Deep Purple / Edinburgh 1987 / 2CD

Deep Purple / Edinburgh 1987 / 2CD / Darker Than Blue

Playhouse Theatre, Edinburgh, Scotland 6th March 1987



Play sample :

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In fact, the early game of “THE HOUSE OF BLUE LIGHT Tour” where the famous performance of the explosion tension was unfolded. A live album that conveys the truth with the 1st Gene Sound is born!
The engraving on this work is “March 6, 1987 Edinburgh Performance”. It is the best audience recording. Speaking of 1987, the official live album “NOBODY’S PERFECT” is symbolic, but the time is slightly different from this work. First, let’s look back on the schedule at that time and confirm the position of the show.

● 1987
“January 12” THE HOUSE OF BLUE LIGHT “released”
・ January 26-March 8: Europe # 1 (28 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ April 15th-May 30th: North America # 1 (28 performances) ← * Official NOBODY’S PERFECT
《May 30: Ritchie injured his left hand》
・ August 19-September 7: Europe # 2 (12 performances) ← * Official NOBODY’S PERFECT
● 1988
“June” NOBODY’S PERFECT “released”
・ July 31: MONSTERS OF ROCK ITALY appearance
・ August 11 + 16: North America # 2 (2 performances)
・ September 9-29: Europe # 3 (14 performances)

This is the 1987/1988 DEEP PURPLE. The official live album “NOBODY’S PERFECT” is an edited work composed from various shows, and was added mainly from “North America # 1” and also from “Europe # 2”. On the other hand, this work is “Europe # 1” which is neither of them. It was the 26th performance of the concert. Another point is that my home country is England. In the reorganization era when Giran and Ritchie were all together, there were surprisingly few performances in their home countries. Let’s sort it out here.

・ June 22, 1985 Knebworth ← * IN THE ABSENCE OF PINK
・ March 3-8, 1987 (5 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ November 5-9, 1993 (4 performances) ← * COME HELL OR HIGH WATER

Above, all 10 performances. Since the reunion, only one Knebworth performance has been performed, and 1987 was also a full-fledged triumphal tour. Also, in 1987/1993, representative official works are left, but this work is also a live album that connects the intervals.
Anyway, this work that recorded such a show is just the best brand. It is the 1st Gene Master that was excavated very recently, but it is very on and tight. It’s not as neat as a sound board, but it’s tempting to mistake the thick core and the direct feel without a time lag. Moreover, the feeling of air is extremely clear. Every detail stands out clearly, which is the closeness and vividness of standing on the stage with the members. Moreover, this work is the highest peak version that refined the original sound. The sound quality is higher than enough, so it is the same, but the pitch that was 30% off the semitone in the original sound is just corrected. The missing sound (2 seconds) of “Smoke on the Water” was also patched with another sound source, but it was a little rough, so I reorganized it neatly.
The truth of the powerful “THE HOUSE OF BLUE LIGHT Tour” is drawn with such a sound. Anyway, insanely high tension! First of all, Jon Lord is flying from the “Highway Star” at the beginning. He was an improvisational machine who could always improvise infinitely, but on this day he knocked it down to see if the screws were flying. “Highway Star” also plays with such a momentum that the song is about to collapse. Perhaps it was fueled by the explosion tension, even Ritchie bombed. To be honest, it’s a performance that can’t be said to have a high degree of perfection, but it seems that the shit feeling of knowing such things suddenly returned to the early 70’s.
The tension did not drop at all even after such a blast “Highway Star”. The second song, “Strange Kind of Woman,” isn’t on the verge of collapse, but it’s all you want to play. Ritchie also plays free-spirited solos and phrases, which are brilliantly decided. And Giran who responds to Ritchie’s call and response is also screaming! A shout that is sharp and glaring. This is also a wonderful thing that makes you want to ask, “Are you in your twenties only today?”
After that, it was a delicious new song time as a set. In particular, the third song “The Unwritten Law” is a masterpiece that could not be heard even in “NOBODY’S PERFECT” and will be performed with a drum solo. To be honest, Giran in this song turns into a hero hero, which is the opposite of the terribleness of “Strange Kind of Woman”, but after all Ritchie and John are sharp. In particular, John puts out a delicious phrase in a group of new songs that just says, “I really wanted to do this even on the studio version!”
It was such a terrible performance that I could comment on each song like this, but this work is amazing because it goes through to the end. “Smoke on the Water” once welcomed the big circle, but maybe five people appeared again and played “Black Night”, probably because they felt good at the scene of the big excitement. As a matter of fact, “Black Night” itself is not unusual, but in this work, “Black Night” is not enough to push the feeling that it usually ends with “Smoke on the Water”. The performance of this work is so hot that it seems like that, and the excitement of the scene is not a hump.
Honestly, I don’t remember the stage that was so crazy in 1987 … I mean, the image of “1987” itself has changed. It is a marvelous 1st Gene Master who can enjoy such a burning full show with a thick direct sound. It’s been 35 years since the show site in a few months, but there are still new discoveries. A new masterpiece that reminds us of the awesomeness of DEEP PURPLE and the depth of audience culture. Please experience it with the permanent storage press 2CD!

★ The best audience recording of “March 6, 1987 Edinburgh performance”. It is the 1st Gene Master that was excavated very recently, but it is very on and tight. The direct feeling of the thick core is sound board grade, and the air feeling is also extremely clear. Moreover, the show is explosive tension. John also plays from Ritchie’s “Highway Star” with such a momentum that the song is about to collapse, and even after that, selfish solos and phrases are decided to be crazy. Giran also screams as if he was rejuvenated in his twenties. It is a new masterpiece where you can experience the full show that changes the image of “1987”.


実は爆テンションの名演が繰り広げられていた“THE HOUSE OF BLUE LIGHT Tour”の序盤戦。その真実を1stジェネ・サウンドで伝えるライヴアルバムが誕生です!
そんな本作に刻まれているのは「1987年3月6日エディンバラ公演」。その極上オーディエンス録音です。1987年と言えば、公式ライヴアルバム『NOBODY’S PERFECT』が象徴的ですが、本作とは時期が若干異なる。まずは当時のスケジュールを振り返り、ショウのポジションを確かめてみましょう。

・4月15日ー5月30日:北米#1(28公演)←※公式NOBODY’S PERFECT
・8月19日ー9月7日:欧州#2(12公演)←※公式NOBODY’S PERFECT

これが1987年/1988年のDEEP PURPLE。公式ライヴアルバム『NOBODY’S PERFECT』は様々なショウから組まれた編集作品であり、「北米#1」をメインに「欧州#2」からも追加されたものでした。それに対して本作は、そのどちらでもない「欧州#1」。その26公演目にあたるコンサートでした。また、母国イギリスというのもポイント。ギランとリッチーが揃った再編時代では、意外と母国公演が少ない。ここでちょっと整理してみましょう。

・1985年6月22日ネブワース ←※IN THE ABSENCE OF PINK
・1993年11月5日ー9日(4公演)←※COME HELL OR HIGH WATER

ともあれ、そんなショウを記録した本作は、まさに極上の銘品。ごく最近になって発掘された1stジェネ・マスターなのですが、非常にオンでタイト。サウンドボードと間違えるほど整ってはいませんが、芯の極太感やタイムラグなしのダイレクト感は間違えたくなる。しかも、空気感が猛烈にクリア。ディテールの隅々までくっきりと際立っており、それこそメンバーと一緒にステージ上に立っているかのような間近感と鮮やかさなのです。しかも、本作はその原音を磨き直した最高峰版。音質的には十分以上にハイクオリティなのでそのままですが、原音では半音の30%狂っていたピッチをジャストに補整。「Smoke on the Water」の音欠け(2秒)も別音源でパッチされていましたが、やや雑だったので綺麗に整え直しました。
そんなサウンドで描かれるのは、実は強力だった“THE HOUSE OF BLUE LIGHT Tour”の真実。とにかく、めちゃくちゃハイテンション! まず冒頭の「Highway Star」からジョン・ロードが飛ばしまくっている。常に無限にインプロヴァイズできる即興マシーンな人でしたが、この日はネジがブッ飛んでいたのか弾きに弾きに弾き倒し。「Highway Star」も曲が崩れかかってしまうほどの勢いで弾きまくるのです。その爆テンションに煽られたのか、リッチーまで爆弾き。正直なところ、完成度が高いとは言えない演奏なのですが、そんなもの知った事かのくそったれ感は70年代初期がいきなり戻ってきたかのようです。
そんな爆走「Highway Star」以降もテンションは一向に下がらない。2曲目の「Strange Kind of Woman」ではさすがに崩壊寸前ではなくなりますが、弾きたい放題に変わりなし。リッチーも勝手気ままなソロやフレーズをばんばん弾き出していき、それがものの見事に決まっていく。そして、そんなリッチーのコール&レスポンスに応えるギランも凄い絶叫! キンッキンに鋭く、ギラッギラに輝くシャウト。これまた「今日だけは20代ですか?」と問いただしたくなる素晴らしさなのです。
その後はセット的に美味しい新曲タイム。特に3曲目の「The Unwritten Law」は『NOBODY’S PERFECT』でも聴けなかった名曲でしてドラムソロ入りで披露されるのです。正直なところ、この曲でのギランは「Strange Kind of Woman」の凄まじさと反対のヘロヘロに変貌してしまうのですが、やっぱりリッチーとジョンはキレッキレ。特にジョンは新曲群で「本当はスタジオ盤でもこうしたかった!」と言わんばかりの美味しいフレーズを繰り出していくのです。
このように1曲1曲コメントできるほど凄まじい演奏ぶりなのですが、それが最後まで貫かれるから本作は凄い。「Smoke on the Water」で一度大団円を迎えるのですが、大盛り上がり大会な現場に気を良くしたのか、再び5人が現れて「Black Night」をブチかます。実のところ、別に「Black Night」自体は珍しくもなんともないのですが、普段なら「Smoke on the Water」で終わった感が漂うところを本作では「Black Night」でダメ押す。そうとしか思えないほどに本作の演奏は熱く、現場の盛り上がりもハンパではないのです。
正直なところ、1987年でここまでノリにノリまくったステージはちょっと記憶にない……と言いますか、「1987年」のイメージそのものが変わってしまいました。それほど燃え上がるフルショウを極太ダイレクト・サウンドで味わえる驚異の1stジェネ・マスターです。あと数ヶ月でショウ現場から35年になるわけですが、まだまだ新たな発見がある。DEEP PURPLEの凄み、オーディエンス文化の奥深さに改めて気づかされる新名盤。どうぞ、永久保存プレス2CDで存分にご体験ください!

★「1987年3月6日エディンバラ公演」の極上オーディエンス録音。ごく最近になって発掘された1stジェネ・マスターなのですが、非常にオンでタイト。極太な芯のダイレクト感はサウンドボード級ですし、空気感も猛烈にクリア。しかも、ショウが爆テンション。ジョンもリッチー「Highway Star」から曲が崩れかかってしまうほどの勢いで弾きまくり、その後も勝手気ままなソロやフレーズがビッシビシと決まっていく。ギランも20代に若返ったかと思うほどの絶叫を轟かせる。「1987年」のイメージそのものが変わってしまうフルショウを極上体験できる新名盤です。



Disc 1 (50:43)
1. Intro
2. Highway Star
3. Strange Kind of Woman
4. The Unwritten Law
5. Blues
6. Dead or Alive
7. Perfect Strangers
8. Hard Lovin’ Woman
9. Child in Time

Disc 2 (54:08)
1. Difficult to Cure
2. Keyboard Solo
3. Knocking at Your Back Door
4. Woman From Tokyo
5. Lazy
6. Space Truckin’
7. Smoke on the Water
8. Black Night

Ian Gillan – vocals
Ritchie Blackmore – guitar
Jon Lord – keyboards
Roger Glover – bass
Ian Paice – drums

Darker Than Blue 295/296


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