David Bowie / Serious Moonlight Osaka 1983 / 2CD

David Bowie / Serious Moonlight Osaka 1983 / 2CD / Helden

Translated Text:
Prefectural Gymnasium Osaka Japan October 27, 1983. Digitally Remastered


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80’s, 70’s album of Bowie from the contractual relationship has disappeared from the record store all at once. Many of the past in the name board is there an age that was not available with the new article in the discontinued treatment. Still the record store is provided with neatly corner of “DAVID BOWIE”, it had subsided several sheets of record. Husband peeps try and “Let’s Dance”, “Tonight”, and after a while, “Never Let Me Down” is applied. In other words, yet as an artist Bowie, is the era where there is only this 3 albums available has long followed. And Bowie dance / disco tone was epidemic at that time, fan of for a long time did not show a very good reaction. However, far from the world of small heavy showed off a few years ago of the Japan tour “low” or “hero Yumegatari”, bright Dansanburu a melody and flashy a glittering stage in pop, in exchange for a fan of for a long time is also a fact won a new fan base. “Let’s Dance” was a huge success in sales basis. And tour due to it is a SERIOUS MOONLIGHT TOUR.

Serious Moonlight tour, which kicked off on May 18, 1983 Brussels, resulting in Bowie tour biggest and longest, was the further most successful tour. But it was also the famous Bowie is to rock fans to it, also became well-known to the general public or would not have at this time. Tour number is counted indeed 96 performances. Originally it was scheduled to do a tour around a medium-sized venue of about 10000 people, along with the sales significantly above the assumption of the album “Let’s Dance”, the ticket because it became a battle, Ya large-scale stadium outdoor venue was to be organized on schedule. And is was selected various scale of the venue from the arena to the stadium in Japan. Schedule is as follows of the Japan tour in 1983 Serious Moonlight tour.

Tokyo, October 20, 1983 Nippon Budokan
Tokyo, October 21, 1983 Nippon Budokan
Tokyo, October 22, 1983 Nippon Budokan
Tokyo, October 24, 1983 Nippon Budokan
1983 October 25, Yokohama Stadium
October 1983, 26 days Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium
October 1983, 27 days Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium
October 29, 1983 Nagoya International Exhibition Hall
Osaka October 30, 1983 Expo Memorial Park
October 1983, 31 days Kyoto Prefectural Gymnasium

As is large ones not in the traditional Bowie scale, including the Budokan four consecutive, Yokohama stadium performances, it has become the largest of those on the number and attendance both to reflect the popularity of the time. And this work is complete recording the first appearance performances October 27, 1983 Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium performances in the first appearance sound source in a high-quality sound. Flowing the old jazz the venue. “Everyone, Good evening over. Gonenburino, Japan Kou en death” announcements in Japanese is made and this song is settled down. And count the concert kicks off in the count “one, two, one, two, Sun, Sit” end up a little weakness of the Japanese like that, this is also the king. Opening is a “Caere with great anger pretend” from “TENANTS”. Following the “Heroes”, and the “What in the World,” “Golden Years” … Let there be a strange thing, is not appeared middle. Song of the album “Let’s Dance”. But finally a medley manner from “Fashion”, “Let’s Dance” will showcase, then is the “Life on Mars” on again “broken mirror”. “Sadness of love” is also rare is a rare, but is a song which was announced a whopping 10 years ago. Is this would mean anything. Eventually from the album “Let’s Dance”, only four songs including the title track, after is of the Bowie Classics accounts for most of the set list.

Of course, many songs for the first time playing in a live, to the such as the album “Scary Monsters” songs there this tour at the first time of the live version, indispensable in Bowie stage after “Ashes To Ashes” such as important number is there. Bright air covering the whole than it, although arrange what is not significantly change, and the atmosphere of the song different from the conventional. Such a band, including the horn of the impression is or will because a large number of people in a luxury compared to the conventional. Fashionable handsome, Bowie of blond hair singing in glamorous stage. Playfulness of the 80s is undoubtedly a fun stage that comes through more than enough.

The intended or not skein, the old catalog that are difficult to this age available, Bowie is towards the fans newly acquired, has been showing off a number of past songs. Of course, but there may be the relationship that it’s recording of the only “Let’s Dance” slightly eight songs, you know this only ze I have a popular, because included the appeal to the record company that is either wonder distrust. Bowie is said to have had the intention that you do not want to discount their past catalog, according to the place to hear. It might have been thought that it may be a discontinued until it is satisfactory agreement. In fact the new agreement is concluded, was that of a further seven years after this point.

From Bowie 1983 Serious Moonlight tour was a great success, complete recording of a high-quality first appearance October 27, Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium performances. Permanent preservation firmly press platen of the beautiful picture disc specification.

80年代、契約上の関係からボウイの70年代のアルバムが一斉にレコード店から姿を消した。過去の名盤の数々が廃盤扱いで新品で入手できなかった時代があるのである。それでもレコード店には「DAVID BOWIE」のコーナーがきちんと設けてあり、数枚のレコードが収まっていた。おっと覗いてみると『レッツ・ダンス』と『トゥナイト』、そして暫くして『ネバー・レット・ミー・ダウン』が加わる。つまりボウイほどのアーティストでありながら、入手できるアルバムがこの3枚しかない時代が長らく続いたのである。そして当時流行だったダンス/ディスコ調のボウイに、古くからのファンはあまり良い反応を示さなかった。しかし、わずか数年前の来日公演で披露した重厚な『ロウ』や『英雄夢語り』の世界から遠く離れ、明るくポップでダンサンブルな曲調と派手できらびやかなステージは、古くからのファンと引き換えに新たなファン層を獲得したのも事実である。『レッツ・ダンス』はセールス的には大成功を収めた。そしてそれに伴うツアーがSERIOUS MOONLIGHT TOURである。


1983年10月20日 東京日本武道館
1983年10月21日 東京日本武道館
1983年10月22日 東京日本武道館
1983年10月24日 東京日本武道館
1983年10月25日 横浜スタジアム
1983年10月26日 大阪府立体育館
1983年10月27日 大阪府立体育館
1983年10月29日 名古屋国際展示場
1983年10月30日 大阪万博記念公園
1983年10月31日 京都府立体育館


もちろんライヴで初めて演奏する曲も多く、アルバム『スケアリー・モンスターズ』収録曲などはこのツアーが初めてのライヴ・バージョンであるし、後にボウイのステージでは欠かせない「Ashes To Ashes」など重要なナンバーもある。それよりも全体を覆う明るい空気が、アレンジこそ大幅なチェンジがないものの、曲の雰囲気を従来のものと異なるものにしている。このような印象を受けるのはホーンを含めたバンドが従来に比べて豪華で大人数だからであろうか。オシャレでイケメン、ブロンド髪のボウイが華やかな舞台で歌う。80年代の陽気さが十二分に伝わってくる楽しいステージであることは間違いない。




01. Opening
02. Introduction
03. Look Back In Anger
04. “Heroes”
05. What In The World
06. Golden Years
07. Fashion
08. Let’s Dance
09. Breaking Glass
10. Life On Mars?
11. Sorrow
12. Cat People
13. China Girl
14. Scary Monsters
15. Rebel Rebel
16. White Light White Heat

01. Station To Station
02. Cracked Actor
03. Ashes To Ashes
04. Space Oddity
05. Member Introductions
06. Young Americans
07. Fame
08. Star
09. Stay
10. The Jean Genie
11. Modern Love

Helden. Den – 050/051

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