David Bowie / 2 Inside / 1CD

David Bowie / 2 Inside / 1CD / Helden

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Mountain Studios, Montreux Casino, Switzerland March  November 1994. Digitally Mastered

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The album “OUTSIDE” announced in 1995 will be the 18th studio album by Bowie. Bowie’s work has always caused pros and cons for anything from musicality by changing the mood and richness from the previous work. For that reason, it is comparable to artists such as Dylan and the Beatles in the sense that not all albums need to be comprehensively listened, rather than simply comparing which albums are good. Among such albums of Bowie are the trilogy of ‘Row’, ‘Heroes’ and ‘Roger’ that are considered masterpieces. Especially the two previous works are recognized as important album in Bowie’s career. These three albums, which are collectively put together as Berlin trilogy, are Brian Eno invited to the producer and the Bowie who emigrated to Berlin is an experimental album that incorporates elements of German rock It is based on the common item that it is. Initially the recording company showed a disappointing fact that the recording of “Row” accounted for half of the instrument number, but “Heroes” was made with similar concepts with the great success of sales.

Over time, Bowie was to collaborate again with Brian Eno. Of course the fans would have expected a famous record that will remain in future generations like Berlin trilogy. The concept of this time is “contemporary devastated”, transferring the world of “Diamond Dog” to the present age, using a theme of a mysterious murder like psycho horror, a style that completes one story throughout the album was adopted. It seems that it followed “Ziggy Stardust”. Originally this Bowie and Eno collaboration was planned as a whole five part work exceeding the Berlin trilogy, and although the album title is “Outside” in the national title, the original title is numbered as “1. OUTSIDE” There. Unfortunately it was hard to convey the theme of darkness and we struggled hard in sales, and as a result only “1” was released, this collaboration is in the middle. After Bowie ‘s death, I confess that Eno’ s consecutive talks were brought up in recent years, but as long as Bowie entered the tea ceremony, it exists only in the fans’ hearts.

This work recorded outtakes of that “1. OUTSIDE”. The title is “2. INSIDE” for the reasons mentioned above, but what exactly “2” became does not come out of the imagination. However, considering that it was a series of works under the same concept, it seems that it is not surprisingly outrageous. Although this work is only 3 trucks, each is a long stuff that exceeds 20 minutes, especially the last truck lasts for 27 minutes, totaling just under 72 minutes. It is enough for one album quantity. Besides, despite its length, neither is boring and boredom, the dazzling dramatic development does not get tired of listeners. Although I wrote that the sequel is only in the mind of the fans, this work is a content which can be said to be an unpublished album of Bowie that embodies that part. Permanent preservation of a beautiful picture / disk specification A tightly pressed press.


そして時を経て、ボウイは再びブライアン・イーノとのコラボレーションをする事になった。当然ファンはベルリン三部作のような後世に残る名盤を期待したはずである。今回のコンセプトは「荒廃した現代」という、『ダイアモンドの犬』の世界を現代に移し、サイコホラーのような猟奇殺人をテーマに、アルバム全体でひとつのストーリーが完成する形式が採用された。これは『ジギースターダスト』を踏襲したものと思われる。当初このボウイとイーノのコラボはベルリン三部作を超える全五部作として企画されており、アルバムタイトルも邦題では『アウトサイド』であるが、原題は『1. OUTSIDE』と番号が振られている。残念ながら暗鬱なテーマが伝わりづらくセールス的にも苦戦し、結果的に『1』のみがリリーされたのみで、このコラボは中座している。ボウイの死後、イーノが近年になって続編の話合いがもたれていたと告白しているが、ボウイが鬼籍に入った以上、それはファンの心の中にしか存在しない。

本作は、その『1. OUTSIDE』のアウトテイクを収録したものである。タイトルは前述の理由から『2. INSIDE』となっているが、実際の『2』がどのようなものになったかは想像の域を出ない。しかし同コンセプトで連作であったことを考えると、案外的外れではない気がするのだがどうだろうか。本作はわずか3トラックであるが、 それぞれが20分を超える長大なもので、特に最後のトラックは27分にも及び、トータルで72分弱。充分に一枚のアルバムの分量となっている。しかもその長さにも拘わらず、いずれも退屈とは無縁で、めくるめくドラマチックな展開は聴く者を飽きさせない。先に続編はファンの心の中にのみ存在すると書いたが、 本作はその一端を具現化してくれるボウイの未発表アルバムともいえる内容である。美しいピクチャー・ディスク仕様の永久保存がっちりプレス盤。

01. I Am With Name
02. Leon Takes Us Outside
03. Enemy Is Fragile

Bowie had considered writing an album every year or so through the end of the millennium to tell the story of how the end of the millennium felt. He said, “This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance, by a narrative device, to chronicle the final five years of the millennium. The over-ambitious intention is to carry this through to the year 2000.”[10] He felt he had recorded enough material during the 1. Outside sessions that he voiced his intention to continue the narrative of 1. Outside through a 3-album set. He intended to call the second follow-up album Contamination, and had sketched out the characters for the album (including some “17th century people”) and had expected the album to be released in the spring of ’97. Despite this, no direct follow-up to the album was ever produced, and Bowie’s next album was his jungle and drum and bass-influenced work Earthling.

Helden. DEN-116

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