Emerson, Lake & Palmer / Black Moon In Tokyo / 4CD

Emerson, Lake & Palmer / Black Moon In Tokyo / 4CD / Virtuoso

Translated Text:
Live at Shibuya Kokaido, Tokyo, Japan 18th & 19th September 1992



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1992, or it would not be many people to remember the night of awfully hotter was autumn. So, the ELP for the first time in 20 years came back to Japan, that tour are revitalized this week! This work, ELP Among the re-Japan tour, 4 Disc album Shibuya Public Hall 2 performances were recorded in superb sound. About 10 years ago the master, which was released as “REACH HIGH NOON”, again digitized from the original cassette, and finished in the press album currently in treatment at the remastered!
The sound is just perfect. Digital is even also without pulling half a step compared to the long modern recording become commonplace, to the tone of clear Kiwamaru fastball, sound like go wearing a fairly dust and depth. Is a rarity. Was overlaid additional second only to added by popular, It was Japan tour that became all 8 performances, this work is what no doubt to its apex.
Tour vertex Nanoha, it is not sound alone. This also great cheers drenched in clear as autumn rain. After all, it is Japan for the first time in 20 years. At the bottom, people who have experienced Korakuen of 1972 also, some people that could not be, even then the person who woke up to ELP, everyone had. Youth of memories, longing to dream, and resentment that did not came in EL & POWELL is (laughs), I have been compressed into the space Shibuoyake.
“Finally!” From cheers greet “Karm Evil 9” opening Omoinotake of will explode, but it is not a mess …… in fuss. Ya play starts, Mai miss the three of every move, a cry, overflowing tensions and that Mai miss listening to one sound. Enthusiasm of first visit to Japan, which was a frenzy of idle popular Beams a huge stadium, after ’20 enthusiasm’s a concentration that was overflowing music and feelings. Moreover, this Shibuoyake is not additional performances dates was first published. In other words, this day, the day when fans continued desire to re-visit to Japan from the bottom of my heart has become a ticket competition jumped in unison. The venue, is why veteran of winners in it had gathered. Swirling the most hot of thought, space of narrow Shibu public. Even it is not an exaggeration to just say “Live in Japan’s number one!”
Also the feelings that permeates hot to inner corner of the eye, realistic audience recording unique. For example, large cheers slip and pull to boil at the beginning of the song, to resounding … thats again in the deployment of the song, the sounds in the hall only of three music. Meanwhile, the audience can not stand one sound. The silence of I still could hear the tension to focus in. “Close To Home” and When confirm the last one sound in the “Creole Dance”, applause and cheers you begin play at once. Even if the sound board of this day has been excavated, this “hot silence” would that not be fully captured.
Enthusiastic performance of three people to meet the “hot silence” of the best live even reunion ELP exactly. In this case, Keith is 47-year-old, Greg 44-year-old, just curl became 42 years old. There is no what youthfulness such as idle, but have plenty of fat is riding as a musician. Album “BLACK MOON” In As I remember also uncomfortable deep voice of Greg, the thickness in the live has been converted deep, convincing. “From The Beginning”, “Still You Turn Me On” taste of deep voice that can be heard in the 3 barrage of “Lucky Man” is, more will focus on breast precisely because now. Even so, to Kyoki every song, “Honky Tonk Train Blues” in the audience turn into a rhythm in the clapping that aligned with Bishitsu. Really feeling at that time, I revived in real painfully.
The 18th, in the beautiful sound with the same taper in both the 19th, while unity plenty, each of taste also firmly there. Particularly large “Tarkus”. The 18th audience Keith with a ribbon controller at the end is jumped into the audience To abuzz. Instead 19th, middle playing stop of “Eruption” in Greg of the base of the tuning problem. Famous accident occurs to start over again from the beginning. That both I listen to Ultra-clear.
And, the quotient of climax, visit late to Tatamikakeru plenty of epic and the medley in 3 barrage. Especially about 23 minutes of “Pictures At An Exhibition”, the masterpiece take that that scene revives in front. Begins with shout (the 18th) of “Enjoy DF Masu mosquitoes!”, Mischievously put a break, pours a synthesizer that was brilliantly, orchestra hit a strangely fresh, Oh …… and will lead to the drum solo, it was so. Was this! Excitement of finale to welcome you to become a thought integral that can not be holding the audience. And, orderly and while also sounds mighty cut through the applause fanfare !! completely, you Chimai spill sweat from inner corner of the eye that became long ago hot by …….

Although it was the title group also great 1972 year-to-date date frenzy you pack the era, the in the mind to eagle Zukami come rocked and wobbly is, this film definitely. That day, of course rather stay in that place, even those who have seen in other venues, and also those who were Sesshiyakuwan later, live album audience of feelings is transmitted hot as this is not so. Last of the disk 2, one of the audience I shout, “I had my amused!”. That feeling, I will deliver to you in the press 4CD permanent preservation.

1992年、やけに熱かった秋の夜を覚えている方も多いのではないでしょうか。そう、20年ぶりにELPが日本に戻ってきた、あのツアーが今週蘇ります! 本作は、ELP再来日ツアーの中でも、渋谷公会堂2公演を極上サウンドで収録した4枚組アルバム。10年ほど前に「REACH HIGH NOON」としてリリースされたマスターを、オリジナル・カセットから再度デジタル化、現在リマスターでトリートメントしてプレス・アルバムに仕上げました!
オープニングの「Karm Evil 9」を迎える歓声から「ついに!」の思いの丈が爆発しますが、大騒ぎでめちゃくちゃ……とはならない。演奏が始まるや、3人の一挙手一投足を見逃すまい、一声を、一音を聞き逃すまいという緊張感がみなぎる。初来日の熱狂は、巨大なスタジアムをアイドル人気ばりの狂乱でしたが、20年後の熱狂は音楽と想いに溢れかえった集中力なのです。しかも、この渋公は追加公演ではなく、最初に公表された日程。つまり、この日は、再来日を心の底から願い続けたファンが一斉に飛びつきチケット争奪戦となった日。会場には、それに勝ち抜いた猛者が集っていたわけです。もっとも熱いの想いが渦巻く、狭い渋公の空間。まさに「ナンバー1のLive in Japan」と言っても過言ではありません!
その想いが目頭に熱く染みるのも、リアルなオーディエンス録音ならでは。例えば、曲の冒頭で沸騰する大歓声がスッと引き、曲の展開で再びどよめくまで、会場に響くのは3人の音楽だけ。その間、観客は物音ひとつ立てない。その無音の中にじっと集中する緊張感が聞こえてくるのです。「Close To Home」や「Creole Dance」で最後の一音を確かめると、一気に弾けだす拍手と歓声。仮に、この日のサウンドボードが発掘されたとしても、この“熱い静寂”は捕らえきれていないことでしょう。
“熱い静寂”に応える3人の熱演は、まさに再結成ELPでも最高のライヴ。この時、キースは47歳、グレッグは44歳、カールも42歳になったばかり。アイドルのような若々しさこそありませんが、音楽家としてはたっぷりと脂が乗っている。アルバム「BLACK MOON」ではグレッグの太い声に違和感も覚えましたが、ライヴでは太さが深み、説得力に転化されている。「From The Beginning」「Still You Turn Me On」「Lucky Man」の3連発で聴かせるディープ・ヴォイスの旨みは、今だからこそ一層胸に迫ります。それにしても、1曲ごとに驚喜し、「Honky Tonk Train Blues」ではビシッとそろった手拍子でリズム隊と化す観客。本当にあの時の気持ち、痛いほどリアルに蘇ります。
そして、ショウのクライマックスは、たっぷりと大作&メドレーを3連発で畳みかける終盤に訪れます。特に約23分の「Pictures At An Exhibition」は、あの光景が眼前に蘇る傑作テイク。「エンジョイシテイマスーカ!」のかけ声(18日)で始まり、いたずらっぽくブレイクを入れ、キラキラとしたシンセサイザーが降り注ぎ、オーケストラヒットが妙に新鮮で、ドラムソロに繋がっていく……あぁ、そうだった。こうだったよ! 観客の押さえきれない想いと一体となって迎える大団円の感動。そして、整然としながらも鳴り止まぬ拍手を切り裂くファンファーレ!! まったく、とっくに熱くなった目頭から汗がこぼれちまいますよ……。


Live at Shibuya Kokaido, Tokyo, Japan 18th September 1992

Disc 1(55:22)
1. Karn Evil 9 2. Tarkus 3. Knife Edge 4. Paper Blood 5. Black Moon
6. Close To Home 7. Creole Dance 8. From The Beginning 9. Still You Turn Me On
10. Lucky Man 11. Honky Tonk Train Blues 12. Romeo And Juliet

Disc 2(52:16)
1. Pirates 2. Promenade 3. The Gnome 4. Promenade 5. The Hut Of Baba Yaga
6. Carl Palmer Drum Solo 7. The Hut Of Baba Yaga 8. The Great Gates Of Kiev
9. Fanfare For The Common Man/America/Rondo 10. Finale

Live at Shibuya Kokaido, Tokyo, Japan 19th September 1992

Disc 3(58:16)
1. Karn Evil 9 2. Tarkus (Breakdown) 3. Tuning 4. Tarkus (Re-start)
5. Knife Edge 6. Paper Blood 7. Black Moon 8. Close To Home
9. Creole Dance 10. From The Beginning 11. Still You Turn Me On
12. Lucky Man 13. Honky Tonk Train Blues 14. Romeo And Juliet

Disc 4(52:36)
1. Pirates 2. Promenade 3. The Gnome 4. Promenade 5. The Hut Of Baba Yaga
6. Carl Palmer Drum Solo 7. The Hut Of Baba Yaga 8. The Great Gates Of Kiev
9. Fanfare For The Common Man/America/Rondo 10. Finale

Virtuoso 241/242/243/244

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