Jeff Beck / Definitive Budokan 1986 / 4CD

Jeff Beck / Definitive Budokan 1986 / 4CD / Wardour

Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 10th & 11th June 1986

Play sample :

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‘s performance in Japan. The reason is that even though “FLASH”, which is currently gaining momentum for re-evaluation, was released in the previous year, it was realized at a time when there was no live activity to promote the album. In addition, unlike the visit to Japan as an instrumental band after 1975, it was extremely valuable that the vocalist was arranged and the stage that strengthened the song color was performed only in Japan at this time.
Nevertheless, the performance in Japan in 1986 has a definitive existence of Karuizawa’s video and sound source, and has produced many items so far. Among them, “DEFINITIVE SOUND MARKET ’86” has become a long-seller as the definitive edition. Rather, it may be said that Karuizawa is the only choice for the performance in Japan in 1986 because it is too standard. One of the reasons for this situation is that items that recorded other days in the performance in Japan in 1986 have already disappeared from the market since Beck was alive.
Among them, “THANK THE LORD”, which recorded Budokan 2DAYS, was eagerly awaited by enthusiasts as a masterpiece of “After Karuizawa”. Beck’s figure was not intentionally placed on the front cover, and instead the jacket imitating a close-up of the yellow Strat, which was a trademark at the time, was also an impressive masterpiece.

More than that, “THANK THE LORD” (hereinafter referred to as “existing board”) gave a strong impression to maniacs, audience recording that was of the highest quality without a discount. It was the taper of Osaka’s masterpiece “THE MOVING FINGER” in 1980 that made a recording with outstanding sound quality. Six years have passed since that masterpiece recording, and the Budokan 2DAYS, which he challenged by upgrading his equipment, was to be recorded with even more shocking quality.
The unbelievable high-quality sound made maniacs surprised at the release of the already-launched board in 2010, but its brilliant quality has not faded at all. In that case, it might have been enough to reissue the 2010 version as it is. However, this time, “GRAF ZEPPELIN” brushed up this exceptional audience recording. Especially on the first day, multiple sound sources have been released in the past, so the longest recording is realized by supplementing the missing part from there. Among them, in the already-launched board, there was a feeling that the tape was suddenly cut off from the tape exchange when “Star Cycle” was over, but this time it became possible to naturally enjoy the applause and continuation after the performance by compensating for it.
On the other hand, on the second day, as the big topic was called when the already released board was released, a live sound source that had not been excavated until then suddenly appeared with the best

それでいて86年来日公演は軽井沢の映像と音源という決定的な存在があり、今までに多くのアイテムを生み出してきました。そんな中でも文字通りの決定版としてロングセラーとなっているのが『DEFINITIVE SOUND MARKET ’86』。むしろあまりに定番すぎて86年の来日公演は軽井沢一択だと言っていいかもしれません。こうした状況には、86年の来日公演で他の日を収録したアイテムがベック存命時から既に市場から姿を消してしまっていることが一因かと。
中でも「アフター軽井沢」の大傑作としてマニアから再リリースが待ち望まれていたのが武道館2DAYSを収録した『THANK THE LORD』。敢えてベックの姿をフロントカバーにあしらわず、代わりに当時のトレードマークだったイエローのストラトのクローズアップを模したジャケも印象的な名盤でした。

それ以上に『THANK THE LORD』(以下“既発盤”と称します)がマニアに強烈な印象を与えたのは、掛け値なしに極上クオリティだったオーディエンス録音。その別格の音質が際立った録音を敢行してくれたのは80年大阪の傑作『THE MOVING FINGER』のテーパー。その傑作録音から6年の歳月が経過し、彼の機材もバージョンアップして挑んだ武道館2DAYSはさらなる衝撃のクオリティで記録されることになったのです。
2010年の既発盤リリース時にも信じられないほどの高音質ぶりがマニアをアッと言わせた訳ですが、その鮮烈なクオリティは今もまったく色褪せていない。となれば2010年版をそのまま再発しても十分だったかもしれません。ですが、この別格のオーディエンス録音を今回は「GRAF ZEPPELIN」がブラッシュアップ。特に初日は複数の音源が過去にリリース済ですので、欠損部をそこから補うことで最長収録を実現。中でも既発盤では「Star Cycle」が終わったところでテープ交換から唐突に切れている感がありましたが、その補填によって今回は演奏後の拍手と続きを自然に楽しめるようになりました。
一方、二日目の方は既発盤リリース時に大きな話題を呼んだように、それまで音源が発掘されていなかったライブがいきなり極上音質で現れたという衝撃音源。「GRAF ZEPPELIN」をしても微調整レベルに留めたほど見事な録音。テーパーが二日連続で参戦してくれた結果が見事に現れたといえるかもしれません。いやしかし両日とも今なお信じられないほどの高音質であり、特にベックとヤン・ハマーが鳴らす音のリアルな質感は驚異的。

そして何と言っても二日間を通してのベックのイキイキとしたプレイは軽井沢から見事に進化していて、これでもかというくらいに弾き倒してくれるのが本当に気持ちいい。極めつけはリリース前ながら軽井沢でも披露されていたカバー「Wild Thing」を「さて、バラードでいこうか。ソフトなバラードをやるよ」ととぼけた様子で始めるベック。そんな最高のオーディエンス・アルバムが「GRAF ZEPPELIN」監修の下、満を持して再登場。サウンドボードの軽井沢に対して超絶オーディエンスの武道館という86年来日の二大巨頭となりえる傑作です。






Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 10th June 1986

Disc 1 (41:17)
1. Intro.
2. Escape
3. Gets Us All In The End
4. Ecstasy
5. Ambitious
6. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat
7. Stop, Look And Listen
8. The Pump
9. Star Cycle ★4:57(演奏後)以降別ソースで補填

Disc 2 (64:40)
1. Cause We’ve Ended As Lovers ★0:00-0:08(演奏前)別ソースで補填
2. Miami Vice New York Theme
3. Led Boots
4. Love Will
5. Miami Vice Theme
6. Blue Wind
7. People Get Ready ★5:57-6:12(演奏後曲間だがMCを含む)別ソースで補填
8. Freeway Jam
9. Going Down
10. Wild Thing ★5:06(終演後だが終演アナウンスを含む)以降、別ソースで補填

Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 11th June 1986

Disc 3 (42:21)
1. Intro.
2. Escape
3. Gets Us All In The End
4. Ecstasy
5. Ambitious
6. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat
7. Stop, Look And Listen
8. The Pump
9. Star Cycle

Disc 4 (60:19)
1. Cause We’ve Ended As Lovers
2. Miami Vice New York Theme
3. Led Boots
4. Love Will
5. Miami Vice Theme
6. Blue Wind
7. People Get Ready
8. Freeway Jam
9. Going Down
10. Wild Thing

Jeff Beck – Guitar
Jimmy Hall – Vocal
Jan Hammer – Keyboards
Doug Wimbish – Bass
Simon Phillips – Drums


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