David Bowie / Fresno 1978 / 2CD

David Bowie / Fresno 1978 / 2CD / Wardour

Selland Arena, Fresno, CA, USA 2nd April 1978

Play sample :

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North American leg of “ISOLAR II 1978 TOUR” which created “STAGE”. The best master who tells the site is newly discovered. It is a permanent preservation decision with Press 2CD.
What is included in this work is “Fresno Performance on April 2, 1978”. It is the best audience recording. We have archived many live albums in our shop only during the popular Berlin era, but this work is the first appearance. It’s not a separate recording unless it’s a previous upgrade. At the end of last year, a recording of a Fresno performance that had never been known before suddenly appeared on the net. It’s a new recording that is shocking collectors around the world at this moment. Before the worrisome quality, first, the position of the show. Check out the annual tour dates.

・ March 29-May 9: North America (31 performances) ← ★ coco ★
・ May 14-July 1: Europe (34 performances)
“September” STAGE “release /” LODGER “production start”
・ November 11-December 2: Oceania (9 performances)
・ December 6-12: Japan (5 performances)

This is the whole picture of “ISOLAR II WORLD TOUR”. Speaking of this tour, the traditional official board “STAGE” appears anyway, but the “North America” leg is the same for the Fresno performance of this work. This was the third concert. “STAGE” has been produced from four performances from the end of April to the beginning of May, so this work is about one month before that.
新 The new recording that recorded such a show was, to be precise, partially open. As a matter of fact, it is a video work. In our shop, we introduce vintage video of Fresno in the 70’s in the series, but it is the sound used in the Bowie edition “FRESNO 1978: THE VIDEO” (it will also be provided as a bonus DVDR of this work). Although this Fresno video series is also known for its superb sound, in most cases the recording itself is also known, and all the bands that appear one after another are superb. “Is that the best recordings were of the same taper?” But Bowie was a little different. Until now, no recordings have been excavated from the 1978 performance in Fresno, and the sound overlaid on the video caused a commotion among overseas collectors, “What is this recording !?” I don’t know if it has met its reputation, but a few months later than the impact footage, the full-length version of the Nazo recording has now been released … That’s it.
In fact, the sound is a shock that far exceeds the image. If you’ve experienced the video version of “FRESNO 1978: THE VIDEO”, you probably know the best, but that sound lasts for almost 102 minutes of a full show. What is wonderful is the clear core and the glossy and beautiful sound. The sound of the snare is not mistaken for a sound board because it has an audience likeness. The guitar has a fine cutting nuance, and the keyboard is beautifully separated no matter how thick the keyboard is. Even more surprising is the base. The volume itself is modest, but if you listen carefully, the feel of the attack sound as a bing is clear, and the lines that undulate are drawn with a sharp outline.
Of course, the voice of Bowie, the protagonist, can be clearly understood not only in one word of the lyrics but also in the nuance of one syllable. According to one theory, it is said that the master was dubbed directly to DAT by Omoto Master (it is a story of another artist’s work in the series, it is unknown whether it is the whole series), but the theory seems only true It is a recording of no beauty. It’s amazing because the cheer balance is even better. I’m thankful for just being calm down during the performance, but the applause that boils between the songs is also fine and wide. There is no uproar, and you can enjoy both the vivid performance and the exciting venue spectacle.
本 In addition, this work is also the highest peak polished such a new excavation master with meticulous mastering. Of course, we don’t make any noises that mess up the original sound with the sound pressure gain of the darkness. Rather, the reverse. Actually, although the original sound of the net was clear, the bass sound was somewhat uplifted, and as a result, the peak was slightly chattered, or the cloudiness was felt. In this work, the turbidity is eliminated, and the treatment is performed so that the peaks that have actually become scary are not noticeable. The overall balance has been adjusted while maintaining the balance with the mid-high range. This not only increased the gloss of the entire ensemble, but also made it possible to enjoy the gloss in the entire game.
の The sound of such beauty is the enthusiasm of “ISOLAR II 1978 TOUR”, which no one has ever heard. As a matter of fact, this show is the first one in this work, so it can not be guaranteed that it is full recording (“Rebel Rebel” is missing !?), but it can still be enjoyed for 1 hour 42 minutes 17 seconds. This work is the same North American leg as “STAGE”, so let’s organize the set while comparing.

● Gram era (8 songs)
・ Ziggy Stardust: Five Years / Soul Love / Star / Hang On to Yourself / Ziggy Stardust / Suffragette City / Rock ‘n’ Roll Suicide (★)
・ Aladdin Thane: The Jean Genie
● American era (4 songs)
・ Young Americans: Fame
・ Station to Station: Station to Station / Stay / TVC 15
● Berlin era (10 songs)
・ Low: Warszawa / What in the World / Be My Wife / Speed ​​Of Life / Breaking Glass / Art Decade
・ Hero dream talk: “Heroes” / Blackout / Sense of Doubt / Beauty and the Beast
* Note: “★” indicates songs that cannot be heard on the official edition “STAGE”.

… and it looks like this. Approximately according to “SATGE (2CD version)”, but not exactly the same. In addition to listening to “Be My Wife”, “The Jean Genie”, “Suffragette City”, and “Stay” that were not in the original LP, they will also show “Rock ‘n’ Roll Suicide” that cannot be heard on the longest edition of 2017 Is.
“I’ve archived the” ISOLAR II 1978 TOUR “in numerous masterpiece recordings so far, but this work has appeared for the first time and has emerged as the leading candidate for the highest peak race. No way was such a beautiful recording ever known … A masterpiece that is recognizable to the depth of the audience recording, even as a single live album. Please enjoy the permanent preservation press 2CD as much as you want.

『STAGE』を生んだ“ISOLAR II 1978 TOUR”の北米レッグ。その現場を伝える極上マスターが新発掘。プレス2CDで永久保存決定です。


これが“ISOLAR II WORLD TOUR”の全体像。このツアーと言えば、何はさておき伝統のオフィシャル盤『STAGE』が浮かぶわけですが、本作のフレズノ公演も同じ「北米」レッグ。その3公演目にあたるコンサートでした。『STAGE』は4月末から5月頭にかけての4公演から製作されていますので、本作はその約1ヶ月前ということになります。
そんなショウを記録した新録音は、厳密に言うと部分的に公開されていました。実のところ、それは映像作。当店では70年代フレズノのヴィンテージ映像をシリーズでご紹介しておりますが、そのボウイ編『FRESNO 1978: THE VIDEO』で使用されていた音声なのです(本作のボーナスDVDRとしてもご提供致します)。このフレズノ映像シリーズは極上サウンドでも知られているものの、ほとんどのケースでは録音自体は知られており、次々と登場するバンド群がすべて極上。「あの極上録音たちは同じテーパーの物だったのか!」と驚かれているのです。しかし、ボウイ編はちょっと話が違った。これまで1978年フレズノ公演からは一切の録音が発掘されておらず、映像に被せられたサウンドに海外コレクターの間では「この録音は一体何だ!?」という騒ぎが起きた。その評判に応えたのかどうかは分かりませんが、衝撃映像から遅れること数ヶ月で今度はナゾ録音の全長版が公開された……それが本作なのです。
実際、そのサウンドは映像を遙かに超える衝撃。映像編『FRESNO 1978: THE VIDEO』を体験された方なら極上ぶりをご存じと思いますが、あのサウンドがほぼフルショウの約102分に渡って延々と続くのです。何と言っても素晴らしいのは、クッキリとした芯と艶やかで美しい鳴り。スネアの音色にオーディエンスらしさが刻まれているためにサウンドボードと間違えこそしませんが、クリアに透き通った空気感はディテールが一切隠されず、真っ直ぐに届く鮮やかさはまるでレーザー光線のよう。ギターはちょっとしたカッティングのニュアンスも克明で、キーボードもいくら厚く重なっても綺麗にセパレート。さらに驚くのはベース。音量自体はささやかなのですが、よく聴くとアタック音のビンビンとした感触も克明で、それが連なってうねるラインもくっきりとした輪郭で描かれています。
そんな美の音で描かれるのは、これまで誰も聴いた事がなかった“ISOLAR II 1978 TOUR”の熱演。実のところ、このショウは本作が初なのでフル収録とは断言できない(「Rebel Rebel」が欠けている!?)のですが、それでも1時間42分17秒にわたって楽しめる。本作は『STAGE』と同じ北米レッグでもありますので、比較しつつセットを整理してみましょう。

・ジギー・スターダスト:Five Years/Soul Love/Star/Hang On to Yourself/Ziggy Stardust/Suffragette City/Rock ‘n’ Roll Suicide(★)
・アラジン・セイン:The Jean Genie
・ステイション・トゥ・ステイション:Station to Station/Stay/TVC 15
・ロウ:Warszawa/What in the World/Be My Wife/Speed Of Life/Breaking Glass/Art Decade
・英雄夢語り:”Heroes”/Blackout/Sense of Doubt/Beauty and the Beast

……と、このようになっています。おおよそは『SATGE(の2CD盤)』に準じておりますが、まったく同じでもない。オリジナルLPにはなかった「Be My Wife」「The Jean Genie」「Suffragette City」「Stay」が聴けるだけでなく、2017年の最長盤でも聴けない「Rock ‘n’ Roll Suicide」も披露してくれるのです。
これまでも数多くの傑作録音で“ISOLAR II 1978 TOUR”をアーカイヴしてきましたが、本作は初登場にして最高峰レースの最有力候補に躍り出てしまった。まさかこんな美録音が今まで知られてこなかったとは……。1本のライヴアルバムとしても極上で、オーディエンス録音の奥深さまで思い知らされる大傑作。どうぞ、永久保存プレス2CDで思う存分ご堪能ください。

Disc 1 (51:38)
1. Intro.
2. Warszawa
3. “Heroes”
4. What in the World
5. Be My Wife
6. The Jean Genie
7. Blackout
8. Sense of Doubt
9. Speed Of Life
10. Breaking Glass
11. Beauty and the Beast
12. Fame

Disc 2 (50:39)
1. Intro.
2. Five Years
3. Soul Love
4. Star
5. Hang On to Yourself
6. Ziggy Stardust
7. Suffragette City
8. Rock ‘n’ Roll Suicide
9. Art Decade
10. Station to Station
11. Stay
12. TVC15


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