Eric Clapton / Clarkson 1982 / 4CD

Eric Clapton / Clarkson 1982 / 4CD / Beano
Pine Knob Music Theatre, Clarkston, MI, USA 10th & 11th June 1982

Play sample :

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Eric Clapton’s new release after a long time is a good sound source for Clapton’s career off-season, which rock fans should definitely save on the press board. Actually, this sound source was uploaded on the net by JEMS 9 years ago, and our shop also released it with 4CDR from the Uxbridge label, but at that time, “If you have such a good sound quality and good content, please use the press board”. For some reason, it was left as it was, despite the voices of our customers. This time, I listened to the JEMS master again and realized that I had cleared our press standards lightly, so it was decided to release it on the press board.

The Detroit (Clarkston) performance lasted for two days, with a wide monaural audience recording on the first day and a stereo audience recording on the second day. It was recorded by the same person, but for some reason on the first day it seems that there was a little distance from the stage on the monaural recording than on the second day, and although I picked up some reverberation of the venue, the sound quality is easy to hear, and it is an audience recording. If you do, if you score the highest level as 6 points, you will get “4 points”. On the second day, the distance to the stage became closer, and the sound quality was clear and very easy to listen to in stereo recording, with a score of “5 points”. The sound quality is unmistakable on both days. What’s more, it’s attractive that the set list was different in two days, and it’s more fun to listen to than the tour after 1985, which was carried out with the same set list every day.

[A valuable record of an unplanned “make-up” tour] In addition to the good sound quality, the reason for the press CD was that Clapton captured a rare and valuable tour that ended up in the off-season of his career. Actually, this year, Clapton had no plans to tour, and it was a year spent on vacation. Why did it end up touring? And only a short American tour. The dates for the only short-term American tour of the year were:

≪February 1, 1981: Album “ANOTHER TICKET” released ≫
・ June 5, 1982: Cedar Rapids, Iowa
・ June 6, 1982: Omaha, Nebraska
June 7, 1982: Minneapolis, Minnesota
・ June 10th and 11th, 1982: Clarkston, Michigan ← ★ This work ★
June 13, 1982: Cleveland, Ohio
June 17, 1982: Portland, Maine
June 18, 1982: Binghamton, NY
June 19, 1982: Saratoga Springs, NY
June 22, 1982: Hampton, Virginia
June 23, 1982: Charlotte, North Carolina
June 24, 1982: Bristol, Tennessee
June 27, 1982: Augusta, Georgia
June 28, 1982: Jacksonville, Florida
June 29, 1982: Lakeland, Florida
June 30, 1982: Pembroke Pines, Florida

You can see that it was a short tour with only 15 performances for just one month. Moreover, it has been more than a year since the release of the new album “ANOTHER TICKET” at that time. Actually, during this tour, 57 performances of the US tour scheduled from March to June of the previous year, Clapton fell into a situation where he was taken to the hospital due to a severe gastric ulcer after 8 performances, and all the remaining performances It was a “make-up” tour because it was canceled. Therefore, it was reduced to 15 performances in consideration of the situation of convalescence. It is said that this gastric ulcer was also caused by alcohol poisoning, and it took several years to overcome the poisoning, but anyway, Clapton who recovered his health once went on a tour for the first time in a year. is. The rest seemed to be enough, and Clapton’s play on the two-day stage is no different than before. On the contrary, it is captured that it is playing more and more. Like the album, Gary Brooker of Procol Harum has joined the tour band, and two musicians who have the ability to play an active part as solo artists along with the second guitarist Albert Lee also participated, so it is very. It’s a tight and varied performance (hence Clapton pays homage and features the two in one song each).

[What to listen to on the first day] It is an opening that follows the live album “JUST ONE NIGHT” which was released in 1980 and recorded the 2nd place on the US album chart. Clapton may have foreseen it because of the live performance that was so popular in the United States. The stage progresses almost in the flow of “Just One Night”, including the newly set-in number I Shot The Sheriff. However, with the addition of Gary Brooker’s organ and vocals, the sound has become thicker and more gorgeous. It’s easy to see that the band was full of talent, including Bruker and Lee, by listening to the solos on Key To The Highway. Clapton’s strong performance on this day is remarkable in blues numbers such as Blow Wind Blow, Double Trouble, and Ramblin’On My Mind / Have You Ever Loved A Woman. It’s much more amazing than playing “Just One Night”. Even with Cocaine’s solo, it’s far more than “Just One Night”. And Layla. At this time, Layla had a unique arrangement in which Clapton himself played the 7-series phrase of the theme riff only at the end of the aftermath. In the intro, Albert Lee played, and in the chorus of the song, Lee was devoted to the chorus, so the seven phrases were not played, which was a strange arrangement. However, the performance here is also wonderful, so that the masterpiece can be a masterpiece in any arrangement. The long solo by Clapton in the aftermath is the key. Gary Brooker’s feature number is The Angler from his solo album “LEAVE ME TO THE WATER”, which Clapton also participated in during this period. It’s a song that makes his tunes clear. Albert Lee’s featured number is Pink Bedroom from a self-titled solo album. It’s a gem of pop tune full of his talent, not just country music.

[What to listen to on the second day] The great thing about this day’s recording is that the cheers and cheers of the audience are captured in an excellent balance. Exquisite will mean this state. You can also get excited about what you are listening to at the time and place where the audience gets excited. It’s a mirror-like master of audience recording. This day will be different from the previous day and will start with a speedy number called Blues Power. Clapton’s tension would have been quite high. The switch is already turned on with this number, and the solo that leads Guigui is exploding. And I Shot The Sheriff. This song was listened to by Clapton’s solo afterwards, and it became a killer tune where you can listen to the best solo of the day in the 90’s from the laid-back development of the 70’s, but here it is a high tension that explodes in the 90’s. You can see the sprout of a solo solo. It’s a play that doesn’t seem to be sick. And Cocaine. I’m playing a strange riff in the intro, and it takes a long time to enter the song. Clapton’s solo in the middle is a wah pedaling and flipping. You can listen to a great solo several times as many as the solo of the same song of “JUST ONE NIGHT”. Also listen to Albert Lee’s second solo, which rushes in with the same tension as Clapton. In addition, Layla. In the accompanying prologue, Clapton plays a bit on the theme of the movie “A Love Poem.” The aftermath of this song is important, but since the 90’s it has become a compact solo. However, here, a long solo that echoes cheerfully with phrases that include melancholy is hot! You can see how Clapton is doing well. Plus, Gary Brooker’s featured number on this day was Procol Harum’s masterpiece “Aoi Kage”. It is a blissful moment to listen to that famous song including Clapton’s solo. The cheers of the audience after the performance are amazing. Everyone was a fan of this song.

[As a result, the last British band brave figure] The British band, which was completely replaced in 1979, with all band members British, went on to record a new studio album at Nassau in the Bahamas after this tour. However, even two weeks after the mannerism, no song was finished. Clapton, who had boiled his work, decided to dismiss all the other members, leaving only the stoic Albert Lee. Therefore, this work has become the last live sound source of this band that has continued for 4 years. Isn’t it going to work even if Gary Brooker joins the talented band that created that “JUST ONE NIGHT”? Bands are difficult. This work is a high-quality live sound source at a precious time, which was a transitional period to further backing band formation. We look forward to your early order.




≪1981年2月1日:アルバム「ANOTHER TICKET」リリース≫
・1982年6月10日、11日:ミシガン州クラークストン  ←★本作★

僅か1ヶ月間15公演のみの短期ツアーだったことがお判りでしょう。しかも当時の新譜「ANOTHER TICKET」のリリースから1年以上も経ってからです。実はこのツアー、前年3月~6月にかけて予定されていた全米ツアー57公演の最中、8公演を終えたところでクラプトンが重度の胃潰瘍により病院に担ぎ込まれるという事態に陥り、残りの公演がすべてキャンセルになってしまったための「埋め合わせ」ツアーだったのです。そのため、病み上がりという状況も考慮して、15公演に縮小されて実施されたものでした。この胃潰瘍もアルコール中毒によってもたらされたものと言われており、中毒を克服するまでにはまだ数年を要したわけですが、ともかく一旦健康を快復したクラプトンは一年振りのツアーに出たわけです。休養は十分だったようで、この2日間のステージでのクラプトンのプレイの切れ味は以前とまったく変わりません。それどころかむしろ凄味を増して弾き捲っている様子が捉えられています。ツアーバンドにはアルバム同様、プロコル・ハルムのゲイリー・ブルッカーが加入しており、セカンドギタリストのアルバート・リーとともにソロアーティストとしても活躍できる実力を備えたミュージシャンが二人も参加していたことで、非常にタイトでバラエティに富んだパフォーマンスとなっています(そのためクラプトンは敬意を表し、二人を1曲ずつでフィーチャーしています)。

80年にリリースされ、全米アルバムチャートで2位を記録したライブアルバム「JUST ONE NIGHT」を踏襲する形のオープニングです。アメリカで大ウケしたライブ盤だけに、クラプトンはそれを見越していたのかもしれません。I Shot The Sheriffという新たにセットインしたナンバーも含みながら、ほぼ「Just One Night」の流れでステージは進行していきます。しかしゲイリー・ブルッカーのオルガンとボーカルが加わったことで、サウンドが分厚く華やかになった感があります。ブルッカーやリーを始め、このバンドが実力者揃いであったことは、Key To The Highwayでのソロ回しを聴けば容易に判るでしょう。この日のクラプトンの好調ぶりはBlow Wind Blow、Double Trouble、Ramblin’ On My Mind / Have You Ever Loved A Womanといったブルースナンバーで顕著です。「Just One Night」でのプレイよりも格段に凄味があります。Cocaineのソロでも「Just One Night」をはるかに上回る弾き捲りぶり。そしてLayla。この時期のLaylaは、クラプトン自身がテーマリフの7連フレーズを弾くのは後奏の締めのみという独特なアレンジでした。イントロではアルバート・リーが弾き、歌のサビコーラスでは、リーがコーラスに専念するため7連フレーズが弾かれないという、一種変わったアレンジだったのです。しかし名曲はどんなアレンジでも名曲たりえるように、ここでの演奏も素晴らしい出来です。後奏のクラプトンによるロングソロが肝になっています。ゲイリー・ブルッカーのフィーチャリングナンバーは、クラプトンもこの時期に参加した彼のソロアルバム「LEAVE ME TO THE WATER」からのThe Angler。彼の節回しが冴える1曲です。またアルバート・リーのフィーチャリングナンバーは、セルフタイトルを冠したソロアルバムからのPink Bedroom。カントリー一辺倒ではない、彼の才能が溢れた珠玉のポップチューンです。

この日の録音が素晴らしいのは、オーディエンスの歓声、喝采が抜群のバランスで捉えられていることです。絶妙とはこの状態を言うのでしょう。オーディエンスの盛り上がる箇所、タイミングで、聴いているこちらも盛り上がれます。まさにオーディエンス録音の鏡のようなマスターです。この日は前日とは打って変わり、Blues Powerというスピーディーなナンバーで幕を開けます。クラプトンのテンションは相当高かったのでしょう。早くもこのナンバーでスイッチが入り、グイグイリードしていくソロが炸裂しています。そしてI Shot The Sheriff。この曲は後奏のクラプトンのソロが聴きもので、70年代のまったりした展開から90年代にはその日一番のソロが聴けるキラーチューンとなっていきましたが、ここでは90年代に爆発するハイテンションなソロの萌芽が見られます。病み上がりとは思えないプレイです。そしてCocaine。イントロでちょっと変わったリフを弾いていて、歌入りまでが長くなっています。中間のクラプトンのソロは、ワウペダルを踏んでの弾き捲りです。「JUST ONE NIGHT」の同曲でのソロの数倍は凄いソロが聴けます。クラプトンと同様のテンションで突入するアルバート・リーのセカンドソロも聴きもの。さらに、Layla。添えられたプロローグでクラプトンは、映画「ある愛の詩」のテーマをちょこっと弾いています。この曲も後奏が肝ですが、90年代以降は逆にコンパクトにまとまったソロになってしまいました。しかしここでは、哀愁を含んだフレーズで朗々と響き渡るロングソロが熱い!クラプトンの好調ぶりが分かります。プラス、この日のゲイリー・ブルッカーのフィーチャリングナンバーは、あのプロコル・ハルムの名曲「青い影」。あの名曲をクラプトンのソロ込みで聴けるとは至福の瞬間です。終演後のオーディエンスの歓声が凄いです。みんなこの曲のファンでした。

バンドメンバー全員がイギリス人という、79年に総入れ替えされたこのブリティッシュバンドはこのツアー後、バハマのナッソーにてニュースタジオアルバムのレコーディングに臨みました。ところがマンネリズムから2週間経っても1曲も仕上がらず。業を煮やしたクラプトンはストイックなアルバート・リーだけを残し、他のメンバーを全員解雇するという英断を下しました。そのため、本作は4年続いたこのバンドの最後のライブ音源となってしまいました。あの「JUST ONE NIGHT」を生み出した実力派のバンドにゲイリー・ブルッカーが加わってもうまくいかないものなのか。バンドとは難しいものです。さらなるバックバンド編成への端境期となった貴重な時期の高音質ライブ音源が本作です。お早めのオーダーをお待ちしております。


★ボーナス・ディスク「PORTLAND 1982」(プレス2CD)付きは終了致しました。

Pine Knob Music Theatre, Clarkston, MI, USA 10th June 1982

Disc:1 (48:28)
1. Intro
2. Tulsa Time
3. I Shot The Sheriff
4. After Midnight
5. Lay Down Sally
6. Wonderful Tonight
7. Blow Wind Blow
8. The Angler *
9. Pink Bedroom **
10. Key To The Highway

Disc:2 (46:06)
1. Double Trouble
2. Blues Power
3. Ramblin’ On My Mind / Have You Ever Loved A Woman
4. Cocaine
5. Layla
6. Band Introductions
7. Further On Up The Road

Pine Knob Music Theatre, Clarkston, MI, USA 11th June 1982

Disc 3 (46:26)
1. Intro
2. Blues Power
3. Lay Down Sally
4. I Shot The Sheriff
5. Blow Wind Blow
6. Wonderful Tonight
7. Pink Bedroom *
8. Double Trouble
9. Key To The Highway

Disc 4 (41:50)
1. Whiter Shade of Pale**
2. After Midnight
3. Ramblin’ On My Mind / Have You Ever Loved A Woman
4. Cocaine
5. Layla
6. Band Introductions
7. Further On Up The Road

* Albert Lee on lead vocals
** Gary Brooker on lead vocals

Eric Clapton – lead guitar, lead vocals
Albert Lee – guitar, vocals
Dave Markee – bass
Henry Spinetti – drums
Chris Stainton – keyboards
Gary Brooker – keyboards, vocals


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