Jack Bruce & Cozy Powell / Dont Forget That Man Studio Rehearsals 1988 / 1CD

Jack Bruce & Cozy Powell / Dont Forget That Man Studio Rehearsals 1988 / 1CD / Non Label

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Studio Rehearsals & Demos With Cozy Powell, Jack Bruce And Unknown Guitarist Recorded In 1988


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This year October 25, Jack Bruce closed the life of ’71. This week, we will we deliver the one closer to life forced known of hero. And its single, age of demonstration that had orchestrated the trio band formed along with the late Cozy Powell in 1988 and rehearsal. Sound board sound source was directly digitized from a cassette tape of Cozy ownership, of Jack, one sound one note of Cozy is the Memorial album consisting of ear.
This work is also a recording of a mystery that has emerged from the darkness of history. Master cassette Cozy of relics, the so-called is one of the “Cozy tape” “COZY / JACK ETC BACK TRAX”, there is no doubt that it is a real thing from the recording conversation. Around 1988, that Cozy is planning the launch of a new project and Jack have also been reported in Japan and overseas music magazine. Rehearsal take you listen here, you will be considered to be a session at that time. From its contents, apparently Although you know that the trio of projects, guitarist is integrated, not found to be Who was.
Top 2 songs, demos of the new band. Installation and a cover of “White Room” of CREAM, it is a new song that is not the name also known. The sound quality is not even necessary to the mess and are contiguous words “best”. There is also a simplicity that trio, Cozy of stroke stroke, fingering of Jack will sound to Katsuaki. Although it is two great men that contest in the “Killer” of “OVER THE TOP”, where the performance of the reincarnation of Kano tour de force. No, dense breathing sense of trio unique is it more. By from the intro of the drum, downright dramatic sounds hit the chest, playing going tinged with heat to every song progresses while installation is really great. Even while a rich one sound one is far, the succession goes by carefully hoarding pathos. And, feeling that was crafted to Neri I greet the climax to foster. The place is, but it would not be easily explode if it is shallow Colt experienced, at that time Jack is 45 years old, time to Cozy was survived the fat that 41-year-old. Go over and over again increase the depth and heat is superimposed a phrase, it’s a very skillful playing.

6 take, gulp and relaxed atmosphere of rehearsal followed. Directly from another Cozy tape “BRUCE / POWELL BIT” has been digitized, still sound is superb. Begins after the light sound check “Sitting On Top Of The World”, I will lose the really words. Jack’s a thick base, and vocals that deep. Relax while also deep, deep blues is dripping. Nearly studio live performances, the presence or absence of the audience will be hot regardless, as if back Cozy also like BEDLAM era. White Blues who reached this area, you do not have that you have heard a little. Songs to exert cans, players who each other laugh with satisfaction. What a wonderful ….
But there is “Take It Back” and 2 take “Crossroads”, playing that was lively as fish obtained the water is dazzling. You think if, and longing to Ginger Baker, BIG BIRTHA and BEDLAM also for Cozy who have earnestly hit the CREAM number to the era, these repertoire oyster. The Will was just home feeling session. Compared to so far, but will be slightly rough sound quality, as if it is like the 1960s. As this session is to forget that it’s “1988” is a vintage mood.
The last “Discussion”, finishing the session, is a conversation that is exchanged in the studio. Jack is “You, great it!” To the guitarist, not know the name over and the voice, I respond with “I pass kana?”. So “(‘m not sure yet) because not decide I’m alone,” such as the contents of the exchange is really fresh. At the time of Jack, Upon the previous year’s solo album “A QUESTION OF TIME”, Cozy, quite does not move to the second album production EMERSON, immediately after withdrawal by frustration in LAKE & POWELL. In general, it is the time that had been thought to have involved in the formation of John Sykes and BLUE MURDER. If overlooks around, Eric Clapton also pressed to reign in the music industry as well as big game, not push, Ritchie Blackmore reunited DEEP PURPLE, Ronnie James Dio is DIO, David Kavu~aderu of platinum-class in WHITESNAKE success I have enjoyed. Assembled a new band in that era, they’s the one that can be aroused imagination enough to listen If you listen …… it would had to play CREAM number with the aim of any music.

This work is the same recording as it is released as disk 2 of “ALIVE IN STUDIO” Cozy. The film has been I have sold out immediately after release, are packed with rich music as too regrettable in this state be forgotten. So, again re-digitized from original cassette, it became a carry to be released.
Cozy is gone in ’16, was I have finally gone to Jack. For this work to be such as “Do not listen to to eliminate tears”, does not intend to make a stale touted. However, I would like you to prominence feelings that only CREAM and RAINBOW was not in their life. Even after the masterpiece and a big hit, their life continued, I was playing a mellow music even in the studio, not known of the world. I’d like to touch on that fact.
In the “Discussion” in the last, “I remember it of you! (Do not Forget That Man!)” Towards the guitarist you have auditioned and jack you make a voice. Is tonight, Please Send me the words to himself. Do not forget the music that Jack gave me left behind, for the person who continues to love, to deliver this work at any time until the fade not even press CD.


 本作は、歴史の闇から現れた謎の録音でもあります。マスターカセットはコージーの遺品、いわゆる“コージー・テープ”の1つ「COZY/JACK ETC BACK TRAX」であり、収録された会話からも本物であることは間違いありません。1988年ごろ、コージーがジャックと新たなプロジェクトの立ち上げを計画している事が国内や海外の音楽誌でも報じられました。ここで聴けるリハーサル・テイクは、その時のセッションだと考えられます。その内容から、どうやらトリオ編成のプロジェクトということは分かりますが、ギタリストが一体、誰だったのかも分かっていません。
 トップ2曲は、その新バンドのデモ。CREAMの「White Room」のインストカヴァーと、名も知られていない新曲です。その音質はゴチャゴチャと言葉を連ねる必要もなく「極上」。トリオというシンプルさもあり、コージーの一打一打、ジャックの指使いが克明に響きます。「OVER THE TOP」の「Killer」で競演している両雄ですが、ここでの演奏は、かの名演の再来。いえ、トリオならではの濃密な呼吸感は、それ以上です。イントロのドラムからして、なんともドラマティックな鳴りが胸を打ち、インストながら曲が進むごとに熱を帯びていく演奏は、本当に素晴らしい。1つひとつの音がどこまでも豊かでありつつ、その連なりがじっくりと情念を溜め込んでいく。そして、練りに練られた情感が醸成してクライマックスを迎える。経験の浅い青二才であれば安易に爆発させてしまうところですが、当時ジャックは45歳、コージーは41歳という脂の乗りきった時期。幾重にもフレーズを重ねては深みと熱を高めていく、まさに巧の演奏なのです。

 続く6テイクは、グッとリラックスした雰囲気のリハーサル。別のコージー・テープ「BRUCE/POWELL BIT」からダイレクトにデジタル化しており、やはりサウンドは極上です。軽いサウンドチェックの後に始まる「Sitting On Top Of The World」は、本当に言葉を失います。ジャックのズ太いベースに、深みのあるヴォーカル。リラックスしながらも深い深いブルースが滴っている。ほぼスタジオ・ライヴの演奏は、観客の有無も関係なく熱くなっていき、コージーもまるでBEDLAM時代に戻ったかのよう。この域にまで達したホワイト・ブルースは、ちょっと聴いたことがありません。曲を完奏し、満足げに笑い合うプレイヤーたち。なんて素晴らしい……。
 「Take It Back」や2テイクある「Crossroads」でも、水を得た魚のようにイキイキとした演奏が眩しい。思えば、ジンジャー・ベイカーに憧れ、BIG BIRTHAやBEDLAM時代にCREAMナンバーを叩きまくってきたコージーにとっても、これらのレパートリーはお手のもの。まさにホーム感覚のセッションだったのでしょう。ここまでと比べると、若干ラフな音質になりますが、それがまるで60年代かのよう。このセッションが「1988年」だということを忘れてしまうほど、ヴィンテージなムードたっぷりです。
 最後の「Discussion」は、セッションを終えて、スタジオの中で交わされる会話です。ジャックが名の知れぬギタリストに「お前、素晴らしいな!」と声をかけ、「ボクは合格かな?」と応える。そこで「俺独りじゃ決められないから(まだ分からないよ)」といった内容のやりとりが実に生々しい。当時のジャックは、ソロアルバム「A QUESTION OF TIME」の前年にあたり、コージーは、なかなかセカンド・アルバム製作に動かないEMERSON, LAKE & POWELLに業を煮やして脱退した直後。一般には、ジョン・サイクスとBLUE MURDERの結成に携わっていると思われていた時期です。周りを見渡せば、エリック・クラプトンは押しも押されもせぬ大物として音楽業界に君臨し、リッチー・ブラックモアは再結成DEEP PURPLE、ロニー・ジェイムズ・ディオはDIO、デヴィッド・カヴァデールはWHITESNAKEでプラチナ級の成功を収めていた。その時代に新バンドを組み、彼らはどんな音楽を目指してCREAMナンバーをプレイしていたのだろう……聴けば聴くほどに想像力を掻き立てられる1枚なのです。

 本作は、コージーの「ALIVE IN STUDIO」のディスク2としてリリースされたものと同じ録音です。同作はリリース直後に完売してしまいましたが、このまま忘れ去られるにはあまりに惜しいほど豊かな音楽が詰まっている。そこで、改めてオリジナルカセットより再デジタル化し、リリースする運びとなりました。
 ラストの「Discussion」で、オーディションを受けたギタリストに向かって「お前のことは覚えておくよ!(Don’t Forget That Man!)」と声をかけるジャック。今宵は、この言葉を彼自身に贈ってください。ジャックが遺してくれた音楽を忘れず、愛し続けてくださる方のために、いつまでも色褪せないプレスCDで本作をお届けします。

Taken from the original cassette tape (Maxell UDⅡ 60) hand written ‘COZY/JACK ETC BACK TRAX’ by Cozy Powell

Studio Demos
1. White Room 2. Title Unknown

Taken from the original cassette tape (TDK AD90) hand written ‘BRUCE/POWELL BIT’ by Cozy Powell

3. Soundcheck 4. Sitting On Top Of The World 5. Take It Back 6. Crossroads #1 7. Crossroads #2 
8. Discussion

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