David Bowie / Glastonbury Festival 2000 – 2nd Press / 2CD

David Bowie / Glastonbury Festival 2000 – 2nd Press / 2CD / Wardour

Worthy Farm, Pilton Somerset, Glastonbury, UK 25th June 2000. Stereo SBD

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“MINI TOUR 2000” which was only 4 performances. The best sound board album that symbolizes it and reaches the top is now available on the 2nd press.
The performance of “June 25, 2000 Glastonbury Festival” is included in such a symbolic work. This is a stereo sound board recording when he appeared for the first time in 29 years since 1971. .. Partial pro shots and full audience recordings have been unearthed for some time, but this work is a complete soundboard recording. It was created by the BBC, who received Bowie’s news in 2016, for a memorial broadcast, and is a digital master version that is longer than the actual broadcast.
The quality is a perfect official sound board. Originally, there was even a TV broadcast, so I knew that it was recorded professionally, but even that is a far hazy super sound. The full audience recording has also been highly acclaimed as “it can be used with sound boards”, but the genuine sound board, which is also the latest master for digital broadcasting, has a different dimension. Everything from recording to mixing and finishing is perfect, and the quality goes through the whole show. Even if you search with all your might, you will not find any defects at all, and you can purchase it with the same feeling as an official live CD.
Sound quality is not the only thing that is at the top. The show itself was extremely special and was a highlight performance that symbolized “2000 Bowie”. First, let’s take a bird’s eye view of the live activities in 2000.

《June 17: New York performance (cancelled)》
・ June 19: New York performance (transfer)
・ June 25: GLASTONBURY FESTIVAL ← ★ This work ★
・ June 27, “THE LONDON BOY: BBC 2000”

That’s all. It was only four times. In the first place, there are extremely few Bowie concerts during the four years between “EARTHLING TOUR 1997” and “HEATHEN TOUR 2002”. There are only 9 promotional performances of “hours …” in 1999 and the above 4 performances in 2000.
The “Glastonbury Festival” is the highlight of the 2000 live performances with only 4 performances. After all, the New York performance of “June 16th and 19th” was a fan club-only warm-up gig prepared for the festival appearance, and all were planned around the “Glastonbury Festival”. is. Furthermore, not only the position but also the content is highlighted. The warm-up performance in New York was not in good shape due to a cold, and it was so bad that the schedule was changed suddenly. After the festival, “June 27th BBC Live” was also cold and couldn’t make a voice. After all, this “Glastonbury Festival”, which was carefully prepared without any difficulty, was the only full concert in good physical condition.
The content is a wonderful live that summarizes Bowie’s career. Speaking of “MINI TOUR 2000”, another masterpiece “THE LONDON BOY: BBC 2000 (Wardour-364)” is also very popular in our shop, but the set is very different from this work. Let’s experience a wide selection while comparing here.

・ The Man Who Sold The World
・ Hunky Dory: Changes (★) / Life on Mars? (★)
・ Ziggy Stardust: Starman / Ziggy Stardust
・ Diamond Dogs: Rebel Rebel (★)
・ Young Americans: Fame
・ Station to Station: Wild Is The Wind / Stay / Golden Years (★) / Station to Station (★)
・ Heroes Dream Story: “Heroes”
・ Scary Monsters: Ashes To Ashes
・ Let’s Dance: China Girl (★) / Let’s Dance
・ Outside: Hallo Spaceboy
・ Earthling: Little Wonder / I’m Afraid Of Americans
・ Others: Absolute Beginners / All The Young Dudes / Under Pressure (★)
* Note: “★” marks are songs that cannot be heard in “THE LONDON BOY: BBC 2000”.

… And it looks like this. It is sometimes regarded as a part of “HOURS TOUR” together with the 1999 promotion performance, but there are no songs from that “hours …”. On the contrary, the repertoire of the 90’s is limited to “Little Wonder”, “Hallo Spaceboy” and “I’m Afraid of Americans”, and there are plenty of representative songs from the 70’s and 80’s. Especially, he listens to 4 songs from “STATION TO STATION” in 1976.
Bowie has returned to the Glastonbury Festival for the first time in 29 years, with long hair reminiscent of the “HUNKY DORY” era. In his history, it was a time of sexual intercourse, but it is one that captures the night that shined fiercely for a moment with the highest quality. Sound, complete recording, performance … A live album that symbolizes 2000. By all means, this is your second chance to get it with the Permanent Preservation Press 2CD. Please do not miss it.

★ The best stereo sound board recording of “June 25, 2000 Glastonbury Festival”. Created by the BBC in memory of Bowie, it is a digital master version that is longer than the actual broadcast. It’s a so-called “completely official” sound board, and everything from recording to mixing and finishing is perfect. It was the only concert in 2000 when Bowie was in good physical condition, and the content was perfect. Sound, complete recording, performance … All of them are live albums that symbolize 2000.

わずか4公演だけだった“MINI TOUR 2000”。その象徴にして頂点を極める極上サウンドボード・アルバムが2ndプレスで登場です。

・6月27日『THE LONDON BOY: BBC 2000』

以上、これだけ。たった4回だけだったのです。そもそも“EARTHLING TOUR 1997”から“HEATHEN TOUR 2002”の間となる4年間、ボウイのコンサートは極端に少ない。1999年『hours…』のプロモーション9公演と2000年の上記4公演しかないのです。
その内容はボウイのキャリアを総括するような素晴らしいライヴ。“MINI TOUR 2000”と言えば、当店ではもう1つの名作『THE LONDON BOY: BBC 2000(Wardour-364)』も大好評ですが、本作とはセットが大きく異なる。ここでは比較しながら幅広いセレクトを実感してみましょう。

・世界を売った男:The Man Who Sold The World
・ハンキー・ドリー:Changes(★)/Life on Mars?(★)
・ジギー・スターダスト:Starman/Ziggy Stardust
・ダイアモンドの犬:Rebel Rebel(★)
・ステイション・トゥ・ステイション:Wild Is The Wind/Stay/Golden Years(★)/Station to Station(★)
・スケアリー・モンスターズ:Ashes To Ashes
・レッツ・ダンス:China Girl(★)/Let’s Dance
・アウトサイド:Hallo Spaceboy
・アースリング:Little Wonder/I’m Afraid Of Americans
・その他:Absolute Beginners/All The Young Dudes/Under Pressure(★)
※注:「★」印は『THE LONDON BOY: BBC 2000』では聴けない曲。

……と、このようになっています。1999年のプロモ公演と合わせて“HOURS TOUR”の一貫とされることもありますが、その『hours…』からの曲はゼロ。それどころか、90年代のレパートリーも「Little Wonder」「Hallo Spaceboy」「I’m Afraid of Americans」だけに留め、70年代・80年代の代表曲をたっぷり。特に1976年『STATION TO STATION』から4曲も聴かせてくれるのです。
『HUNKY DORY』時代を彷彿とさせるロングヘアをたなびかせ、29年ぶりのグラストンベリー・フェスティバルに戻ってきたボウイ。彼の歴史においては雌伏の時だったわけですが、一瞬だけ猛烈に輝いた一夜を極上クオリティで捉えきった1本です。サウンド・完全収録・パフォーマンス……その総てで2000年を象徴するライヴアルバム。ぜひ、永久保存プレス2CDで手に入れる二度目のチャンス。どうぞ、お見逃しなく。


Disc 1 (54:27)
1. Wild is the Wind
2. China Girl
3. Changes
4. Stay
5. Life on Mars?
6. Absolute Beginners
7. Ashes to Ashes
8. Rebel Rebel
9. Little Wonder
10. Golden Years
11. Fame

Disc 2 (55:22)
1. All the Young Dudes
2. The Man Who Sold The World
3. Station to Station
4. Starman
5. Hallo Spaceboy
6. Under Pressure
7. Ziggy Stardust
8. “Heroes”
9. Let’s Dance
10. I’m Afraid of Americans


David Bowie – vocals, acoustic guitar, harmonica
Earl Slick – lead guitar
Mark Plati – guitar
Gail Ann Dorsey – bass, vocals
Sterling Campbell – drums, percussion
Mike Garson – keyboards, piano
Holly Palmer – percussion, vocals
Emm Gryner – keyboard, clarinet, vocals


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