Iron Maiden / Definitive Paris 1990 2nd Night / 2CD

Iron Maiden / Definitive Paris 1990 2nd Night / 2CD / Zodiac
Translated Text:

Le Zenith, Paris, France 30th October 1990

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IRON MAIDEN collection ‘s secret border “NO PRAYER ON THE ROAD 1990-1991”. That best recording appears in the highest peak sound.
This tour was truly a demon. Although IRON MAIDEN can enjoy most tours with official work only in the band where the official archive is progressing, there are exceptions. It was the best one. First of all, in order to understand the situation, Let’s organize the first Phase Bruce · Dickinson era in three stages.

● A: Tour with official full live work

● B: Tour with full sound board

● C: Tour with only incomplete sound board

…… and it looks like this. “A” is basic so we omit it, the problems are “B” and “C”. “SOMEWHERE ON TOUR” is a “B” because there is a pro shot of the Paris performance, but the sound quality is now. After all, this 3 tour can not be enjoyed fully unless it is an audience recording. Still, “SOMEWHERE ON TOUR” · WORLD PIECE TOUR “mass production of super powerful audience album.Even in our shop” EAGLE ‘S NEST “and” EAGLE’S HAMMERSMITH “,” CAUGHT SOMEWHERE IN LEICESTER “,” CAUGHT SOMEWHERE IN CHICAGO “” CAUGHT SOMEWHERE IN MILWAUKEE “” CAUGHT SOMEWHERE IN CHICAGO. “But” NO PRAYER ON THE ROAD “… … Yes, there was nothing.

【No.1 highest record of Tour No.1 recording】
It is this work that makes a long history of its long history. It is an audience album “October 30, 1990: Performance in Paris”. This recording was a recording that was known since then. It has been more than 25 years since this tour, and now more than 140 recordings have been confirmed (including Genes Difference), but even now such still is still reigning in “Tour No. 1” It is a name recording. Up to now, pre-departures such as masterpiece “SHRAPNEL” and “DEFINITIVE YEARS IV (a part)” have been loved, but this work got the master that became the basis. It is a gem again digitized.
That sound is wonderful to update ‘Tour No.1’. For example, “SHRAPNEL” was also a honorable live album of masterpieces, but its finish was conspicuous in the early 90’s roughness. When the pitch is unstable and it is awful, it is 50% crazy, it is a seamless performance “Disk division with No Prayer For The Dying / Hooks In You” full of mid and high range packed sound. Despite these drawbacks, it was such a terrible recording that it reigned on the throne of “Tour No.1”, but this work has no such drawback at all either. Even more natural “ringing”, the rich stereo feeling is exactly the highest peak ever. To tell the truth, to call it “as if it is a sound board” is also sucking out a raw enthusiasm, but musical tones that overpower it also have a strong core and a thick sound. If the harmony of the twin is also beautiful, the base of the buckwheat basket will come closer to you with a sense of touch.

【Rare Songs, Great Resurrection Blues & Trouble】
Full shaw of “NO PRAYER ON THE ROAD” drawn with that sound is frightening not only by precious things! There are three points. The first is the repertoire of the new work “NO PRAYER FOR THE DYING”. It was a plain work with IRON MAIDEN full of masterpiece boards, but it does not do much in later tours. We only played “Tailgunner” in 1992 – 1993 and “Bring Your Daughter … To The Slaughter” in 1992 – 1993 + 2003. The other four songs are played only on this tour. Especially “The Assassin” “Hooks in You” is dropped in the North American leg, it is number only in Europe and Japan. The second is performance itself to show off such a set. First of all, a new member Yannick · Gers. At that time the rampage was a shock, but knowing the formation of six people is not only wild when listening with the ear now. While incorporating a unique arming game with play, it is unexpectedly carefully choked.
The third is the revived blues · Dickinson. He became more and more delicious until 1988, he was getting clogged with treble and he did not come out. However, here demoralized greatly! Moreover, it is different from the delicate singing way now, still youthful and thoroughly powerful. While wild, the treble also stretches out pleasantly, and that is where it will show off plenty of amazing vocalizations of the “THE BEAST ON THE ROAD” and “WORLD PIECE TOUR”. Especially overwhelming is “Run To The Hills”. Far from being tired, despite the encore, high notes that stretch out strangely are cool and cool. To be honest, this tour is rather difficult, even though it’s a crown “WORLD PIECE TOUR”, it’s a difficult song that did not go well, but here it is a perfect 100 points. It makes us sing a song that is comparable to that of “EAGLE’S HAMMERSMITH” whispered as “the best show of MAIDEN Full History” by the Coremanian sources of the world.
In addition, this work has rare trouble scenes. That’s “Die With Your Boots On”. There seems to be a crowd who makes a drunk on the scene, the blues who found it have stopped singing and call security. Bruce shouting something without singing guitar solo. There will be an air of “This is an interruption?”, But after the song ends, call attention in French. I am afraid that I do not understand French, but the contents seems to be extremely professional, and the venue presents grand cheers.

Rare songs · Ultimately superb performance · Professional blues · Great sound …… This is the only secret of the history of MAIDEN history, which only fans can not know without being a fan. It is a masterpiece in masterpieces where Coremania continues asserting “Tour No.1” “Best Recording”. This work is the best upgrade version of that name recording. There is no more “NO PRAYER ON THE ROAD 1990-1991” album than this album.
Those who want to permanently save fullshows of all tours with vertex records, those who want to touch the unknown “unexplored area of ​​MAIDEN”. Sorry to keep you waiting. This work is ultra · decision board!
IRON MAIDENコレクションの秘境“NO PRAYER ON THE ROAD 1990-1991”。そのベスト録音が最高峰サウンドで登場です。
このツアーは本当に鬼門でした。IRON MAIDENは公式アーカイヴの進んでいるバンドだけに、ほとんどのツアーがオフィシャル作品で楽しめるわけですが、例外もある。その最たるものでした。まずは、その状況をご理解いただくため、第1期ブルース・ディッキンソン時代を3段階で整理してみましょう。




……と、このようになっています。「A」は基本ですので省略させていただくとして、問題は「B」と「C」。“SOMEWHERE ON TOUR”はパリ公演のプロショットがあるので「B」ですが、音質が今イチ。結局この3ツアーはオーディエンス録音でないとフルで楽しめないのです。それでも、“SOMEWHERE ON TOUR”・WORLD PIECE TOUR”は超強力サウンドのオーディエンス・アルバムが量産。当店でも『EAGLE’S NEST』や『EAGLE’S HAMMERSMITH』、それに『CAUGHT SOMEWHERE IN LEICESTER』『CAUGHT SOMEWHERE IN CHICAGO』『CAUGHT SOMEWHERE IN MILWAUKEE』『CAUGHT SOMEWHERE IN CHICAGO』といった極上品をお届けしてきました。しかし、“NO PRAYER ON THE ROAD”は……そう、何もなかったのです。

その長い歴史に終始を打つのが本作。「1990年10月30日:パリ公演」のオーディエンス・アルバムなのです。この録音は、当時から知られていた録音。このツアーから25年以上の時間が経ち、今では(ジェネ違いを含め)140以上の録音が確認されていますが、そんな現在もなお「ツアーNo.1」に君臨し続けている名録音中の名録音なのです。これまでは名作『SHRAPNEL』や『DEFINITIVE YEARS IV(の一部)』といった既発が愛されてきましたが、本作はその元になったマスターを入手。改めてデジタル化した逸品なのです。
そのサウンドは「ツアーNo.1」を更新する素晴らしさ。例えば『SHRAPNEL』も名作の誉れ高きライヴアルバムでしたが、その仕上がりは90年代初頭らしい荒っぽさが目立っていた。ピッチは不安定で酷いときには50%も狂い、シームレス演奏だった「No Prayer For The Dying / Hooks In You」をブツ切りにしたディスク分け、中高域が詰まった広がりのないサウンド……。こうした欠点にも関わらず「ツアーNo.1」の王座に君臨するほど凄い録音だったわけですが、本作はそんな欠点もまったくない。一層自然な“鳴り”、豊かなステレオ感は、まさに史上最高峰です。実のところ、「まるでサウンドボード」と呼ぶには生々しい熱狂も吸い込んでいるのですが、それをも制圧しきる楽音は骨太な芯も逞しく、鳴りも肉厚。ツインのハーモニーも美しければ、バッキバキのベースも手触り感覚で目の前に迫ってくるのです。

そのサウンドで描かれる“NO PRAYER ON THE ROAD”のフルショウは、貴重なだけでは終わらない凄まじさ! ポイントは3つ。1つめは新作『NO PRAYER FOR THE DYING』のレパートリー。名盤だらけのIRON MAIDENにしては地味な作品でしたが、それだけに後のツアーではあまり演らない。「Tailgunner」を1992-1993年で、「Bring Your Daughter… To The Slaughter」を1992-1993年+2003年に演奏したのみ。他4曲は、このツアーでしか演奏していません。特に「The Assassin」「Hooks in You」は、北米レッグでは落とされ、ヨーロッパと日本だけのナンバーなのです。2つめは、そんなセットを披露するパフォーマンスそのもの。まずは新加入のヤニック・ガーズ。当時は暴れっぷりが衝撃でしたが、6人編成を知る今の耳で聴くとワイルドなだけでない。独特なアーミングで遊びをバシバシ盛り込みつつ、意外なほどに丁寧にキメているのです。
3つめは、大復活したブルース・ディッキンソン。1988年までどんどん大味になり、高音も詰まって出なくなっていた彼。ところが、ここでは一気に大復調! しかも、今の繊細な歌い方とも違っていて、まだ若々しく徹底的にパワフル。ワイルドながら高音も気持ちよーく伸びまくり、それこそ“THE BEAST ON THE ROAD”・“WORLD PIECE TOUR”ばりの凄まじいヴォーカリゼイションをたっぷりと披露してくれるのです。特に圧倒的なのは「Run To The Hills」。アンコールにも関わらず疲れるどころか、異様に伸びまくるハイノートが図太くカッコイイ。正直なところ、このツアーはおろか、絶頂の“WORLD PIECE TOUR”でさえ百発百中とはいかなかった難曲ですが、ここでは見事100満点。世界のコアマニア筋で「MAIDEN全史のベストショウ」とも囁かれる『EAGLE’S HAMMERSMITH』にも匹敵する絶唱を聴かせてくれるのです。
また、本作はレアなトラブル・シーンもある。それは、「Die With Your Boots On」。どうも現場には酔っ払って騒ぐ観客がいたらしく、それを見つけたブルースが歌うのを止めてセキュリティを呼び出すのです。ギターソロ明けも歌わずに何やら叫んでいるブルース。「これで中断か!?」という空気が漂いますが、曲の終了後にはフランス語で注意を呼びかける。フランス語が分からなくて恐縮ですが、その内容は極めてプロフェッショナルだったらしく、会場中が盛大な大喝采を贈るのです。

レア曲・超絶好調パフォーマンス・プロフェッショナルなブルース・グレイトなサウンド……これこそ、ただのファンでは知り得ない、マニアだけが知りうる“MAIDEN史の秘境”。コアマニアが「ツアーNo.1」「ベスト録音」を断言し続ける名作中の名作なのです。本作は、その名録音の最高峰アップグレード盤。本作以上の“NO PRAYER ON THE ROAD 1990-1991”アルバムは存在しないのです。
Disc 1 (49:21)
1. Tailgunner 2. Public Enema Number One 3. Wrathchild 4. Die With Your Boots On
5. Hallowed Be Thy Name 6. 22 Acacia Avenue 7. Holy Smoke 8. The Assassin
9. No Prayer For The Dying 10. Hooks In You

Disc 2 (47:10)
1. The Clairvoyant 2. 2 Minutes To Midnight 3. The Trooper 4. Heaven Can Wait
5. Iron Maiden 6. The Number Of The Beast 7. Bring Your Daughter…To The Slaughter
8. Run To The Hills 9. Sanctuary

Bruce Dickinson – Lead Vocal Steve Harris – Bass Dave Murray – Guitar
Janick Gers – Guitar Nicko McBrain – Drums


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