David Bowie / Kit Kat Klub 1999 / 1CD+1Bonus DVDR

David Bowie / Kit Kat Klub 1999 / 1CD+1Bonus DVDR  / Wardour

Translated text:
Live at Kit Kat Klub, New York, NY, USA 19th November 1999 plus Bonus DVDR ‘Later With Jools Holland 1999 Japanese Broadcast’
Recorded live by The SFX Radio Network. STEREO SBD

Click Image To Enlarge

The era of “hours …” which should also be called a secret border in a bowie’s career. The ultimate superb sound board album is appearing.
What is the secret time in the “hours …” era, few shows. Although the appearance of television and radio media appeared as it was, the concert is extremely small. Even including TV appearances that became the official work “VH1 STORYTELLERS” was only 9 performances. It is superimposed on BBC broadcast of “November 30, London” as one of main works “November 19, 1999: New York performance” in this work is super superb stereo sound board. Let’s introduce each in detail.

【November 19, 1999: New York Performance】
The main New York performance is now lost “KIT KAT KLUB”, but this can be said as a sister performance of “VH1 STORYTELLERS” in a sense. In order to explain its meaning, let’s first look back from the whole picture of “Hours Tour 1999” which was the shortest in Bowie history.

· August 23: New York “VH1 STORYTELLERS”
“September 21″ hours … released ”
· October 9 – 17: Europe (4 performances)
· November 19: New York 【this work】
· December 2 – 7: Europe (3 shows)

Over all, nine performances. It is a symbol of this era, although it is slightly confusing to count “VH1 STORYTELLERS” as a concert, I dare put it in. Even with the remaining 8 shows, rather than a tour, it is a series of one-shot performances. Although it is once called a tour worldwide, it may be said that the fact is that there was no full-scale tour only by warm-up / promotion. And this work is the sister version of “VH 1 STORYTELLERS”, that place than anything else. Most of the performances were in Europe, but this work is the only North American continent and it was a show in New York same as “VH1 STORYTELLERS”.
The reason to sing another sister is genuine official quality. In the first place, this show was broadcast on the special program “HIGHLIGHTS” of the radio station SFX NETWORK, and it is also a big staple that air check has brought about a lot of pre-emergence. However, unlike such preexisting group, this work has been converted into CD directly from a rare rare broadcast master. Moreover, its master is not LP. CDR was the basis for the original master distributed to each station as soon as 1999, but the source of this work is such a pre-broadcast CDR. Of course, the story master CDR has been unreproducible after about 20 years, but this work has been awakened from the mint board which stored the data at that time perfectly.
The quality is an absolute official sound, not to mention. Just as recordings, mixes and mastering were the latest broadcasts of super-big items in the rock world, are you saying the official specification of the iron wall … …. actually, it is actually adopted for the B side of the official single “Seven”, complete formal Official recording included. We have not lost to the official product “VH1 STORYTELLERS”. It transmits its ultimate sound with 100% digital clone of zero degradation, zero defect.
“It is impossible to do anything more” is painted with a sound similar to “VH1 STORYTELLERS” show. While listening to the mood that is not the station studio, the songs also differ. Although it is not a full set of the day, there are delicious songs from the famous songs of the past to the new songs of “hours …” there. Something in the Air “,” The Pretty Things Are Going to Hell “and” I ” were recorded in the official single, as well as the single song “Can not Help Thinking About Me” m Afraid of Americans “, even Classics” Stay “” Changes “” VH1 STORYTELLERS “You can enjoy plenty of delicious numbers that you can not hear.
The members who play such a set are also different. “VH1 STORYTELLERS” is also known as the last show of Reeves Gabriel’s, but in this work he will lead and guitar on behalf of Paige Hamilton. He is not familiar to Bowie fans, but he is a leader of HELMET who blew up his life as a flag of alternative metal in the early 1990s. Although it could not reach the symbol of the era, a gifted person who cut down KORN, NINE INCH NAILS, Marilyn Manson etc and Ho and created the sound of the 90’s. The perfect guitar work to succeed the trace of Reeves can be tasted plentifully with the finest sound board.

【November 30, 1999 BBC program in London】
It is the ultimate just the ultimate sound board which is not different from the official, but this work additionally contains a super best stereo · saudboard as a bonus. It is “BBC broadcasting recorded at” November 30, 1999 London “. Specialty host: This is a studio live when I appeared on the TV program “LATER … WITH JOOLS HOLLAND” by Jules Holland (the broadcast date is “December 4”).
And this quality is also Official grade. At that time it was a rare digital broadcast, and I am not losing to the main story’s New York performance. In addition to “Something in the Air” “Survive” that you could listen to in the main part, the set also played a total of 4 songs “Ashes to Ashes” and “Cracked Actor”. When it comes to television recording, there are many cases where the performance is sometimes missed with a special planning aim, but this program is sufficiently played 11 days after the main part. Although it is different in the mood of the site which interviews it, quality and performance can be enjoyed as continuation of main part.

“Hours …” era which was a certain page of Bowie history although the number of performances is small. It is an ultimate super stereo sound board album symbolizing that live with official work “VH1 STORYTELLERS”. One piece that you can enjoy the lost master studio sound that is lost with time, even permanently preserved bonus tracks. By all means, “hours …” itself and “VH1 STORYTELLERS” are the ultimate inscription you want to love forever.

『hours…』時代の何が秘境かと言えば、ショウの少なさ。テレビやラジオのメディア出演はそれなりにあったものの、コンサートは極少。オフィシャル作品『VH1 STORYTELLERS』となったテレビ出演を含めても、わずか9公演に過ぎなかったのです。本作に収録されているのはその1つ「1999年11月19日:ニューヨーク公演」をメインに、「11月30日ロンドン」のBBC放送をカップリングした超極上ステレオ・サウンドボード。それでは、それぞれ詳しくご紹介していきましょう。

メインとなるニューヨーク公演は、今は亡き“KIT KAT KLUB”でのしょうでしたが、これはある意味『VH1 STORYTELLERS』の姉妹公演とも言える。その意味をご説明するためにも、まずはボウイ史上最短だった“Hours Tour 1999”の全体像から振り返ってみましょう。

・8月23日:ニューヨーク 『VH1 STORYTELLERS』
・11月19日:ニューヨーク 【本作】

以上、全9公演。『VH1 STORYTELLERS』をコンサートと数えるのは些か迷うものの、この時代の象徴でもありますので、あえて入れました。残る8公演にしてもツアーと言うよりは、単発公演の羅列。一応、世界的にツアーと呼ばれてはいるものの、内実はウォームアップ/プロモーションだけで本格的なツアーはなかったと言っても良いでしょう。そして、本作が『VH1 STORYTELLERS』の姉妹編なのは、何よりもその場所。8公演は、ほとんどがヨーロッパだったのですが、本作は唯一の北米大陸であり『VH1 STORYTELLERS』と同じニューヨークでのショウだったわけです。
もう1つ姉妹を謳う理由は、正真正銘オフィシャル級クオリティ。そもそもこのショウは、ラジオ局SFX NETWORKの名物番組“HIGHLIGHTS”で放送され、エアチェックが数々の既発を生んできた大定番でもある。しかし、本作はそんな既発群とは異なり、激レアな放送原盤からダイレクトにCD化されている。しかも、その原盤はLPじゃない。1999年にもなると各局に配布される原盤もCDRが基本となっていたのですが、本作のソースはそんな放送前CDR。もちろん、巷の原盤CDRは約20年も経過すると再生不能なものもあるわけですが、本作は当時のデータを完璧に保存していたミント盤から起こされているのです。
そのクオリティは申し上げるまでもなく、完全無欠の公式サウンド。ロック界の超大物の最新放送だっただけに収録もミックスもマスタリングも鉄壁のオフィシャル仕様……と言いますか、実は実際に公式シングル『Seven』のB面曲に採用されており、完全な正式なオフィシャル収録。公式品『VH1 STORYTELLERS』にも負けていません。その究極サウンドを劣化ゼロ、欠けゼロの100%デジタル・クローンで伝えてくれるのです。
“これ以上はあり得ない”サウンドで描かれるのは、『VH1 STORYTELLERS』と似て非なるショウ。局内スタジオではないムードもさることながら、曲目も異なる。当日のフルセットではないのですが、そこには歴代の名曲から『hours…』の新曲まで美味しい曲がずらり。当時目玉だった60年代のシングル曲「Can’t Help Thinking About Me」はもちろんのこと、公式シングルにも収録された新曲「Something in the Air」「The Pretty Things Are Going to Hell」や「I’m Afraid of Americans」、さらにクラシックス「Stay」「Changes」など『VH1 STORYTELLERS』でも聴けない美味しいナンバーもたっぷり楽しめます。
そんなセットを演じるメンバーも異なる。『VH1 STORYTELLERS』はリーヴス・ガブリエルスのラスト・ショウとしても知られていますが、本作でリード・ギターを務めるのは代わって加入したペイジ・ハミルトン。ボウイ・ファンにはあまり馴染みがありませんが、彼は90年代初頭にオルタナティヴ・メタルの旗手として一世を風靡したHELMETのリーダー。時代の象徴にまでは至りませんでしたが、KORNやNINE INCH NAILS、マリリン・マンソン等と鎬を削り、90年代サウンドを築いた才人。リーヴスの跡を継ぐに申し分ないギターワークが極上サウンドボードでたっぷり味わえるのです。

オフィシャルと何ら変わらない究極サウンドボードだけでも究極ですが、本作はさらに超極上ステレオ・サウドボードをボーナス収録しています。それは「1999年11月30日ロンドン」で収録されたBBC放送。名物ホスト:ジュールズ・ホーランドによるテレビ番組“LATER… WITH JOOLS HOLLAND”に出演した際のスタジオ・ライヴです(放送日は“12月4日”)。
そして、こちらのクオリティもやはりオフィシャル級。当時にしては珍しいデジタル放送であり、本編のニューヨーク公演にも負けていない。セットはその本編でも聴けた「Something in the Air」「Survive」の他、「Ashes to Ashes」「Cracked Actor」の合計4曲を演奏。テレビ収録というと特別な企画狙いで演奏がおざなりになることも多いのですが、この番組は本編の11日後で十分にこなれている。インタビューを挟む現場のムードこそ異なるものの、クオリティもパフォーマンスも本編の続きとして楽しめるのです。

公演数が少ないながらもボウイ史の確かな1ページだった『hours…』時代。そのライヴを公式作品『VH1 STORYTELLERS』と共に象徴する超極上のステレオサウンドボード・アルバムです。時間と共に失われていく放送原盤サウンドを永久保存し、絶品のボーナス・トラックまでも味わえる1枚。ぜひ、『hours…』自身や『VH1 STORYTELLERS』と並べていつまでも愛して頂きたい究極の銘品です。


1. Life on Mars? 2. Thursday’s Child 3. Something in the Air 4. China Girl
5. Can’t Help Thinking About Me 6. Always Crashing in the Same Car 7. Survive
8. Stay 9. Seven 10. Changes 11. The Pretty Things Are Going to Hell
12. I’m Afraid of Americans

BBC Television Centre, White City, London, UK 30th November 1999
Broadcast: Later… with Jools Holland, BBC2 on 4th December 1999

13. Ashes to Ashes 14. Interview with Jools Holland 15. Something in the Air
16. Survive 17. Cracked Actor

David Bowie – Vocals, Acoustic Guitar Gail Ann Dorsey – Bass
Mark Plati – Rhythm, Acoustic Guitar Mike Garson – Keyboards
Page Hamilton – Guitar Sterling Campbell – Drums, Percussion
Emm Gryner – Backing Vocals Holly Palmer – Backing Vocals




DAVID BOWIE – Later With Jools Holland 1999 Japanese Broadcast / 1Single DVDR / Non label

Translated text:
BBC Television Centre, White City, London, UK 30th November 1999 PRO-SHOT

Click Image To Enlarge

The main press CD “KIT KAT KLUB 1999” is a superb sound board album even becoming a sister item of official work. Of course, if it is originally a masterpiece that is not enough without a bonus, in reality there is also a superb picture close to the main part. I would like to have fun with you, is a special attachment decision.
What is inside of this work is the TV program “LATER … WITH JOOLS HOLLAND”. Yes, it is a pro shot version of the program recorded in the second half of the main press CD. That quality is excellent. In the “hours …” era, there are many media appearances more than the concert, and various pro shots are left, but this work is a special class even among them. Although this period was mainly analog broadcasting, this program is digital broadcasting. It is sufficiently beautiful even if you see it with modern eyes, there is no deterioration. Since it is a Japanese broadcast, subtitles are included in the interview, but it is super sharp up to its edge. Even a number of “hours …” pro shots are top-level complete official quality.
The content drawn with its visual beauty is also the best. It is possible to witness the studio live enjoyable on this press press CD with a sight, but more than that is actually an interview. Bowie and Holland are talking to each other, but the content which I bothered with thanks to Japanese subtitles is transmitted to Vivid. I will write out a part … ….

Holland: What kind of song is “Ashes to Ashes”?
Bowie: There is a meaning of memorial for a certain person. I am in the other world now. Together with Mia. Did you know that in the other world you will connect copper tiles for a long time? Join us on the ground. Copper tile pulls out Mia in a magnetic storm to orbit ……
Holland: (interrupting the story) Mia is your friend? Mia · Farrow?
Bowie: No, it is Duckie Mia in my band!
Holland: I see. I was confused because I did not know what the story was about.
Bowie: Indeed it will be a big mess if Mia falls down.

Also, when the topic shifts to the “hours …” jacket · art ….

Holland: Do you have a favorite jacket (in your own work)?
Bowie: It’s all bad. I liked it (that Jake of GOMEZ who was also a guest) is good. R. Rongo style!
Holland: Not so, it’s your work. You can change “hours …”.
Bowie: I saw it for the first time.
Holland: There are lots of duets, but who do you want to play with?
Bowie: Marijuana.
Holland: Do you have it now?
Bowie: No way! I’m in the dressing room.

…… Like this, Bowie wound a moderator smoked, and responded with a blur without losing the host. And the site studio is wrapped up with a big burst of love without anyone plunging. Although it was able to be seen with the main press CD, the expression of Bowie who talks about the stubborn story and the story of Jacket Art are videos so that you can see the real fun.
Bowie of existence day which was familiar with the media and was full of entertainer soul over the stage in broadcasting. In addition to exquisite live music, such a flying jokes like that can also be enjoyed with subtitled professional shots. One piece to raise the fun of the main press CD. Please, please enjoy plenty.

本編プレスCD『KIT KAT KLUB 1999』は、公式作の姉妹品とさえなる超極上のサウンドボード・アルバムです。もちろん、本来であればボーナスなどなくとも十分な傑作なのですが、実は本編に密接した極上映像も存在する。ぜひ併せてお楽しみ頂きたく、特別付属決定です。
そんな本作の中身とは、テレビ番組“LATER… WITH JOOLS HOLLAND”。そう、本編プレスCDの後半に収録された番組のプロショット版なのです。そのクオリティは絶品。『hours…』時代はコンサート以上に多彩なメディア出演が多く、さまざまなプロショットが残されていますが、本作はその中でも特級。この時代はアナログ放送がメインだったものの、この番組はデジタル放送。現代の目で観ても十分に美しく、劣化もない。日本放送なのでインタビューには字幕も入るのですが、そのエッジまで超シャープ。数ある『hours…』プロショットでも頂点的な完全オフィシャル級クオリティなのです。

ホーランド:「Ashes to Ashes」ってどんな曲?
ボウイ:ある人物への追悼の意味もあるんだ。今はあの世にいるよ。ミアと一緒にね。あの世では銅のタイルを長く繋げるって知ってた? 地上に向かって繋げるんだ。銅のタイルが磁気嵐の中にいるミアを引っ張り出して軌道に……
ホーランド:(話を遮って)ミアって君の友達? ミア・ファロー?


ボウイ:まさか! 楽屋にあるよ。


1. Ashes to Ashes 2. Interview with Jools Holland 3. Something in the Air
4. Survive 5. Cracked Actor

David Bowie – Vocals, Acoustic Guitar Gail Ann Dorsey – Bass
Mark Plati – Rhythm, Acoustic Guitar Mike Garson – Keyboards
Page Hamilton – Guitar Sterling Campbell – Drums, Percussion
Emm Gryner – Backing Vocals Holly Palmer – Backing Vocals


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