Deep Purple / Live In Japan The Original Japanese Promo LP White Label / 1CD

Deep Purple / Live In Japan The Original Japanese Promo LP White Label / 1CD / Non Label

Translated Text:

Taken From The Original Japanese Promo LP White Label


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DEEP PURPLE is, say, the lock is “Holy Grail” was obtained produced is finally published. Its identity, sample record LP “P-5066-7W” of the Japanese edition First Press of mint-condition “LIVE IN JAPAN”, and that turned into extremely CD elaboration. To say that …, so do not come with quite pin (those who reverse to only Kore think “Oh!” Is, it has already been ordered), I will explain in the order while presumptuous.
To begin with, those that name board not only to lock the fate that is pursuing the ultimate in high quality. That means is, or was for transfers to the latest media, or a re-master of elaborate technology, it is different and Tari an international board of collection. “LIVE IN JAPAN” is also is not not leak to the example, the conclusions issued by the mania around the world, “First Press LP of Japan board”. It is an analog board, known for the so-called “green label”. In the UK rock, roughly native United Kingdom Press Limited Edition of I often be the best, “LIVE IN JAPAN” is either because it was expected to release the original Japan only, Japan board is best. In addition, since the began to deteriorate little by little in each succeeding press, First Press “green label” is what I have been with the vertex.
Quality that exceeds the “green label” which has been up to no longer dogma was present. That is the sample board of white label, which has been distributed only to the parties even in the first press “P-5066-7W”. Of course, the existence itself of the sample board was known to researchers, after all the number press to sample board because of the very small. Anyone who even in the core collector “is not seen only in photos”, dimension of about owning’re also anyone who dreams of a lifetime. Soredakeni, also mixed the record quality that have been identified to date. After all, it was not a thing threaten the throne of the green label there are still mint quality.

However. It is, however. Excavated of this time, mint-quality board of its “white label”. No longer, it had even thought that there’s the “Holy Hai Van”.

Such a “Holy Grail” So, was it what was CD wrote to elaborate all of the possible ways in 2016 (of course, does not like that tampering with the original sound in mastering. There is not supposed to be). If, If You and I listen to the LP for the first time, “LIVE IN JAPAN”, but you might silence Omogawari is felt long, it is because the fade of the Limited Edition is taking deeper and deeper. Until the complete silence, it such precisely because was also transferred to a CD until Hitotsubu of the sound of any minimum. Then the sound of was born this work I’m sorry …………. I do not come up with only a “great”, “needle Pachi 1 connected,” “best,” “unprecedented,” “best ever” and so on of the words, but becomes insult If I come Nagekakeyo the words marked with such finger marks. We can say with all your long as the respect of the body and soul is the only “green label or more”. Any and all media, master, is touted as the apex among the national board, the first time in the thickness of the mid-range, has been on leave want the world’s highest honor in the elaboration the first time to be felt until the shaking of the hi-hat to engrave the count, that “green label”. More is sound is.
And, DEEP PURPLE of the ring in the “Holy Grail sound” is 1972. ‘s The that “LIVE IN JAPAN”. This bliss, can not be in words once again. Live the myriad of people who have been loved over the life, the supreme. It is too wins load is on how talk you with the only unknown. This state of mind, whether or not, thank you whether your insight.

Maybe, you might exaggerated poor writing is’ve felt in feigned politeness. Alternatively, it might was hard to understand on Madorokkoshiku. The point is to sincerely apologize. However, the sound of this work, its meaning, weight. And, from now everyone enough to imagine the “feelings” will come and go when they are listening to this work, can not help fear. The DEEP PURPLE over life, everyone has been loved to “LIVE IN JAPAN” has been trying to touch to the sound that you will update the all-time high. In that time, whether it is not necessary to pollute if any words, we are at a loss.
Such as extant, of mint quality that did not climb even to the urban legend “white label”. Only in the seekers of dreams and imagination it did not exist “Holy Grail” has appeared. This one, will deliver reverentially as long as Alan.

DEEP PURPLEが、いえ、ロックが生み出し得た“聖杯”がついに公開です。その正体は、ミント・コンディションの日本盤初回プレス『LIVE IN JAPAN』の見本盤LP「P-5066-7W」を、精緻を極めてCD化したもの。……と言っても、なかなかピンと来るものではありませんので(逆にコレだけで「おぉ!」と思われる方は、既にご注文されていますね)、僭越ながら順にご説明させていただきます。
そもそも、ロックに限らず名盤というものは極限のハイクオリティを追い求められることが宿命。その手段は、最新メディアへの移し替えであったり、技術を凝らしたリマスターであったり、世界各国盤の収集であったりと様々です。『LIVE IN JAPAN』もその例に漏れないわけですが、世界中のマニアが出した結論は「日本盤の初回プレスLP」。いわゆる「グリーンラベル」で知られるアナログ盤です。英国ロックでは、おおよそ母国イギリス・プレスの初回盤がベストになることが多いのですが、『LIVE IN JAPAN』は当初日本オンリーの発売予定だったためか、日本盤がベスト。しかも、プレスを重ねるごとに少しずつ劣化していったため、初回プレス「グリーンラベル」こそが頂点とされてきたのです。


そんな“聖杯”ですから、それこそ2016年に可能な総ての手法を凝らしてCD化いしたしました(もちろん、マスタリングで原音をいじる事などしていません。するはずがない)。もし、あなたが初めて『LIVE IN JAPAN』のLPを聴くのだとしたら、面変りの無音が長く感じられるかも知れませんが、それは初回盤のフェイドが深く深くかかっているから。完全な無音になるまで、どんな極小の音のひと粒までもCDに移し替えたからこそなのです。そうして誕生した本作のサウンドは…………すみません。「素晴らしい」「針パチ1つない」「極上」「前代未聞」「史上最高」等々の言葉しか浮かばないのですが、そんな手垢の付いた言葉を投げかけようものなら侮辱になってしまう。全身全霊の敬意の限りを尽くして言えることは「グリーンラベル以上」だけです。ありとあらゆるメディア、マスター、各国盤の中でも頂点と謳われ、ミッドレンジの肉厚ぶり、カウントを刻むハイハットの揺れまで感じられる精緻ぶりで世界最高の栄誉を欲しいままにしてきた、あの「グリーンラベル」。それ以上のサウンドなのです。
そして、その“聖杯サウンド”で鳴るのが1972年のDEEP PURPLE。あの『LIVE IN JAPAN』なのです。この無上の喜び、またしても言葉にできない。無数の方々が人生をかけて愛してきたライヴ、その至高。どう語ろうと不詳の身には荷が勝ちすぎている。この心境、どうか、どうかご明察をお願いいたします。

もしかしたら、大袈裟な駄文が慇懃無礼に感じられてしまったかも知れません。あるいは、まどろっこしくて分かりづらかったかも知れない。その点は心からお詫びします。しかし、本作のサウンド、その意味、重み。そして、これから皆さまが本作を聴かれたときに去来するであろう“想い”を想像するほどに、畏れを禁じ得ない。人生をかけてDEEP PURPLEを、『LIVE IN JAPAN』を愛されてきた皆さまが、これから史上最高を更新するサウンドに触れようとされている。そんなときに、どんな言葉なら汚さずに済むのか、途方に暮れているのです。

1. Highway Star 2. Child In Time 3. Smoke On The Water 4. The Mule
5. Strange Kind Of Woman 6. Lazy 7. Space Truckin’


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