DIO / Lock Up The Hammersmith / 2CDR

DIO / Lock Up The Hammersmith / 2 CDR /Non Label

Live At Hammersmith Odeon, London, UK 29th May 1990.

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’83 Was the last of the Hammersmith Odeon concert lasted for “the first half of DIO” until ’90 years from the year of May 29, 1990 live. The important book live in DIO history in this work, you can enjoy a valuable audience master!

1990 live recording of DIO in recent years it has any been excavated little by little, but still still situations in which the number is limited. Impression that in even excellent recording, appeared this time and “WILD NIGHTS”, Geezer Butler is you’re overemphasis, as typified by the “HOWLING WOLF” that contains the Minneapolis concert who participated jump in, to the moment the United States tour . Still sound source from the European Tour is the reality is poor.
Important clue is this work to unlock the 1990 European tour of such DIO is “LOCK UP THE HAMMERSMITH”. This work as a single to illuminate the spotlight on “DIO history of the dark zone”, has become a big topic at the time about three years ago gift release. Only to a single voice was large who wish to re-release, this time of bonus release would be good news for the fans!

New “LOCK UP THE WOLVES” Shinsei DIO which is coming out with a, began world tour from the Netherlands-Zwolle performances of May 16 years ’90. London Hammersmith concert was recorded in this work, all five performances will hit the 3 performances eyes of the UK tour that have been made (small of the day was unveiled in Hammersmith DIO was “Odeon” to it, the last It has also a small).
“Wild One” from recording with a superb clear and prospects of opening to reproduce the performance of the call is also high ’90 model year DIO of “successive strongest” brilliantly. Around the Ronnie song, localization of stable balance and sound, will entertain with a sense of security to live up to last. Ronnie is resounding throughout strong vocal in venue, especially to showcase the singing reminiscent of SABBATH era of ’80 “Children Of The Sea” is one of the first half of the listening stations. It is followed by “Man On The Silver Mountain”, “Tarot Woman”, in RAINBOW medley of “Stargazer” exert Jens Johansson is the competence of the Newest, colorful touch was not the DIO of the ’80s keyboard, It is accompanied by a vivid color to these masterpieces.
Scissors to “Born On The Sun” from the “Stand Up And Shuot”, in the “Lock Up The Wolves”, “Why Are They Watching Me” this time unique new song part that is barrage and the guitar of Rowan is the Ronnie to opponent It is proudly Wataria~tsu. Youth because of audacity, goodness of abandon has a positive effect on “Why Are They Watching Me” and followed by guitar solo part is plenty respond listen. ’83 To fresh charm that leads also immediately after the band formed as different from any other time, “one-of-a-kind DIO”, will overwhelm the listeners!

With respect to the disk 1 to amaze at the young and the new song configuration, disk 2 that starts from the “Do not Talk To Strangers” intoxicating the fan in the masterpieces on parade. “The Last In Line” and “Heaven And Hell”, further in the medley of “Egypt (The Chains Are On)” and “Holy Diver” also while guitar or keyboard to show a new cut, also firmly traditional DIO likeness It has been woven. Performance full of unchanging majesty and drama of these masterpieces would you bow down any and listeners.
Also as can be seen even Ronnie of MC, Nicko McBrain of IRON MAIDEN have participated jump in the “Rainbow In The Dark” of this day. It seems indeed the United Kingdom performances catastrophic document. Not even fans has become absolutely listen miss no point. “Neon Knights” same Geezer Butler is in the same year Minneapolis performances that participated jump in, here are scenes of ’90 tour.

Press CD title with a “WILD NIGHTS”, this work is to heartily enjoy the music and the band ensemble that can not listen only in 1990 tour. And landed on the tradition of the venue, “the strongest of DIO”, further referred to the emergence of surprise guest, the everything of special dressed recording, all of DIO fan definitely must listen! The appropriate one and is usually released if the original, together with the press CD title “WILD NIGHTS”, please enjoy slowly and carefully on this occasion!


DIOの1990年ライヴ音源は、近年少しずつ発掘されてはいますが、それでもまだ数が限られている状況。その中でも優秀な録音は、今回登場する「WILD NIGHTS」や、ギーザー・バトラーが飛び入り参加したミネアポリス公演を収めた「HOWLING WOLF」に代表されるように、今のところアメリカツアーに偏重している印象。依然としてヨーロッパツアーからの音源は乏しいのが実情です。
そんなDIOの’90年ヨーロッパツアーを解き明かす重要な手がかりが本作「LOCK UP THE HAMMERSMITH」です。本作は「DIOヒストリーのダークゾーン」にスポットライトを照らす一本として、約3年前のギフト・リリース時に大きな話題となりました。再度のリリースを希望する声が大きかった一本だけに、今回のボーナス・リリースはファンにとって朗報でしょう!

新作「LOCK UP THE WOLVES」を引っさげた新生DIOは、’90年5月16日のオランダ・ズヴォレ公演からワールドツアーを開始しました。本作に収録されたロンドン・ハマースミス公演は、全5公演が行われたイギリスツアーの3公演目に当たります(この日のショウはDIOがそれまで「オデオン」だったハマースミスで披露した、最後のショウでもあります)。
オープニングの「Wild One」から抜群のクリアさと見通しをもつ録音は「歴代最強」の呼び声も高い’90年型DIOの演奏を見事に再現します。ロニーの歌を中心として、安定したバランスや音の定位は、最後までライヴを安心して楽しませます。ロニーは終始好調なヴォーカルを会場中に響かせており、特に’80年のSABBATH時代を思わせる熱唱を披露する「Children Of The Sea」は前半の聴き所の一つです。続く「Man On The Silver Mountain」・「Tarot Woman」・「Stargazer」のRAINBOWメドレーでは新加入のイェンス・ヨハンソンがその力量を発揮し、’80年代のDIOには無かったカラフルなタッチのキーボードで、これら名曲に鮮やかな彩りを添えています。
「Born On The Sun」から「Stand Up And Shuot」を挟み、「Lock Up The Wolves」・「Why Are They Watching Me」と連発されるこの時期ならではの新曲パートでは、ローワンのギターがロニーを相手に堂々と渡り合っています。若さゆえの大胆さ、思い切りの良さがプラスに作用した「Why Are They Watching Me」と続くギターソロパートは聴き応えたっぷりです。バンド結成直後の’83年にも通じるフレッシュな魅力は、他のどの時期とも異なる「オンリーワンのDIO」として、聴き手を圧倒するでしょう!

若さと目新しい曲構成で驚かせるディスク1に対し、「Don’t Talk To Strangers」から始まるディスク2は名曲のオンパレードでファンを酔わせる。「The Last In Line」と「Heaven And Hell」、さらに「Egypt (The Chains Are On)」と「Holy Diver」のメドレーでは、ギターやキーボードが新しい切り口を見せつつも、従来のDIOらしさもしっかりと織り込まれています。これら名曲の変わらぬ威厳とドラマ性に満ちた演奏は、いかなる聴き手もひれ伏す事でしょう。
またロニーのMCでも判るとおり、この日の「Rainbow In The Dark」にはIRON MAIDENのニコ・マクブレインが飛び入り参加しています。これはいかにもイギリス公演らしい突発的なドキュメント。ファンならずとも絶対に聴き逃せないポイントになっています。ギーザー・バトラーが飛び入り参加した同年ミネアポリス公演における「Neon Knights」同様、ここは’90年ツアーの名場面です。

プレスCDタイトルの「WILD NIGHTS」と共に、本作は’90年ツアーでしか聴けない楽曲とバンド・アンサンブルを思う存分堪能させます。伝統の会場に降り立った「最強のDIO」、さらにサプライズ・ゲストの登場という、何もかも特別ずくめの録音は、間違いなく全てのDIOファン必聴! 本来ならば通常リリースされて然るべき一本を、プレスCDタイトル「WILD NIGHTS」と併せ、この機会にじっくりとお楽しみください!

Disc 1
1. Introduction 2. Wild One 3. Children Of The Sea 4. Man On The Silver Mountain
5. Tarot Woman 6. Keyboards Solo 7. Stargazer 8. Long Live Rock’N’Roll 9. Born On The Sun
10. Stand Up And Shout 11. Lock Up The Wolves 12. Why Are They Watching Me
13. Guitar Solo 14. Why Are They Watching Me (Reprise)

Disc 2
1. Band Introduction 2. Don’t Talk To Strangers 3. Hey Angel 4. The Last In Line
5. Heaven And Hell/The Last In Line (Reprise) 6. Rainbow In The Dark (with Nicko McBrain)
7. Egypt (The Chains Are On) 8. Holy Diver 9. We Rock

Ronnie James Dio – Vocal Rowan Robertson – Guitar Teddy Cook – Bass
Simon Wright – Drums Jens Johansson – Keyboards


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