David Bowie / Springfield 1976 / 2CD

David Bowie / Springfield 1976 / 2CD / Wardour

Live at Springfield Civic Center, Springfield, MA, USA 21st March 1976

(The morning/day of Bowie/Iggy Pop 3am drug arrest in Rochester, NY)

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A limited press CD item has been released for a long time from the 1976 “Isolar” American tour. So far, we have released an excellent audience album called “CLEVELAND 1976 2ND NIGHT” on “SEATTLE 1976” from this tour, but the former caught the stage of the early stage of the tour, the latter caught the stage of the middle stage of the tour. In response to this, the Springfield performance on March 21st, which is the final stage of the first US tour, was released this time.
For some reason, the “Isolar” American Tour has a large audience recording that was recorded in monaural, and of course the two titles released in the past, as well as this time, will be in the same recording state. However, in terms of the closeness of the sound image, it surpasses Cleveland, and the closeness and power that closes to Seattle, which was called the best during the US tour. Of course, it’s not a region that can be described as a “sound board”, but the sound quality that breathed in the air of the day was combined with the thick texture of monaural. However, in the opening “Station to Station”, there are some places where the sound is withdrawn, and when the next “Suffragette City” comes, the sound is cut off. Even though it is the same audience recording, it is certain that it will be less stable than the two titles released in the past.

Despite that, there is a clear reason why this performance will be released on the press CD. In other words, it is worth it.
The photograph of the arrest of Bowie, which became too dignified, has become a hot topic on the Internet in recent years, but it was said that the arrest drama took place on this day. He was arrested on suspicion of possession of marijuana at a hotel at midnight with Iggy Pop, who accompanied him on tour. It was later prosecuted, but what was wrong was that it was marijuana instead of the cocaine that Bowie was soaking in at the time. The irony is that there was no choice but to dismiss the complaint.
If this is Japan, the artist life will be cut off and the tour will be canceled. However, this is America. Bowie pays bail and holds the concert as scheduled. This is the Springfield performance that will be released this time.
Then, on the 23rd, Bowie, who finished the classic radio broadcast Nassau Coliseum, appeared again, and it was the example Magshot (arrest photograph) that was filmed there.

Considering that there was such a thing, it is said that the show of this day started with the opening of “Station to Station” with a strange tension. Even if you compare it with the February sound source that has been released so far, the difference in tension is clear. After all, it’s obvious that the police have passed. After all, the lead guitar by Stacy Haydon, who decided the unique sound of the “Isolar” tour, was very powerful. In other words, it was a concert that was forced out of trouble. Below Bowie, the members on the stage can’t help.
From the opening to “Stay”, the tension is completely sharp, and it is clear that you are playing while emitting a really tight air. It was confirmed by the performance from the opening to the same song that it is a unique performance on the “Isolar” American tour. “I’m Waiting for the Man”, which makes you take a break from such intense performances, is also exceptional.
Since the first half of the show was in such a condition, I thought that it would be raging again when it became “Panic in Detroit”, and surprisingly I could feel the room from Bowie’s song. Speaking of this song is Dennis Davis’ drum solo, but the familiar scat rarely occurs, and it is surprisingly unusual for this tour to be a regular drum solo development. However, it was American that the surrounding audience started talking during the solo.

And after “Changes”, Bowie is released from all and is in excellent condition with plenty of room and confidence. After all, it was the everlasting classic Nassau Coliseum that was born after being able to carry out the tour beyond this shrine. It is also a valuable document to reach that point. Still, it can be said that it is a bridge that connects the February item and Nassau. It is surprisingly rare that “TVC 15” is being played at the end of the setlist instead of the latter half.
Despite being a popular tour among enthusiasts, the spots tended to be hit by radio broadcast and official Nassau and only two kinds of standard classics that have been produced since February. However, this time, the excellent performance of the good quality audience and the best performance in March will be finally released on the limited press CD. Bowie, who went through the big trouble of being arrested and went up to the stage, was overwhelmed by the devilish performance that he heard in the first half of the show. To enthusiasts who love this tour.

1976年の” Isolar”アメリカ・ツアーから久々に限定プレスCDアイテムが登場です。これまで本ツアーからは「SEATTLE 1976」に「CLEVELAND 1976 2ND NIGHT」という優良オーディエンス・アルバムをリリースしてまいりましたが、前者がツアー序盤、後者がツアー中盤のステージを捉えていたものでした。それらに対し、今回は初のアメリカ・ツアー終盤となる3月21日のスプリングフィールド公演がリリース。
” Isolar”アメリカ・ツアーは何故かモノラルで録音されたオーディエンス録音が多く、過去にリリースされた二タイトルはもちろん、今回もまた同様の録音状態となるもの。しかし音像の近さという点ではクリーブランドを上回り、アメリカ・ツアー中のベストと称されたシアトルに肉薄する近さと迫力。もちろん「まるでサウンドボード」と形容されるような域ではないのですが、モノラルならではの骨太な質感と相まって、この日の空気をたっぷりと吸い込んでくれた素晴らしい音質。とはいえオープニングの「Station to Station」では何度か音が引っ込んでしまう箇所があり、次の「Suffragette City」になると今度は音切れが。同じオーディエンス録音でありながら、過去にリリースされた二タイトルと比べると安定度で劣ってしまうのは確か。


こうした顛末があったことを考えれば、この日のショーがオープニングの「Station to Station」が異様なほどのテンションの高さをもって始まったことにも合点がいくというもの。これまでリリースされてきた2月の音源と聞き比べても、そのテンションの違いは明らか。何しろ警察沙汰を経たのだから当たり前ですよね。何と言っても” Isolar”ツアーの独特なサウンドを決定づけたステイシー・ヘイドンのリードギターからして力の入り具合がありありと。つまり、トラブルをねじ伏せて強行されたコンサート。ボウイ以下、ステージ上のメンバーに力が入らないはずがない。
そのオープニングから「Stay」まではテンションが完全にキレッキレで、本当に張り詰めた空気を発しながら演奏している様子がはっきり伝わってくる。” Isolar”アメリカ・ツアーの中でも異色の名演であることは、オープニングから同曲までの演奏で確定したのです。そんな激しい演奏の連続から一息つくような「I’m Waiting for the Man」も格別。
ショーの前半がそんな調子でしたので、これが「Panic in Detroit」になると再び荒れ狂うかと思いきや、意外にもボウイの歌からは余裕が感じられる。この曲といえばデニス・デイヴィスのドラム・ソロですが、おなじみのスキャットはほとんど発せず、このツアーとしては珍しく正調ドラム・ソロ的な展開となっているのが意外と珍しい。とはいえソロ最中になると周囲の観客がお喋りを始めてしまう光景が何ともアメリカン。

そして「Changes」以降はすべてから解放され、余裕と自信にあふれた絶好調のボウイが。何と言ってもこの修羅場を超え、ツアーを遂行できた果てに生み出されたのが永遠の定番ナッソー・コロシアムなのです。その境地に到達するまでの貴重なドキュメントでもある。それでいて2月のアイテムとナッソーの間をつなぐ架け橋だとも言えるでしょう。その証拠に「TVC 15」がセットリストの後半ではなく終盤で演奏されているのが意外と珍しいポイント。


Disc 1 (39:47)
1. Station to Station
2. Suffragette City
3. Fame
4. Word on a Wing
5. Stay
6. I’m Waiting for the Man
7. Queen Bitch

Disc 2 (41:46)
1. Life on Mars
2. Five Years
3. Panic in Detroit
4. Band Introductions
5. Changes
6. Rebel Rebel
7. Diamond Dogs
8. TVC 15
9. The Jean Genie

David Bowie – Vocals, saxophone
Carlos Alomar – Rhythm guitar, backing vocals
Stacy Heydon – Lead guitar, backing vocals
George Murray – Bass guitar, backing vocals
Dennis Davis – Drums, percussion
Tony Kaye – Keyboards


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