Deep Purple / Heavy Metal Pioneers Japanese Laser Disc / 1DVDR

Deep Purple / Heavy Metal Pioneers Japanese Laser Disc / 1DVDR / Non Label
Taken from the original Japanese Laser Disc (AMLY-8041)

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DEEP PURPLE Summarizing the history of glory … No, a masterpiece documentary that trips 30 years ago is reprinted. It is a gift release decision.
The documentary is “HEAVY METAL PIONEERS”. This is an official history work produced in 1991 during the Joe Lynn Turner era. It was released to the general public on VHS and laser discs, but it was quickly discontinued due to the fate of video software at that time. After that, it was made into an official DVD at the end of 2002, which is about to reach its 35th anniversary, but it was discontinued long ago. It is now difficult to obtain. This work is precisely reproduced from the Japanese version of the laser disc, which is the first release version of such an official video. It is a piece that you can thoroughly enjoy with Japanese subtitles.
It is natural that the official video is of complete official quality, but what is noteworthy is the content. In our shop, we have introduced various documentary works of DEEP PURPLE, but this work is one of them that is quite unique. The making is an orthodox one that interweaves live images of each era with interviews of members. Since 1991, when this work was produced, the rock documentary was still a fresh era, the episodes that appear are basic (member change basics, conversion to Harlock, Montreux fire, Calijam, etc.) Many live images that were surprisingly valuable at that time are now familiar. “Stormbringer” from Tommy Bolin’s era becomes “!!” for a moment, but this is also a mime that covers the studio take with live images of other songs. The picture and sound are also out of sync, and the rough feeling seems to be 30 years ago, which makes me smile.
Yes, the point of this work is this “30 years ago”. In terms of the material, it feels more like it now, but the scent of “1991” that exudes from here and there is fresh. First of all, Joe Lynn Turner, the symbol of the time, will appear. He was present in an interview with Ritchie, saying, “When I started the band in 1968, I copied Vanilla Fudge … but they thought we were innovative. Their copy. However, I was surprised that I could make money from copying, “he nodded as if he was impressed by the anecdote of the 70’s that Ritchie showed. Of course, in the final stage when the story becomes modern (1991), “I have no intention of competing with Ian (…) I will leave more achievements than him,” he said. Now that I know the story immediately after that, I can taste the feeling of tohoho.
Bruce Payne is comparable to Joe. He became a manager of RAINBOW and started working on DEEP PURPLE. In this work, “Ritchie’s unique sound, John’s organ, and Ian (Paice)’s rhythm keep … the fusion is deep. It’s purple. ” At the time, it was nothing more than a normal comment, but with the subsequent withdrawal from Ritchie, Bruce is said to have become a cornerstone of decision-making alongside Ian Gillan. He decided to keep the band alive even after Jon Lord left, and stubbornly refused Ritchie’s visit at the “Rock and Roll Hall of Fame” award ceremony. Now that I know the current blues, I can hear legitimate comments and mysteriously, and I am keenly aware of the changing times.

And the last of such emotions. The late Jon Lord tells him to play “Cut Runs Deep” on the piano and chew it. When I write down those words …
“I want to continue to celebrate the 25th anniversary until 1999. I think it’s fun. I want to say on stage,’I’ve been doing it for 25 years. It’s been a quarter of a century. I can’t believe it.'”
The 25th anniversary in 1999 does not fit the calculation, but anyway, this feeling. This is the true identity of the era that surrounds this work. As the word says, John continued DEEP PURPLE until 2002 and became a person who never returned in 2012. It’s been eight years now, but DEEP PURPLE is still alive. Now that we know the history, it is a piece that gives off a completely different taste from that time. A masterpiece of documentary that feels heavy for 30 years. Please take this opportunity to take your time.

DEEP PURPLE栄光の歴史を総括する……いや、30年前にトリップする傑作ドキュメンタリーが復刻。ギフト・リリース決定です。
そのドキュメンタリーとは『HEAVY METAL PIONEERS』。ジョー・リン・ターナー時代の1991年に制作された公式ヒストリー作品です。VHSやレーザーディスクで一般発売されましたが、当時の映像ソフトの宿命で瞬く間に廃盤。その後、35周年を控えた2002年末に公式DVD化も果たしましたが、それもとうの昔に廃盤。現在では入手困難となっています。本作は、そんな公式映像の初回リリース版である日本盤レーザーディスクから精緻に復刻。日本語字幕も完備でじっくり堪能できる1枚なのです。
もともと公式映像だけに完全オフィシャル級クオリティなのは当然として、注目なのは内容。当店では、DEEP PURPLEのさまざまなドキュメンタリー作品をご紹介してきましたが、本作はその中でもかなり個性的な1本なのです。作りとしてはメンバーのインタビューに各時代のライヴ映像を織り交ぜたオーソドックスなもの。本作が制作された1991年はまだロック・ドキュメンタリーが新鮮な時代だったということもあり、登場するエピソードは基本のもの(メンバーチェンジの基礎やハーロックへの転身、モントルーの火事、カリジャム等)が多く、当時は貴重さに驚いたライヴ映像も今となってはお馴染み。トミー・ボーリン時代の「Stormbringer」に一瞬「!!」となりますが、これもスタジオテイクに他の曲のライヴ映像を被せたマイム。画と音もズレズレで、雑な感じが30年前らしくて微笑ましかったりもします。
そんなジョーに匹敵するのがブルース・ペイン。RAINBOWのマネージャーだった事がきっかけでDEEP PURPLEも手掛けるようになった人物で、本作で「リッチーの彼独特のサウンドとジョンのオルガン、そしてイアン(ペイス)のリズム・キープ…その融合がディープ・パープルなんだ」と語っているのです。当時は普通のコメント以外の何物でもなかったのですが、その後のリッチー脱退に伴い、ブルースはイアン・ギランと並ぶ意志決定の要になったとされている。ジョン・ロードが抜けてもバンド存続を決め、「ロックの殿堂」授賞式ではリッチーの来場を頑なに拒否した。そんな現在のブルースを知る今だからこそ、真っ当なコメントも不思議にも聞こえ、時代の移り変わりを痛感するのです。

そして、そんな感慨の極めつけがラスト。今は亡きジョン・ロードが「Cut Runs Deep」をピアノで弾きながら噛みしめるように語るのです。その言葉を書き出してみますと……
1999年に25周年というのは計算が合いませんが、ともあれこの感覚。これこそが本作を包み込む時代感の正体なのです。その言葉通りジョンは2002年までDEEP PURPLEを続け、2012年に帰らぬ人となりました。現在はさらに8年の月日が経っているわけですが、DEEP PURPLEは今なお存続している。その歩みを知る今だからこそ、当時とはまったく違った味わいを放つ1枚なのです。30年が重く感じるドキュメンタリーの傑作。どうぞ、この機会にじっくりと噛みしめてください。

1. Woman From Tokyo
2. Interview
3. Hush (Playboy After Dark 1969)
4. Interview
5. Mandrake Root(Granada Television 1970)
6. Interview
7. Speed King (Granada Television 1970)
8. Interview
9. Black Night (Denmark’s Radio 1972)
10. Interview
11. Child In Time (Granada Television 1970)
12. Interview
13. Strange Kind Of Woman (Copenhagen 1972)
14. Interview
15. Smoke On The Water (California Jam 1974)
16. Interview
17. Highway Star (Copenhagen 1972)
18. Interview
19. The Mule (California Jam 1974)
20. Interview
21. Mandrake Root (Granada Television 1970)
22. Interview
23. Burn (California Jam 1974)
24. Interview
25. Guitar Crash (California Jam 1974)
26. Interview
27. Stormbringer (Live 1975) 割と貴重
28. Interview
29. Perfect Strangers (Paris 1985)
30. Interview
31. The Cut Runs Deep Intro
32. King Of Dreams (Clip 1991)
33. Woman From Tokyo (Ending)


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