Dokken / Breakin The Chains Original Carrere Deluxe Edition / 1CD+1DVD

Dokken / Breakin The Chains Original Carrere Deluxe Edition / 1CD+1DVD / Zodiac
Breakin The Chains Original Carrere Deluxe Edition &  Complete Beat Club 1982

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The original version of “BREAKIN ‘THE CHAINS” which has not yet been officially released on CD. Such a phantom debut and early live transcendental multi-camera professional shots are now available on a permanent preservation press CD + DVD.
Speaking of “BREAKIN ‘THE CHAINS”, it is obvious that DOKKEN’s 1st album. It is an official work that is still in circulation. However, the original release version was completely different. The current version is a remix version released in 983 by a major American ELEKTRA, but the original version was released in 1981 from the French label CARRERE. All 10 songs are the same, but the mix, sound, and even the songs and members are slightly different. This work reprints such “original version BREAKIN ‘THE CHAINS” with the highest quality ever, and also includes the latest ultra-high quality pro-shot live. It is a big decision board of early DOKKEN where Founse Cruche was also enrolled. Let’s introduce each disk individually.

[CD: 1981 original version BREAKIN ‘THE CHAINS (2 types)] -West German edition “2934 139”
The main CD of this work is the original CARRERE version of “BREAKIN ‘THE CHAINS”. This version has been confirmed to be released in the UK, France, West Germany, and Greece, and in this work, the West German edition and the French edition are included. The cover of this work is not “DOKKEN” but “DON DOKKEN”, but this is the artwork of this West German edition.
Included at the beginning is the West German edition “2934 139” which is considered the highest quality. The mint board that the core collector possessed was obtained and digitized with high-end equipment. The sound is Pikaichi. The glossy sound that penetrates the whole volume is so much that it doesn’t seem to cause LP, and it is refreshing and stable. In fact, if you just listen to the original version, you can do it on a certain video site, but the sound is not comparable. Excellent detail with clean details, plump three-dimensionality, freshness left to the slightest reverberation … The quality of each sound is totally different.
The original version drawn in that quality is a different world from the current version. First, there are two songs that are unfamiliar just by looking at the song. “Paris” is the same song as the familiar “Paris Is Burning”, but unlike the current live version, it is a complete studio recording. It’s a tight version that starts with drums, without that intro guitar solo. Even more noteworthy is the rare song “We’re Illegal” that has not yet been made into a CD. This song is basically the original song of “Live to Rock (Rock to Live)” recorded in the current edition, and not only the lyrics are different, but also a duet of Don Docken and Fau Crusche. The world’s debut with Jeff Pilson would have reworked Foan’s vocal tunes, but not only the chorus of “We’re illegal, takin ‘control you !!”, but the entire lyrics were rewritten, The impression is completely different.
Also, it is not only Foan that the members are different. In the current edition, Foan is credited, but in this work, ACCEPT’s Peter Barthes and Foan’s brother Tom Cruche are also participating (although it is not confirmed, three songs “Paris” “Young Girls” In “Stick To Your Guns”, Bobby Brotzer is said to be hitting).
This is a big difference, but the more vivid is the mix. The current version is a dynamic sound with plenty of major feeling only for the major ELEKTRA, but instead, the delay that was popular at that time has become a tight bathroom sound. On the other hand, this work is a tight band sound. Of course, the effect processing is included in this work, but it is just a little, and the performance sound spun by the band can be felt all over. It sounds like a studio live.

-French edition “67865”
In the latter half of the CD, another “original version BREAKIN ‘THE CHAINS” is included. “67865” was pressed in France, the home country of the CARRERE label (by the way, French jackets are very similar to the current version). The recording take / mix is ​​the same, but the mastering is different and the sound is different.
Among the core enthusiasts, the West German edition “2934 139” recorded in the first half is considered the best, but this is also quite tasteful. Although there aren’t any nuances from the West German edition, it feels like an echo and the chorus feels thick. Of course, this is also the highest version that was originally digitized from mint quality LP. Since the theme of this work is “original masterpiece”, the label’s home country version is also valuable as a document.

[DVD: Complete version of 1982 BEAT-CLUB Pro Shot] The alternative video version is a multi-camera pro shot of the era when the “original version BREAKING THE CHAINS” was released. It is a West German special program “BEAT-CLUB” recorded in “Bremen, January 14, 1982”. It is famous as a professional shot that can be seen in the Foan era for a long time (previously “January 4”), but this work is an upgrade master that appeared in recent years, this BEAT-CLUB itself This is an unedited and complete version before the broadcast excavated. Although we introduced it as “COMPLETE BEAT-CLUB 1982 (Shades 969)” in our shop, we realized permanent preservation suitable for quality and content.
Actually, the quality of this work is ultimate. After all, new excavation of BEAT-CLUB itself. As such, there should be no dubbing marks, and the master who would have been asleep in the warehouse for many years will not be degraded. About 10 years ago, the high-quality version of Aircheck became a topic of “official class!”, But that doesn’t matter at all. Visual beauty that is overwhelming even for eyes that are used to modern digital standards. It is not the standard at the time, but the full official quality of the modern standard.
Moreover, the content is intense and it is an undisclosed scene after the opening. The group that had been air-checked for broadcasting started from the middle of “Paris Is Burning”, but this work was recorded from chitin and intro. On the contrary, the venue before the performance has been held for four and a half minutes. Furthermore, there is no song title or member telop that was covered in the broadcast, and it has been recorded for about 2 minutes after the performance. It ’s an unedited rawness.
Of course, what was more amazing than that was the performance scene, and the main feature was “I Can’t See You” and “In The Middle” which were never broadcast! ”The“ BREAKING THE CHAINS ”repertoire has been drastically reduced after the major debut, but especially these two songs are extremely rare numbers for which no record-like records have been found so far. What’s more, the addition of these two songs means that all the songs of “BREAKING THE CHAINS” have been performed. Of course, instead of “Live to Rock (Rock to Live)”, “We’re Illegal”, duet on the stage with Foan. Rare “Red Book”, Foan bass solo and George Lynch guitar solo are perfect. It is one piece that is “BREAKING THE CHAINS + α”.
In addition, Don Dokken playing with a guitar is also fresh. Moreover, the guitar with a dong sound is huge, and it is mixed with a balance that is greater than George. From the current sense, it is a bit strange, but just after the debut, the broadcasting station has no reason to know the dynamics in the band, and thanks to that, Don’s prowess can be enjoyed with the official super-superior sound board.

大幅 A large upgrade complete version of the large classic pro shot to the original 2 types of the masterpiece “BREAKIN ‘THE CHAINS”. This is a super-decision board for the early DOKKEN. The ultimate two-disc set that lets you enjoy the world’s highest quality ever before flying from ELEKTRA to the world. Please enjoy carefully!

★ Coupled with Dokken’s first album released in 1981, the original unmixed Kalea original mix and the 1982 Beat Club full version video. Disc 1 includes 2 versions of the original and rare mixes of Germany and France. Disc 2 is the first press DVD in the complete version of Beat Club.

★ There are 3 versions of this jacket.
French edition with logo design similar to 1983 Electra’s remix edition.
The German edition is designed with Don Dokken tied in a chain, and there are two types: DOKKEN and DON DOKKEN.
This time, the most rare DON DOKKEN jacket, which was released only 500 copies, was reprinted.

未だ公式にはCD化されていない『BREAKIN’ THE CHAINS』のオリジナル・バージョン。そんな幻のデビュー作品と初期ライヴの超絶級マルチカメラ・プロショットが永久保存プレスCD+DVDで登場です。
『BREAKIN’ THE CHAINS』と言えば、言わずと知れたDOKKENの1stアルバム。現在でも流通しているオフィシャル作品です。しかし、そのオリジナル・リリース版は現行とはまったく違うものでした。現行盤は983年にアメリカの大手ELEKTRAからリリースされたリミックス盤ですが、オリジナルは1981年にフランスのレーベルCARREREからリリースされたもの。全10曲は同じものの、ミックス、サウンド、さらには曲目やメンバーも微妙に異なっているのです。本作は、そんな「オリジナル版BREAKIN’ THE CHAINS」を史上最高峰クオリティで復刻し、さらに近年登場した超極上プロショット・ライヴも同梱。フォアン・クルーシェも在籍していた初期DOKKENの一大決定盤なのです。それでは、各ディスクを個別にご紹介していきましょう。

【CD編:1981年オリジナル版BREAKIN’ THE CHAINS(2種)】
●西ドイツ盤『2934 139』
本作のメインとなるCD編は『BREAKIN’ THE CHAINS』のオリジナルCARREREバージョン。このバージョンは英国・フレンス・西ドイツ・ギリシャでのリリースが確認されており、本作では西ドイツ盤とフランス盤の2種を収録しています。本作のジャケは「DOKKEN」ではなく「DON DOKKEN」名義になっていますが、これはこの西ドイツ盤のアートワークです。
冒頭に収録されているのは、最高峰クオリティとされている西ドイツ盤『2934 139』。コア・コレクターが所蔵していたミント盤を入手し、ハイエンド機材でデジタル化されたものです。そのサウンドはピカイチ。全編を貫く艶やかなサウンドはLP起こしとは思えないほどで、瑞々しさも安定感もバツグン。実のところ、オリジナル・バージョンを聴くだけなら某動画サイトでも可能なのですが、サウンドは比べものにならない。キリッとしたディテールを誇る抜けの良さ、ふくよかな立体感、僅かな残響までキレイに残された鮮度……1音1音のクオリティがまるで違います。
そのクオリティで描かれるオリジナル版は、現行盤とは違う世界。まず、曲目を見ただけで見慣れない曲が2つある。「Paris」はお馴染み「Paris Is Burning」と同曲ですが、ライヴの現行盤とは異なり、完全スタジオ録音。イントロのあのギターソロもなく、ドラムから始まるタイトなバージョンです。さらに注目なのは未CD化のレア曲「We’re Illegal」。この曲も基本的に現行盤に収録された「Live to Rock (Rock to Live)」の原曲でして、歌詞が異なるだけでなくドン・ドッケンとフォアン・クルーシェのデュエットなのです。ジェフ・ピルソンを迎えての世界デビューに際してフォアンのヴォーカル曲を改作したのでしょうが、「We’re illegal, takin’ control you!!」と連呼するサビだけでなく、全編の歌詞が書き換えられており、まったく印象が違います。
また、メンバーが違うのはフォアンだけではない。現行盤ではベースはフォアンがクレジットされていますが、本作ではACCEPTのピーター・バルテスに、フォアンの兄のトム・クルーシェも参加しています(確定ではないものの、3曲「Paris」「Young Girls」「Stick To Your Guns」ではボビー・ブロッツァーが叩いているとも言われています)。

CD編の後半には、そんな「オリジナル版BREAKIN’ THE CHAINS」をもう1種収録。CARREREレーベルの母国フランスでプレスされた『67865』です(ちなみにフランス盤のジャケは現行盤に酷似したロゴ物)。録音テイク/ミックスは同じなのですが、マスタリングが異なり、サウンドが違うのです。
コア・マニアの間では前半に収録された西ドイツ盤『2934 139』こそがベストとされているのですが、こちらもどうしてなかなかに味わい深い。西ドイツ盤よりヌケは今いちなものの、それがエコー感になっており、コーラスも厚く感じる。もちろん、こちらもミント・クオリティのLPから独自にデジタル化された最高峰版。本作のテーマは「名盤のオリジナル」ですので、レーベルの母国バージョンは資料的にも貴重です。

代わっての映像編は、「オリジナル版BREAKING THE CHAINS」がリリースされた時代のマルチカメラ・プロショット。「1982年1月14日ブレーメン」で収録された西ドイツの名物番組“BEAT-CLUB”です。古くからフォアン時代が見られるプロショットとして有名(これまでは“1月4日”とされてきました)ですが、本作は近年になって登場したアップグレード・マスターで、当のBEAT-CLUB自身が発掘した放送前の未編集・完全版です。当店では『COMPLETE BEAT-CLUB 1982(Shades 969)』としてもご紹介しましたが、クオリティと内容に相応しい永久保存が実現しました。
しかも、内容も強烈で、オープニングからしていきなりの未公開シーン。放送のエアチェックだった既発群は「Paris Is Burning」の途中から始まっていましたが、本作はキチンとイントロから収録。それどころか、開演前の会場も4分半にわたって収めています。さらに放送では被せられていた曲名やメンバー・テロップがなく、終演後も2分ほど長く録りっぱなし。まさに未編集の生々しさ全開なのです。
それ以上に凄いのはもちろん演奏シーンで、目玉は何と言っても放送されなかった「I Can’t See You」「In The Middle」! 『BREAKING THE CHAINS』レパートリーはメジャー・デビュー後に激減してしまうわけですが、特にこの2曲はこれまで記録らしい記録も見当たらなかった激レア・ナンバー。しかも、この2曲が加わったことで『BREAKING THE CHAINS』の全曲が披露されたことになる。もちろん、「Live to Rock (Rock to Live)」ではなく、「We’re Illegal」で、ステージでもフォアンとデュエットしている。そこにさらにレアな「Red Book」、フォアンのベース・ソロ、ジョージ・リンチのギター・ソロもばっちり。「目で観るBREAKING THE CHAINS+α」な1枚なのです。

名作『BREAKIN’ THE CHAINS』のオリジナル盤2種に、大定番プロショットの大幅アップグレード完全版。まさに、これ以上ない初期DOKKENの超・決定盤です。ELEKTRAから世界に羽ばたく前の彼らを史上最高峰クオリティで楽しめる究極の2枚組。どうぞ、じっくりとお楽しみください!


ドイツ盤はドン・ドッケンが鎖で縛られてるデザインでDOKKEN名義とDON DOKKEN名義の2種あります。
今回は500枚しかリリースされなかった一番珍しいDON DOKKEN名義のジャケットをより復刻。


BREAKIN’ THE CHAINS (Original Carrere Mixes)

German Pressing [2934 139] 1. Breakin’ the Chains
2. Seven Thunders
3. I Can’t See You
4. In the Middle
5. We’re Illegal
6. Paris
7. Stick to Your Guns
8. Young Girls
9. Felony
10. Nightrider

French Pressing [67865] 11. Breakin’ the Chains
12. Seven Thunders
13. I Can’t See You
14. In the Middle
15. We’re Illegal
16. Paris
17. Stick to Your Guns
18. Young Girls
19. Felony
20. Nightrider

Live at Studio 3, Radio Bremen, Germany 14th January 1982

1. Introduction
2. Paris
3. Young Girls
4. I Can’t See You
5. In the Middle
6. Nightrider
7. Breakin’ the Chains
8. Seven Thunders
9. My Little Red Book
10. Felony
11. Bass Solo
12. Stick to Your Guns
13. Guitar Solo
14. We’re Illegal

56min.   Linear PCM Stereo 4:3

Don Dokken – lead vocals, guitar
George Lynch – guitar
“Wild” Mick Brown – drums
Juan Croucier – bass, background vocals, co-lead vocals on ‘We’re Illegal’

Zodiac 348

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