Janet Jackson / Glastonbury Festival 2019 / 1DVDR

Janet Jackson / Glastonbury Festival 2019 / 1DVDR / Non Label
Live at Worthy Farm, Pilton, UK 29th June 2019 PRO-SHOT

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Janet Jackson is also talking about the first concert residency “METAMORPHOSIS” to celebrate the 30th anniversary of “RHYTHM NATION 1814”. Introducing her latest and finest professional shots.
“June 29, 2019 Pilton performance” is included in this work. This is a multi-camera pro shot when I performed at the traditional British music festival “Glastonbury Festival”. Every year, a lot of the best professional shots are born from this festival, but this year is especially wonderful. The Liam Gallagher edition (Uxbridge 1060) was very popular the other day, but this week, the Sheryl Crow edition (Uxbridge 1066) and Janet Jackson edition (this work) were also released at the same time.
The overwhelming thing is the quality. In addition to the latest distribution of famous festivals, it is natural that it is superb because it is that Janet. The image quality and sound quality are completely official grade super fine. However, it’s a little different if it’s a completely official style. That is the mood of an outdoor festival. This festival was held for 5 days from Wednesday to Sunday, but Janet’s turn is two days before the big bird THE KILLERS on Saturday. It was from 17:45 pm before Liam Gallagher. Britain in the summer can be near midnight, so it’s almost a midday show. Therefore, every corner of the stage is bright without relying on lighting, and the audience seats are wide open outdoors. The scene, which is different from the directed light show, creates a documentary feeling as if it were a rehearsal with a guest train.
However, the performance and the image on the huge screen are still different from the rehearsal. A number of blockbuster songs that conquered the entire earth from the late 80’s to the 90’s will be released with sharp dance and sound. Moreover, the contents are a concentrated version of the popular “METAMORPHOSIS”. Here, let’s organize the set of this work.

● “CONTROL (3 songs)”
・ What Have You Done For Me Lately, Control, Nasty
● “RHYTHM NATION 1814 (8 songs)”
・ State Of The World, The Knowledge, Miss You Much, Love Will Never Do, Alright, Escapade, Black Cat, Rhythm Nation
● “janet. (3 songs)”
・ If, Throb, That’s The Way Love Goes
● “All for You (3 songs)”
・ Trust A Try, All For You, Come On Get Up
● Others (4 songs)
・ The Best Things In Life Are Free (MO’MONEY), R & B Junkie (DAMITA JO), Rock With U (DISCIPLINE), Made For Now

… And it looks like this. The point is “RHYTHM NATION 1814”, which celebrated its 30th anniversary. For a while after the performance, while focusing on “CONTROL”, “janet.” And “All for You” numbers, “R & B Junkie” for the first time in 15 years and “Trust A Try” and “Come On Get Up” for the first time in 17 years are also scattered. Until the new song “Made For Now” released last year. From there, I entered the “RHYTHM NATION 1814” mode at once. Perhaps to bring “Rhythm Nation” to the highlight, it starts from “State Of The World”, but after that, 8 out of 12 songs are folded according to the album order, and it runs through to the end.

Janet’s superb multi-camera pro shot, which was the first visit to Glastonbury. It’s a must-see by itself, but it’s also a concentrated video version of that “RHYTHM NATION 1814”. One of the hottest masterpieces in Glastonbury Pro Shot. Please enjoy it carefully.

『RHYTHM NATION 1814』の30周年を祝う初のコンサート・レジデンシー“METAMORPHOSIS”も話題のジャネット・ジャクソン。そんな彼女の最新・極上プロショットが登場です。
そんな本作に収められているのは「2019年6月29日ピルトン公演」。英国伝統の音楽祭“グラストンベリー・フェスティバル”に出演した際のマルチカメラ・プロショットです。例年、このフェスからは極上のプロショットが多数誕生していますが、今年は特に素晴らしい。先日もリアム・ギャラガー編(Uxbridge 1060)が大好評となっておりますが、今週はさらにシェリル・クロウ編(Uxbridge 1066)、ジャネット・ジャクソン編(本作)も同時リリースとなったわけです。
とにかく圧倒的なのは、そのクオリティ。有名フェスの最新配信に加え、あのジャネットなのですから超極上なのは当たり前。画質も音質も完全オフィシャル級の超極上品です。しかし、丸っきり公式風かというと、ちょっと違う。それは野外フェスのムード。このフェスは水曜から日曜の5日間で開催されたのですが、ジャネットの出番は土曜の大トリTHE KILLERSの2つ前。リアム・ギャラガーよりも前の午後17:45からでした。夏の英国は深夜近くになることもあり、ほぼ真っ昼間のようなショウなのです。そのため照明に頼らずともステージの隅々まで明るく、しかも観客席が野外に広く開けている。演出されたライトショウとは違う光景は、まるで客電を付けたリハーサルかのようにドキュメント感まで醸しているのです。

・What Have You Done For Me Lately、Control、Nasty
●『RHYTHM NATION 1814(8曲)』
・State Of The World、The Knowledge、Miss You Much、Love Will Never Do、Alright、Escapade、Black Cat、Rhythm Nation
・If、Throb、That’s The Way Love Goes
●『All for You(3曲)』
・Trust A Try、All For You、Come On Get Up
・The Best Things In Life Are Free(MO’ MONEY)、R&B Junkie(DAMITA JO)、Rock With U(DISCIPLINE)、Made For Now

……と、このようになっています。その要は、30周年を迎えた『RHYTHM NATION 1814』。開演からしばらくは『CONTROL』『janet.』『All for You』ナンバーを軸としつつ、15年ぶりの「R&B Junkie」や17年ぶりの「Trust A Try」「Come On Get Up」も散りばめるものの、それも昨年発表された新曲「Made For Now」まで。そこから一気に『RHYTHM NATION 1814』モードへと突入。「Rhythm Nation」をハイライトに持っていくためか、「State Of The World」からスタートするものの、あとは曲順もアルバム通りに全12曲中8曲を畳みかけ、終演まで駆け抜けるのです。

グラストンベリー初見参となったジャネットの超極上マルチカメラ・プロショット。それだけでも必見ですが、あの『RHYTHM NATION 1814』の濃縮映像版でもある1枚です。傑作揃いのグラストンベリー・プロショットの中でも大注目の大傑作。どうぞ、じっくりとお楽しみください。

1. Trust A Try 2. If 3. What Have You Done For Me Lately 4. Control 5. Nasty
6. R&B Junkie 7. The Best Things In Life Are Free 8. All For You 9. Come On Get Up
10. Rock With U 11. Throb 12. That’s The Way Love Goes 13. Made For Now
14. State Of The World 15. The Knowledge 16. Miss You Much
17. Love Will Never Do (Without You) 18. Alright 19. Escapade
20. Black Cat 21. Rhythm Nation


Uxbridge 1065

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