Jeff Beck / Thackerville 2015 / 1CD

Jeff Beck / Thackerville 2015 / 1CD / Wardour

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Live at Winstar Casino, Thackerville, Oklahoma, USA 1st May 2015


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Latest Jeff Beck does not stop! It announced the official live album “JEFF BECK LIVE +”, Jeff Beck the start of the tour. Although the other day was also met with tour the first day of “PORT CHESTER 2015 (Wardour-150)” was extremely well received, even ultra-powerful recording has appeared one after another. Moreover, the most “or sound board, audience or” it’s a super sound complete set that transcends the dimension that. The first place, because clientele to loving Jeff, sensitivity to sound sharp. And because much is to focus on “the latest Jeff” on it, will the sense for the latest equipment and the sound quality is outstanding. Befitting to Jeff which runs was fire far north of guitar music, and I only just recording, such as expanding the potential of the audience recording.
It is this work one of “Korezo!” Among such. “PORT CHESTER 2015” also was a thorough high-quality sound, this work also no less. While extremely both clear of the same, by comparison to the “PORT CHESTER 2015” Big bass are good comfortable, this work is the center of gravity is placed in the midrange, nature have more overall trim. “PORT CHESTER 2015” is, had jumped several stages in the effect of the re-master (excessive and not necessarily the Tsu maintained, and is that was a recording that was suitable for re-master), but the sound of this work, recording of elementary by from is an ideal sound.
Having said that, there are no remains of all of the elementary also this work. In order to push up so much of the recording to the ultimate level, and adjust the hall reverberation of Me violence. So as not to disturb the natural nuance, which is a feature of this work, and finished to a more easy-to-hear sound even while paying close attention. Such as guitar and vocals came to one step forward balance, it might be good to further say that the sound board basis.
To sound more different from that of the “PORT CHESTER 2015”, the fact that the coupling performance of ZZ TOP. It is also made a tour with ZZ TOP last year, Dusty Hill stop hurt the hip fall in the tour bus. Scheduled dates Jeff was doing alone. This time, in the schedule should be called the Revenge, 8 performances of May 10 was held from April 30. ZZ TOP According to a learn by hearsay place is also so was the enthusiastic performance of honor recovery, but Jeff is also whether the enthusiasm is possessed, it is the best condition of Kirekkire. Set only to the coupling performance is short of, but still is I enjoy “JEFF BECK LIVE +” not in “Nine,” “Yemin” “Lonnie On The Move,” “You Never Know”. In particular, “Lonnie On The Move” is a “PORT CHESTER 2015” is only in place glad did not listen even (but is lonely there is no new song “My Tiled White Floor” in reverse). More than that, have also become a short set itself the taste, and I have been converted to a centralized power and agility of performance. Jeff than heaping of Natsumero, because it is a moment of inspiration is what shining artists, this concentration is irreplaceable beauty. In addition, official live album rather than snitch food in the editing as, because I have one shot-recording the moment of the stack does not return again in this production 100%, I 1CD76 minutes bliss of mass.

Jeff currently, also finished dates with ZZ TOP, continue the tour alone again. You might come out in the future also name recording, might not be playing tight Kiritsu about this work. In the “PORT CHESTER 2015”, but the first day of the unique tension had fell down a good direction, this work while the band itself warms, it is packed is free Starring intensive force uninterrupted in time of 1CD worth overflows. Name live album of the latest Jeff Beck that what was realized because coupling. By all means, to your collection.

最新型ジェフ・ベックが止まらない! 公式ライヴ・アルバム「JEFF BECK LIVE+」を発表し、ツアーを開始したジェフ・ベック。先日もツアー初日を収めた「PORT CHESTER 2015(Wardour-150)」が大好評を博しましたが、さらに超強力な録音が次々と登場しています。しかも、そのほとんどが「サウンドボードか、オーディエンスか」という次元を超越したスーパーサウンドぞろいなのです。そもそも、ジェフを愛好する客層というのは、音に対する感受性が鋭い。その上に「最新のジェフ」に注目するくらいですから、最新機材と音質に対するセンスが際立っているのでしょう。ギターミュージックの極北をひた走るジェフに相応しく、客席録音の可能性を拡げるような録音ばかりなのです。
そんな中でも「これぞ!」の1枚が本作。「PORT CHESTER 2015」も徹底的なハイクオリティ・サウンドでしたが、本作も負けず劣らず。極めてクリアなのはどちらも同じながら、比較するとビッグな低音が心地良い「PORT CHESTER 2015」に対し、本作は中音域に重心が置かれ、より全体の均整が取れていて自然。「PORT CHESTER 2015」は、リマスターによる効果で数段跳ね上がっていました(過剰にイジったわけではなく、リマスターに適した録音だったということです)が、本作のサウンドは、素の録音からして理想的なサウンドなのです。
サウンド以上に「PORT CHESTER 2015」と違うのは、ZZ TOPのカップリング公演ということ。昨年もZZ TOPとのツアーを行いましたが、ダスティ・ヒルがツアー・バスの中で転倒し腰を痛めて中止。予定された日程はジェフが単独でこなしました。今回は、そのリベンジとも言うべき日程で、4月30日から5月10日の8公演が行われました。伝え聞くところによるとZZ TOPも名誉挽回の熱演だったそうですが、その熱意が乗り移ったのかジェフがまた、キレッキレの絶好調です。カップリング公演だけにセットは短いのですが、それでも「JEFF BECK LIVE+」にはない「Nine」「Yemin」「Lonnie On The Move」「You Never Know」が楽しめる。特に「Lonnie On The Move」は、「PORT CHESTER 2015」でも聴けなかっただけに嬉しいところ(逆に新曲「My Tiled White Floor」がないのは寂しいですが)です。それ以上に、短いセットそのものが美味しさにもなっていて、演奏の集中力・瞬発力に転化されているのです。ジェフは山盛りの懐メロよりも、一瞬の閃きこそが輝くアーティストですので、この集中力はかけがえのない美点。しかも、公式ライヴ盤のように編集でつまみ食いするのではなく、二度と戻らない瞬間の積み重ねを本生100%で一発録りしているのですから、1CD76分が至福の塊なのです。

現在は、ZZ TOPとの日程も終え、再び単独ツアーを続けるジェフ。今後も名録音が出てくるかも知れませんが、本作ほどキリッと締まった演奏はないかもしれません。「PORT CHESTER 2015」では、初日ならでは緊張感が良い方向に転んでいましたが、本作はバンド自体が暖まりつつ、1CD分の時間に途切れない集中力が溢れる快演が詰まっています。カップリングだからこそ実現した最新型ジェフ・ベックの名ライヴ・アルバム。ぜひ、あなたのコレクションに。

1. Loaded 2. Nine 3. You Know You Know 4. Morning Dew 5. Why Give It Away
6. A Change Is Gonna Come 7. Yemin 8. Lonnie On The Move 9. Little Wing 10. You Never Know
11. A Day In The Life 12. Superstition 13. Big Block 14. Rollin’ And Tumblin’ 15. Goin’ Down

Jeff Beck – guitar, Nicolas Meier – guitar, Rhonda Smith – bass Jonathan Joseph – drums
Jimmy Hall – vocals


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