DIO / Atlanta 1990 Definitive Edition / 1 CDR

DIO / Atlanta 1990 Definitive Edition / 1 CDR /Non Label

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Civic Center, Atlanta , GA, USA 2nd October 1990.


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CD title was recorded in stereo sound board of the official class, the 1990 tour final performance of ★ DIO of “FINAL NIGHT 1990”, “LOCK UP THE must listen line sources of another comes as a bonus WOLVES “tour!Enjoy New Remastered Atlanta, Georgia performance of October 2, 1990 the “ATLANTA 1990 DEFINITIVE EDITION”! DIO – ATLANTA 1990 DEFINITIVE EDITION (Bonus CDR) . Live at Civic Centre, Atlanta, GA USA 2nd October 1990 SBD (UPGRADE!)  in the United States tour “DIO of the strongest” has circuit as the main tour in 1990, and between mania line multiple sources are known. ‘s Been sorted Award Dallas performance on the last day in the, which was recorded Atlanta “Civic Center” concert October 2. After you first appearance in more than 10 years ago now, and it has been a great classic of the same year among fans for a long time.  When was known as the best master of the Atlanta Live bonus CDR It was “CERBERUS RULES”, but is subjected to re-master a new one to celebrate the release of “FINAL NIGHT 1990”, and revived as a new version this time was! Has been evaluated as “greatly exceeds its outstanding” even when it is gift-release “CERBERUS RULES” once, but the sound quality of midrange blurred impression that each part in the cause and listen at the current level.In this remastered, and sound quality that is tight to adjust the pitch range, finished in a sound with the punch of a powerful in its outstanding or more. As a special bonus was recorded in the sound of the best Dallas past performance of “FINAL NIGHT 1990”, and No … supremely appropriate, this work is the one which is absolutely essential!  Features of the present sound source up to the point you are recorded it is not listen in the “FINAL NIGHT 1990” to “live the first half of the real”. Ultra-valuable of opening the “The Mob Rules” above all! Excavation has progressed in the last few years, but the live recordings from the 1990 tour not only listen to here is the same song by “DIO strongest” this! Rowan is to listen to the play of Tony Iommi to shame with a “Children Of The Sea” is far from listening to the big two this barrage BLACK SABBATH number.  RAINBOW Medley is a highlight of the extra-large also, excellent sound is fascinating colorful keyboard Jens Johansson decorate a set list of the time further. From “Man On The Silver Mountain”, and feel the comfort of sound exiting and exhilarating in clear was a cheerful, can be enjoyed at the sound it deserves to play the best. RAINBOW All fans were surprised from the “Tarot Woman”, expand it roll into the “Stargazer” through the keyboard solo of Jens reminiscent of in that “RAINBOW ON STAGE” and “Still I’m Sad”, many times listening to at the time also will be overwhelmed! Approaching the guitar sharp sharpness Rowan remind Vivian Campbell still in the “Stand Up And Shout”, Ronnie also to hear the gruff singing in the wild just like at that time 1983!  After you produce a live peak it is not absolutely essential in DIO live as “The Last In Line” and “Heaven And Hell” and “Rainbow In The Dark”, the title track comes from “LOCK UP THE WOLVES”.Although it is a bit disappointing that choice from the same work that you can listen here’s the “this one song,” but (‘ll want to hear at this sound the “Wild One”!), Among the set of classic-oriented has been penetrated, and BLACK SABBATH lineal The song eerie of a solid we are familiar nicely. Sound is good itself of course. Taste that can be enjoyed in the lineup of this only when the performance is irresistible. When you before the overwhelming play located in the front and back and “Holy Diver” and “We Rock”, there is no difference DIO all fans to bow down!  70 minutes which condensed the charm of 1990 type DIO barrage of far from listen to the whole book. You can enjoy listening in response and the best performance of the strongest group of masterpieces that are essential in the live of DIO, is, I’m happy with anything! With “FINAL NIGHT 1990”, this work will be to play the role of “official instead” in Rowan era official live work does not exist. Live album of exquisite unavoidable absolutely if an avid enthusiast. By all means, do not miss this opportunity!

DIOの1990年ツアー最終公演を、公式級のステレオ・サウンドボードで収録したプレスCDタイトル「FINAL NIGHT 1990」の初回ナンバー入りステッカー付きに限り、「LOCK UP THE WOLVES」ツアーもうひとつの必聴ライン音源がボーナスとして付属! 1990年10月2日のジョージア州アトランタ公演のニューリマスター「ATLANTA 1990 DEFINITIVE EDITION」をお楽しみ頂けます!

Live at Civic Centre, Atlanta, GA. USA 2nd October 1990 SBD(UPGRADE!)

そのアトランタ・ライヴの最良マスターとして知られていたのがボーナスCDRの「CERBERUS RULES」でしたが、今回は「FINAL NIGHT 1990」のリリースを記念して新たにリマスターを施し、ニューバージョンとして甦りました! かつて「CERBERUS RULES」がギフト・リリースされた際にも「既発を大きく上回る」と評価されましたが、現在のレベルで聴くと中域の音質が原因で各パートが不鮮明な印象。今回のリマスターでは、各音域を調整して締りのある音質を実現、既発以上に迫力あるパンチののあるサウンドに仕上がりました。ダラス公演を過去最良のサウンドで収録した「FINAL NIGHT 1990」のスペシャル・ボーナスとして、本作はこの上なくふさわしい・・・いや、絶対に欠かせない一本です!

本音源最大の特徴は「FINAL NIGHT 1990」では聴けない“実際のライヴ前半部分”を収録している点。中でもオープニングの「The Mob Rules」は超貴重! ’90年ツアーからのライヴ音源はここ数年で発掘が進んだものの、この“最強のDIO”による同曲はここでしか聴けない! ローワンがトニー・アイオミ顔負けのプレイを聴かせる「Children Of The Sea」と共に、このBLACK SABBATHナンバー2連発は大きな聴きどころです。
さらに当時のセットリストで特大の目玉であるRAINBOWメドレーも、イェンス・ヨハンソンのキーボードが彩るカラフルで艶やかなサウンドが絶品。「Man On The Silver Mountain」から、クリアでスカッと抜けるサウンドが晴れ晴れとした心地よさを感じさせ、最高の演奏をそれにふさわしい音で楽しめます。当時はすべてのRAINBOWファンが驚いた「Tarot Woman」から、あの「RAINBOW ON STAGE」での「Still I’m Sad」を連想させるイェンスのキーボードソロを経て「Stargazer」になだれ込む展開は、何度聴いても圧倒されてしまうでしょう! さらにローワンがヴィヴィアン・キャンベルを思い出させる切れ味鋭いギターで迫る「Stand Up And Shout」では、ロニーも’83年当時さながらのワイルドで荒々しい歌唱を聴かせます!
DIOライヴで絶対に欠かせない「The Last In Line」と「Heaven And Hell」そして「Rainbow In The Dark」でライヴ・ピークを演出した後は、「LOCK UP THE WOLVES」からタイトル・トラックが登場。ここで聴ける同作からのチョイスは「これ一曲」というのがちょっと残念ではありますが(「Wild One」をこのサウンドで聴きたいっ!)、クラシック志向が貫かれたセットの中でも、BLACK SABBATH直系の重厚で不気味な同曲はしっくりと馴染んでいます。もちろんサウンドは優良そのもの。この演奏をこの時だけのラインナップで楽しめる旨みは堪りません。その前後に位置する「Holy Diver」そして「We Rock」の圧倒的なプレイを前にした時、すべてのDIOファンがひれ伏すに違いありません!

’90年型DIOの魅力を凝縮した70分間は全編が聴きどころの連発。DIOのライヴで欠かせない名曲群を、最強の演奏と最高の聴き応えで満喫できるのは、なんとも嬉しい! 本作は「FINAL NIGHT 1990」とともに、公式ライヴ作品が存在しないローワン時代において「公式替わり」の役目を果たすことでしょう。熱心なマニアなら絶対に避けて通れない極上のライヴ・アルバム。ぜひ、この機会をお見逃しなく!

1. The Mob Rules 2. Children Of The Sea 3. Man On The Silver Mountain
4. Tarot Woman incl. Keyboard Solo 5. Stargazer 6. Long Live Rock ‘n’ Roll
7. Stand Up And Shout 8. Don’t Talk To Strangers 9. The Last In Line
10. Heaven And Hell/The Last In Line(reprise) 11. Rainbow In The Dark 12. Holy Diver
13. Lock Up The Wolves 14. We Rock


Ronnie James Dio – Vocal Rowan Robertson – Guitar Teddy Cook – Bass Simon Wright – Drums
Jens Johansson – Keyboards

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