Jimmy Page & Robert Plant / Budokan 1996 3rd Night / 2CD+1Bonus DVDR

Jimmy Page & Robert Plant / Budokan 1996 3rd Night / 2CD+1Bonus DVDR / Wardour
Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 8th February 1996 plus Bonus DVDR “Budokan 1996 3rd Night The Video”

Play sample :

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Japan’s tour of the page plant where over 20 years have passed. The release rush at the time, it was a great thing. Twenty years have passed since then, and the items at that time have only become items that feel old when heard in the current sense. So we have released “BUDOKAN 1996 4TH NIGHT” and “BUDOKAN 1996 5TH NIGHT” that can withstand modern listening, based on the sound source that we obtained originally, but two more performances this time also get their own original audience It will be released on the limited press CD from the master.

First of all, the Budokan on February 8th. This day was the day when the two people finally showed their full potential in the third tour of the Japan Tour of the Page Plant (PP). After all, it was a historic day that “Tea For One” was shown live for the first time in place of “Since I’ve Been Loving You” which has been playing since the previous year’s tour.
In the first place, the same song is a song created from the fact that I want blues in the “Since I’ve ~” tone that concludes the album when recording “PRESENCE”. It is an existence that can be called a so-called sister song. However (as most of the “PRESENCE” recording was so) that live performance in ZEP was not good, it will be able to make a live debut in Japan in addition to the stage of the rainy day PP.
In the previous two days at the Budokan, it was always “Since I’ve ~” that will be played after the acoustic corner in the first half. So I thought that it was going to be played all day long and I was prepared, but what started next to MC with “Song to be shown for the first time” of the plant is “Intro-Rif of” Tea For One ” That’s how it was. It seems that there are many people who get the item this time on the day of the event, and this development was really shocking and inspiring.
However, this historic live premiere comes with a lot. It was good for Paige to start playing the intro riff, but he failed to grasp the timing to move to the main part of the song from there, and it was recklessly recklessly for a while to let the audience say at the start of a great performance. is. It is nostalgic that the famous line that the plant released in front of this happening was “now because it is a rehearsal for boot!”. Now this is also a funny scene, and instead of having an awkward expression when actually reworking the page, she laughs off cheerfully, and whether that expression can be confirmed by the image attached to the first delivery.
However, there are only things that have been reworked, and the performance is so wonderful that it seems that this is the live premiere that Papage plays. In addition, the arrangement to which the orchestra unique to this tour added is also wonderful, and please reconfirm the attractiveness of the famous performance which is often overlooked by this release now.

As the funny happening was told, the day was a very relaxing atmosphere throughout the whole day, and it also showed more excitement than the previous two days, but it also included a picture of how the plant would feel good It is transmitted from And above all, a masterpiece is that Page is re-introducing “The Rain Song”, which first appeared on the PP tour, before “Tea For One”. If you look at the video as well, you can see how he re-starts playing from a full-fledged smile behind the scenes, but even with the best audience recordings of this time, there is a “feel yeah?” It’s a lot of fun and it’s so realistic.
More noteworthy is that, for the first time on this day, “The Rain Song” was played in the same acoustic arrangement as the “HOUSES OF THE HOLY” album version (although it had already been shown with “UNLEDDED”) Can be mentioned. It is a fact that we should be proud to be included in the tour repertoire for the first time because it is Japan, a country where audiences can listen to music without being shown at all in the previous year’s tour. In fact, the PP tour has succeeded to “UNLEDDED” and replaced the majority of the repertoire with acoustics, and it may not have been Japan that was easy to do on stage.
This is a day with a sense of focus in the first half, but the overall sense of relaxation is wonderful. That’s why the happening that “Yallah”, which has been played every night, has been canceled only by the intro for this day is also interesting. According to one theory, it was said that it was a monitor trouble, but when the next “Four Sticks” was played without delay, the audience stopped playing the page because the audience who had made the new song was rather bad It also looks like. This was another rare scene.

As I mentioned at the beginning, it was a Japan tour that produced a large number of items like bamboo shoots after the rain 20 years ago, but the sound quality of the original audience recording master provided for this release was truly stunning quality. The level is close to the masterpiece “BUDOKAN 1996 5TH NIGHT”. The sound image is better than the “10 DAYS” box, which can not be overshadowed by the sound image even now, compared to the “10 DAYS” box in both natural and powerful levels. Above all, the sound pressure and power of the page’s guitar are superb, and it seems that the “Tea For One” live premiere will be played as well.
And the late Michael Lee’s drumming, which can be called the PP tour’s biggest performer, is also rolled up. Please taste the exquisite chemistry where the Nineties rock style drum style after grunge in a good sense intertwined well with PP with a wonderful sound quality. While inheriting the sound of ZEP, while reading the air of Nineties and trying to play a new rock sound, it is an audience album that renews the best new document of the moment the PP showed its full scope at Budokan!

もはや20年以上の歳月が経過してしまったペイジ・プラントのジャパン・ツアー。当時のリリースラッシュ、それはもう壮絶を極めたものでした。あれから20年が経過し、当時のアイテムは現在の感覚で聞くと古さを感じさせるアイテムばかりとなってしまいました。そこで独自に入手した音源を元に、現代のリスニングに耐えうる「BUDOKAN 1996 4TH NIGHT」と「BUDOKAN 1996 5TH NIGHT」をこれまでにリリースしてきましたが、今回さらに二公演がこれまた独自入手オーディエンス・マスターから限定プレスCDにてリリースされます。

まずは2月8日の武道館。この日はペイジ・プラント(以下PPと略します)のジャパン・ツアー、三公演目にして二人が遂に本領を発揮したという一日でした。何と言っても前年のツアーからずっと演奏し続けていた「Since I’ve Been Loving You」に代わって「Tea For One」が初めてライブ披露されたという歴史的な一日だったのです。
そもそも同曲は「PRESENCE」のレコーディング時、アルバムを締めくくる「Since I’ve~」調のブルースが欲しい…ということから生み出された曲。いわば姉妹曲と呼べる存在。しかしながら(「PRESENCE」収録の大半がそうだったように)ZEPでのライブ演奏が叶わなかったことから、まさかのPPのステージで、おまけに日本でライブ・デビューが実現するとは。
それまでの武道館二日間において、前半のアコースティックコーナー明けで演奏されるのは決まって「Since I’ve~」でした。ですから、この日もてっきりそれが演奏されるのだと思ってこちらが構えていたところ、プラントの「初めて披露する曲」とのMCから続いて始まったのが「Tea For One」のイントロ・リフだったのです。今回のアイテムを手にする方の中には当日の現場におられた方も多いかと思われますし、この展開は本当に衝撃的かつ感激させられたものでした。

その愉快なハプニングが物語っていたように、この日は全体を通して非常にリラックスした雰囲気であり、なおかつ前二日よりも盛り上がりを見せたことからプラントが気を良くしたであろう様子も付属の映像から伝わってきます。そして何より傑作なのが「Tea For One」よりも前、PPのツアーでは初お目見えとなった「The Rain Song」でもペイジがイントロをやり直しているということ。こちらも映像を見れば彼が満面の笑みの照れ隠しから演奏をやり直している様子が解るのですが、今回の極上オーディエンス録音で聞いても観客のイントロ中断に対する「ええええ?」的な臨場感が実にリアルに伝わってきてとても楽しい。
それ以上に特筆すべきは、この日初めて「The Rain Song」が「HOUSES OF THE HOLY」アルバム・バージョンと同じアコースティックなアレンジ(とはいっても「UNLEDDED」で披露済みでしたが)で演奏されたことが挙げられます。それが前年のツアーでは一切披露されず、観客が音楽を聞き入る国、日本だからこそ初めてツアー・レパートリーに組み込まれたことは我々が誇りにすべき事実でしょう。実際PPツアーは「UNLEDDED」の成果を引き継いでレパートリーの大半をアコースティックなものへと置き換えており、それがステージでやりやすい国こそ日本だったのではないでしょうか。
こうして聞きどころが前半に集中した感のある一日ですが、全体のリラックス感は本当に素晴らしい。だからこそ毎晩演奏されてきた「Yallah」がこの日に限ってイントロだけで取り止めとなってしまったハプニングもまた面白いもの。一説にはモニターのトラブルだと言われていますが、次の「Four Sticks」が滞りなく演奏されたところから考えるに、むしろ新曲を前にした観客の受けが悪くてペイジが弾くのを止めたようにも映ります。これもまた珍しい場面でした。

最初にも触れたように、20年前には雨後のタケノコの如く大量なアイテムが生み出されたジャパン・ツアーでしたが、今回のリリースに当たって提供された独自のオーディエンス録音マスターの音質は実に見事なクオリティ。そのレベルは名作「BUDOKAN 1996 5TH NIGHT」にも迫るほど。今になって聞くと音像は近くともメリハリを欠いた印象が否めない「10 DAYS」ボックスと比べてもナチュラルさと迫力の両方で上回るレベル。中でもペイジのギターの音圧や迫力が見事で、あの「Tea For One」ライブ初演を弾きまくる様もバッチリ捉えてくれているのです。


Disc 1 (67:50)
1. Intro. 2. Celebration Day 3. Bring It On Home 4. Heartbreaker
5. What Is And What Should Never Be 6. The Rain Song 7. Hurdy Gurdy Solo
8. When The Levee Breaks 9. Gallows Pole 10. Tea For One (False Start)
11. Tea For One 12. Band Introductions 13. The Song Remains The Same
14. Babe, I’m Gonna Leave You

Disc 2 (66:06)
1. Whole Lotta Love (incl. Down By The Seaside, Break On Through, Dazed And Confused)
2. Yallah 3. Four Sticks 4. Egyptian Intro 5. In The Evening
6. Kashmir 7. Black Dog 8. Rock And Roll



Jimmy Page & Robert Plant / Budokan 1996 3rd Night The Video /  1Single DVDR / Non Label
Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 8th February 1996

Click Image To Enlarge

The Main Press 2CD is a live album depicting “Nippon Budokan · 3 rd Night”, in which PAGE & PLANT’s true spirit was demonstrated, as an original master. However, “February 8, 1996” is also remembered that the masterpiece video was left. This time, we have specially prepared the masterpiece video for the first time only.
Such a main point of this work is the highest quality. All triples of angle, image quality and sound quality are excellent. I’m shooting from the stand on the left side of the stage (on the plant side), but there is no shadow from the audience. It is a superb viewpoint to look directly at the stage without any obstacles. And I use a lot of intense zoom of pro shot beam, but the sense of stability is also abnormal, and it rolls up like one angle of pro shot, and 2 people occupy the whole screen. And the light of the proof proves that two people are lusciously, and the blonde of the plant shines in a godly way. When it comes to the maximum zoom, you can clearly see the expression. Despite the fact that anti-shake functions are not developed today, they are stable and smooth. It is a great masterpiece that can only be described as “anomalous quality” at all when viewed with the eyes of the present who are used to digital images.
What is more amazing is the sound. As a matter of fact, a masterpiece video with a similar quality has been left the day before, but this sound is overwhelming in terms of sound. There is no doubt that the microphones are recorded from the freshness of the moxibustion (the vivid thing of the audience who says “Come on the start scene” has come!), But the musical tone is beautiful for the first time, which only seems to be a sound board. Moreover, without the noise being mixed with the beauty sound, the beauty like a whole body glossy and toro can penetrate the whole body.
The scene drawn with such quality is the “other side” of the main press 2CD. “When The Levee Breaks”, which was only for this day in Japan, is perfect. To tell the truth, I can not say that it is not good enough and I understand that I did not play on other days, but this rare degree is hard to throw away. Also, as I mentioned in the commentary of the main part, “Tea For One” and “The Rain Song” are perfect. You can also experience the famous scenes such as the mood that gets too smiley and the plant’s MC “Rehearsal for the bootleg”. Such plants can not say only about people. It is very cool to wrap the toned body in the black tank top & leather pants in the main part set, but the white trainer is weird when it comes back with encore. And while snarling the audience with a playful look (quality clearly visible!), Rush into “Black Dog”! That sexy vocal is a style I am not familiar with.
After such a main story live, bonus video is also included. It is a weather forecast and a tour CM on “Wanton Song” on the first day of the tour “February 5”. Despite the valuable multi-camera pro shots, it’s a weather forecast … a masterpiece bonus that the “1996 Japan” smells in this intense gap.

If the main story press 2CD is a new standard, this work is a traditional masterpiece. It is a great masterpiece video that talked about the page of PAGE & PLANT that delivered “the dream of an airship” to Japan for the first time in 24 years. The collaboration of two people who can enjoy fresh pleasure even after 23 years. Please enjoy it in conjunction with the main press 2CD.

本編プレス2CDは、PAGE & PLANTの本領が発揮された“日本武道館・第3夜”をオリジナル・マスターで描ききったライヴアルバムです。しかし、「1996年2月8日」は大傑作映像が残された事でも記憶されている。今回は、初回限定でその傑作映像も特別にご用意致しました。
そんなクオリティで描かれる光景こそ、本編プレス2CDの“向こう側”。日本公演でこの日のみだった「When The Levee Breaks」もばっちり。正直なところ、あまり出来が良いとは言えず、他の日に演奏しなかったのも分かる内容なのですが、このレア度は捨てがたい。また、本編の解説でも触れましたが、やり直しになる「Tea For One」や「The Rain Song」もばっちり。あまりに微笑ましさにかえって盛り上がってしまうムードやプラントのMC「ブートレッグのためのリハーサルさ」といった名シーンも特等席から体験できる。そんなプラントも人のことばかりは言っていられない。本編セットでは引き締まった肉体を黒のタンクトップ&レザーパンツに包んで非常にカッコイイのですが、アンコールで戻ってくると白のトレーナーが妙にダサい。そして、お茶目な表情(までハッキリ見えるクオリティ!)で観客を煽りつつ、「Black Dog」に突入! あのセクシーなヴォーカルには今ひとつ馴染みにくいスタイルです。
そんな本編ライヴの後には、ボーナス映像も収録。ツアー初日「2月5日」の「Wanton Song」に乗せた天気予報とツアーCMです。貴重なマルチカメラ・プロショットにもかかわらず、なぜか天気予報……この猛烈なギャップに“1996年の日本”が思いっきり香り立つ傑作ボーナスなのです。

本編プレス2CDが新定番だとすれば、本作は伝統の名作。24年ぶりに“飛行船の夢”を日本へ届けてくれたPAGE & PLANTの現場を語り継いできた大傑作映像です。23年の時を超えてなお、新鮮な喜びを味わえる2人のコラボレーション。どうぞ、本編プレス2CDと併せ、たっぷりとお楽しみください。

1. Introduction 2. Celebration Day 3. Bring It On Home 4. Heartbreaker
5. What Is And What Should Never Be 6. The Rain Song 7. Hurdy Gurdy Solo
8. When The Levee Breaks 9. Gallows Pole 10. Tea For One (false start)
11. Tea for One 12. The Song Remains the Same 13. Babe I’m Gonna Leave You
14. Whole Lotta Love 15. Yallah 16. Four Sticks 17. The Egyptian Intro
18. In The Evening 19. Kashmir 20. Black Dog 21. Rock And Roll

Bonus Track
22. TV Spots 5th February 1996

COLOUR NTSC Approx.132min.

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