撮影して一世を風靡したTHIRD EYE PRODUCTIONの大阪初日映像にはそのサウンドボード音声に「臨場感要員」としてオーディエンス録音がシンクロされていたものですが、実はその音声こそ今回と同じ音源。恐らくはトレーダー間に出回っていたものを元にしたのだと推測されます。ところが今回は録音を敢行したテーパー本人からマスターDATを提供していただき、オーディエンス録音本体を限定プレスCDにてリリース。
よって大半のマニアは例のサウンドボードの間から聞こえる状態で本音源を知ったかと思われますが、晴れて全貌が明らかとなったオーディエンス録音は完全に「NAGOYA 1996~」と同レベルのハイクオリティ。この日は「Custard Pie」で幕を開けたライブ前半の畳みかけるような展開において、ジミーの厚みあるギターの音色にさっそく圧倒されてしまうことでしょう。確かに音質自体はクリアーであった同日のステレオ・サウンドボード録音でも、これほどまで厚みのある音は捉え切れていませんでした。

それ以上に大阪初日と言えば当日居合わせたファンはもちろん、世界中のマニアをアッと言わせた「Ten Years Gone」。先の映像を見れば解るように、ジミーがストリング・ベンダー仕様のブラウン・テレキャスターを抱えて1977年へとタイムスリップしてみせた姿はマニア感涙ものの場面でした。今回の音源は彼が弾いた音色をサウンドボードよりもはるかにリアルに捉えており、もし当日の会場に居合わせたマニアであれば「これこそがあの日に体感した音」だとフラッシュバックされることでしょう。正にサウンドボードを超えた極上オーディエンスならではの再現力。
今回のオーディエンス・マスターもう一つの魅力は、非常に和やかだった当日の会場の雰囲気もちゃんと捉えてくれているところ。観客の反応が熱狂的なアメリカやヨーロッパと違い、音楽を「聞き込む」お国柄と、それでいて和やかさに溢れた会場。これもまたサウンドボードからは感じられないものであり、なるほどTHIRD EYEがそれに足りない臨場感をつけ足そうと本音源を活用したという理由にも納得。
そうした会場の雰囲気だからこそ、ペイジ・プラントのステージ最初で最後となった「Ten Years Gone」の披露が可能となったのでしょう。この曲や「Tea For One」で演奏に覆いかぶさるオーケストラの豊かで深みのある音質を捉えてくれている点もお見事。

そして「Ten Years Gone」を披露してみせた余裕だけでなく、演奏全体もツアー終盤を迎えてなお変化し続けた攻めの姿勢がもたらした素晴らしさ。驚くべきはチャーリー・ジョーンズのベースラインまでも明瞭に捉えてくれたこと。1996年ともなればDATを用いた録音がすっかり普及していましたが、それのおかげでクリアーかつオンな音像で捉えることは容易となっていた反面、ベース音を捉え切れず厚みを欠いた状態に陥りやすくもあったのがDAT録音。ところが今回はベース本来のふくよかな音色までも実に見事に再現してくれている。「NAGOYA 1996~」が証明してくれたように、今回も聞いてびっくりサウンドボード超えのウルトラ・クオリティ!


Disc 1 (70:29)
1. Intro
2. Egyptian Intro.
3. Custard Pie
4. Bring It On Home
5. Heartbreaker
6. What Is and What Should Never Be
7. Hurdy-Gurdy Solo
8. Gallows Pole
9. Wonderful One
10. Going to California
11. Ten Years Gone
12. Babe, I’m Gonna Leave You
13. Whole Lotta Love incl. You Shook Me, Break On Through (to the Other Side), Dazed and Confused

Disc 2 (62:21)
1. Tea for One
2. Band Introductions
3. Friends
4. The Truth Explodes
5. Four Sticks
6. Kashmir
7. Black Dog
8. Rock and Roll




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