Earth, Wind & Fire / Firefly Music Festival 2016 / 1DVDR

Earth, Wind & Fire / Firefly Music Festival 2016 / 1DVDR / Non Label

The Woodlands Of Dover International Speedway, Delaware, USA 19th June 2016.


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In the spring of 2017, EARTH, WIND & FIRE made the archipelago spring up on a large-scale national tour. The best professional shot that will turn that hot short-term memory into a certain memory is the gift release decision.
Even so, the visit to Japan three years ago was amazing. He has come to Japan regularly in recent years, but most of them are in Higashi-Meihan. That was the first performance in Shizuoka, Hiroshima, and even Hokkaido for the first time in 16 years. It was a hot air-like Japan tour that ran through 5 cities in about a week.
And this work is a multi-camera pro shot of “June 19, 2016 Dover performance”. It is a pattern when he appeared in the music festival “FIREFLY MUSIC FESTIVAL” that has continued since 2012. This festival has been held every year for four days since 2012, and its scale is getting bigger year by year. From 2016, it has finally become a huge festival with more than 100 bands / artists. EARTH, WIND & FIRE appeared on the last day of the 2016 edition.
The quality is just perfect, iron wall, super fine. The digitally distributed video is directly converted to DVD, but it is super beautiful because of the latest distribution. Of course, the stage production, camera work mix, and so on, which are unique to the huge festival, are all perfect and completely official quality.
The only thing is, if it is not suitable for the official product, it is a short set unique to festival appearances, but that is not a drawback at all. The show, which was condensed in about an hour, was a hit song and a major song, Rain Hail. The opening “Power, Africano, Faces” is a bit unusual, but the rest are dizzying Greatest Hits. Only the super-famous songs “Don’t remove this” are lined up in a row. Of course, these hit songs were the main points of the 2017 performance in Japan. It’s a show that visualizes fading memories.
However, this work is an overseas outdoor festival. It starts from a bright scene during the day, which is different from the performance in Japan. This is also good. Then, as each song is layered, it gradually becomes dim, and from the middle stage, it is wrapped in a dark night. From daytime to evening, when hot air blows just by looking at it, and a pleasant night breeze with oozing sweat. Such a “summer mood” fits the music of EARTH, WIND & FIRE better.

A perfect professional shot that is a must-see for all Western music fans. Please take this opportunity to fully enjoy yourself.

 2017年春、大規模全国ツアーで列島を湧かせてくれたEARTH, WIND & FIRE。その熱い短期記憶を確かな想い出に変えてくれる極上プロショットがギフト・リリース決定です。
 そして本作は「2016年6月19日ドーバー公演」のマルチカメラ・プロショット。2012年から続く音楽フェス“FIREFLY MUSIC FESTIVAL”に出演した際の模様です。このフェスは2012年から毎年4日間で開催されており、その規模も年々巨大化。本2016年からは遂に100組を超えるバンド/アーティストが出演する巨大フェスにまでなりました。EARTH, WIND & FIREは、その2016年版の最終日に出演したわけです。
 ただ1つ、もし公式品に相応しくないとすれば、フェス出演ならではの短いセットなのですが、それも決して欠点ではない。約1時間に凝縮されたショウは、ヒット曲・大代表曲の雨あられ。オープニングの「Power, Africano, Faces」はやや珍しめなものの、残りは目眩くグレイテスト・ヒッツ。「これは外さないで」という超名曲群だけがズラッと並ぶのです。もちろん、こうしたヒット曲群は2017年の来日公演でも骨子となったもの。まさに、薄れゆく記憶を映像化したようなショウなのです。
 とは言え、本作は海外の野外フェス。日本公演とは違った日中の明るいシーンからスタートします。これがまた何とも良い。そして、1曲また1曲と重ねるごとに徐々に薄暗くなり、中盤からは闇夜に包まれる。観ているだけで熱風が吹き付けるような日中から夕刻、そして滲んだ汗に心地よい夜風……。そんな“夏のムード”がEARTH, WIND & FIREの音楽にこれ以上なくフィットしているのです。
1. Intro
2. Power, Africano, Faces
3. Boogie Wonderland
4. Jupiter
5. Yearnin’ Learnin’
6. Sing A Song
7. Shining Star
8. Serpentine Fire
9. Kalimba Story
10. Evil
11. That’s The Way Of The World / Beijo
12. Fantasy
13. September
14. Let’s Groove
PRO-SHOT Colour NTSC Approx. 64min.

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