Iron Maiden / Manchester 2018 / 2CDR+1DVDR

Iron Maiden / Manchester 2018 / 2CDR+1DVDR / Shades

Translated text:
Manchester Arena, Manchester, UK 6th August 2018

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LEGACY OF THE BEAST TOUR 2018 “, the most luxurious and the most delectable Greatest Hits Tour ever. It is the appearance of a masterpiece live set that represents the final stage.
It is contained in this work “August 6, 2018 Manchester Show”. It is a triplet with its full audience recording on disk 1 – 2, full audience shot on disk 3. At our shop, we report tours with name recordings representing each country from the very beginning. Sweden’s “STOCKHOLM 2018 (Shades 927)”, “SWEDEN ROCK 2018 (Shades 933)”, France’s “COMPLETE PARIS 2018 (Shades 942)” have been very popular. This work is the latest bullet in such a report in the home country of England. LONDON 2018 1ST NIGHT (Shades 951) masterpiece original master this week will be released at the same time, let’s first confirm the position of the show from the whole tour tour.

· May 28 – July 28: Europe (31 shows)
· July 31: Newcastle
· August 2: Belfast
· August 4: Aberdeen
· August 6: Manchester 【this work】
· August 7: Birmingham (birthday of blues)
· August 10: London “LONDON 2018 1ST NIGHT”
· August 11: London

Over all, 38 performances. Although “LEGACY OF THE BEAST TOUR” itself has been announced to continue in the future, all this has been announced to date. Probably it will be Europe only in 2018. Its final stage was the home country of England. This Manchester performance of this work was a concert that corresponds to such UK tour 4 performance.

【Disc 1-2: Complete recording live album】
First of all, audiences recording completely recorded shows. Several recordings have already appeared from the UK tour, but it is a name recording that is talked about as “a masterpiece of British legs” from a maniacious source! Actually, that sound is really wonderful. So far Swedish recording / Paris recording was also an unusual finest, but this work is dignified in that row. Clearness like crystal clearness is exquisite, but more than that is a neat ringing. Although it slightly inhales the venue acoustics, it is not a sense of distance, and neither turbidity nor cloudiness occurs. Perhaps it is picking up the sound directly from the PA. The performance sound and the vocal jump into the straight and the sound is like a stereoscopic feeling that spreads behind the head. It is a beautiful sound you want to call “sound like a sound unique to audiences” rather than “sound board”.
It is a great cheer that the dynamism of the customer record explodes further. There are almost no nearby voices, but a gigantic cheering crowd gets rushed like a shriek. Besides, it is wonderful because it does not get in between the performance as it approaches from behind. Although the detailed recording position has not been transmitted, it is a realistic feeling that it carries the crowds’ signs at the front row of the arena.
The quality depicted by such quality is the greatest grade test hits. Although “LEGACY OF THE BEAST TOUR” of this time is overall in good condition, it was a mistake as if I had broken down in some places. For example, Bruce Dickinson. Even though the growth and tension of the voice was amazing at every show, there were many things that I could get over without entering songs and rhythm. But probably because of stepping in, or because I came back to my home country, this Manchester performance is an iron wall. Neither vocal nor triple guitar has mistakes like mistakes, and it will be played with shining performances like shining brightest hits.
Also, the only thing I hear is performance. In this tour, I will insert a longer MC after “2 Minutes To Midnight”, where Bruce says, “Tomorrow is my 60th birthday.” Since it is not the day of birthday, birthday songs will not happen, but grand cheers will happen. That huge scale feeling is amazing. Again, no applause at all is close at hand, applause like the rainy season spreads far like the ocean until far away (Actually, I forgot even the 60th birthday at Birmingham’s show the next day, you remind me I also said that, “You also remembered firmly the day before). In addition, it is also delicious that the final recording BGM “Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life” which was not included in the masterpieces so far is completely recorded until it disappears. Again, the audience’s chorus naturally gets caught, the mother’s country’s triumphant mood full mark. It is a live album that is outstanding in the experience of the show.

【Disk 3: full-screen full picture】
The following disc 3 is a video edition that will let you experience such a show in the sight. It is an audience shot full-shot with a single penetration. This is also a masterpiece. It is filmed from the stand seat on the right side of the stage, but there seems to be a pretty good angle in the auditorium, the head and arm of the front row do not enter. The stage occupies a monitor on a shield object.
Actually, it is shooting from a position that is a little distance away, but the on-site screen will let me forget it. Screen shots that band staff are copying with multiple cameras are heavily used, so you can enjoy the upgrading of each member even if you do not do any excessive zooming. This is really good. The topic of this “LEGACY OF THE BEAST TOUR” is the topic of the biggest gorgeous ever in history, but I kept it down with a direct shot of the whole scene and witnessed the sights of each member on the screen shot. In addition, you can enjoy the crowd spectacle of the arena freely. For example, the opening movement “Aces High” spitfire is a direct shot of the whole view so the movement to lick the audience is fun, and in the last “Run To The Hills” blues blow up the stage with the TNT switch You can also see that there is. It is a masterpiece video of plenty of places to see, as well as a feeling of experience unique to one-shot shooting.
In addition to such camera work, this video is superb voice as well! That is the sound which is comparable to Disc 1-2, which is the topic of “UK tour’s best masterpiece”. This is not normal. After all, “LEGACY OF THE BEAST TOUR” is a huge harvest tour of high quality recording which becomes No.1 in the history of MAIDEN. Because it is a sound that is thin to master the best masterpiece among them … …. In the past Sweden / Paris editing also included video footage, but the audio did not have a terrible video so far. You can witness a super luxury Greatest Hits in one stroke with wonderful sounds and sights …… It is a valuable experience picture for us who do not know whether Japanese performance at “LEGACY OF THE BEAST TOUR” will be realized.

Sweden, the latest bullet to report super luxury tours following Paris. Returning to my home country, it is a set of three pieces that you can experience with superb recordings and superb view shots that mania recognized “LEGACY OF THE BEAST TOUR” site. Quality that can not be defeated to the masterpiece group so far, homeshow show far surpassing. Please, enjoy it as much as you want.

史上最も豪華で、最もド派手だったグレイテストヒッツ・ツアー“LEGACY OF THE BEAST TOUR 2018”。その最終盤を代表する傑作ライヴ・セットの登場です。
本作に収められているのは「2018年8月6日マンチェスター公演」。そのフル・オーディエンス録音をディスク1-2に、フル・オーディエンス・ショットをディスク3に配した3枚組です。当店では、開始当初から各国を代表する名録音でツアーをレポート。スウェーデンの『STOCKHOLM 2018(Shades 927)』『SWEDEN ROCK 2018(Shades 933)』、フランスの『COMPLETE PARIS 2018(Shades 942)』が大好評を賜っております。本作は、そんなレポートの最新弾となる母国イギリス編。今週は傑作オリジナル・マスター『LONDON 2018 1ST NIGHT(Shades 951)』も同時リリースとなりますので、まずはツアー全体像からショウのポジションを確認しておきましょう。

・8月6日:マンチェスター 【本作】
・8月10日:ロンドン『LONDON 2018 1ST NIGHT』

以上、全38公演。“LEGACY OF THE BEAST TOUR”自体は今後も続くとアナウンスされていますが、現在までに公表されているのはこれですべて。恐らく2018年はヨーロッパのみとなる見込みです。その最終盤となったのは、母国イギリス。本作のマンチェスター公演は、そんなUKツアー4公演目にあたるコンサートでした。

そんなクオリティで描かれるのは、絶好調にもほどがあるグレイテスト・ヒッツ。今回の“LEGACY OF THE BEAST TOUR”は全体的に調子は良いものの、ところどころで油断したかのようなミスが付きものでした。例えば、ブルース・ディッキンソン。どのショウでも声の伸びや張りは凄いのに、曲の入りやリズムに乗りきれずにズッこけることが多々あったのです。しかし、場数を踏んだせいか、それとも母国に帰ってきたせいか、このマンチェスター公演は鉄壁。ヴォーカルもトリプル・ギターもミスらしいミスがなく、輝くようなグレイテスト・ヒッツを輝くような演奏で繰り広げるのです。
また、聞き物なのは演奏だけじゃない。今回のツアーでは「2 Minutes To Midnight」の後で長めのMCを入れるのですが、そこでブルースが「明日は60歳の誕生日なんだ」と語る。誕生日当日ではないのでバースデイ・ソングは起きませんが、盛大な大喝采が起こる。その巨大なスケール感が凄い。ここでも間近な拍手はまったくなく、五月雨のような拍手が遠く遠くまで海原のように広がる(余談ですが、実は翌日バーミンガム公演で「60歳の誕生日だって忘れてたよ。君らが思い出させてくれた」とも言うのですが、前日にもしっかり覚えていたわけですね)。さらに、これまでの傑作群にはなかった終演BGM「Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life」も消えるまで完全収録しているのも美味しい。ここでも観客の合唱が自然に沸き、母国の凱旋ムード満点。ショウの体験感では群を抜くライヴアルバムなのです。

実のところ、少々距離のあるポジションからの撮影なのですが、それを忘れてさせてくれるのが現場スクリーン。バンドスタッフがマルチカメラで写しだしているスクリーン・ショットが多用されており、無理なズームを一切しなくても各メンバーのアップも楽しめるのです。これが実に良い。今回の“LEGACY OF THE BEAST TOUR”は史上最大の豪華演出が話題ですが、それを全景の直写で押さえ、各メンバーの見どころをスクリーン・ショットで目撃。さらに、アリーナの群衆スペクタクルも自在に堪能できる。例えば、オープニング「Aces High」のスピットファイアは全景の直写ショットだからこそ観客を舐めまわす動きが面白いですし、逆にラスト「Run To The Hills」では、スクリーン映像だからこそブルースがTNTスイッチでステージを爆破しているのも分かる。一気撮影ならではの体験感だけでなく、見応えもたっぷりの傑作映像なのです。
そんなカメラワークに加え、この映像は音声も極上! それこそ「UKツアー最高傑作」と話題のディスク1-2にも匹敵するサウンドなのです。これは普通じゃない。何しろ“LEGACY OF THE BEAST TOUR”はMAIDEN史上でもNo.1となるハイクオリティ録音の大豊作ツアー。その中でも屈指の傑作録音に肉薄するサウンドなのですから……。これまでのスウェーデン編/パリ編でも映像編が付属してきましたが、音声もここまで凄い映像はありませんでした。素晴らしいサウンドと光景で超豪華グレイテスト・ヒッツを一気に目撃できる……。“LEGACY OF THE BEAST TOUR”での日本公演が実現するか分からない私たちにとっては貴重な体験映像なのです。

スウェーデン、パリに続いて超豪華ツアーをレポートする最新弾。母国に戻り、絶好調を極めた“LEGACY OF THE BEAST TOUR”の現場をマニアが認めた極上録音と絶景ショットで体験できる3枚組です。これまでの傑作群にも負けないクオリティと、遙かに凌駕する母国ショウ。どうぞ、思う存分お楽しみください。

Disc 1(77:48)
1. Pre-Show: Doctor Doctor 2. Intro: Churchill’s Speech 3. Aces High 4. Where Eagles Dare
5. 2 Minutes To Midnight 6. The Clansman 7. The Trooper 8. Revelations
9. For The Greater Good Of God 10. The Wicker Man 11. Sign Of The Cross 12. Flight Of Icarus

Disc 2(44:00)
1. Fear Of The Dark 2. The Number Of The Beast 3. Iron Maiden 4. The Evil That Men Do
5. Hallowed Be Thy Name 6. Run To The Hills 7. Outro: Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life

Disc 3: DVD(111:36)
1. Aces High 2. Where Eagles Dare 3. 2 Minutes To Midnight 4. The Clansman 5. The Trooper
6. Revelations 7. For The Greater Good Of God 8. The Wicker Man 9. Sign Of The Cross
10. Flight Of Icarus 11. Fear Of The Dark 12. The Number Of The Beast 13. Iron Maiden
14. The Evil That Men Do 15. Hallowed Be Thy Name 16. Run To The Hills

COLOUR NTSC Approx. 112min.

Bruce Dickinson – Vocals Steve Harris – Bass Dave Murray – Guitar Adrian Smith – Guitar
Janick Gers – Guitar Nicko McBrain – Drums

Shades 952

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