David Bowie / Yokohama Stadium 1983 / 2CD

David Bowie / Yokohama Stadium 1983 /2CD / Wardour

Translated Text:

Live at Yokohama Stadium, Yokohama, Japan 25th October 1983.

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New discovery of the world’s first public best live album. That unpublished live in Japan by that prestigious, “Kinney”! A prestigious prestigious family “Kinney” which can be said to be synonymous with Japanese bootleg history. In our shop, we have uncovered its original cassettes and have sent a number of masterpieces. Many of them are masterpieces that leave a name in history, “Omoto Soundboard”. That is a wonderful thing with it, but this work is different. It is a perfect first appearance that never came out to the world regardless of analog / CD.
Such a work was recorded “October 25, 1983: Yokohama Stadium” performance. It is a scene of “SERIOUS MOONLIGHT JAPAN TOUR” which was blowing out in the movie “Merry Christmas on the Battlefield” and “LET’S DANCE”. We have reported on many live albums so far, so let’s organize here once.

· October 20: Nippon Budokan
· October 21: Nippon Budokan “MOONLIGHT SHADOW”
· October 22: Nippon Budokan “THIRD NIGHT AT BUDOKAN”
· October 24: Nippon Budokan
· October 25: Yokohama Stadium 【this work】
· October 26: Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium
· October 27: Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium
· October 29: Nagoya City International Exhibition Gift Gift “NAGOYA 1983”
· October 30: Osaka Expo Commemoration Stadium “OSAKA 1983 FINAL NIGHT”
· October 31: Kyoto Prefectural Gymnasium Kinney “KYOTO 1983”
※ Note: Only for masterpieces on each day.

Over all, 10 performances. Although the number of performances is less than TIN MACHINE, the large hall venue is slippery. It was the largest Japan tour on the history of Bowie’s arrival in Japan. Such a work is not just a new excavation but a sound is a super recording of the unprecedented. This show also had a “JUNGLE BURNING BRIGHT” episode, but it is no match at all. On the contrary it is awesome than the masterpiece “KYOTO 1983 (Wardour – 171)” which was even reputed as “the best Japanese masterpiece” (which was also the first appearance of Kinney).
That sound is also the highest peak in “Keene Magic”. The clear sound of the signboard is also the highest peak, but the direct feeling beyond that. The core of the musical tone is extremely thick and the distance feeling is zero, it is suitable for calling just “as if it is a soundboard” …. No, this is already “desk directly connected sound board” burr. Between songs there is a hot cheer audience recording and there is also a snare tone color like an audiophile. However, there is no response from the hall. Even listening carefully with headphones, I can not believe it is a spatial recording. There is no detailed recording position left, but it must be before the eyes of PA …… more than anything, the sound is so story.
Furthermore, audience / noise is like a desk. As mentioned earlier, although applause and applause are not at all absent, it is also small, small, little, far. Speaking of “SERIOUS MOONLIGHT JAPAN TOUR”, the popularity of popular celebrations is also the crowd of popularity. There are also many recordings scattered yellow screaming, but this work has no yellowness at all. Rather, rather than a concert, the one who told “a studio recording inviting several fans” is about to be perfect. Bowie ‘s “Only” is poured into the ear with Direct – connected sound. Why did not Kinney announce such a super masterpiece … ?.
What is drawn with such a super-sound is the world of “Professional Music” extremely professional. Although there are also aspects where the perfection is too high and it is difficult for the differences to be perceived by every show, it sounds quite different when listening with the super sound of this work. A little decoration phrase of the synth It is transmitted to the detail that it is getting stuck with details thanks to vividness up to one, and the singing voice of the Bowie is also a sighing level. Hot air is brought up to the extent that the show goes up, and even if it is in the form of a pop star, you can understand that “Bowie was a bowie” with a sense of touch.
Moreover, it is a complete full set which recorded up to “Star” “Stay” “The Jean Genie” “Modern Love” which can not be heard in the official work “SERIOUS MOONLIGHT”. Of course, there is also a cut change in the tape change only during the cassette era, but since it is between songs after the “White Light / White Heat” concert, there is no influence on the performance at all. Undoubtedly the best masterpiece of Japanese performance · the best work of Kinney … No, it is definitely the world champion of “SERIOUS MOONLIGHT TOUR”.

Kinney recording for the world first show. It’s a single exciting moment, but the actual contents were not so much. Ultra and superb sound that becomes the world’s highest peak, thorough full recording, and high level show … …. If you listen to “SERIOUS MOONLIGHT TOUR”, first of all it is kore. And, it is OK with one. A vertex of such a dimension. The world, this is the audience recording in Japan!

★ This is a marvel! ! It was the first time for me to appear in Japan, the best sound quality in 1983 Japan tour. Indeed, “World, this is a Japanese audience recording!”
世界初公開の極上ライヴアルバムが新発掘。あの名門、“キニー”による未発表ライヴ・イン・ジャパンです! 日本のブートレッグ史と同義と言ってもいい名門中の名門“キニー”。当店では、そのオリジナル・カセットを発掘し、幾多の名作をお送りしてきました。その多くは歴史に名を残す名盤の“大元サウンド盤”。それはそれで素晴らしい事ではあるのですが、本作は違う。アナログ/CDを問わず、一度も世に出たことのない完全初登場の1作なのです。
そんな本作が収録されたのは「1983年10月25日:横浜スタジアム」公演。映画『戦場のメリークリスマス』や『LET’S DANCE』で一世を風靡していた“SERIOUS MOONLIGHT JAPAN TOUR”の一幕です。当店では、これまで何作ものライヴアルバムでレポートしてきましたので、ここで一度整理してみましょう。

・10月21日:日本武道館 『MOONLIGHT SHADOW』
・10月22日:日本武道館 『THIRD NIGHT AT BUDOKAN』
・10月25日:横浜スタジアム 【本作】
・10月29日:名古屋市国際展示場 ギフト盤『NAGOYA 1983』
・10月30日:大阪万博記念競技場 『OSAKA 1983 FINAL NIGHT』
・10月31日:京都府立体育館 キニー盤『KYOTO 1983』

以上、全10公演。公演数こそTIN MACHINEより少ないものの、大ホール会場がずらり。ボウイの来日史上、最大規模となるジャパンツアーでした。そんな本作は、ただの新発掘ではなくサウンドも空前絶後のスーパー録音なのです。このショウには既発『JUNGLE BURNING BRIGHT』もありましたが、まったく比較にならない。それどころか「ジャパンツアー最高傑作」とさえ評された大傑作『KYOTO 1983(Wardour-171)』よりも(これもキニーの初登場盤でした)凄いのです。
さらに卓直結っぽいのは、オーディエンス・ノイズ。先述の通り、喝采や拍手が皆無ではないものの、それもえらく小さく・少なく・遠い。“SERIOUS MOONLIGHT JAPAN TOUR”と言えば、お茶の間人気も絶頂のアイドル人気。黄色い絶叫まみれの録音も多かったりするのですが、本作にはその黄色っぽさが皆無。むしろ、コンサートではなく「数人のファンを招いたスタジオ録音」と言われた方がしっくりするくらい。ボウイのショウ“だけ”がド直結サウンドで耳に流し込まれるのです。なぜ、キニーはこれほどの超傑作を発表しなかったのか……。
そんなスーパー・サウンドで描かれるのは、極めてプロフェッショナルな“SERIOUS MOONLIGHT”の世界。あまりに完成度が高くてショウ毎の違いが感じにくい面もあったりするのですが、本作のスーパー・サウンドで聴くとまるで違って聞こえる。シンセのちょっとした飾りフレーズまで1つ1つまで鮮やかなおかげで細部まで凝りに凝っているのが伝わり、ボウイの歌声も吐息レベル。ショウが進むほどに熱気が醸成されていき、ポップスター然としていようとも“ボウイはボウイ”だったことが肌触り感覚で分かるのです。
しかも、オフィシャル作品『SERIOUS MOONLIGHT』では聴けない「Star」「Stay」「The Jean Genie」「Modern Love」まで収録した完全フルセット。もちろん、カセット時代だけにテープチェンジのカットもあるのですが、それも「White Light/White Heat」終演後の曲間なので演奏にはまったく影響なし。紛れもなく日本公演の最高傑作・キニーの最高作……いえ、間違いなく“SERIOUS MOONLIGHT TOUR”のワールド・チャンピオンなのです。

全世界初公開のキニー録音。それだけで胸躍る1作ですが、実際の中身はそれどころではありませんでした。世界最高峰となる超・極上サウンド、徹底的な完全収録、そしてハイレベルなショウ……。“SERIOUS MOONLIGHT TOUR”を聴くなら、まずはコレ。そして、コレ1本でOK。そんな次元の頂点作。世界よ、これが日本のオーディエンス録音だ!

Disc 1 (44:55)
1. Pre-Show 2. Intro 3. Look Back In Anger 4. Heroes 5. What In The World? 6. Golden Years
7. Fashion 8. Let’s Dance 9. Breaking Glass 10. Life On Mars? 11. Sorrow
12. Cat People (Putting Out Fire) 13. China Girl

Disc 2 (69:07)
1. Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) 2. Rebel Rebel 3. White Light/White Heat 4. Station To Station 5. Cracked Actor6. Ashes To Ashes 7. Space Oddity 8. Band Introduction 9. Young Americans 10. Fame
11. Star 12. Stay 13. The Jean Genie 14. Modern Love


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