Jethro Tull / Anaheim 1977 2nd Night: Mike Millard Master Tapes / 2CDR

Jethro Tull / Anaheim 1977 2nd Night: Mike Millard Master Tapes / 2CDR / Uxbridge

Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, CA, USA 7th April 1977

Play sample :

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Along with Stones, ZEP, and YES, JETHRO TULL is a famous band loved by absolute masters. A new masterpiece is born in the transcendental collection.
It was “April 7, 1977 Anaheim performance” that was imbued with such a work. It is a superb audience recording digitized from Mike Millard’s Omoto Master. Mirrored has been recording JETHRO TULL repeatedly for many years, but 1977 can be said to be the pinnacle. So far, we have introduced masterpieces such as “LOS ANGELES 1977 (Uxbridge 1063)”, “PASADENA 1977 (Uxbridge 1369)” and “ANAHEIM 1977 1ST NIGHT (Uxbridge 1455)”. First, let’s look back on the schedule at that time and organize the collection.

・ January 14-23: North America # 1 (7 performances) ← * LOS ANGELES / PASADENA 1977
・ February 1-14: UK (13 performances)
“February 11th” SONGS FROM THE WOOD “released”
・ March 1st-April 10th: North America # 2 (33 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ April 16-23: Europe # 1 (8 performances)
・ May 24-June 8: Europe # 2 (12 performances)
・ September 4-20: Australia (15 performances)
・ November 4th-December 6th: North America # 3 (31 performances) ← * Official video

This is JETHRO TULL in 1977. While “LOS ANGELES 1977” and “PASADENA 1977” were before the release of “SONGS FROM THE WOOD”, the Anaheim performance of this work is the 30th performance of “North America # 2” immediately after its release. It was a concert at the same venue and the next day of “ANAHEIM 1977 1ST NIGHT”. Because Stones, ZEP, and YES are famous, it is easy to think that Millard is a type that records the same band many times, but in reality it is the opposite. The three bands are rather exceptional and exceptional. And JETHRO TULL is one of the special bands. Even though I had already recorded twice in “North America # 1”, I tried to record more. What’s more, it was a favorite that I often attended performances for two consecutive days.
And this work is a masterpiece whose love has come to fruition. “ANAHEIM 1977 1ST NIGHT (hereafter, the previous work)” was also a masterpiece of the Mirrored Collection, but this work goes even further. Of course, since it is the same venue and the same equipment, the basic quality is very similar, but this work is thicker and richer while maintaining the on-direct feeling and clearness. This difference is probably due to a (slight) difference in position. In the previous work, it was recorded from the 11th row of the center on the 1st floor, but this work is about half of that, the “6th row”. The “Anaheim Convention Center” that became the site seems to be characterized by the shape of the ceiling, and this slight difference seems to affect the response. Millard has produced great recordings at various venues, especially at the Anaheim Convention Center, where he has spent years researching and exploring sweet spots. This work is a recording in a seat as close as possible to the sweet spot.
Moreover, this work updates the highest peak of such transcendental recording. Although the original sound itself is one of the best in the mirrored work, there was a high drop on the right channel from the beginning to “Thick As A Brick”. This work also corrects that part as much as possible. As a matter of course, while maximizing the beauty of the original sound of mirrored recording, it further enhances the degree of perfection as a musical work.
The full show, which is acclaimed as the best even in 1977, is drawn with such a thick rich sound. The set is the same as “ANAHEIM 1977 1ST NIGHT”, but it’s been a year since the release of the previous work, so let’s reorganize it.

・ Stand-up: A New Day Yesterday (incl. Living In The Past)
・ Benefits: To Cry You a Song
・ Aqualung: Wonderin’Aloud / Cross-Eyed Mary / Aqua Lung / Wind-Up / Locomotive Breath
・ Gerald’s Immaculate World: Thick As a Brick
・ War Child: Skating Away On The Thin Ice Of The New Day / Back-Door Angels
・ Minstrel in the Gallery: Minstrel in the Gallery
・ Too Old to Rock’n’Roll: Too Young to Die
・ Mysterious Forest-Piblock Suite: Jack-in-the-Green / Songs From The Wood / Velvet Green / Hunting Girl
・ Others: Instrumental Jam / Symphony No.9, Op.125 (Ode to Joy)

…… And it looks like this. And the performance that spells this masterpiece group is the life of this work. As I said in the previous work, “North America # 2” is generally better than “North America # 1”. Actually, “North America # 1” was interrupted due to a malfunction in Ian Anderson’s throat. How many performances were reflected in “North America # 2”. In other words, “North America # 2” is a full-fledged revenge tour, and both physical condition and enthusiasm exceed “LOS ANGELES 1977” and “PASADENA 1977”.
Legendary taper, which is also a symbol of recording history: Mike Millard. It is a masterpiece recording of JETHRO TULL, which was loved by great historical figures. In terms of quality and content, I think there is no objection to the fact that the live album so far is “more than an official work”. Originally, I would like you to enjoy the sister works in a row, but this work itself is an absolute work in the Mirrored Collection. This is the birth of a treasure trove of rock history that we would like you to face with your collar straight.

★ A transcendental audience recording of “April 7, 1977 Anaheim performance”. It is a new masterpiece that is a sequel to the masterpiece “ANAHEIM 1977 1ST NIGHT (Uxbridge 1455)”, which is a brand name created by the master of the absolute master Millard. Even in the Mirrored Collection, the sound is even better than the previous work, which was called a masterpiece, and it is thicker and richer while maintaining the on-direct feeling and clearness. In the original sound, there was a high drop on the right channel from the beginning to “Thick As A Brick”, but this work was corrected by original mastering. The degree of perfection as a musical work is further enhanced. It is an absolute book even in the mirrored collection full of masterpieces.

ストーンズやZEP、YESと並んで絶対名手がこよなく愛した名バンド、JETHRO TULL。その超絶コレクションに新たなる名盤が誕生です。
そんな本作に吹き込まれているのは「1977年4月7日アナハイム公演」。マイク・ミラードの大元マスターからデジタル化された超極上オーディエンス録音です。長年に渡ってJETHRO TULLを繰り返し録音し続けたミラードですが、1977年はその頂点と言っても良い。これまでも『LOS ANGELES 1977(Uxbridge 1063)』や『PASADENA 1977(Uxbridge 1369)』『ANAHEIM 1977 1ST NIGHT(Uxbridge 1455)』といった傑作群をご紹介してきました。まずは、当時のスケジュールを振り返り、コレクションを整理してみましょう。

・1月14日ー23日:北米#1(7公演)←※LOS ANGELES/PASADENA 1977

これが1977年のJETHRO TULL。『LOS ANGELES 1977』『PASADENA 1977』は『SONGS FROM THE WOOD』発売前だったのに対し、本作のアナハイム公演はリリース直後となる「北米#2」の30公演目。『ANAHEIM 1977 1ST NIGHT』の同会場・翌日のコンサートでした。ストーンズ・ZEP・YESが有名なためにミラードは同じバンドを何度も録音するタイプと思われがちですが、実際には逆。その3バンドはむしろ例外・別格です。そして、JETHRO TULLもその別格バンドの1つ。「北米#1」ですでに2回録音していたにも関わらず、さらに録音に挑戦。しかも2日連続公演も足繁く通うほどのお気に入りだったわけです。
そして本作は、その愛情がものの見事に結実した大傑作。『ANAHEIM 1977 1ST NIGHT(以後、前作)』もミラード・コレクション屈伸の名作だったわけですが、本作はさらに上を行く。もちろん同会場・同機材ですから基本クオリティは酷似しているのですが、オンなダイレクト感やクリアさはそのままに、本作はさらに肉厚でリッチなのです。この差は、恐らくポジションの(わずかな)違いにある。前作では1階センターの11列目から録音されていたのですが、本作はその約半分となる「6列目」なのです。現場となった“アナハイム・コンヴェンション・センター”は天井の形状に特徴があるらしく、このわずかな差が反響にも影響してくるそう。ミラードはさまざまな会場で名録音を生み出して来ましたが、特に“アナハイム・コンヴェンション・センター”は何年も研究を繰り返してスウィート・スポットを探求。本作は、そのスウィート・スポットに限りなく近い座席での録音なのです。
しかも、本作はそんな超絶録音の最高峰を更新するもの。原音自体がミラード作品でもトップ・クラスではあるのですが、序盤から「Thick As A Brick」まで右チャンネルにハイ落ちも見られました。本作はそのパートも可能な限り補整。当然の事ながらミラード録音本来の鳴りの美しさは最大限に活かしつつ、音楽作品としての完成度を一層高めているのです。
そんな極太リッチ・サウンドで描かれるのは、1977年でもベストと絶賛されるフルショウ。セットは『ANAHEIM 1977 1ST NIGHT』と同一なのですが、前作のリリースから1年が経っていますので改めて整理しておきましょう。

・スタンドアップ:A New Day Yesterday (incl. Living In The Past)
・ベネフィット:To Cry You a Song
・アクアラング:Wonderin’ Aloud/Cross-Eyed Mary/Aqualung/Wind-Up/Locomotive Breath
・ジェラルドの汚れなき世界:Thick As a Brick
・ウォーチャイルド:Skating Away On The Thin Ice Of The New Day/Back-Door Angels
・天井桟敷の吟遊詩人:Minstrel in the Gallery
・ロックンロールにゃ老だけど死ぬにはチョイと若すぎる:Too Old to Rock ‘n’ Roll: Too Young to Die
・神秘の森ーピブロック組曲:Jack-in-the-Green/Songs From The Wood/Velvet Green/Hunting Girl
・その他:Instrumental Jam/Symphony No.9, Op.125 (Ode to Joy)

……と、このようになっています。そして、この名曲群を綴るパフォーマンスこそが本作の命。前作でも言えたことですが、「北米#2」は総じて「北米#1」より出来が良い。実は「北米#1」はイアン・アンダーソンのノドに不調が起きたために中断。何公演かが「北米#2」に振り返られたのです。つまり、「北米#2」は満を持してのリベンジ・ツアーであり、体調も意気込みも『LOS ANGELES 1977』や『PASADENA 1977』を超えているのです。
録音史の象徴でもある伝説テーパー:マイク・ミラード。歴史上の偉人が心から愛したJETHRO TULLの最高峰録音となる大名盤です。クオリティ的にも内容的にも、ここまでのライヴアルバムともなれば「オフィシャル作品以上」と断じても異論はないのではないでしょうか。本来であれば、姉妹作を連続して味わっていただきたいところですが、本作自体がミラード・コレクションでも絶対の一作。襟を正して正対していただきたいロック史の至宝盤の誕生です。

★「1977年4月7日アナハイム公演」の超絶級オーディエンス録音。絶対名手ミラードの大元マスターから起こされた銘品で、名作『ANAHEIM 1977 1ST NIGHT(Uxbridge 1455)』の続編となる新名盤です。ミラード・コレクションでも傑作の呼び声高かった前作よりもさらに音が良く、オンなダイレクト感やクリアさはそのままに、さらに肉厚でリッチ。原音では序盤から「Thick As A Brick」まで右チャンネルにハイ落ちも見られましたが、本作は独自マスタリングで補整。音楽作品としての完成度を一層高めている。名作だらけのミラード・コレクションでも絶対の一本です。

Disc 1 (52:15)
1. Wond’ring Aloud
2. Skating Away On the Thin Ice of the New Day
3. Jack-In-The-Green
4. Thick As A Brick
5. Songs From The Wood
6. Instrumental / Drum Solo
7. To Cry You A Song
8. A New Day Yesterday (incl. Bouree, Living In The Past)

Disc 2 (65:28)
1. MC
2. Velvet Green
3. Hunting Girl
4. Too Old To Rock ‘N’ Roll, Too Young To Die
5. Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony
6. A Minstrel In The Gallery
7. Cross-Eyed Mary
8. Aqualung
9. Guitar Solo
10. Wind-Up / Back-Door Angels
11. Locomotive Breath / Dambusters March / Back-Door Angels (reprise)

Uxbridge 1647

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