Jeff Beck / Royal Albert Hall 2009 / 2CDR+1DVDR

Jeff Beck / Royal Albert Hall 2009 / 2CDR+1DVDR / Uxbridge
Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK 4th July 2009

Play sample :

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Prior to “EMOTION & COMMOTION”, Jeff Beck in 2009 made a complete comeback with tour activities. A superb set that allows you to fully experience the performances in your home country where David Gilmour also participated as a guest is now available.
This work contains two records of one show. It is an audience 3-disc set with DISC 1-2 for the best original recording of “Royal Albert Hall (hereinafter RAH) performance on July 4, 2009” and DISC 3 for a superb view shot. The highest quality of both is the biggest point, but first of all, the position of the show. Speaking of 2009, the performance in Japan where the co-starring concert “TOGETHER & APART” with Eric Clapton was realized is also a memorable place. Let’s look back at them from the whole view of the tour.

・ January 22-February 3: Oceania (6 performances)
・ February 6-22: Japan (9 performances)
・ April 4: Rock and Roll Hall of Fame opening ceremony
・ April 6-23: North America # 1 (12 performances)
・ June 24-July 4: UK (5 performances) ← here
・ July 6-9: North America # 2 (4 performances)
・July 12-24/August 19/September 21: Europe (8 performances)
・ October 29th + 30th: Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 25th anniversary (2 performances)

This is Jeff Beck in 2009. In 2008, we had only 3 live performances, and it was the first time in 10 years since 1999 that we had a tour of about 50 performances. It was a complete revival that was just waiting, but among them, the RAH performance of this work was the last day of the hometown “UK” tour.

– DISC 1: Original superb full live album
The main feature of this work, which is a vacuum-packed highlight performance, is a superb full audience recording. This sound source is an original only for our shop. Recorded by a virtuoso known as the “British master”, it is a masterpiece of the top class in his collection. He is a recording artist who combines a warm on-site mood with modern clearness, but this work is closer to clear. Moreover, the strength of the core is wonderful, and there is plenty of density that does not feel like a sky.
As a matter of fact, the hall noise is also absorbed in its own way, but it is irresistible because it is full of RAH’s unique elegance and luster. Far from a sense of distance, the performance sound has depth and dynamism, and the velvety smoothness and shining contours embody the “beauty of the audience”. It is this acoustic that makes the traditional venue “RAH” a special existence, and it was possible to capture it ideally because it is a “British master” who has repeatedly recorded RAH for many years.

● DISC 2-3: Superb view full video with zero obstructions
The beautiful full live album alone is enough to fill you up, but this work also includes a video product that allows you to witness the scenery that spreads “on the other side”. Moreover, the quality here is also wonderful. I’m shooting from the center 2nd floor seat looking down a little, but there is no obstruction at all, probably because I’m in the front seat. In addition to Jeff, only the stage where four members such as Tal Wilkenfeld, Vinnie Cariuta, and Jason Ribeiro gather occupies a wide field of view. Moreover, the camera work is also wonderful. In the first few songs, it may be difficult to decide the angle, but from “Cause We’ve Ended As Lovers” it is stable and the zoom that Jeff’s upper body fills the screen is bold. It is very easy to watch because it is not a live performance where the members run around.

A night in my hometown with two guests
Furthermore, the strength of the video is the appearance of the guests. David Gilmour and Irish rockabilly singer Imelda May will appear on this day, as there is only a highlight performance in his hometown London.
First to appear is Imelda, appearing in the middle of the show with “Lilac Wine”. A gentle singing voice intertwines with Jeff’s guitar and echoes in the space of RAH. And Dave Gilmour appeared in “Jerusalem” at the end of the show. With ELP’s familiar chant as a motif, he plays a twin guitar with Jeff for about 8 minutes. The moment Gilmore started playing, waves of applause erupted like ripples, and as if confirming his appearance, they spread loudly and strongly throughout the venue. Both Imelda’s singing voice and Gilmour’s guitar are truly emotional and moving.
Then, “Hi-Ho Silver Lining” begins after “Jerusalem”. Here, Gilmour sings while playing the guitar, and Imelda, who has reappeared, takes the chorus. We welcome the highlights that involve the audience, and Jeff will show off lead vocals to Gokigen.

In 2010, “TOGETHER & APART” was held in three countries and “EMOTION & COMMOTION” was announced. Furthermore, it avalanches into a large-scale tour since the 1960s, and then completes a complete revival that will determine the next 10 years. This work is a gorgeous set that allows you to fully experience the early highlights of such a resurrection play. The superb recording of the master craftsman and the special century experience of the superb view are wonderful, and when you look down on your career, it becomes many times more tasteful. Such a realistic and big 3-disc set. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content.

★ Audience 3-disc set of the best original recording + superb view shot of “Royal Albert Hall performance on July 4, 2009”. The main full recording (DISC 1-2) is an original recording handed down by the recording artist himself, and the strength of the core is wonderful, and the elegant sound of the traditional venue is extremely glossy. The video version (DISC 3) is also a superb view with no obstructions, and you can fully experience the special performance of your hometown where David Gilmour and Imelda May also participate as guests.

『EMOTION & COMMOTION』に先駆け、ツアー活動で完全復活を果たした2009年のジェフ・ベック。デヴィッド・ギルモアもゲスト参加した母国公演をフル体験できる極上セットが登場です。
そんな本作に収められているのは1つのショウの2つの記録。「2009年7月4日ロイヤル・アルバート・ホール(以後RAH)公演」の極上オリジナル録音をDISC 1-2、絶景ショットをDISC 3に配したオーディエンス3枚組です。どちらも極上級のクオリティが最大のポイントなのですが、まずはショウのポジション。2009年と言えばエリック・クラプトンとの共演コンサート“TOGETHER & APART”が実現した日本公演も思い出深いところ。それらもまとめてツアー全景から振り返ってみましょう。



●DISC 1:オリジナルの極上フル・ライヴアルバム

●DISC 2-3:遮蔽物ゼロの絶景フル映像
そんな美麗のフル・ライヴアルバムだけでもお腹いっぱいですが、本作はその“向こう側”に広がる光景も目撃できる映像品もセットしています。しかも、こちらのクオリティも素晴らしい。センター2階席からやや見下ろし気味に撮影しているのですが、最前席なのか遮蔽物がまったくない。ジェフの他、タル・ウィルケンフェルドやヴィニー・カリウタ、ジェイソン・リベイロといったメンバー4人が集うステージだけが広々とした視界を占領しているのです。しかも、カメラワークも素晴らしい。冒頭数曲ではアングルを決めかねているのか、ややブレも起こしていますが、「Cause We’ve Ended As Lovers」からはビシッと安定し、ジェフの上半身が画面いっぱいになるズームも果敢。メンバーが走り回るライヴではない事もあって非常に観やすいのです。

まず姿を見せるのはイメルダで、ショウ中盤の「Lilac Wine」で登場。たおやかな歌声がジェフのギターと絡み合いながらRAHの空間に響き渡る。そしてショウの終盤の「Jerusalem」ではデイヴ・ギルモアが登場。ELPでもお馴染みの聖歌をモチーフにして、約8分間にも渡ってジェフとのツインギターを奏でてくれるのです。ギルモアが弾き出した瞬間、さざ波のように拍手の波が沸き起こり、彼の姿を確かめるように大きく、強く、会場中に広がる。イメルダの歌声も、ギルモアのギターも、実に感情豊かで感動的です。
そして、「Jerusalem」続いて始まるのが「Hi-Ho Silver Lining」。ここではギルモアがギターを弾きつつ歌い、再登場したイメルダがコーラスを執る。観客を巻き込むハイライトを迎え、ジェフまでゴキゲンにリード・ヴォーカルを披露してくれます。

翌2010年には3ヵ国で“TOGETHER & APART”を実施し、『EMOTION & COMMOTION』を発表。さらには60年代以来となる大規模ツアーへと雪崩れ込み、その後10年を決定づける完全復活を果たします。本作は、そんな復活劇の序盤ハイライトをフル体験できる豪華セットなのです。名匠の極上録音も絶景の特等世紀体験も素晴らしく、さらにキャリアを俯瞰すると何倍にも味わい深くなる。そんなリアルでビッグな3枚組。どうぞ、心ゆくまでお腹いっぱいご堪能ください。

★「2009年7月4日ロイヤル・アルバート・ホール公演」の極上オリジナル録音+絶景ショットのオーディエンス3枚組。メインのフル録音(DISC 1-2)は録音家本人から譲られたオリジナル録音で、芯の力強さが素晴らしく、伝統会場の気品ある鳴りも極めて艶やか。映像篇(DISC 3)も遮蔽物ゼロの絶景で、デヴィッド・ギルモアやイメルダ・メイもゲスト参加する故郷の特別公演を極上フル体験できます。

Disc 1(58:15)
1. Intro.
2. Beck’s Bolero
3. The Pump
4. You Never Know
5. Cause We’ve Ended As Lovers
6. Behind The Veil
7. Blast From The East
8. Stratus
9. Angel
10. Led Boots
11. Nadia
12. Space Boogie
13. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat/Brush With The Blues

Disc 2(52:18)
1. Blue Wind
2. Lilac Wine (with Imelda May)
3. Instrumental by Jeff & Tal
4. Big Block
5. A Day In The Life
6. Peter Gunn Theme
7. Band Introduction
8. Jerusalem (with David Gilmour)
9. Hi-Ho Silver Lining (with David Gilmour & Imelda May)
10. Where Were You

1. Beck’s Bolero
2. The Pump
3. You Never Know
4. Cause We’ve Ended As Lovers
5. Behind The Veil
6. Blast From The East
7. Stratus
8. Angel (Footsteps)
9. Drum Solo
10. Led Boots
11. Nadia
12. Space Boogie
13. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat/Brush With The Blues
14. Blue Wind
15. Lilac Wine with Imelda May
16. Bass Solo incl. Freeway Jam
17. Big Block
18. A Day In The Life
19. Peter Gunn Theme
20. Jerusalem with David Gilmour
21. Hi-Ho Silver Lining with David Gilmour & Imelda May
22. Where Were You

COLOUR NTSC Approx.110min.

Jeff Beck – Guitar
Vinnie Colaiuta – Drums
Tal Wilkenfeld – Bass
Jason Rebello – Keyboards
Special Guest
Imelda May – Vocal on Lilac Wine & Hi-Ho Silver Lining
David Gilmour – Guitar on Jerusalem, Guitar & Vocal on Hi-Ho Silver Lining

Uxbridge 1838

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