Impellitteri / Venom In Osaka / 2CD

Impellitteri / Venom In Osaka / 2CD / Zodiac

Translated Text:
Live At Umeda Club Quattro, Osaka, Japan 29th May 2015


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No early, No way …… is trying to be able to press the IMPELLITTERI in 2015. No, it does not mean that loath course. Nante butyrate either Masa so much amazing recording, I did not have to imagine it!
This work, audience album that contains the “May 29, 2015 Osaka Umeda Cuatro” from six years Japan tour that has just been carried out at the end of last month. What if “great” selfish, is very sound, well played, swells customers, I have all to rare surprise. And it seems to get is thrust as “what I do it there? In addition,” but, that is “all prime”. The other, “without saying of four of five, press the white” sound itself is coming confronted with!

However, you are silently not get taken in hand, the place is weak is the underground CD’s not get to hear. Here you will dare to say of four of five! First it surprised sound. In recent years the digital recording is becoming commonplace momentum of super sound that eliminates the need for sound board, but great disconnect the group among them. Leading role of the guitar, of course, vocals, rhythm, ultra-clear up to the synth of SE. Leaks from the PA to the noise, such as Tsu small that “Gee”, is a direct feeling as if it were thrust the like plug in the ear. Also of that can be such a trick, in fact of course. After all, this work is the work of Mr. West strongest taper! As the name suggests, but is Mr. who knows the sound of West venue, especially terrible it is, standing venue that you can freely position up. The terrible is exhibited regret without, it is transmitted clearly to have been recorded in exquisite sweet spot. Even the base, which is to be difficult in the audience recording, full-bodied with thick figure. Hey I like this sound is recorded in Japan of venue ….
Live it is also not lose to such sound, wow! Of course protagonist, once Chris Impellitteri known in the nickname of the “world’s fastest man”. Also leak sigh in Tsubudachi and accuracy, not decline somewhat (Neokura also to “that person” of the head family, … that I would like you to come rouse) is, Rob Rock !! age to overwhelm even such Chris Although the actual age do not know because it does not publish the “PROJECT DRIVER” of MARS it is because it is 1986, the carrier roughly 30 years. Although perhaps it is thought that it is in their 50s, the tension, sharp of high tone, a sense of stability, great to have all. It is catchy often considered momentum importance because of the person who has been singing power metal in the voice quality, but the technique is also a rarity. In the “Hollywood Shooting Star” was recorded in DRIVER “COUNTDOWN” of the 2012 release, and engaged in a vocal battle of Kano Mark Bowles and Gonzo, it was me at all hear the hunky high tone and Vu~ivurato (If not yet listened Check!) Now the Youtube is, even in this work, I raw power of the throat has exploded.
Also, visit to Japan of this time drum up. After all illusion of virtuoso, John Detti is sitting on the stool! (Towards the IMPELLITTERI fan, although I think whether ANIMETAL USA floats, it is the time being put in) is Detti, unfortunately studio album what it is people are not almost leave, that the original TESTAMENT · SLAYER · ANTHRAX, ridiculous owner of career. Although participation in the SLAYER is a often considered one-off help drummer, 1996 – a full member of the 1997. Dave Lombard is reliable enough is also recalled to re-re-withdrawal was in 2013, Lombard, second only to 錚 people barrel name drummers that Paul Bosutafu “SLAYER, the third of the man” as I. Moreover, ANTHRAX also Kakemochi in the 2013, which has been participating in the Help. I think I can feel If you are a slasher, but such as do a both Charlie Benante officers and Lombard role in the same one day, etc. Although the metal industry Hiroshi, is a feat that can only Detti. This work is also in this live audience recording ability of the Detti is exploding in Neokura / power metal. In fact, it is drumming to roar in this work (although such should not by stepping also much Bakazu) is a flashy while profound, such as a strong force of tanks. And not in comparison with the predecessor of Glen Sobel, it’s me while being scolded IMPELLITTERI fan of myself also “you, I’ll do the good to have hit it with a Umeda quattro?” And even to hear the wonderful drumming you want Yari to say It is.
In addition In addition, this work also surprise lots. First of all, the super you long time “The Future Is Black”, “Answer to the Master” is tears of gratitude (but has faded memory, you mean the first time in ’20!?!?). Although it is in is said to be “One pattern” “full of rip-off” tends IMPELLITTERI but, “ANSWER TO THE MASTER” It was a masterpiece in a masterpiece rich also definitely variety. “The King Is Rising,” “Warrior” including classic, latest and equally largess has been set list is really the best from the masterpiece. In addition, also me to show off “Power of Love,” which through the royal road in was even said that at that time “frantic” “GRIN & BEAR IT”.
I like that set list was also happy, but the real surprise is after the end of the “Answer to the Master.” Dropped power of the amplifier, despite the customer power is on, raised customer does not go back forever, and I was pulled out of the band for the second time of Angkor. Some you can not afford while Chris joy “I do not have another song”, reluctantly (?) To start a jam session of the famous song. AC / DC and VAN HALEN, DEEP PURPLE, KANSAS, such as IRON MAIDEN, and there members start their favorite songs, they agreed members will respond to it. And, finally all in “that song” of BLACK SABBATH is “Oh! I thought Na’m this.” (Laughs). If you say IMPELLITTERI, real face we do not know only style power metal of the side that was catchy, here’s listen to each member is sympathetic to “I’m like this!”. It is the essence of the of organic band IMPELLITTERI. Korezo, is a real thrill that can not be touched only in sucked Based master the field of air!

Honest story, or fan of IMPELLITTERI how much come of it is far from lost. However, this work is overflowing beyond is much to “IMPELLITTERI whether you like”, also declined unexpected performance and heavy metal soul forever, and the real thrill of the audience recording. ’30 Career, moreover, is not even metal band always was a big hit all over the world, and without losing your enthusiasm for now, it was me doing this only awards. While plucked the old classics group “I thought, metal Do not’m the best!” He fascinated me the feeling of. And, metal Love Hate unexpected taper was admirably record it. Metal Love comes dripping from at most two of the disc. Even if the latest as had never heard even once, though, even I did not know even one song, if those who have had loved heavy metal music, it is one that will satisfy surely. Heavy metal, but it is really great music. And I like heavy metal, but it is something good. The packed and only packable its desire to press 2CD, and will deliver you to this weekend.


しかし、黙っていては手に取っていただけない、耳にしてもらえないのがアングラCDの弱いところ。ここはあえて四の五の言わせていただきます! まず驚くのはサウンド。近年のデジタル録音はサウンドボードを不要にする勢いのスーパーサウンドが当たり前になりつつありますが、その中でも群を抜いて凄い。主役のギターはもちろん、ヴォーカル、リズム隊、シンセのSEに至るまで超クリア。PAから漏れる「ジー」という小っちゃなノイズまで、まるで耳にプラグを突っ込まれたかのようなダイレクト感です。こんな芸当が可能なのも、実は当然。なにしろ、本作は西日本最強テーパー氏の作品なのですから! その名の通り、西日本会場の音響を知り尽くした氏ですが、特に凄いのは、自由にポジション取りできるスタンディング会場。その凄みが遺憾なく発揮され、絶妙なスウィートスポットで録音されているのがハッキリと伝わる。オーディエンス録音では難しいとされるベースでさえ、ズ太くて芳醇。日本の会場でこんな音が録れるんですねぇ……。
そんなサウンドに負けないライヴがまた、凄い! もちろん主役は、かつて“世界最速男”の異名で知られたクリス・インペリテリ。いささかも衰えぬ正確さと粒立ちにはため息が漏れます(ネオクラ本家の“あの方”にも、ぜひ奮起していただきたい……)が、そんなクリスさえも圧倒するのがロブ・ロック!! 年齢を公表していないため実年齢は分からないものの、M.A.R.S.の「PROJECT DRIVER」が1986年ですから、キャリアはざっと30年。恐らくは50代だと思われますが、その張り、ハイトーンのキレ、安定感、まったくもって素晴らしい。キャッチーな声質でパワーメタルを歌ってきた人ゆえに勢い重視と思われがちですが、そのテクニックも絶品。2012年リリースのDRIVER「COUNTDOWN」に収録された「Hollywood Shooting Star」では、かのマーク・ボールズとガチンコのヴォーカルバトルを繰り広げ、まったく互角のハイトーンとヴィヴラートを聴かせてくれました(未聴の方は今すぐYoutubeでチェック!)が、本作でも、そのノドの生威力が炸裂しているのです。
また、今回の来日はドラムも最高。なにしろ幻の名手、ジョン・デッティがスツールに座っている! (IMPELLITTERIファンの方には、ANIMETAL USAが浮かぶかと思いますが、それはひとまず置いて)デッティは、不運にもスタジオ・アルバムこそほとんど残してない人ですが、元TESTAMENT・SLAYER・ANTHRAXという、とんでもない経歴の持ち主。SLAYERでの参加は単発のヘルプドラマーと思われがちなものの、1996-1997年の正式メンバー。デイヴ・ロンバードが再・再脱退した2013年にも呼び戻されるほど信頼され、ロンバード、ポール・ボスタフという錚々たる名ドラマーたちに次ぐ「SLAYER、第3の男」なのです。しかも、その2013年にはヘルプで参加していたANTHRAXも掛け持ち。スラッシャーの方なら実感できると思いますが、同じ1日にチャーリー・ベナンテ役とロンバード役の両方をこなすなど、メタル界広しと言えど、デッティしかできない離れ業です。本作は、そのデッティの実力がネオクラ/パワーメタルで炸裂する本生オーディエンス録音でもある。実際、本作に轟くドラミングは(大した場数も踏んでないはずなのに)派手でありながら重厚、戦車の如きド迫力。前任のグレン・ソーベルとは比較にならず、IMPELLITTERIファンな自分に叱られつつも「お前、梅田クワトロで叩いてていいのかよ?」とすら言ってやりたくなる素晴らしいドラミングを聴かせてくれるのです。
さらにさらに、本作はサプライズも盛りだくさん。まずは、超お久しぶりの「The Future Is Black」「Answer to the Master」には感涙(記憶が薄れていますが、もしかして20年ぶり!?!?)。“ワンパターン”“パクりだらけ”と言われがちなIMPELLITTERIではありますが、「ANSWER TO THE MASTER」は間違いなくバラエティにも富んだ傑作中の傑作でした。定番の「The King Is Rising」「Warrior」も含め、その傑作から最新作と同等に大盤振る舞いされたセットリストは本当に最高。さらには、当時“血迷った”とさえ言われた「GRIN & BEAR IT」の中で王道を貫いた「Power of Love」も披露してくれます。
そんなセットリストも嬉しかったのですが、本当のサプライズは「Answer to the Master」の終了後。アンプの電源が落とされ、客電が付いているにも関わらず、盛り上がった客がいつまでも帰らず、バンドを二度目のアンコールに引っ張り出したのです。クリスが喜びながらも「もう曲がないよ」と困るなか、仕方なく(?)有名曲のジャムセッションを開始。AC/DCやVAN HALEN、DEEP PURPLE、KANSAS、IRON MAIDENなど、あるメンバーが自分の好きな曲を始めると、同意したメンバーがそれに応えていく。そして、BLACK SABBATHの“あの曲”でやっと全員が「おぉ、やっぱコレだよな!」となる(笑)。IMPELLITTERIというと、私たちはカッチリした様式パワーメタルの側面しか知りませんが、ここで聴けるのは各メンバーが「俺はコレが好きだ!」を交感する素顔。有機的なバンドIMPELLITTERIの本質なのです。これぞ、現場の空気を吸い込んだ実録マスターでしか触れられない醍醐味です!


Disc 1 (50:37)
1. Carl Orff “Carmina Burana” 2. The King Is Rising 3. Speed Demon 4. Warrior 5. Time Machine
6. Power of Love 7. Guitar Solo 8. We Own the Night 9. Guitar Solo 10. Stand in Line
11. Face the Enemy 12. Venom

Disc 2 (49:23)
1. Garden of Eden 2. Wicked Maiden 3. Drum Solo 4. The Future Is Black 5. Lost in the Rain
6. Band Introductions 7. Answer to the Master 8. Jam Session 9. Warrior

Chris Impellitteri – Guitars Rob Rock – Vocals James Pulli – Bass Jon Dette – Drums

Zodiac 135

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