Iron Maiden / Unleash The Beast / 2CD+Ticket Replica

Iron Maiden / Unleash The Beast / 2CD+Ticket Replica / Calm & Storm

Translated Text:

Live at Shibuya Kokaido, Tokyo, Japan 4th December 1982


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Do you know authentic, British rock fans think about the “best rock album”? Last year, according to the accession to the throne 60 anniversary of Queen Elizabeth the UK HMV performs a survey of “the most wonderful British album in the past 60 years”, announced in May was made. As a result, Kano “Sgt Pepper’s” and “madness”, also kept even “IV” of ZEP, number one album chosen by the British rock fans of, “THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST” of what IRON MAIDEN! 30 years from the announcement, it continues to the rock fans around the world to eagle Zukami “magic of the stamp.” Just create the ultra-name record, it appeared the Japan tour album of the best condition Kiwamarinai IRON MAIDEN!

Shibuya Public Hall of the this work was recorded on December 4, 1982. Is the same Milacle Man collection and the first visit to Japan recording of simultaneous release “PHANTOM KILLER”, here also about the same ultra-high-quality sound recording! In its “PHANTOM KILLER”, but had to record the “encounter of the impact” of Japan and the heavy metal, here is full of “the beginning of the golden age” “sense of fulfillment that was a successful tour.” While not from the first visit to Japan performance unmasking both lid skin towards the diverging N.W.O.B.H.M. smell a lot, later in life of youth and passion play differently with stately,’s the bright shining like live!
In particular, Dickinson for feeding rather than chance a tune that treble and theatrical penetrate is unprecedented. Anyway, screaming that second only to screaming that second only to screaming! 22 In Acacia Avenue in the shouting is not in the album is ejected Aggression, directing the drama tee prism covered with a large Vivurato the guitar solo of The Prisoner, is to find a gap in the old song of Diano era Todorokasu a roar. Dickinson is surprisingly also calculated a high place, but is it also a lot of people who sing carefully if there is a large stage and recording, Japan performances or also there that the final schedule of the World Tour, whatever they want to do anyway. Official live there in the band has left about mountains, screaming up to this point is not a little think of. “What I Beast (beast) is one thing of you,” is the first time in a rampage of the more I want to say.
Having said that, nor is screaming as profusely Mettaraki ○ Guy. Early in the third song also will showcase “Run To The Hills” of relaxed is, “Hallowed Be Thy Name” phantasmagoric opera of splendid thing! While came up even where, Zubutoku hoarse Vaud Cali zation that does not also. More and more to add the obligation in improvisation, thoroughly leaning forward mood is that apart from the style of the later years of the mogul. There is also enthusiastic performance of playmaker Steve Harris and Clive Burr, even Kyokutachi that should have been heard about tired for many years, it has been full of fresh excitement in the fresh fresh!

That started the “Run To The Hills”, amazing even pounding large chorus occurs winding venue it would be a new song. This enthusiasm is more than first visit to Japan. Although in the first visit to Japan was live to push in a strong force so as to overwhelm the audience, here we show strokes, such as going to involve the Guigui is. Nobutoi a mix to bastard voice flying about even Force to the Dave Murray, of the popularity of the band has been the number-stage scale-up is handed down to take in hand.
Angkor that the enthusiasm would have crossed the line. Side by side with the “Running Free,” “Sanctuary,” “Drifter” …… Zurari the class “one song of todome”, spree fueled fueled fueled thoroughly! Suddenly, screaming of “White Chrismas” sudden roar where I thought it began to sing softly to “Prowler !!!”! Painful just too enters force on the fist became goo are listening! Audience recording is superior to the “realistic sense of reality”, but it is Kangaemono also because too realistic (?). Many times in the audience rise in like crazy even away from the stage also dragged many times, “Smoke On The Water,” “I’ve Got The Fire,” such as also show off to cover! You might know if many years of MAIDEN fan, but is very rare to respond they are up to here. I would say that speaks to what was how satisfactory live. While transmitted plenty is enthusiasm so far, each instrument is beautifully captured wonderfully, I do not feel annoyingly also cheers. Record incredible that in words, is exactly what Miracle!

Doh, downright amazing live. IRON MAIDEN to up to now has come to Japan 12 times, you have me to show off great live every time, but there is no remember the enthusiastic live up to this. If you are interested have to put the arbitrarily rank, it is much I want to say, “It is the best of the Japan tour what this day!”.
‘re Stuck in this work, overnight of absolute-absolute-best condition the potential of the band that created a great board that shining in the UK rock history has been pushed up further on several stages. To also see the rare enthusiastic performance in MAIDEN history, if me and super sound quality of the Miracle Man, there can be only permanent preservation specifications of the press CD. It became apparent after 30 years, great performance to come to your collection!

本場、英国のロックファンが考える「最高のロックアルバム」をご存じですか? 昨年、エリザベス女王の即位60周年に合わせて英国HMVが「過去60年間で最も素晴らしいブリティシュ・アルバム」のアンケート調査を行い、5月に発表が行われました。その結果、かの「サージェントペパーズ」や「狂気」、ZEPの「IV」さえも抑え、全英のロックファンが選んだナンバー1アルバムは、なんとIRON MAIDENの「THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST」! 発表から30年、世界中のロックファンを鷲づかみにし続けている「魔力の刻印」。その超名盤を生み出したばかりの、絶好調極まりないIRON MAIDENの来日公演アルバムが登場です!

本作が録音されたのは1982年12月4日の渋谷公会堂。同時リリースの初来日録音「PHANTOM KILLER」と同じMilacle Manコレクションであり、こちらも甲乙付けがたい超高音質録音です! その「PHANTOM KILLER」では、日本とヘヴィメタルの“出会いのインパクト”を記録していましたが、こちらは“黄金期の始まり”“ツアーを成功させた充実感”に充ち満ちています。N.W.O.B.H.M.臭をたっぷり発散する初来日公演からひと皮もふた皮も剥けていながら、後年の風格とも違った若さと情熱が弾ける、眩しく輝くようなライヴなのです!
特に突き抜ける高音と芝居がかった節回しを隙なく繰り出すディッキンソンは空前絶後。とにかく絶叫につぐ絶叫につぐ絶叫! 22 Acacia Avenueではアルバムにない叫びでアグレッションを噴出させ、The Prisonerのギターソロには大きなヴィヴラートを被せてドラマティズムを演出し、ディアノ時代の旧曲でも隙を見つけては咆哮を轟かす。ディッキンソンは意外に計算高いところもあり、大舞台や収録があると丁寧に歌う事も多い人ですが、日本公演はワールドツアーの最終日程ということもあってか、お構いなしのやりたい放題。オフィシャルライヴを山ほど残しているバンドではありますが、ここまでの絶叫はちょっと思いつかない。「Beast(野獣)ってのはお前のことか」と言ってやりたいほどの暴れぶりです。
そうは言っても、やたらめったらキ○ガイのように叫んでいるわけでもありません。3曲目で早くも披露される「Run To The Hills」の伸びやかさ、「Hallowed Be Thy Name」の変幻自在な歌劇の見事なこと! どこまでも駆け上がりながら、図太く掠れもしないヴォーカリゼーション。即興でどんどんオブリを追加し、徹底的に前のめりなムードは後年の大御所の風格とは一線を画すもの。司令塔スティーヴ・ハリスやクライヴ・バーの熱演もあり、長年飽きるほど聴いてきたはずの曲達さえ、瑞々しくフレッシュで新鮮な感動に溢れています!

その「Run To The Hills」を始め、新曲だろうとガンガン大合唱が巻き起こる会場も凄い。この熱狂ぶりは初来日以上です。初来日では観客を圧倒するようなド迫力で押し込むライヴでしたが、ここではグイグイと巻き込んでいくようなショウ運び。野太い野郎声に混じってデイヴ・マーレイへの嬌声も飛び交い、バンドの人気が数段スケールアップしているのが手に取るように伝わってきます。
その熱狂が一線を越えてしまうのがアンコール。「Running Free」「Sanctuary」「Drifter」……“トドメの1曲”クラスをズラリと並べ、徹底的に煽って煽って煽りまくる! ふと、「White Chrismas」をしっとり歌い出したかと思ったところで突然轟く「Prowler!!!」の絶叫! 聴いているだけでグーになった拳に力が入りすぎて痛い! オーディエンス録音は“リアルな臨場感”に優れていますが、リアルすぎるというのも考えものです(?)。ステージから去っても狂ったように盛り上がるオーディエンスに何度も何度も引きずり出され、「Smoke On The Water」「I’ve Got The Fire」といったカバーまでも披露! 長年のMAIDENファンならご存じかも知れませんが、彼らがここまで応じるのは非常に珍しいことです。いかに満足なライヴだったかを物語っていると言えるでしょう。ここまでの熱狂がたっぷりと伝わりながら、各楽器は素晴らしく綺麗に捉えており、歓声もうるさく感じない。言葉にすると信じられないような録音は、まさにMiracleです!

いやはや、なんとも凄いライヴ。現在までにIRON MAIDENは12回日本に来ており、毎回素晴らしいライヴを披露してくれていますが、ここまで熱狂的なライヴには覚えがありません。勝手に順位を付けさせてもらえるなら、「この日こそベストの来日公演だ!」と言いたいくらいです。
本作に詰まっているのは、英国ロック史上に輝く大名盤を作り上げたバンドのポテンシャルがさらに数段上に押し上げられた絶・絶・絶好調の一夜。MAIDEN史上でも希に見る熱演に、Miracle Manのスーパー音質とくれば、プレスCDの永久保存仕様しかあり得ません。30年後に明らかになった、名演をぜひ貴方のコレクションに!


Disc 1 (62:32)
1. Opening 2. Murders In The Rue Morgue 3. Wrathchild 4. Run To The Hills
5. Children Of The Damned 6. The Number Of The Beast 7. Another Life 8. 22 Acacia Avenue
9. Drum Solo 10. Transylvania 11. Dave Murray Guitar Solo 12. The Prisoner
13. Hallowed Be Thy Name

Disc 2 (54:07)
1. The Phantom Of The Opera 2. Iron Maiden 3. Running Free 4. Sanctuary 5. Drifter
6. Prowler 7. Smoke On The Water 8. I’ve Got The Fire

Bruce Dickinson – Vocals Dave Murray – Guitar Adrian Smith – Guitar Steve Harris – Bass
Clive Burr – Drums

Recorded by Miracle Man

Calm & Storm 041

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