Delaney & Bonnie & Friends / Copenhagen 1969 Colorized / 1DVDR

Delaney & Bonnie & Friends / Copenhagen 1969 Colorized / 1DVDR / Non Label

Falkoner Teatret, Copenhagen, Denmark 10th December 1969

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[Eric Clapton, George Harrison’s great band of LA Swamp, Delaney & Bonnie’s big classic video is finally in color! ] With the participation of Eric Clapton and George Harrison, the colorization of the concert video in 1969 in Copenhagen, which has been highly acclaimed as a big standard video of Delaney & Bonnie & Friends, has been realized! Originally recorded on black-and-white film, it was artificially colored using modern technology. However, this is a very natural touch, faithfully reproducing the looks of each member at this time and the color of the instrument, and it is a workmanship that creates a new impression. This week we have this amazing video.
Speaking of Delaney & Bonnie & Friends, LA Swamp’s couple duo artist who was active in the late 60’s and early 70’s, but Eric Clapton, George Harrison, Dave Mason, Joe who were fascinated by the musicality at that time・ It was a band that made a great contribution to the history of rock in that it involved Cocker and even the Rolling Stones and promoted rock exchange between the United States and Britain. Among them, Eric Clapton’s love for them is not a trivial matter, and in 1969, he abandoned the supergroup Blind Faith, who was in the midst of success, and rushed to join as a side guitarist. It was a major turning point in my career. On December 10, 1969, the final day of the tour that Clapton made an effort to introduce them to Europe, the video of the stage recorded and broadcast on black-and-white film by a television station in Copenhagen, Denmark is old. Has been loved by core enthusiasts in the underground. However, when this sound source was unearthed in the 70’s, Carl Radle’s bass and Rita Coolidge’s vocals were an unusually large mix while recording the line, and conversely, Clapton and Harrison’s guitar was almost off, which is a poor monaural mix. There was a background that the audio leaked first, and after it was converted to analog boot, the poor image quality of the blur and the incompletely recorded video of the poor audio leaked, and the VHS containing it was appreciated by enthusiasts for a long time. Even with such quality, enthusiasts were grateful to see it because they wanted to see the gorgeous stage where George Harrison and Billy Preston participated in addition to Clapton, and they moved there. In the 21st century, a full-stage video with good image quality was unearthed, which was finally completely recorded up to the encore and the audio mix was improved, and our shop also released it on a press DVD. Even so, at the point where I thought it was perfect, a wonderfully naturally colored color version appeared. Even enthusiasts who have been familiar with this video for a long time will be surprised at its quality. Even with the same colored image, it is not a taste of artificial coloring like “A HARD DAY’S NIGHT” by The Beatles, but a very natural color that does not make you feel uncomfortable at all. It is a workmanship. This cannot be ignored by maniacs!

[List the highlights! !! ]

Let’s randomly list the highlights of this video, including the colorized points. There are so many that I can’t write them.

★ Coloring that is faithful to the stage costumes (looks) of all the members at that time. Since there are multiple color photographs of the day, faithful colorization is applied to the curtains behind the stage based on them. In particular, the All-Rose Telecaster played by Delaney Bramlett was given to him by George Harrison and was used in the “LET IT BE” session to accurately reproduce that shade that was captured in movies and photographs. increase. Furthermore, the painting strat, which is famous for the “Magical Mystery Tour” played by George, has a natural finish considering the faded colors of the television film at that time. The glossiness of the silk shirt that Clapton wore under the vest is also very natural. Of course, there is no unnaturalness in the skin color and hair color of the members’ faces.

★ Clapton played the Les Paul Custom with 3 mics only for 4 months from “Live Peace in Toronto” with John Lennon this year to this Delabou Ni Europe tour. At that time, it was a popular guitar that Keith Richards also loved, but when Clapton has it, it also shows a very stylish shine.

★ The color of Clapton and George doubles the coolness! Everyone is guaranteed to take a breather in the neat appearance of the two! It is a miracle that the two of them were lined up on the stage in terms of standing position, and the two shots that occasionally appear are dazzling.・ ・ ・ ・ If you think about it, this friendship made the Japan tour a reality 22 years later. In addition, in I Don’t Know Why, Clapton, who was not confident in singing yet, is shy, so it is a must-see for him to sing with sunglasses and occasionally smile at Delaney. This scene is also more realistic because it is colored. George is the first live stage in three years since the Beatles’ Candlestick Park performance in 1966. The appearance of playing happily overturns his image that he hated live.

★ The color of Bonnie’s wig is also natural. Because of the colorization, her proprietary patent “Tambourine Disturbance” scene also shines!
★ If you think about it, the band personel at this time was a terrific face that Derek and the Dominos + Stones’ horn section was joined by Derek and the Dominos and Rita Coolidge. Of course, it is impossible for the TV station to be aware of this, but by chance each member is also captured in the video. Old Rock fans will be particularly impressed by the dynamic appearance of drummer Jim Gordon and the young appearance of Bobby Keys, who later supported the Stones.

★ The mix has been improved by the time Clapton’s guitar, which was previously completely inaudible, can be heard (the bass sound of Radle is also suppressed). There are some remnants of the old biased mix, but if you can hear this much, it will be a letter.

★ Billy Preston, who was invited by George to join in a hurry, is also captured sitting on an electric piano. This is probably because Bobby Whitlock played mainly on the organ.

★ In the encore, which was not recorded before, the audience seats will be all standing. The reflected audience seats are also very naturally colored. The TV station didn’t seem to have expected such an enthusiastic situation, and some of them were shot like audience shots, but they were totally unknown in Europe so much that they excited and cheered the audience. It can be said that it was the power of their “music” that was exposed. Their music had a muddy side peculiar to Swamp but also a pop hook, and it was excellent that outstanding musicians supported it. The moment the core American rock is accepted by Europe, it is a picture that you can understand well.

[Seeing is believing, historical footage]

It used to be a black-and-white image that makes you feel the times, but when you see the version that has been reborn as a natural color image in this way, your emotions will be refreshed. “Rock music has moved a lot” in 1969. Delaney & Bonnie was also the driving force. The Delaney & Bonnie era, which can be said to have laid the foundation for today’s Clapton career. The band experience that inspired me to sing, the friendship with Harrison and Billy Preston, and the stepping stone to Derek and the Dominos. After this, Clapton’s environment and the British rock world are changing rapidly. A valuable full-stage image that captures that moment revives reality by colorizing it. This quality is recommended not only for enthusiasts but also for general rock fans. Great content that makes you want to thank you for leaving it well, and work that makes you want to praise it for being so naturally colored. A must-have for your rock collection.

デラニー&ボニー&フレンズと言えば、60年代後半~70年代初期に活動したLAスワンプの夫婦デュオ・アーティストですが、当時その音楽性に魅せられたエリック・クラプトン、ジョージ・ハリスン、デイヴ・メイスン、ジョー・コッカー、ひいてはローリング・ストーンズまでを巻き込み、米英のロック交流を促進したという点で、ロック史に残る多大な貢献を果たしたバンドでした。中でもエリック・クラプトンの彼らへの惚れ込みようは只事ではなく、69年、成功の真っ只中にあったスーパーグループ、ブラインド・フェイスを捨てて、いちサイドギタリストとして押しかけ加入してしまうほど、彼のキャリアにおける一大転換期となりました。そんなクラプトンが彼らをヨーロッパに紹介すべく尽力して同年に実施したツアーの最終日、69年12月10日にデンマーク、コペンハーゲンのテレビ局がモノクロフィルムにて収録して放送したステージの映像は、古くからアンダーグラウンドでコアなマニアに親しまれてきました。しかし70年代にこの音源が発掘された当時は、ライン録音ながらカール・レイドルのベースとリタ・クーリッジのボーカルが異様に大きなミックスで、逆にクラプトンとハリスンのギターがほぼオフなミックスという劣悪なモノラル音声がまず流出し、それがアナログブート化された後にボケボケの劣悪画質と劣悪音声の不完全収録映像が流出し、それを収めたVHSを長い間マニアはありがたく鑑賞してきたという背景がありました。そんなクオリティでもマニアがありがたがって観てきたのは、クラプトンに加え、ジョージ・ハリスン、ビリー・プレストンまでが参加した豪華なステージ、そこで動く彼らを観たかったからに他なりません。21世紀になって遂にアンコールまで完全収録され、音声ミックスも改善された画質の良いフルステージの映像が発掘され、当店もプレスDVDにてリリースしました。それでもう完璧だと思っていた矢先、何と素晴らしく自然に着色されたカラー版が登場したというわけです。古くからこの映像に親しんでこられたマニアの方も、観ていただくとそのクオリティに驚かれることでしょう。同じ着色映像でも、ビートルズの「A HARD DAY’S NIGHT」のような、「ただ色を塗ってみました」的な人工着色感満開のテイストではなく、非常にナチュラルな色合いで違和感をまったく抱かせない出来映えとなっています。これはマニアも無視できない!



★メンバー全員の当時のステージ衣装(ルックス)に忠実な着色。この日のカラー写真が複数存在することから、それらを基にステージ後方のカーテンまで、忠実なカラー化が施されています。特にデラニー・ブラムレットが弾くオール・ローズテレキャスターは、ジョージ・ハリスンが彼にプレゼントしたもので、「LET IT BE」セッションで使用し、映画や写真にも捉えられていたあの色合いが正確に再現されています。さらにはジョージがプレイした、「マジカル・ミステリー・ツアー」で有名なペインティング・ストラトも当時のテレビフィルムの褪せた色合いを考慮した自然な仕上がりになっています。クラプトンがベストの下に着ていたシルクシャツの光沢の具合もとても自然です。もちろんメンバーの顔の肌色、髪の色にも不自然さは皆無。


★クラプトンとジョージに色が着いたことで、かっこよさ倍増!端正な二人の姿には誰もが息を飲むこと請け合い!立ち位置的にステージで二人が並んでいたことも奇跡で、時折出てくる二人のツーショットには目も眩みます。・・・・思えばこの友情が22年後にジャパンツアーを実現させたのですね。さらにI Don’t Know Whyで、まだ歌うことに自信が持てなかったクラプトンが照れ隠しのため、サングラスをかけて歌う姿、時折デラニーの方を見て微笑む姿は必見。このシーンもカラー化ゆえにリアリティが増しています。ジョージは66年のビートルズのキャンドル・スティックパーク公演以来3年振りのライブステージ。楽しそうにプレイする姿はライブ嫌いだった彼のイメージを覆します。







1. Poor Elijah / Tribute To Johnson
2. I Don’t Know Why
3. Where There’s A Will, There’s A Way
4. My Baby Specializes
5. I Don’t Want To Discuss It
6. That’s What My Man Is For
7. Comin’ Home
8. Tutti Frutti / The Girl Can’t Help It / Long Tall Sally / Jenny Jenny

Bonnie Bramlett : voc
Delaney Bramlett : voc, g
Eric Clapton : g, voc
George Harrison : g
Carl Radle : b
Jim Gordon : dr
Bobby Whitlock : kbd, voc
Billy Preston : p
Jim Price : tr
Bobby Keys : ts
Rita Coolidge : voc



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