Jackson Browne / Portland 2008 / 2CDR

Jackson Browne / Portland 2008 / 2CDR / Uxbridge

Live AT Arlene Schnitzer Hall Portland OR USA 30th September 2008.

Play sample :

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Jackson Browne in 2008 released his studio work “TIME THE CONQUEROR” for the first time in 6 years when the acoustic series continued for a while. Introducing a superb live album that conveys the scene.
“September 30, 2008 Portland performance” is included in this work. It is the transcendental beautiful audience recording. Speaking of 2008, not only “TIME THE CONQUEROR” but also “SOLO ACOUSTIC, Vol. 2” was released, and the performance in Japan that was realized for the first time in 4 years is a memorable place. First of all, let’s look back on the schedule at that time and confirm the position of the show.

《March 4th, “SOLO ACOUSTIC, Vol. 2” released》
・ March 7-April 23: USA # 1 (10 performances)
・ June 1: Los Angeles performance
・ September 15-21: USA # 2a (4 performances)
“September 23,” TIME THE CONQUEROR “released”
・ September 27-November 2: USA # 2b (13 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ November 20-24: Japan (3 performances)
・ November 29: Santa Monica performance
・ December 28: Atlanta performance

This is Jackson Browne’s 2008 ……, part of it. The records at that time are ambiguous, and probably this is not the whole performance. It feels like 2008 is just recently, but SNS is not as developed as it is now, and there is no digging activity like in the 1970s. There are quite a few artists who haven’t left a strict archive, perhaps just in the middle of the period. Anyway, “TIME THE CONQUEROR” was released in the fall, and it is certain that he was touring the United States until just before coming to Japan. The Portland performance of this work was the third performance of “US # 2b” immediately after the album was released.
This work was recorded at such a show, but its greatest attraction is its shocking high quality sound. Anyway, it’s so close and super beautiful! There is no sense of distance in the core, and the details are clear even in the fine parts where the fingers rub the wound strings. The treble extends forever with a clear outline, and the midrange, which tends to be squishy, ​​is also responsive. It’s not a show that features deep bass, but the bass is solid and rich, and the vibes echo in the belly. And if it’s well-balanced, there’s no upcoming audience noise. That is “like a sound board” … No, “like an official work”. It’s not a kind of excavation board, it’s a historical masterpiece-class sound. The recorder himself added that “I recorded it in the 4th row of the balcony on the 1st floor”, so it’s definitely a guest record …
While saying that, if you close your eyes with headphones and listen with the concentration of your whole spirit, it must be an audience recording. However, this is not a drawback but a beauty. The slightly clear sound that rises from Brown’s singing voice creates an inclusive power, and the acoustic guitar and bass also praise the solemn sound that is not exposed. Of course, the same goes for female choruses and rhythm sections. Unlike the sound board, which is recorded separately for each track and mixed artificially, it has a beautifully balanced and natural sense of unity while being beautifully separated. Do you call it an official-class audience, or an ideal image of “beauty because it is a guest record”? Anyway, it’s a tremendous beauty recording.
The beautiful sound that melts such a soul is drawn with a full show featuring the new work “TIME THE CONQUEROR” while casually summarizing the career. Let’s organize the contents here.

● Asylum era (7 songs)
・ 70’s: Fountain of Sorrow / Doctor, My Eyes / Something Fine (★) / The Pretender / Running on Empty
・ 80’s: Boulevard / Lives In The Balance (★)
● Electra era (6 songs)
・ 80’s / 90’s: The Barricades of Heaven / Everywhere I Go / Culver Moon / I Am A Patriot
・ Naked Ride Home: About My Imagination / For Taking The Trouble (★)
・ Time The Conqueror / Off Of Wonderland / Live Nude Cabaret / Giving That Heaven Away / Going Down To Cuba (★) / Just Say Yeah / The Drums of War / Far From the Arms of Hunger
* Note: “★” mark is an acoustic set.

… And it looks like this. The show consists of two parts (Part 1 = DISC 1 / Part 2 = DISC 2), and while the acoustic set is placed at the beginning of the second part, the basic is band formation. In the Asylum / Electra era, he held a wide range of songs by selecting only one or two representative songs from each album, and from the latest release “TIME THE CONQUEROR”, all songs except “The Arms of Night” and “Where Were You” It is behaving in a big way. Whether it’s an ensemble or a set, it’s the opposite of the “SOLO ACOUSTIC” series.
Jackson Browne in 2008, who performed a new work for the first time in 6 years and developed a stage with a lot of active feeling. It is a masterpiece that allows you to fully experience the whole story with unparalleled beauty. Both “good song” and “good performance” are music works at a very high level, but the impact of “good sound” is even greater. A live album that can rewrite the charm and potential of the culture itself of audience recording. Please enjoy it carefully.

しばらくアコースティック・シリーズが続いていたところで6年ぶりのスタジオ作『TIME THE CONQUEROR』を発表した2008年のジャクソン・ブラウン。その現場を伝える超極上ライヴアルバムが登場です。
そんな本作に収められているのは「2008年9月30日ポートランド公演」。その超絶美麗オーディエンス録音です。2008年と言えば、『TIME THE CONQUEROR』だけでなく『SOLO ACOUSTIC, Vol. 2』もリリースされ、4年ぶりに実現した来日公演も思い出深いところ。まずは、そんな当時のスケジュールを振り返り、ショウのポジションを確かめてみましょう。

《3月4日『SOLO ACOUSTIC, Vol. 2』発売》

これがジャクソン・ブラウンの2008年……と言いますか、その一部。当時の記録は曖昧で、恐らくこれで全公演ではないと思われます。2008年というとつい最近のように感じますが、現在ほどSNSが発達しているわけでもなく、70年代のような掘り起こし活動もない。ちょうど狭間期なのか、厳密なアーカイヴが残されていないアーティストも結構いるのです。ともあれ、秋に『TIME THE CONQUEROR』がリリースされ、来日直前まで全米ツアーを行っていたのは確実。本作のポートランド公演は、アルバム発売直後となる「米国#2b」の3公演目にあたるコンサートでした。
そんなショウで記録された本作ですが、その最大の魅力は衝撃的なまでのハイクオリティ・サウンド。とにかくド密着で超美麗! 芯に距離感など微塵もなく、ディテールは指が巻き弦をこする微細部まで克明。高音は輪郭もクッキリしたままどこまでも伸び、スカスカになりがちな中音域も手応えたっぷり。重低音がフィーチュアされるショウではないものの、低音もしっかりとリッチでヴァイヴも細やかに腹に響く。さらにバランスも整っていれば、間近なオーディエンス・ノイズもない。それこそ「まるでサウンドボード」……いえ、「まるでオフィシャル作品」。それも発掘盤の類ではなく、歴史的名盤級のサウンドなのです。録音者本人が「1階バルコニーの4列目で録ったよ」と付記しながら公開しているので間違いなく客録なのでしょうが……。
そんな魂が溶ける美音で描かれるのは、さり気なくキャリアを総括しながらも新作『TIME THE CONQUEROR』をフィーチュアするフルショウ。ここでその内容を整理しておきましょう。

・70年代:Fountain of Sorrow/Doctor, My Eyes/Something Fine(★)/The Pretender/Running on Empty
・80年代:Boulevard/Lives In The Balance(★)
・80年代/90年代:The Barricades of Heaven/Everywhere I Go/Culver Moon/I Am A Patriot
・ネイキッド・ライド・ホーム:About My Imagination/For Taking The Trouble(★)
・時の征者:Time The Conqueror/Off Of Wonderland/Live Nude Cabaret/Giving That Heaven Away/Going Down To Cuba(★)/Just Say Yeah/The Drums of War/Far From the Arms of Hunger

……と、このようになっています。ショウは二部構成(第一部=DISC 1/第二部=DISC 2)となっており、第二部の冒頭にアコースティック・セットを配しつつ、基本はバンド編成。アサイラム/エレクトラ時代は各アルバムから代表曲だけを1-2曲セレクトするスタイルで幅広く押さえ、リリースされた最新作『TIME THE CONQUEROR』からは「The Arms of Night」「Where Were You」以外の全曲を大盤振る舞いしている。アンサンブルにしてもセットにしても『『SOLO ACOUSTIC』シリーズとは対極となるショウなのです。

Disc 1(70:36)
1. Intro
2. Boulevard
3. Barricades of Heaven
4. Everywhere I Go
5. Fountain of Sorrow
6. Time The Conqueror
7. Off Of Wonderland
8. Live Nude Cabaret
9. Culver Moon
10. Giving That Heaven Away
11. Doctor My Eyes
12. About My Imagination

Disc 2(64:06)
1. Intro
2. Something Fine
3. For Taking The Trouble
4. Lives In The Balance
5. Going Down To Cuba
6. Just Say Yeah
7. The Drums of War
8. Far From the Arms of Hunger
9. The Pretender
10. Running On Empty
11. I Am A Patriot

Jackson Browne – Vocal, Guitars
Mark Goldenberg – guitars
Mauricio Lewak – drums
Kevin McCormick – bass
Jeff Young – keyboards, backing vocals
Chavonne Stewart – backing vocals
Alethea Mills – backing vocals

Uxbridge 1356

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