Deep Purple / Quebec 1972 feat Randy California / 1CD

Deep Purple / Quebec 1972 feat Randy California / 1CD / Darker Than Blue

Live at Colisee de Quebec, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada 6th April 1972

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It’s just started and suddenly the biggest shock in 2021! A live album of “DP with Randy California” that no one had imagined was suddenly unearthed !! It was decided to release it urgently with a permanent preservation press CD! [DEEP PURPLE with Randy California realized only overnight] Randy California … A precocious guitarist who was once called “the child prodigy Jimi Hendrix tried to take to England” and became known by the famous band SPIRIT of North American psychedelic. Recently, many people may have seen the name in connection with the copyright proceedings of “Stairway to Heaven.” Such Randy was also a “phantom DEEP PURPLE guitarist”. Only one night in 1972, when he was in full swing, he replaced Ritchie Blackmore, who had fallen due to hepatitis, as a purple guitarist. I’m sure some of you may know the anecdote in many biographies, but no sound record has been known. It can’t be helped once in the era of 1972 … That was even common sense for many years. However, the time has finally come to overturn that common sense. The audience recording of “April 6, 1972 Quebec Performance”, the one and only show of DP with Randy, was unearthed! No way, there is a record of sound … Before we approach the content that is currently shaking collectors around the world, let’s first look back on the miracle show from the schedule at that time. << March 25, “Machine Head” released >> ・ March 17-31: North America # 1a (11 performances) 《March 31 Ritchie collapses due to hepatitis》 ・ April 6: Quebec performance ← ★ This work ★ × April 8-23: North America (cancelled / postponed) × × May 11-16: Japan (postponed) × ・ May 25-June 6: North America # 2 (9 performances) ・ June 27-July 1: Europe (3 performances) ・ July 6-19: North America # 3 (11 performances) << July “Purple Portrait” production started >> ・ August 15-17: First visit to Japan (3 performances) This is the climax of 1972, from the release of “Machine Head” to the legendary first visit to Japan. They started a national tour around the time of the album, but Ritchie went down due to hepatitis on March 31, about two weeks later. According to the current common sense, if Ritchie, who is also the main character, collapses, the tour will be canceled, but at that time it is still on sale. The flint performance on the day of the fall will be four songs without Ritchie, while the band will use a substitute to seek to continue the tour. First, he consulted with Al Kooper, but he refused, and then Randy California was the one with the arrow of white feathers. In conclusion, although I had one Quebec performance with Randy, it didn’t come nicely, and in the end, the show for about a month and a half was canceled (including the phantom first performance in Japan). .. We will wait for Ritchie to recover and resume the tour from the end of May. It’s been a long time, but Randy stood on the purple stage like this only overnight. This work is a live album that lets you experience such a miracle scene. * Note: By the way, there are various theories about the trend from Ritchie’s fall (March 31st) to this work (April 6th). It’s true that four performances were booked from April 1st to April 4th, but it’s unclear if it was canceled or if it was held in a four-person group. I definitely want to listen to the guitarless DEEP PURPLE, but it seems likely to be canceled when I see that there is no record of Buddy Miles or NAZARETH, which was the coupling at that time. [Miracle sound that conveys a miracle show] Quiet talk break. Anyway, it’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s the No. 1 stage in purple history. It’s a miracle just to hear it, but in fact the sound quality is also a miracle level! Of course, you can’t expect a feeling of close contact that makes a mistake on the sound board, but even though the details of the fine parts are vivid and airy, it is transparent and does not give a sense of distance. Since the recorder himself announced it, not only the dubbing marks but also the core extends straight to the hand like a laser beam. Although the localization and volume are a little lacking in stability, it is a wonderful recording that would definitely have been pressed even if it was a normal stage without Randy’s rare value. Moreover, this work is the highest peak board refined by meticulous mastering. Of course, the natural feeling of the original sound is left to the maximum, and the sound pressure is not earned indiscriminately. However, the volume that was randomly changing in the original sound was adjusted (as much as possible), and the hum noise that was jarring was carefully removed. It is a finish that pursues the degree of perfection as a “musical work” in a dimension that exceeds its value. [Not only the guitar, but also the climax performance and super rare songs …] And the show drawn with that beautiful sound ……. This is a real miracle. It seems that the audience knocked down the microphone while waiting for the encore, and the last “Lucille” was missed, but all other songs are recorded. As for the set, see the songs below, and among the familiar representative songs, the one that catches the eye is the hidden masterpiece “When A Blind Man Cry (!)”, Which has no live record of Ritchie. It was thought that it was premiered during the Joe Satriani era in 1993, but it was also performed in 1972. An exquisite ballad sung with the fresh voice of Giran … What a wonderful thing. Of course, Randy’s guitar is even more noteworthy. As a matter of fact, he never matched the band before the performance, and it was a sudden bumping performance. I think it’s sloppy … but this is pretty good. As expected, Ritchie’s rampage! There is no way I can go, but I have a solid understanding of the song and it’s not that good, and on top of that, I also sprinkle my own improvisational phrases. Since it is not a formal successor, there is little self-assertion, but what is particularly interesting is “Child In Time” and “Space Truckin'”. In the former, Randy’s own sense, inherited from Jimi Hendrix, exudes from the phrase that boiled in the improvisation battle in the latter, adding glamor to the song that gets hot with slide guitar in response to the band’s request. I can’t say for sure, but maybe the nature itself was more of a addictive role than Tommy Bolin. Furthermore, the leading role of the shadow (?) Of this work may be Jon Lord. Unlike Ritchie, who has waves, he is always a high-level and stable person, but on this day, his enthusiasm to fill the hole in Ritchie’s absence is tremendous. He uses Hammond and guitar-like tones, and constantly mass-produces improvisational phrases to fill the song. You can fully enjoy the tension and the flood of colorful phrases with a glossy and fresh sound. DEEP PURPLE, which is different from Borin, Satriani, and Steve Morse as well as Ritchie. The day has come when you can experience “Randy Purple”, which has existed only in the biography. Moreover, the sound is superb, and both Giran and Road are climax. An unquestionably shocking live album that is nothing more than a cultural heritage. Please experience it as many times as you like with the permanent storage press CD. ★ A superb audience recording of “April 6, 1972 Quebec Performance” in which Randy California participated. It is a one-night miracle lineup that has been said to have never been recorded, but the sound that conveys it is also a miracle. Since the recorder himself announced it, the dubbing marks are not completely visible, but the core extends straight to the hand like a laser beam, and the details of the fine parts are vivid. The world’s first Randy DP ensemble is shocking, and the premiere of the hidden masterpiece “When A Blind Man Cry”, which is unthinkable in Ritchie, is also unveiled. It is one of the shocks that is nothing but a cultural heritage.

始まったばかりでいきなり2021年最大の衝撃! 誰も想像していなかった「ランディ・カリフォルニア入りDP」のライヴアルバムが突如として新発掘!! 永久保存プレスCDで緊急リリース決定です!

【一夜だけ実現したランディ・カリフォルニア入りDEEP PURPLE】
ランディ・カリフォルニア……かつて「ジミヘンが英国へ連れて行こうとした神童」と呼ばれ、北米サイケの名バンドSPIRITで知られるようになった早熟のギタリスト。最近では「天国への階段」の著作権訴訟に絡んでその名を目にされた方も多いのではないしょうか。そんなランディは「幻のDEEP PURPLEギタリスト」でもありました。大全盛の1972年のある一晩だけ、肝炎で倒れたリッチー・ブラックモアの代役としてパープルのギタリストを務めたのです。その逸話は数々の伝記本等でご存じの方もいらっしゃるとは思いますが、音の記録は知られてこなかった。1972年という時代に1回こっきりじゃ仕方ない……それが長年の常識でさえあったのです。
しかし、遂にその常識が覆される時が来ました。ランディ入りDP唯一無二のショウ「1972年4月6日ケベック公演」のオーディエンス録音が発掘されたのです! まさか、まさか音の記録が残っているとは……現在、世界中のコレクターを震撼させている内容に迫る前に、まずは当時のスケジュールから奇跡のショウを振り返ってみましょう。

・4月6日:ケベック公演 ←★本作★

※注:ちなみに、リッチーが倒れて(3月31日)から本作(4月6日)までの動向には諸説あります。4月1日-4日に4公演がブッキングされていたのは確かですが、それがキャンセルになったのか、4人編成で実施されたのかは不明。ぜひともギターレスなDEEP PURPLEも聴いてみたいところですが、当時カップリングだったバディ・マイルスやNAZARETHの記録もないところをみるとキャンセルの公算が高いようです。

閑話休題。ともあれ、パープル史上No.1と言っても過言ではない超激レアなステージ。聴けるだけでも奇跡なのですが、実はサウンド・クオリティも奇跡レベル! もちろんサウンドボード間違えるようなド密着感は望めませんが、微細部のディテールまで鮮やかで空気感はあっても透き通っていて距離感になってない。録音者自ら公表しただけあってダビング痕がまるでなく、芯がレーザー光線のように真っ直ぐ手元まで伸びてくる。定位・音量がやや安定感を欠くものの、仮にランディの希少価値がない通常ステージだったとしても間違いなくプレス化されていたであろう見事な録音なのです。

そして、その美麗サウンドで描かれるショウ……。これがもう、本当の奇跡。アンコール待ちの際に観客がマイクを倒してしまったらしくラストの「Lucille」は録音漏れとなってしまいましたが、それ以外は全曲収録。そのセットは下記の曲目をご覧頂くとして、お馴染みの代表曲が並ぶ中で目を引くのはリッチーのライヴ記録が一切ない隠れ名曲「When A Blind Man Cry(!)」。1993年のジョー・サトリアーニ時代が初演かと思われていましたが、1972年にも演奏していた。全盛ギランの瑞々しい生声で歌われる絶品のバラード……なんと素晴らしい。
もちろん、それ以上に注目なのがランディのギター。実のところ、彼は本番前に一度も通しでバンドと合わせておらず、いきなりのぶっつけ本番だったそう。さぞかしヨレヨレ……かと思いきや、これが結構良い感じ。さすがにリッチーばりの大暴れ!とは行くわけがないのですが、曲想をしっかりと理解していてそつがなく、その上で独自の即興フレーズもまぶしている。正式な後任ではないだけに自己主張も少ないのですが、特に面白いのが「Child In Time」と「Space Truckin’」でしょうか。前者ではバンドのリクエストに応えてスライド・ギターを交えながら熱く盛り上がる曲に華を添え、後者ではインプロ・バトルで沸き立つフレーズからジミヘン譲りなランディ自身のセンスが滲み出る。断言はできませんが、もしかしたら素質自体はトミー・ボーリン以上のハマり役だったのかも知れません。

リッチーはもとより、ボーリンやサトリアーニ、スティーヴ・モーズとも違うDEEP PURPLE。今まで伝記の中だけの存在だった「ランディ・パープル」を体験できる日が来てしまいました。しかも、そのサウンドは極上で、ギランもロードも絶頂。紛れもなく文化遺産以外の何物でもない衝撃のライヴアルバム。どうぞ、永久保存プレスCDでじっくり何度でもご体験ください。

★ランディ・カリフォルニアが参加した「1972年4月6日ケベック公演」の絶品オーディエンス録音。これまで録音はないとされてきた一晩だけの奇跡ラインナップですが、それを伝えるサウンドも奇跡。録音者自ら公表しただけあってダビング痕がまるでなく、芯がレーザー光線のように真っ直ぐ手元まで伸び、微細部のディテールまで鮮やか。世界が初めて知るランディDPのアンサンブルが衝撃的で、リッチーでは考えられない隠れ名曲「When A Blind Man Cry」の初演も披露。まさに文化遺産以外の何物でもない衝撃の1枚です。

01. Intro
02. Gillan MC
03. Strange Kind Of Woman
04. Into The Fire
05. Child In Time
06. The Mule incl. Drum Solo
07. Lazy
08. When A Blind Man Cry ★超貴重。リッチーのライヴでは絶対に演奏していない。1993年のジョー・サトリアーニ時代が初演と思われてました。。。(驚)
09. Space Truckin’
10. MCIan Gillan – Vocal
Randy California – Guitar
Roger Glover – Bass
Jon Lord – Keyboards
Ian Paice – DrumsDarker Than Blue 284



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