David Bowie / Rotterdam 1976-2nd Press / 2CD

David Bowie / Rotterdam 1976-2nd Press / 2CD / Wardour

Live at the Ahoy, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 13th May 1976 STEREO SBD

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Along with the official Nassau performance, the soundboard album that has symbolized the “ISOLAR –1976 Tour” has been reprinted. Introducing the permanent storage press 2CD.
“May 13, 1976 Rotterdam performance” is engraved in this work. That stereo sound board recording. As mentioned above, “ISOLAR –1976 Tour” is now based on the official edition “LIVE NASSAU COLISEUM ’76”. First, let’s take a bird’s eye view of the schedule at that time and imagine a sense of distance from each other.

<< January 23, “STATION TO STATION” released >>
・ February 2-March 26: North America (40 performances) ← * LIVE NASSAU COLISEUM ’76
・ April 7-17: Europe # 1 (8 performances)
・ April 24-May 18: Europe # 2 (16 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
<< September “LOW” production started >>

This is Bowie in 1976. The tour is roughly divided into North American and European editions, and “LIVE NASSAU COLISEUM ’76” is a live album that represents the early North American edition. On the other hand, the Rotterdam performance of this work is the 13th performance of “Europe # 2” which is the end of the tour. It’s a live album that contrasts not only in the US / Europe but also in the early and late stages of the tour.
It was known that such a show had a masterpiece sound board recording for fan clubs for a long time, and it was popular because it could be listened to longer than the Nassau performance. For that reason, there were some already published, but a master with a large number of songs was discovered during the period of Bowie’s obituary. A master who can listen to all songs except “Queen Bitch” (apparently it was not recorded), which includes “Life On Mars?”, “Five Years” and “Panic In Detroit” which have been cut in most of the previous recordings. Has appeared.
This work is also such a longest master, but it is neither an existing copy nor a remaster. When the long master first appeared, the topic was the flashy equalized processed sound, but in 2016 we succeeded in obtaining the Omoto master. It’s a master quality version with plenty of natural sound. At our shop, we have delivered various masterpieces under the supervision of the authority of overseas Bowie research, but it is also the researcher who provided the master of this work. It was provided with the words, “I can’t stand the bad-sounding masters on the market. It’s really better. I want you to know that.”
In fact, its natural sound is really wonderful. Naturally, it is much fresher and clearer than any existing group master (whether long or short). The muffled feeling disappears completely, and the direct connection sound unique to the desk direct connection sound board seems to shine brilliantly. I couldn’t say “nothing to do” because the original master had a bad pitch and stereo feel, but I paid close attention to mastering and the naturalness of the original master. The sound was carefully finished.
The sound of this work completed in this way has a more vivid “feeling of the ears” unique to a sound board directly connected to the table. Although it was a feeling of zero distance from the previous release, the natural feeling of this work jumps over to the time and sticks to Bowie. It’s a rough mix to call it “official class”, but that’s why the vividness is superb, the stereo feeling that is panned to the left and right, and the vividness of Bowie’s singing voice that is poured into the ears! When I thought that I was whispered gently in my ear, a passionate cry jumped into my head. When I introduce a sound board that is directly connected to the table, I sometimes write “as if I had a plug in my ear”, but this work feels like I’m singing as if I were a microphone.
The splendor of the “ISOLAR –1976 Tour” drawn with that quality. The singing voice of the era when I was longing for Seoul is the best throughout, but what I especially listen to is the 11-minute “Panic In Detroit”. The ad-lib that has been the centerpiece of this tour is very thrilling, and the excitement from the middle to the end is the best, as well as the liveliness of the intro. Bowie, who finished the tour five days after this live, moved to Berlin. From September, he will start producing “LOW”, but the scat that can be said to be the “one conclusion” that he reached just before entering the so-called “Berlin era” explodes in his ear.

There is no recording omission “Queen Bitch”, but it is a historical masterpiece where you can fully enjoy “ISOLAR –1976 Tour” with a sound board directly connected to the table. Bowie at the time was longing for black music, knowing his own limits, and pursuing “black music that he could do”. And the final stage of the European tour, where “Berlin” may have been lit in my heart after the performance in Germany. It is a live album that allows you to get the closest to the singing voice of that era as if it were played in your brain.
When it first appeared in 2016, it was sold out and out of print in a blink of an eye because it was so wonderful. It has been difficult to obtain for a long time. The 2nd press that precisely reproduced such a masterpiece. Please take this opportunity to experience master quality that surpasses all existing ones.

★ Stereo sound board recording of “May 13, 1976 Rotterdam performance”. This is a long version of “Life On Mars?”, “Five Years”, and “Panic In Detroit”, which were originally cut by Omoto Master, which was obtained through an original route. If the natural sound unique to Omoto is fresh and fresh, the clearness will be different. There is no muffled feeling at all, and the direct connection sound unique to the desk direct connection sound board seems to shine brilliantly. It is a symbolic board of “ISOLAR –1976 Tour” along with the official Nassau performance.

★ It will be released with a sticker with numbering.

公式化も実現したナッソー公演と並び、“ISOLAR – 1976 Tour”を象徴してきたサウンドボード・アルバムが復刻。永久保存プレス2CDで登場です。
そんな本作に刻まれているのは「1976年5月13日ロッテルダム公演」。そのステレオ・サウンドボード録音です。前述のように、“ISOLAR – 1976 Tour”と言えば現在では公式盤『LIVE NASSAU COLISEUM ’76』こそが基準。まずは、当時のスケジュールを俯瞰して互いの距離感をイメージしてみましょう。

・2月2日-3月26日:北米(40公演)←※LIVE NASSAU COLISEUM ’76

これが1976年のボウイ。ツアーはざっくり北米編と欧州編に二分されており、『LIVE NASSAU COLISEUM ’76』は序盤の北米編を代表するライヴアルバム。それに対し、本作のロッテルダム公演はツアー末期となる「欧州#2」の13公演目。アメリカ/ヨーロッパだけでなく、ツアー序盤/末期も対比的なライヴアルバムなのです。
そんなショウは以前からファンクラブ向けの傑作サウンドボード録音が残された事でも知られ、ナッソー公演よりも長く聴けることで人気でした。それだけにいくつかの既発もありましたが、ボウイの訃報を期に曲数の多いマスターが発掘。ほとんどの既発ではカットされてきた「Life On Mars?」「Five Years」「Panic In Detroit」を収録しており、「Queen Bitch」以外(どうやら録音自体されなかったようです)の全曲が聴けるマスターが登場したのです。
そうして完成した本作のサウンドは、卓直結サウンドボードならではの“耳元感”が一層鮮やか。既発からしてゼロ距離感覚ではありましたが、本作のナチュラル感はさらに時間まで飛び越えてボウイに密着。「オフィシャル級」と呼ぶには荒っぽいミックスでもあるのですが、だからこその生々しさも極上で、左右へ派手にパンされるステレオ感、耳に流し込まれるボウイの歌声の生々しさったらない! 優しく耳元で囁かれたかと思うと、情熱たっぷりの叫びが頭の中に飛び込んでくる。卓直結サウンドボードを紹介する際、「耳にプラグを突っ込んだかのような」と書くことがありますが、本作はまるで自分自身がマイクになったかのように歌いかけられる感覚なのです。
そのクオリティで描かれる“ISOLAR – 1976 Tour”の素晴らしさ。ソウルに憧れていた時代の歌声は全編にわたって最高ですが、特に聴きものなのは、11分に及ぶ「Panic In Detroit」でしょうか。このツアーの目玉であり続けたアドリブがえらくスリリングで、イントロの躍動感もさることながら、中盤から終盤にかけての盛り上がりっぷりは最高です。このライヴの5日後にツアーを終えたボウイは、ベルリンに移住。9月からは『LOW』の制作に突入するわけですが、いわゆる“ベルリン時代”に入る直前の彼が到達した“ひとつの結論”ともいえるスキャットが耳元で炸裂するのです。

録音漏れの「Queen Bitch」こそありませんが、“ISOLAR – 1976 Tour”を卓直結サウンドボードでたっぷりと味わえる歴史的名作です。黒人音楽に憧れつつ、自身の限界を知って「自分にできる黒人音楽」を追求していた、当時のボウイ。そして、すでにドイツ公演を終え、心の中に“ベルリン”が灯っていたかも知れないヨーロッパツアーの最終盤。そんな時代の歌声に、脳内再生されるかのごとく最接近できるライヴアルバムです。

★「1976年5月13日ロッテルダム公演」のステレオ・サウンドボード録音。独自ルートで入手した大元マスターで、既発ではカットされてきた「Life On Mars?」「Five Years」「Panic In Detroit」を収録した長尺版です。大元ならではのナチュラル・サウンドが瑞々しく、遙かに鮮度が良ければ、クリアさも段違い。こもった感じがまったくなく、卓直結サウンドボードならではの直結音は、キラキラと輝くよう。公式化されたナッソー公演と並ぶ“ISOLAR – 1976 Tour”の象徴盤です。


Disc 1 (55:49)
1. Station To Station
2. Suffragette City
3. Fame
4. Word On A Wing
5. Stay
6. Waiting For The Man
7. Life On Mars?
8. Five Years
9. Panic In Detroit

Disc 2 (28:19)
1. Member Introduction
2. Changes
3. TVC 15
4. Diamond Dogs
5. Rebel Rebel
6. The Jean Genie

David Bowie – Vocals
Carlos Alomar – Guitar
Stacy Heydon – Guitar
Dennis Davis – Drums
Tony Kaye – Keyboards
George Murray – Bass



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