Don Airey / Sunset In Europe / 4CDR

Don Airey / Sunset In Europe / 4CDR / Shades

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Musikclub Uhlenspiegel, Rutesheim, Germany 23rd April 2011 & Rock Temple, Kerkrade, Holland 24th April 2011

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Don Eiley, who released a new solo album “ALL OUT” in the summer of 2011, is one of the most remarkable hard rock fans who packaged all the special live patterns of only the two performances that were released in late April .

Recently, Don has been actively participating in sessions and solo activities using the off period of DEEP PURPLE. Especially in Germany and Austria, we are showing off a single live often and its contents are enriched as you can listen even with “WEISS HEIM IN VIENNA” which is released simultaneously with this work. The solo album “A LIGHT IN THE SKY” for the first time in about 20 years he announced in 2008 is said to be the top of such “extracurricular activities”, and as a solo musician in January 2009 after releasing the album We also realized a tour to circuit each European country (this pattern can be heard with ‘A LIGHT IN GERMANY’ released last year).
Also this time Don started making solo albums during PURPLE’s pause, planning a solo live after a long time as a preliminary promotion. In the last tour of 2009, we had guitars with JAMIROQUAI ‘s Rob Harris and JETHRO TULL’ s clive bunker on drums. This time also vocal has been acting by Carl · Centence singing in the band of Don since 2006, but it changed dramatically the other members except it, the daughter Brother Keith · Eiley as a guitar, the base (probably Rob Harris At the edge of) Joined Alex Meadows with a career at JAMIROQUAI and came to the two bookings that were booked.

This work completes this two time live! On the discs 1 and 2, we went to the German · Ruthesheim performance on April 23, and on the discs 3 · 4 we held the Kelkrade performances of the Netherlands on the 24th, both with master’s and superior audiences recordings, I pack a special stage without limits. Although the venue is different, the performances of the bands are similar for two consecutive days, and the atmosphere of the band is similar, and the set lists are almost the same, but both events show a kind of festival like the one-off live unique event. The positive motivation of “enjoyment” of the band and the audience is transmitted to listeners through the air of the live and plunges into a rare take.

The beginning of the live early stage which begins to be wrapped in a superb atmosphere at “Montagues And Capulets” of “Romeo and Juliet” is “Endless Night” and “Shooting Star” from Don’s solo album “A LIGHT IN THE SKY” It will entertain the world view. As early as the third song, “Parent Number” “Child In Time” has appeared, attracting the fans’ ears. The guitar feet on the ground of Keith Ailee will listen to exquisite cooperation with Don’s keyboard, and the Eli Brothers’ s tacit understanding performance will remember a sense of security that “fits in a place to put it”. Following Don’s new song “People In Your Head” is the first half listening place. In mid-thickness it is expected that the expectation to the album will be enhanced if it is a fan if it is a mid number where the guitar work which got the curling singing voice and Keith’s point of view shines.
After “A LIGHT IN THE SKY” number of “Sombrero M104” · “Love You Too Much” · “A Light In The Sky”, after Jimi · Hendricks’ Fire “, Don is now dead old I will move on to the part dedicated to my friends. The melody of Gary Moore’s “Sunset” and the instructed “Parisienne Walkways” melody will be immersed hotly in the chest of the listener in “Dance With The Devil” which is also a synonym of Kozie Powell. In particular, “Sunset” was played by Gary and Don as a “song to be dedicated to Randy Rose” in the ’83 performance in Japan. I’m going to be dedicating it for Gary now …. It is that Don’s feelings at this time are too much to be confirmed. Even just to listen to this moving live midfield, there is plenty of value to get this work! You can listen to “Rock And Roll” of LED ZEPPELIN number at the beginning of disc 2. Somewhat bass sounds like a peak over, but it is a point not to be missed as a listening place only for 23rd.
In the latter half of the live, “RAYBOOKO part”, which starts with “Difficult To Cure”, “All Night Long”, “Lost In Hollywood” and “Since You Been Gone”, and Don’s live shows great listening. Carl ‘s vocals with a powerful high tone on their heads reproduce the songs of Graham Bonnet with a firm singing voice. Also in “Gimme Some Loving” promised at encore, “Dazed And Confused” is included in the midst of this time, and the ingenuity which gives the sharpness of slowness and heavy deployment to musicality is disgusting at all. Lastly “Black Night” excites the venue with plenty of driving feeling and concludes with about 110 minute live with the best aftertaste.
Although the sound source of the 23rd is a little far away, while the sound quality is plenty including the plenty of the live feeling of the hall, recording on the 24th is more excellent thanks to the outstanding clearness that made use of the advantages of modern digital equipment Even if you listen carefully, it is a high-quality board that seems to be illusory as a sound board sound source. Excellent sound reproducibility will act as a big incentive to listeners in enjoying Don’s music with colorful multifaceted elements.

Contents that should be called “Best Rock Selection · Hard Rock” reflecting Don ‘s varied career and friendship basically follow the conventional single – shot live, but this time, “Dance dedicated to Cozy” With The Devil “, it is striking that the” Sunset “and” Parisienne Walkways “suite to remember Gary and the personal aspects of him more than ever are emphasized. People who are strongly inspired by bands and musicians who are involved in DEEP PURPLE and GARY MOORE should increase their special weight!
In the two performances which were balanced with solo songs against the set list of ’06 – ’07 year ‘s celebration like “culmination of session work”, I made a don as a musician You will know more deeply. Please enjoy plenty of the keyboard sound of the seven colors played by players of name battle, with a volume of about 210 minutes · 2 performances. Together with ‘WEISS HEIM IN VIENNA’ which will be released at the same time this week, it is a book I would like to listen to all hard rock fans!

★ It is a review summary of beatleg magazine vol.133 (August 2011 issue). For your information.

CD-R that recorded on April 23, 2011 with German – Ruthesheim and April 24, Don Eiley ‘s solo live performed in the Netherlands – Kerkrade with good quality sound audience recording.
The basic set list is common to both days, and it is organized mainly by Don’s solo album songs and Don’s career. The stage continues with the opening “Endless Night”, “Shooting Star” and solo songs, but the crowd well and the cheers of the audience are hot. Jimi Hendrix’s “Fire” and Kozie Powell’s “Dance With The Devil” can be enjoyed even if they are not fans of Don, and “Sunset” and “Parisienne Walkways” played as dedicated to Gary Moore It will loosen the lacrimal gland. The LED ZEPPELIN “Rock’n’Roll” which was played only on 23rd is transmitted the audience’s pleasure while surprising selection.
Although the keyboard of Don is the main, there is a part lacking in heaviness in terms of sound, but before you can enjoy the stage of a variety of variety and variety, it can not be said that it is so minus, and at this time , Because it is a stage with precious solo of Don that was done only twice, fans want you to listen.

★ Please listen to “Sunset” and “Parisienne Walkways” Suite dedicated to Gary Moore! !
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2011年夏に新たなソロアルバム「ALL OUT」をリリースしたドン・エイリーが、4月後半に披露した2公演だけのスペシャルライヴの模様を丸ごとパッケージした、ハードロックファン大注目の一本が登場です。

ドンは最近でも、DEEP PURPLEのオフ期間を利用してセッション参加やソロ活動を活発に行っています。特にドイツやオーストリアでは単発のライヴをたびたび披露しており、その中味は本作と同時リリースされる「WEISS HEIM IN VIENNA」でも聴ける通り充実しています。彼が’08年に発表した約20年ぶりのソロアルバム「A LIGHT IN THE SKY」はそういった”課外活動”の頂点と言えるもので、アルバムリリース後の’09年1月にはソロ・ミュージシャンとしてヨーロッパ各国をサーキットするツアーも実現しました(この模様は昨年リリースされた「A LIGHT IN GERMANY」で聴く事が出来ます)。
今回もドンはPURPLEの休止中にソロアルバムの製作に取り掛かり、その事前プロモーションも兼ねて久しぶりのソロライヴを計画しました。 前回2009年のツアーではギターにJAMIROQUAIのロブ・ハリスのほか、ドラムにJETHRO TULLのクライヴ・バンカーなど錚々たる顔ぶれを揃えていました。今回もヴォーカルは’06年以来ドンのバンドで歌っているカール・センタンスが務めたものの、それ以外はメンバーを大幅に変更し、ドンの実弟キース・エイリーをギターに、ベースは(おそらくロブ・ハリスの縁で)JAMIROQUAIでのキャリアがあるアレックス・メドウズを迎え、ブッキングされた2公演に臨みました。

本作はこの2回限りのライヴをコンプリート! ディスク1・2へは4月23日のドイツ・ルーテスハイム公演の模様を、ディスク3・4には翌24日に行われたオランダのケルクラーデ公演を、どちらもマスター・クオリティの極上オーディエンス録音で収め、特別なステージを余すところ無くパッケージしています。会場は異なるものの2日続けての公演でバンドの雰囲気は似通っており、セットリストもほぼ同じなのですが、単発ライヴならではのイベント性はどちらのショウも一種のお祭りのようなノリがあります。バンドとオーディエンスの「楽しもう」という前向きなモチベーションは、ライヴの空気を通じて聴き手にも伝わり、希少なテイクへどっぷりと浸らせてくれます。

“ロミオとジュリエット”の「Montagues And Capulets」で極上の雰囲気に包まれて始まるライヴ序盤は、ドンのソロアルバム「A LIGHT IN THE SKY」より「Endless Night」と「Shooting Star」が、彼らしいスペーシーな世界観を楽しませます。3曲目では早くもPURPLEナンバーの「Child In Time」が登場し、ファンの耳をぐっと惹き付けます。キース・エイリーの地に足が着いたギターはドンのキーボードと絶妙な連携を聴かせてくれ、エイリー兄弟の以心伝心パフォーマンスは「収める場所に収まる」安心感のようなものを覚えます。続くドンの新曲「People In Your Head」は前半の聴き所です。重厚さの中にもカールの歌心とキースの要領を得たギターワークが映えるミッドナンバーに、ファンならばアルバムへの期待感が高まる事でしょう。
「Sombrero M104」・「Love You Too Much」・「A Light In The Sky」の「A LIGHT IN THE SKY」ナンバーを経た後は、ジミ・ヘンドリクスの「Fire」を挟んで、ドンが今は亡き旧友達に捧げるパートへ移ります。コージー・パウエルの代名詞ともいえる「Dance With The Devil」に、ゲイリー・ムーアの「Sunset」そしてインストアレンジされた「Parisienne Walkways」のメロディは、聴き手の胸にも熱く染み込む事でしょう。特に「Sunset」はゲイリーとドンが’83年の来日公演において”ランディ・ローズに捧げる曲”として演奏したものです。それを今、ゲイリーのために捧げる事になろうとは・・・。この時のドンの気持ちは察するに余りあるというものです。この感動的なライヴ中盤を聴くためだけでも、本作を手に入れる価値は充分にあります! またディスク2の冒頭ではLED ZEPPELINナンバーの「Rock And Roll」を聴く事が出来ます。やや低音がピークオーバー気味ではありますが、23日のみの聴き所として見逃せないポイントです。
ライヴ後半は「Difficult To Cure」に始まり「All Night Long」「Lost In Hollywood」、そして「Since You Been Gone」と、ドンのライヴでは定番のRAINBOWパートが聴き手を大いに喜ばせてくれます。パワフルなハイトーンを身上とするカールのヴォーカルは、グラハム・ボネットの楽曲もしっかりとした歌声で再現しています。アンコールではお約束になっている「Gimme Some Loving」も、今回は中盤に「Dazed And Confused」がインクルードされており、曲想に緩急とヘヴィな展開というメリハリを与える工夫が何とも心憎いです。ラストは「Black Night」がドライヴ感たっぷりに会場を盛り上げ、約110分のライヴを最高の後味で締めくくります。

ドンの多彩なキャリアと交友関係が反映された”ハードロックのベスト・セレクション・ライヴ”というべき内容は、基本的に従来の単発ライヴを踏襲しているものの、今回はコージーに捧げられた「Dance With The Devil」に、ゲイリーを偲ぶ「Sunset」「Parisienne Walkways」組曲と、これまで以上に彼のパーソナルな側面を強調しているのが印象的です。DEEP PURPLEやGARY MOOREに関わりを持つバンド・ミュージシャンに思い入れが強い人ほど、本作はスペシャルな重みを増すはずです!
「セッション・ワークの集大成」のような趣きがあった’06年~’07年ライヴのセットリストに対し、ソロ曲とのバランスも図られた今回の2公演では、ひとりのミュージシャンとしてのドンをより深く知る事が出来るでしょう。歴戦の名プレイヤーが奏でる七色の鍵盤サウンドを、2公演・約210分のボリュームでたっぷりとお楽しみください。今週同時にリリースされる「WEISS HEIM IN VIENNA」と併せて、全てのハードロック・ファンに聴いて頂きたい一本です!

★beatleg誌 vol.133(2011年8月号)のレビュー要約です。ご参考まで。

基本的なセット・リストは両日共に共通で、ドンのソロ・アルバムの曲とドンのキャリアを中心に組まれている。ステージはオープニングの「Endless Night」「Shooting Star」とソロの曲が続くが、ノリも良く観客の歓声も熱い。ジミ・ヘンドリックスの「Fire」やコージー・パウエルの「Dance With The Devil」などはドンのファンでなくても楽しめるし、ゲイリー・ムーアへ捧げるようにプレイされる「Sunset」や「Parisienne Walkways」には涙腺を緩ませてくれる。23日のみプレイされたLED ZEPPELINの「Rock’n’Roll」は意外な選曲ながら観客の喜ぶ様子が伝わってくる。

★ゲイリー・ムーアに捧げられた「Sunset」「Parisienne Walkways」組曲は必聴!!

Live at Musikclub Uhlenspiegel, Rutesheim, Germany 23rd April 2011

Disc 1
1. Montagues And Capulets (Introduction) 2. Endless Night 3. Shooting Star 4. Child In Time
5. People In Your Head 6. Piano Solo/Sombrero M104 7. Love You Too Much 8. A Light In The Sky
9. Fire 10. Dance With The Devil/Drums Solo/A Light In The Sky (reprise) 11. Sunset
12. Parisienne Walkways

Disc 2
1. Rock And Roll 2. Difficult To Cure 3. Brandenburg Concert/Over The Rainbow 4. All Night Long
5. Lost In Hollywood incl. A Light In The Black 6. Since You Been Gone
7. Gimme Some Loving incl. Dazed And Confused 8. Black Night

Live at Rock Temple, Kerkrade, Holland 24th April 2011

Disc 3
1. Montagues And Capulets (Introduction) 2. Endless Night 3. Shooting Star 4. Child In Time
5. People In Your Head 6. Piano Solo/Sombrero M104 7. Love You Too Much 8. A Light In The Sky
9. Fire 10. Dance With The Devil/Drums Solo/A Light In The Sky (reprise) 11. Sunset
12. Parisienne Walkways

Disc 4
1. Difficult To Cure 2. Brandenburg Concert/Over The Rainbow 3. All Night Long
4. Lost In Hollywood incl. A Light In The Black 5. Since You Been Gone
6. Gimme Some Loving incl. Dazed And Confused 7. Black Night

Don Airey – Keyboards Carl Sentance – Vocal Keith Airey – Guitar Jon Finnigan – Drums
Alex Meadows – Bass

Shades 349

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