Genesis / Definitive Lakeland 1975 / 2CD

Genesis / Definitive Lakeland 1975 / 2CD / Virtuoso

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Live at Lakeland Civic Center Concert Hall, Lakeland, FL. USA 11th January 1975 STEREO SBD

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History of GENESIS … No, the heaviest one in the music genre “progressive rock” is reprinted in digital remaster. That “the most important board” is the ultra superb stereo sound board of “19th January 11 Lakeland performance”. Yes, it is the highest peak album of “Dazzling Broadway” Live.

【Progressive · Rock Ultimate Live Album】
This work is exactly the ultimate one. Speaking of “Dazzling Broadway”, it is a monumental story album comparable to “Tommy” “The Wall”, but unfortunately it did not “spread” at one point. “Tommy” “The Wall” Both works can be enjoyed many times with reproduced live works, movies, musicals etc. many times, while the complete body of “Dazzling Broadway” is only the original studio album. GENESIS himself is reuniting, the possibility that each member will perform a rehearsal tour is also unlimitedly zero.
Of course, the album reproducing tour was done at that time, now it was made into an official work at “ARCHIVE 1967? 75”, and if you read this sorrowful phrase, it will be memories of the soundboard excavation several years ago . We have also delivered a number of masterpieces such as “MAPLE LEAF LAMB” “ROCHESTER 1974” “DEFINITIVE FLORIDA LAMB” “LAMB MASTER IN LOS ANGELES” “THE LAMB LIES DOWN IN PHOENIX” “THE LAMB LIES DOWN ON EMPIRE” . However, none of them was “Ultimate”. In ‘ARCHIVE 1967? 75’, Peter Gabriel in 40’s overdubbing, the sound board group (even if it was a little) had cuts and noises somewhere, there was a shake in balance. The work group of our shop also complemented such defect with another recording and corrected it as much as possible by mastering and delivered it.
But inside such a thing, only the Lakeland performance of this work was different. The stereo sound board recording that came out as “ULTIMATE LAMB” is “Ultimate” as its name suggests. There are no leaks or noises of recording that had been lacking until then, of course there is no such thing as overdubbing, of course. From the beginning to the end, it was a seamless complete recording that conveyed “truly original at that time” and was one of the single works comparable to the original studio album.

【Reprinted on latest / meticulous remaster】
Since it is only that super decision board, sold out and out of print in a blink of an eye in a blink. It disappeared for a long time from the market. This work is a remastered reprint of such a historical ultra-super stereo sound board.
Of course, although it is a remaster, there is neither an original nor a child if it erases the precious “breath of 1975” with an unequal equalizing. This work adjusts the “ringing” more naturally while making full use of the sound sucked by the original master. Originally, the soundboard sound is hard and flattened is disadvantageous. The soundboard boasting the ultimate direct feeling and extreme coloration made GENESIS ‘s “fantasy like Dazzling Broadway”. To be honest, I am not getting much bigger, but since I am the ultimate sound board, I want to finish it in the ultimate shape. Fine adjustment for that purpose is included in the whole story, and it is applied in fine detail.
“Dazzling Broadway” of live performance drawn with that sound …… exactly, it is the only one. While reproducing the stubborn composition and stories one after the other, different from the studio album “a” five golden people “is right there,” a dynamic sensation. Auditory feeling leading to one word and one word of lyrics which can not be done by audience recording. Still, a feeling of embracing wrapping the site venue different from the ones already launched. And MC that spells the story which is released also from the frame of analog four faces and which can not be talked only by lyrics …… It is full of glossy and seamless complete recording that does not make a lot of sound board groups even while all of them are aligned. It is exactly the ultimate beyond the ultimate.

A story work of the rare “a dazzling Broadway” which can not hope for a movie, musical, as well as replay. No matter how the official board is, even if it is overflowing with the best soundboard, this work is the only one that has reached the same dimension as the head family studio album. A perfect story album that five storytellers spell in live voice. Its ultimate form. Please, please have one of this cultural heritage at your convenience.
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もちろん、当時アルバム再現ツアーが行われ、現在では『ARCHIVE 1967?75』でのオフィシャル作品化されましたし、この駄文をお読みの方なら数年前のサウンドボード発掘ラッシュもご記憶のことでしょう。当店でも『MAPLE LEAF LAMB』『ROCHESTER 1974』『DEFINITIVE FLORIDA LAMB』『LAMB MASTER IN LOS ANGELES』『THE LAMB LIES DOWN IN PHOENIX』『THE LAMB LIES DOWN ON EMPIRE』等、数々の名作をお届けしてきました。しかし、そのいずれもが「究極」ではなかった。『ARCHIVE 1967?75』では、40代のピーター・ガブリエルがオーバーダビングし、サウンドボード群も(わずかではあっても)どこかにカットやノイズがあったり、バランスにブレがあった。当店の作品群も、そうした欠点を別録音で補完し、マスタリングで可能な限り補正してお届けしてきたのです。
しかしそんな中にあって、本作のレイクランド公演だけは違った。『ULTIMATE LAMB』として世に出たステレオ・サウンドボード録音は、その名の通り「究極」。それまで画竜点睛を欠いていた録音の漏れもノイズも一切存在なく、もちろん無論オーバーダビングなどあるはずもない。終始一貫、シームレスな完全録音で“真に当時そのもの”を伝え、本家スタジオ・アルバムに匹敵する唯一無二の1作だったのです。



Disc 1(49:21)
1. The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 2. Fly On A Windshield 3. Broadway Melody Of 1974
4. Cuckoo Cocoon 5. In The Cage 6. The Grand Parade Of Lifeless Packaging
7. Rael’s Story (Part 1) 8. Back In N.Y.C. 9. Hairless Heart 10. Counting Out Time
11. Carpet Crawlers 12. The Chamber Of 32 Doors

Disc 2(66:42)
1. Rael’s Story (Part 2) 2. Lilywhite Lilith 3. The Waiting Room 4. Anyway
5. Here Comes The Supernatural Anaesthetist 6. Interlude 7. The Lamia
8. Silent Sorrow In Empty Boats 9. The Colony Of The Slippermen 10. Ravine
11. The Light Dies Down On Broadway 12. Riding The Scree 13. In The Rapids
14. It 15. The Musical Box

Peter Gabriel – Lead Vocals Steve Hackett – Guitar Mike Rutherford – Bass, Guitar, Vocals
Tony Banks – Keyboards Phil Collins – Drums, Vocals


Virtuoso 363/364


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