Genesis / Definitive Montreal 1974 – 2nd Press / 2CD

Genesis / Definitive Montreal 1974 – 2nd Press / 2CD / Virtuoso
University Sports Arena, Montreal, Canada 21st April 1974. STEREO SBD

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GENESIS of Peter Gabriel era who created a follower all over the world. The super masterpiece sound board album that becomes the best masterpiece is appearing in 2nd press board. The highest peak is the Super Supreme Soundboard Recording of “Montreal Performance on April 21, 1974”. Yes, it is “DEFINITIVE MONTREAL 1974” which appeared about three years ago and shocked the impact.
Speaking of Montreal in 1974, it is a large staple in the classic. Known as the most famous broadcasting sound source in the Gabriel era, it has been producing a number of titles since the analog era. Even before 10 years ago the uncut board “DIGESTING ENGLAND” came as a decision board as a decision board, but this work is not that remaster. It is a further upgrade master that appeared in recent years.
Of course, it can not be said that it is the “highest peak” by merely being the vertex master of the classic sound source. Why is this sound like a vertex? It will come into view when you consider the Gabriel era in total. Let’s first divide the live of the Gabriel era into three.

A: 1970: Anthony Phillips era
B: 1971 – 1974: Concert in the Golden Age
C: 1974 – 1975: Dazzling Broadway Tour

It is divided into three types. “A” is an ordinary concert from “golden” five people until “SELLING ENGLAND BY THE POUND TOUR”, “C” is a normal concert until “SELLING ENGLAND BY THE POUND TOUR” since “A” is the extent to which several pieces of fine BBC sessions are left, It is a perfect reproduction show of the story album. “C” has several sound boards left, but album reproduction is the main, there are other songs about one or two songs to encore. That is wonderful, but in order to fully enjoy the dazzling famous group of Gabriel’s era, “B” which is still “before Broadway” is the key point.
However, when it comes to the soundboard of “B”, it is extremely few, and if it says that both the length and the quality are satisfied, it is narrowed down to almost three. In 1973, Leicester Performance of “LIVE: TEST PRESSING 2 LP” which is also official production, 1973 Rainbow Theater Performance, Officialized at Box “GENESIS LIVE 1973-2007”, and 1974 Montreal Performance of this work. In other words, this work is one of the “best 3” that is named side by side with the official twin. Moreover, this work is a big favorite in favor even among them. GENESIS of that time was popular and talented up. Even the album “SELLING ENGLAND BY THE POUND” was impressive that the skill of the performance team improved dramatically, but they are at the time to improve day by day, after living more proficient lives It makes me listen. This work ‘s Montreal performance is the late stage of the three vertex sound boards, the live board packed with the most tasty performances.
This work which is the summit master of such a best live is exactly one ultimate. It is 20 seconds longer than the already-released “DIGESTING ENGLAND”, and it is clear that it is a new master from the intro which the radio DJ’s voice also entered firmly. However, what is more important is the sound that goes through the whole story. Even the “DIGESTING ENGLAND” which was natural and rich in sounds is wonderful, even though it was only perfect, I was concerned about the unnaturalness as if I finished artificially with a sound like equalizing it as if I heard it after this work To get away. Justly perfect official class …. No, it is a sound that goes beyond the official that tends to run under sound pressure.
What makes this work specially is the place called Montreille. The official language of Quebec is French, and the MC who tells the story also speaks in French. Since Phil Collins has become a front, many sound sources of foreign languages ​​are left, but the sound board of Gabriel era is almost in English. Especially since it is only the Montreal performance of this work on overseas performance with the top 3 of the above “B”, the Official-grade live album which moves fullshow with French MC is only this work.

Gabriel era GENESIS precious sound board · live playing plenty of only the historical famous song “3” Daimyo “NURSERY CRYME” “FOXTROT” “SELLING ENGLAND BY THE POUND”. This is not a famous GENESIS one-band name board, it is one of the vertices of the music genre “progressive rock”. One that will be a cultural heritage that raised its vertex with a good guy. On the verge of entering Broadway ‘s biggest story, GENESIS’ s greatest masterpiece, shining most as a rock band. Please, please enjoy at anytime forever with the permanent preservation press 2CD.

全世界にフォロワーを生み出したピーター・ガブリエル時代のGENESIS。その最高傑作となる超名作サウンドボード・アルバムが2ndプレス盤で登場です。その最高峰とは、「1974年4月21日モントリオール公演」の超極上サウンドボード録音。そう、約3年前に登場して衝撃を振りまいた『DEFINITIVE MONTREAL 1974』です。
1974年のモントリオールと言えば、定番中の大定番。ガブリエル時代でもっとも有名な放送音源として知られ、アナログ時代から幾多のタイトルを生み続けてきたもの。10年ほどの前にもノーカット盤『DIGESTING ENGLAND』が決定盤として一世を風靡しましたが、本作はそのリマスターではありません。近年になって登場したさらなるアップグレード・マスターなのです。


以上の3タイプに分けられます。このうち「A」は細切れのBBCセッションが数曲残っている程度なので除外するとして「B」は黄金の5人が揃ってから“SELLING ENGLAND BY THE POUND TOUR”までの通常コンサート、「C」はストーリー・アルバムの完全再現ショウです。「C」はいくつかのサウンドボードが残っていますが、そちらはアルバム再現がメインであり、他にはアンコールに1・2曲くらい。それはそれで素晴らしいものの、ガブリエル時代のめくるめく名曲群をたっぷりと味わうには、やはり“ブロードウェイ以前”となる「B」こそが肝心なのです。
ところが、「B」のサウンドボードとなると極端に少なく、長さ・質の双方を満たすものといったら、ほぼ3本に絞られる。公式制作でもある『LIVE : TEST PRESSING 2LP』の1973年レスター公演、ボックス『GENESIS LIVE 1973–2007』でオフィシャル化された1973年レインボー・シアター公演、そして本作の1974年モントリオール公演。つまり、本作はオフィシャル絡みの2本と並び称される“ベスト3”のうちの1本なのです。しかも、その中でも本作は本命中の大本命。当時のGENESISは人気も実力も上り調子。アルバム『SELLING ENGLAND BY THE POUND』でも演奏陣の実力が飛躍的にアップしたのが印象的でしたが、彼らは日に日に上達していく時期にあり、後になればなるほどほど熟達したライヴを聴かせてくれる。本作のモントリオール公演は頂点サウンドボード3本の中で最も後期にあたり、一番美味しい演奏が詰まりに詰まったライヴ盤なのです。
そんなベストライヴの頂点マスターたる本作は、まさに究極の1本。既発『DIGESTING ENGLAND』よりも20秒も長く、ラジオDJの声もしっかりと入ったイントロからして新マスターなのは明らか。しかし、それ以上に重要なのは全編を貫くサウンド。ナチュラルで豊かな鳴りが素晴らしく、完璧としか思えなかった『DIGESTING ENGLAND』でさえ、本作の後に聴くと詰まったようなサウンドをイコライジングで人工的に仕上げたかのような不自然さが気になってしまう。まさしくパーフェクトなオフィシャル級……いえ、音圧稼ぎに走りがちなオフィシャルを超えてしまうサウンドなのです。

ガブリエル時代GENESISでも、3大名盤『NURSERY CRYME』『FOXTROT』『SELLING ENGLAND BY THE POUND』の歴史的名曲“だけ”をたっぷりと演奏する貴重サウンドボード・ライヴ。これはもうGENESISという1バンドの名盤ではなく、音楽ジャンル“プログレッシヴ・ロック”の1つの頂点です。その頂点をグイッと引き上げてしまった文化遺産となる1本。ブロードウェイの一大物語に突入する寸前、ロックバンドとしてもっとも輝いていたGENESISの最高傑作。どうぞ、永久保存プレス2CDで、いつでもいつまでもお楽しみください。


Disc 1 (66:07)
1. Intro. 2. Watcher Of The Skies 3. The Story Of Britannia 4. Dancing With The Moonlit Knight
5. The Story Of Romeo & Juliet 6. The Cinema Show 7. I Know What I Like
8. The Story Of Five Rivers 9. Firth Of Fifth 10. The Story Of Henry & Cynthia
11. The Musical Box 12. Horizons

Disc 2 (40:42)
1. The Battle Of Epping Forest 2. The Story Of Old Michael 3. Supper’s Ready
4. CHOM-FM Announcer Comments


Virtuoso 268/269

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