Iron Maiden / London 2018 1st Night / 2CDR+1DVDR

Iron Maiden / London 2018 1st Night / 2CDR+1DVDR / Shades

Translated text:
Live at the O2 Arena, London, UK 10th August 2018

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Finally was completed “LEGACY OF THE BEAST TOUR 2018”. The finest original recording that recorded the final stage is the world’s first public release.
“LEGACY OF THE BEAST TOUR” was exactly the ultimate tour. IRON MAIDEN In the history of glory, the most luxurious Greatest Hits are displayed with the biggest stage director. It embodied and demonstrated “I want to see!” “I want to listen!” That fans all over the world want. Their final stage was their homeland in England. This week, a masterpiece “MANCHESTER 2018 (Shades 952)” which is praised as “the best recording in the UK!” From mania all over the world is also released, but the top was not that one. There was another record of treasure of nobody knows of anywhere in the world. That’s it. It is a superb audience recording of “London Show on 10th August 2018”.
This week we released two masterpieces simultaneously from one UK tour. First of all, let’s check the position of the show on a schedule.

· May 28 – July 28: Europe (31 shows)
· July 31: Newcastle
· August 2: Belfast
· August 4: Aberdeen
· August 6: Manchester “MANCHESTER 2018”
· August 7: Birmingham (birthday of blues)
· August 10: London 【this work】
· August 11: London

Over all, 38 performances. Last London was a continuous performance for 2 days, but this work is the first day of that. It is a triplet which puts the whole record in the original recording on disk 1 – 2, full – audience image at one stroke through on disk 3.

【Disk 1-2: Original complete recording of this work only】
First of all, it is the full collection 2 album live album which is the leading role of this work. It is a secret treasure only for this work which made direct CD to the original master directly transferred from the recordingist. That quality is excellent! “MANCHESTER 2018” released at the same time is a masterpiece that mania admits as No.1 in the UK, but it is nothing other than having heard this work. Its crystal clearness, neat ringing, powerful core …… everything is superior to “MANCHESTER 2018”. It is hard to tell people who have not touched “MANCHESTER 2018”, but this is truly amazing thing. After all, “LEGACY OF THE BEAST TOUR” is a great harvest great harvest tour unrivaled even in MAIDEN history. Because it is comparable to the name recording which is special even in that too high standard.
There are also reasons why it has become such a sound. Actually, it was a legendary master who made this work a thing. In our shop is familiar as “British master”, a person who has produced many masterpieces since the ’80s. It is a recording of a proud self-confident that its master got recorded “with a perfect seat (for recording)”. A microphone straight ahead to the PA overhead picks up the sound directly and there is no huge cheers and cheers in between. Although it is a slightly different type from “Sound board”, the contours made clearly for each instrument and elongation of singing voice are powerful beauty recordings that can not defeat line recording.
That quality draws on their home base London. As represented by Donington, MAIDEN is a band that takes care of your home country extremely, but London is even more special. It will be 30 years since the legendary “THE SOUNDHOUSE TAPES” this year, but the enthusiasm that came back to the city that sent those days is terrible. “MANCHESTER 2018” also made us hear the show which is not comparable with other countries, but London is even the ultimate.

【Disk 3: Video editing where you can experience the full show in your hometown】
London was the ultimate entertainment at the ultimate gray test hits. This work also recorded an audience shot that allows you to experience the whole story with “sight”. This is not the original, there is not as valuable as disk 1-2, but the quality is perfect. It is filmed from the stand in the left of the stage (close to Dave · Murray), but because there is an angle in the seat, the shielding is not reflected. While experiencing the space of “THE O2” which is the biggest arena in London, we can shoot the stage extensively and extensively.
As a matter of fact, it is not a type that surprises with furious zooming or screen shots like the images that appeared from various countries so far. It is not a video that represents a tour, but that is not bad either. Zoom is a moderate long distance shot, so it’s a wonderful sense of stability and a sense of exceptional experience.
It is not a super zoom like a clairvoyant, it is not a multi camera that seats have changed. Stand on one of the seats, enjoy the crowd of the arenas playing and the whole view of the stage, and enjoy the greatest ever production in history, such as Spitfire and Icarus, Flamethrower, Cireckle’s sword, Shining Cross, Huge Eddie …… It is a scene that is exactly present at the scene, and a naked eye that forgets to pass through a camera. Whether you can experience “LEGACY OF THE BEAST TOUR” in Japan is unknown, it will heal that dryness. It is a picture that can not be measured with the value “how close to pro shot” is.

A masterpiece of two performances “STOCKHOLM 2018 (Shades 927)” and “SWEDEN ROCK 2018 (Shades 933)” was born from Sweden early in the tour, and “COMPLETE PARIS 2018 (Shades 942)” was born from Paris 2 performances even in France in the middle stage . I could not miss that example, Twin · Peaks was also my home country UK in the final stage. “MANCHESTER 2018” recognized by the world’s maniacs is also a masterpiece, but this work is a completely original recording that is far superior to the preciousness although it is perfectly comparable in quality. Ultimate show that returned to my hometown London, please fully enjoy the “another vertex” that the world knows for the first time.

ついに完遂された“LEGACY OF THE BEAST TOUR 2018”。その最終盤を記録した極上のオリジナル録音が世界初公開です。
“LEGACY OF THE BEAST TOUR”は、まさに究極のツアーでした。IRON MAIDEN栄光の歴史でも最も豪華なグレイテスト・ヒッツを、最も巨大なステージ演出で披露。全世界のファンが望む“観たい!”“聴きたい!”を体現して見せたのです。その最終盤となったのは、彼らの故郷イギリス。今週は、世界中のマニアから「英国のベスト録音!」と絶賛されている傑作『MANCHESTER 2018(Shades 952)』もリリースされますが、頂点はその1本ではありませんでした。もう1つ、世界中の誰も知らない秘蔵の録音が存在していたのです。それが本作。「2018年8月10日ロンドン公演」の極上オーディエンス録音なのです。

・8月6日:マンチェスター『MANCHESTER 2018』
・8月10日:ロンドン 【本作】


まず登場するのは、本作の主役となるフル収録の2枚組ライヴアルバム。録音家から直接譲られたオリジナル・マスターをダイレクトにCD化した本作だけの秘宝です。そのクオリティは、絶品! 同時リリースの『MANCHESTER 2018』はマニアが英国No.1と認める傑作ですが、それは本作を聴いたことがないからに他ならない。その透き通るようなクリアさ、端正な鳴り、パワフルな芯……すべてが『MANCHESTER 2018』に勝るとも劣らない。まだ『MANCHESTER 2018』に触れていない皆さまには伝えづらいのですが、これは本当に凄いこと。何しろ、“LEGACY OF THE BEAST TOUR”はMAIDEN史上でも類を見ない名音源大豊作ツアー。その高すぎる基準の中でも特別となる名録音に匹敵するのですから。
そのクオリティで描かれるのは、彼らの本拠地ロンドン。ドニントンに代表されるようにMAIDENは母国を極めて大事にするバンドですが、ロンドンはさらに格別。伝説の『THE SOUNDHOUSE TAPES』から今年で30年になりますが、あの日々を送った街に帰ってきた熱演は凄まじい。『MANCHESTER 2018』でも他国とは比較にならないショウを聴かせてくれましたが、ロンドンはその究極ですらあるのです。

究極グレイテスト・ヒッツでも究極の熱演となったロンドン。本作は、その一部始終を“光景”で体験できるオーディエンス・ショットも収録しました。こちらはオリジナルではなく、ディスク1-2ほどの貴重度はありませんが、クオリティは申し分なし。ステージ左寄り(デイヴ・マーレイ寄り)のスタンド席から撮影されているのですが、座席に角度があるために遮蔽物が映り込まない。ロンドン最大のアリーナである“THE O2”の空間を体感しつつ、ステージを広々と直写できるのです。
千里眼のような超ズームではなく、座席がコロコロ変わったようなマルチカメラでもない。座席の1つに立ち、蠢くアリーナの群衆とステージの全景、そしてスピットファイアやイカルス、火炎放射器、キレッキレの殺陣、輝く十字架、巨大なエディ……といった史上最大の演出をトータルで楽しむ。まさに現場に居合わせている光景であり、カメラを通している事を忘れる肉眼感。日本で“LEGACY OF THE BEAST TOUR”を体験できるかは未知数ですが、その乾きを癒してくれる。「いかにプロショットに近いか」という価値観では計れない映像なのです。

ツアー序盤のスウェーデンからは2公演『STOCKHOLM 2018(Shades 927)』『SWEDEN ROCK 2018(Shades 933)』の傑作が生まれ、中盤のフランスでもパリ2公演から『COMPLETE PARIS 2018(Shades 942)』が誕生した。その例に漏れず、最終盤の母国イギリスもツイン・ピークスだった。世界のマニアが認める『MANCHESTER 2018』も傑作ではありますが、本作は完全に比肩するクオリティでありながら貴重度で遙かに上回る完全オリジナル録音。故郷ロンドンに戻った究極のショウ、ぜひ世界が初めて知る“もう1つの頂点”でたっぷりとご堪能ください。

Disc 1 (61:51)
1. Pre-Show: Doctor Doctor 2. Intro: Churchill’s Speech 3. Aces High 4. Where Eagles Dare
5. 2 Minutes To Midnight 6. MC 7. The Clansman 8. The Trooper 9. Revelations
10. For The Greater Good Of God 11. The Wicker Man

Disc 2 (55:42)
1. Sign Of The Cross 2. Flight Of Icarus 3. Fear Of The Dark 4. The Number Of The Beast
5. Iron Maiden 6. The Evil That Men Do 7. Hallowed Be Thy Name 8. Run To The Hills

Disc 3: DVD(117:30)
1. Pre-Show: Doctor Doctor 2. Intro: Churchill’s Speech 3. Aces High 4. Where Eagles Dare
5. 2 Minutes To Midnight 6. The Clansman 7. The Trooper 8. Revelations
9. For The Greater Good Of God 10. The Wicker Man 11. Sign Of The Cross 12. Flight Of Icarus
13. Fear Of The Dark 14. The Number Of The Beast 15. Iron Maiden 16. The Evil That Men Do
17. Hallowed Be Thy Name 18. Run To The Hills

COLOUR NTSC Approx.118min.

Shades 951

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