Deep Purple / Detroit 1985 / 2CD

Deep Purple / Detroit 1985 / 2CD / Darker Than Blue

Translated Text:
Live at Joe Louis Arena, Detroit, MI. USA 19th February 1985

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“PERFECT STRANGERS TOUR” was a honeymoon era that is too short for both fans and the band. Why were they aiming again and what were you aiming for? A powerful board that conveys it with superb sound is appearing in permanent preservation press 2CD.
This work is just a live album that condensed “Reason why DEEP PURPLE was reunited” into one performance. Its identity is a superb audience recording of “Detroit Performance on February 19, 1985”. Why is it so decisive? In order to explain it in detail, let’s first imagine the position of the show in the whole world tour.

“October 29” PERFECT STRANGERS “release”
· November 27 – December 18: Oceania (12 performances)
· January 18 – April 9: North America # 1 (48 shows) ← ★ Coco ★
· May 3 – 16: Hawaii + Japan (8 shows)
· June 14 – July 17: Europe (18 performances)
· August 14 – 24: North America # 2 (6 shows)

This is an outline of the tour that made the world got to know the “golden five people” reunion. They got used to shoulder in Oceania in 1984, they began a full-scale world tour from 1985. The Detroit performance of this work was a concert that was the 20th performance of “North America # 1” at the beginning. And this “North America # 1” was the reunion. After all, Ritchie Blackmore could not fulfill it even if it continued to adjust to American capture at RAINBOW, which also became the driving force of the reorganization of DEEP PURPLE, which means there is no meaning of reunion unless it makes North American tour successful. Ultimately “PERFECT STRANGERS” won the platinum disk in the US, but the enthusiasm which challenged by the last means and fulfilled the wish was splendidly carried out.
Although it was a North American leg which becomes the most important in the history of DEEP PURPLE like this, there are few records which are not similar to it. Among them, this work is to be regarded as “masterpieces of the North American tour” for both sound and performance. Actually, the sound of this work is very wonderful. The core of extreme musical tones is sturdy anywhere, a clear air feeling makes the ringing glittering and can not cloud the details of the detail. It is a superb item with plenty of taste of customer records while being on as comparable to line recording. Although it is a previously known recording, this work further treats with latest and meticulous mastering. The direction is “Reproduction of performance sound”. Although the original sound itself is wonderful, it was picking up treble strongly, it was more impressive than the performance sound of PURPLE (as we know it in a number of records). In this work, although it is a fine adjustment level that does not disturb the sound of the Omoto master and the atmosphere, it recovers a unique warm feeling that seems to be original PURPLE. Furthermore, there is a part whose sound quality changes with a tape change in the middle of “Difficult To Cure”, but there is also a part that reduces discomfort to the utmost. Seamless and natural, yet it realized the sound “You should have heard this in the ear of the field”.
It is exactly the sound that represents “North America # 1”, but the show itself is also a crystal of honeymoon. The difference between good and bad times for spontaneous bands is clear, but this Detroit performance is a good one. It is also fleeting. Iron · Gaiyan ‘s voice has also come out well as a stormy Ian Pais as usual, the motivation of Richie and John Road is amazing. Not only is there a phrase in the phrase but also improvisioned interwoven with each song is rich. It is up to the expression that you are pleasantly enjoying the show with the full force with the front sword.
“Good sound, good performance” is sufficiently famous, but this work is more than that. Actually, even crowds of enthusiasts are wonderful. Although this work sucks enthusiastically in real, it is not (indeed!) In screaming and covered talking recording. It is a type that you can taste a huge spectacle than a nearby voice. And that enthusiasm tells us “Reasons for reorganization” clearly. Although DEEP PURPLE has an image of “American popularity now” through a career, it is a burning wind blowing out from a speaker. A large crowd responds to each extremely thick and delicate improvisation, and a huge swelling creates a big wave while being far away. “A Gypsy’s Kiss” with Guran ‘s voice echoed for a momentary roar of roar and the call and response of “Strange Kind Of Woman” sweeps the venue like a tsunami. This wind pressure is the wind of great success. Although two characters of “success” tend to associate with “money” anyhow, at rock it is not only that. Catharsis standing in front of the big crowd and boiling. Richey wanted to taste this … … It is a live album where such a feeling gets caught.

Awesome sound, wonderful performance, and hot wind of great success. It is a famous masterpiece that all of them are aligned and mutually enhanced. DEEP PURPLE who dominated the nemesis United States, even in the home country, not even hospitality in Japan. If it is a locker, if it is a han, RAINBOW will be thrown away for such a show … … a superb inscription that can soak the whole body with such emotion. One pole of DEEP PURPLE. Please, please enjoy plenty.

ファンにとってもバンドにとっても短すぎる蜜月時代だった“PERFECT STRANGERS TOUR”。なぜ彼らが再び集ったのか、なにを目指していたのか。それを極上サウンドで伝える強力盤が永久保存プレス2CDで登場です。
本作は、まさに“DEEP PURPLEが再結成した理由”を1公演に凝縮したようなライヴアルバムです。その正体は「1985年2月19日デトロイト公演」の極上オーディエンス録音。なぜにそうまで決定的なのか。それを詳しくご説明するためにも、まずはショウのポジションをワールドツアー全体像の中でイメージしてみましょう。


これが“黄金の5人”の再集結を全世界に知らしめたツアーの概要。1984年にオセアニアで肩慣らしをした彼らは、1985年から本格的なワールドツアーを開始。本作のデトロイト公演は、その序盤「北米#1」の20公演目にあたるコンサートでした。そして、この「北米#1」こそが再結成の肝だった。何しろ、リッチー・ブラックモアはRAINBOWでアメリカ攻略に調整し続けても果たせず、それがDEEP PURPLE再編の原動力ともなった。それだけに北米ツアーを成功させなければ、再結成の意味がない。最終的に『PERFECT STRANGERS』はアメリカでプラチナディスクを獲得したわけですが、最後の手段で挑み、見事に悲願を成就させた熱演が繰り広げられたのです。
このようにDEEP PURPLE史でも最重要となる北米レッグだったものの、それに似つかわしくないほど記録が少ない。その中でもサウンド/演奏共に“北米ツアーの代表作”とされるのが本作なのです。実際、本作のサウンドは極めて素晴らしい。極太な楽音の芯はどこまでも逞しく、クリアな空気感は鳴りを艶やかに彩りこそすれ、ディテールの機微を曇らせない。ライン録音に匹敵するほどオンでありながらも客録の旨みもたっぷりという極上品なのです。以前から知られる録音ではあるものの、本作ではさらに最新・細心のマスタリングでトリートメント。その方向性は“演奏音の再現”。オリジナル・サウンド自体も素晴らしいものの、高音を強めに拾っており、(数々の記録で我々の知るところの)PURPLEの演奏音よりガシャガシャした印象になっていました。本作では、大元マスターの鳴りや雰囲気を崩さない微調整レベルではあるものの、本来のPURPLEらしい独特なウォーム感を回復。さらに「Difficult To Cure」中盤のテープチェンジで音質が変化するパートがあるのですが、そこも違和感を最大限に軽減。シームレスでナチュラル、それでいて「現場の耳にはこう聞こえたはず」というサウンドを実現したのです。
“音良し、演奏良し”だけでも十分に名盤ですが、本作はそれ以上。実は観客の熱狂までもが素晴らしいのです。本作は熱狂もリアルに吸い込んでいるものの、絶叫・話し声まみれの録音では(決して!)ない。間近声よりも巨大なスペクタクルを味わえるタイプなのです。そして、その熱狂が“再結成の理由”をハッキリと物語ってくれるのです。DEEP PURPLEはキャリアを通して「アメリカ人気は今いち」というイメージがありますが、スピーカーから吹き出すのは灼熱の風。極太で繊細なインプロヴィゼーション1つひとつに大観衆が反応し、遠いながらも巨大なうねりが大波を生み出している。「A Gypsy’s Kiss」でギランの声に一瞬エコーがかかるだけでどよめきが沸き上がり、「Strange Kind Of Woman」のコール&レスポンスは津波のように会場を席巻する。これ、この風圧こそ大成功の風。「成功」の二文字はとかく「マネー」と連想してしまいがちですが、ロックにおいてはそれだけではない。大観衆の前に立ち、沸騰させるカタルシス。リッチーは、これを味わいたかったのか……そんな実感が押し寄せてくるライヴアルバムなのです。

素晴らしいサウンド、素晴らしい演奏、そして大成功真っ直中の熱風。そのすべてが揃い、互いに高め合っている希代の名盤です。故郷イギリスでも、歓待が当然の日本でもなく、宿敵アメリカ合衆国を制覇したDEEP PURPLE。ロッカーなら、漢なら、こんなショウのためにRAINBOWだって捨てるだろうな……そんな感慨に全身を浸せる極上の銘品。DEEP PURPLEのひとつの極み。どうぞ、あなたもたっぷりとご堪能ください。


Disc 1 (57:16)
1. Intro 2. Highway Star 3. Nobody’s Home 4. Strange Kind Of Woman 5. Blues
6. A Gypsy’s Kiss 7. Perfect Strangers 8. Under The Gun 9. Lazy
10. Drum Solo 11. Child In Time

Disc 2 (53:53)
1. Knocking At Your Back Door 2. Difficult To Cure 3. Keyboard Solo 4. Space Truckin’
5. Woman From Tokyo 6. Speed King 7. Smoke On The Water

Darker Than Blue 259/260

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