Iron Maiden / First Night Documentary Master / 2CDR

Iron Maiden / First Night Documentary Master / 2CDR / Non Label

Live At Koseinenkin Kaikan, Tokyo, Japan 21st May 1981.


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IRON day I knew for the first time the world is born for MAIDEN, the first time for the Japanese the day you know the “heavy metal heavy metal born”. “May 21 – Tokyo Kōsei Nenkin Kaikan”, was too special night. Because it only monument concert, we offer document album still nestling in the audience point of view!
This work, once in the “TOKYO KILLERS (Shades 434)” Master also some of that it has been released as part, which was turned into direct CD from the recording in person of the cassette. We do not talk about the truly main press CD “TOKYO 1981 1ST NIGHT” ultra-clear sound and the same dimension of, but it is recording freshness and realism from the original cassette was very popular in the mania.
“But, right? Rank deficiency of the same live,” It does not might think, is now that main press CD appeared It is true. But, still, realism of overflowing from this work, I would like you to listen absolutely. Main press CD is fully recorded live this volume over 77 and a half minutes, but the present work is more than 15 minutes than its live (!) Is also long. After all, the best part of the outset. Tape is around 9 minutes before the curtain, a strange mood that is wrapped in expectation and excitement I hear plenty. It’s the, curtain announcement symbolizes the air. Riding on the “Black Out” of SCORPIONS different from the current warbler Miss, we speak the announcement by male staff. Let’s write the full text.

“What?, Today is we please come to Iron Maiden concert, thank you. What?, Tonight is the first day. Members also are enthusiastic. I think that it is Dekiru to hear your wonderful performance. In addition, during a performance You can stand up to the absolute, or up on a chair, please do not do absolutely things like coming out before the stage and started running. If you do not if guarded, suspended the concerts, or you may want to stop. Member We also hope strongly that can be played until the end. The last to thank you for your cooperation with your one alone order. I will soon curtain. thank you. ”

That there is no pretense in the words of “members also are enthusiastic”, but historical enthusiastic performance is for us to prove, in the tone that has put a force on every word any more, leaving the dead in 1978 RAINBOW era, which has been severely from the tragedy that was the sheer. Moreover, embodies’s aggression tonight’s protagonist is contemporary stamp, IRON MAIDEN. What rampage is whether anxiety staff caused mental state is I come to mind vividly. Such mood comes through from the audience of the voice. While “Doctor, Doctor” of UFO is flowing, we’re talking to, such as “AC / DC Gasa ……” “I also Narao English”. It can easily now everyone will become a fuss in order to know the songs that tell the IRON MAIDEN appearance, but here is the first visit to Japan the first day of. Audiences do not think only with just a BGM. And yet, precisely because silly with no conversation, restless state of the audience with hidden feelings of more than expected in the chest also clearly felt by. Old ZED ZEPPELIN, DEEP PURPLE, and unique of the atmosphere also leads to the first visit to Japan of subsequent METALLICA. I unique air that tries to witness a new music is full of doors open.
And, “Doctor, Doctor” during the audience to stretch ○ mad a sudden blackout and “The Ides Of March”! As I mentioned in the main part of the commentary, Nobutoi bastard cry and yellow screaming over and over again is overlap, “Wrathchild” in place wound where the different even Japan only of enthusiasm around the world !! this, overwhelming realism. This is what’s the “spectator side of the field.” Since then, the exact clapping and chorus of the audience in one song one song, and filled with emotion I scream is is spewing situation continues to be recorded. Originally, the recording of these reality emphasis is likely to be the musical tone is Sotchinoke, this work is such enthusiasm and the musical tone is half and half. It’s a rare recording that you can enjoy plenty also taste of music with enthusiasm.
Also plenty of recording After the show, the show announcement, of course, “Charlot The Harlot Gasa,” “(that song) and I told I do not do”, “absolutely not forget Yo~o ……” and so on, after the venue with excitement The audience of breath and “program is how either. But now, … a visit to Japan commemoration program here,” which has also been clearly recorded.

Main press CD that was awakened from unpublished cassette of Kinney “TOKYO 1981 1ST NIGHT” is IRON MAIDEN history, no feudal lord board that remains heavy metal history, the audience recording history. Because it’s also impressive too precisely, it is more than “audience” also shines closer was this work on the side of the main part. Band and Japan, while plenty of sucking the field of air that becomes the monument for the equivalent, spit out the two different facial expressions as “TOKYO 1981 1ST NIGHT” “1ST NIGHT DOCUMENTARY MASTER”. In two of the masterpiece recording, please you also become a conduction’s historical overnight.

IRON MAIDENにとっては生まれて初めて世界を知った日、日本人にとっては初めて“ヘヴィメタル生まれのヘヴィメタル”を知った日。「5月21日・東京厚生年金会館」は、あまりにも特別な夜でした。それだけの記念碑コンサートゆえ、さらに観客視点に寄り添うドキュメント・アルバムをご用意いたしました!
本作は、かつて「TOKYO KILLERS(Shades 434)」の一部としてもリリースされたことのあるマスターで、録音者本人のカセットから直接CD化したもの。さすがに本編プレスCD「TOKYO 1981 1ST NIGHT」の超クリア・サウンドと同次元には語れませんが、オリジナルカセット由来の鮮度とリアルさがマニアに大好評だった録音です。
「でも、同じライヴのランク落ちだろ?」と思われるかも知れませんし、本編プレスCDが登場した今となっては事実です。しかし、それでもなお、本作から溢れんばかりのリアリズムは、どうしても聴いていただきたい。本編プレスCDはライヴ本編を77分半にわたって完全収録していますが、本作はそのライヴよりも15分以上(!)も長い。何と言っても圧巻なのが冒頭。テープは開演の9分前から回っており、期待と興奮に包まれる異様なムードがたっぷりと聴けるのです。その空気を象徴するのが、開演アナウンス。SCORPIONSの「Black Out」に乗って現在のウグイス嬢とは違う、男性スタッフによるアナウンスが語るのです。全文を書き出してみましょう。


「メンバーも張り切っております」の言葉にウソ偽りないことは、歴史的熱演が証明してくれますが、それ以上に一言一言に力を込めた語調に、1978年RAINBOWで死者を出した悲劇から厳しくなっていた時代が透ける。しかも、今夜の主役は当代きってのアグレッションの体現者、IRON MAIDEN。どんな大暴れが起きるのか不安なスタッフの心境がありありと浮かんでくるのです。そんなムードは観客の声からも伝わってくる。UFOの「Doctor, Doctor」が流れる中、「AC/DCがさぁ……」「わたしも英会話習お」などと話している。今なら誰もがIRON MAIDEN登場を告げる曲と知っているために大騒ぎとなりますが、ここは初来日の初日。観客たちはただのBGMとしか思っていない。それでいて、他愛のない会話だからこそ、期待以上の心境を胸に秘めた観客の落ち着かない様子もはっきりと感じ取れる。古くはZED ZEPPELIN、DEEP PURPLE、そしてその後のMETALLICAの初来日にも通じる独特の雰囲気。新たな音楽を目撃しようという独特な空気が開場に充ち満ちているのです。
そして、「Doctor, Doctor」の最中、突然の暗転と「The Ides Of March」で一気に○狂する観客! 本編の解説でも触れましたが、野太い野郎の雄叫びと黄色い絶叫が幾重にも重なり、「Wrathchild」で世界中のどことも違う日本だけの熱狂が巻き起こる!! この、圧倒的なリアリズム。これこそが“観客側の現場”なのです。その後も、1曲1曲で観客の正確な手拍子と大合唱、そして感極まる絶叫が噴き出す様子が記録され続けているのです。本来、こうしたリアリティ重視の録音は楽音がそっちのけになりがちですが、本作はそんな熱狂と楽音がハーフ&ハーフ。熱狂を伴った音楽の旨みもたっぷりと味わえる希有な録音なのです。
終演後もたっぷりと収録され、終演アナウンスはもちろん「Charlot The Harlotがさぁ」「(あの曲は)やらないって言っただろ」「絶対忘れないよぉ……」等々、興奮しながら会場を後にする観客の息吹や「プログラムはいかがですか。ただ今、こちらで来日記念プログラムを……」もはっきり記録されています。

キニーの未発表カセットから起こされた本編プレスCD「TOKYO 1981 1ST NIGHT」は、IRON MAIDEN史上、いやヘヴィメタル史上、オーディエンス録音史上に残る大名盤です。それがあまりにも感動的だからこそ、本編以上に“観客”側に寄った本作もまた輝くのです。バンドと日本、相当にとって記念碑となる現場の空気をたっぷりと吸い込みながら、2つの違った表情を吐き出す「TOKYO 1981 1ST NIGHT」と「1ST NIGHT DOCUMENTARY MASTER」。2本の傑作録音で、あなたも歴史的一夜の伝導者となってください。

Disc 1 (48:57)
1. Intro. 2. Opening : Doctor Doctor 3. The Ides Of March 4. Wrathchild 5. Sanctuary
6. Twilight Zone 7. Remember Tomorrow 8. Another Life incl. Drum Solo 9. Member Introduction
10. Genghis Khan 11. Killers 12. Innocent Exile 13. Purgatory

Disc 2 (44:02)
1. Murders In The Rue Morgue 2. Phantom Of The Opera 3. Iron Maiden 4. Running Free
5. Transylvania 6. Guitar Solo 7. Drifter 8. Prowler

Paul Di’anno – Vocal Steve Harris – Bass Dave Murray – Guitar Adrian Smith – Guitar
Clive Burr – Drums


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