Bruce Springsteen / The Essential Born To Run Sessions / 1CD

Bruce Springsteen / The Essential Born To Run Sessions / 1CD / Non Label

Translated Text:
Alternate Takes & Outtakes Of “Born To Run” Album Tracks


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A result of the condensation of the rare sound source to “BORN IN THE USA ESSENTIAL RARE MASTERS” is a piece omitted another take, such as a thin impression too rough a different mix and playing hard to understand the difference between our shop we release at the end of last year , was the result of get a good reputation, far exceeding expectations. Etc. it is also a valuable source, if much is listen to the studio sound source devoid of interest, enough … I think only in the part where you can enjoy better yet would be had vaguely even core mania. As a result was forced to realize that he was tied to the very popular “BORN IN THE U.S.A. ESSENTIAL ~”.

Our shop this time, we will release the condensation title of the next studio sound source. So back from “BORN IN THE USA” the hands of the clock about ten years, I would like to fly down in 1975 … so, do not be an exaggeration to say this is the Springsteen of milestone album, that masterpiece “BORN TO RUN session sound source of “is it being released! Springsteen, but has been released in recent years, “DARKNESS ON THE EDGE OF TOWN” and “THE RIVER” of outtakes and live video The combined box, with respect to first “BORN IN THE USA” is expected in the future releases but, I do not think hardly is that it what will after many years is unpredictable (laughs), it is a rough mix that has been housed in the “ESSENTIAL RARE MASTERS” be recorded.
Well while Madashimo “BORN TO RUN” leave are released box ten years ago with respect to, did not include any out-take is there …. Certainly though shocking live video of Hammersmith was seen, not be denied is that the discontent has been left at that point. This ten years from the release of the box has elapsed, is to release our shop is awaited that session sound source collection of the same album!
Wait a minute, not a different mix sound source listen in Speaking session sound source of “BORN TO RUN”, “WAR AND ROSES” and “RUNNING OUT OF INNOCENCE”? There what the original is just mix the difference of the same take … too late be listen to them. Will those of mania is not a majority to remember that way. Please with peace of mind, playing itself is quite a different thing, moreover first appearance sound source only a correctly alternate take of the storm this time.

In fact, the topic or that the release of “BORN TO RUN” Anniversary box in 2005, mania but session sound source of the album that was concealment I had been published in the form of Internet radio, that if the Narazu, though was released earlier, such as “RUNNING OUT oF INNOCENCE” is after the broadcast, had gathered the only difference between the conventional mix. And a great sound quality is also to say that what this time of the sound source. And so much valuable sound source is heard at the highest sound quality. Unfortunately, only the sound source of “Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out” did not become excavation, but let’s touch for each of the recorded track.

1. Thunder Road
Another mix as well, there is a different take had leaked one of the few “BORN TO RUN” songs from before, but also different first appearance another take to be heard here. There is an atmosphere are still packed when compared to the album version, but not enough, of much wild playing and blues hot song is a masterpiece! Definitely it seems that it take the initial stage.

2. Night
Although the traditional song that was not only present a different mix not so good sound quality, completely different take of the listen this time surprise. Springsteen is singing so as to flow in the provisional song atmosphere (still pleasing that become thicker shout when …) is, to arrange the direction of performance has not reached perfection, Springsteen is a guitar take that go to unless nice line Chigae play.

3. Backstreets
What, the would listen to complete another take of this song. Again, has become a high degree of perfection playing, but while you are singing in a slight flow is Springsteen, it is interesting playing the lead guitar from beginning to end! It does not START and majestic atmosphere after still, the difference is what would be the most attractive. If this wild another take would be listen, you become tempted to forget another conventional mix.

4. Born To Run
Summer of only 1974 album title track, Ernest Carter and such as David Sanshasu that he had finished the members and recording at the time of E · Street Band is a famous story, now, the album listen version of the basic tracks. Rather than in a different take on that, yet, but the song is also the instrumental state that does not contain, is surprised that framework has been revealed for the first time of the song that became the decisive presence in the carrier of Springsteen is that hard to do our beyond description Yes you. At the time the album, the only track had been built only there, will is not the person who does not stand goose bumps listening to the thrilling of the performance of the upper atmosphere while only the basic band members to be heard here. Highlights in this release is here.

5. She’s The One
Conventionally, the Springsteen of vocal was mixed difference of another take is heard, in a more early stage of be heard here, yet very wild another take is playing. And Springsteen shout, too vivid guitar his play. It is interesting that it is itself a chorus pattern that becomes a familiar singing in live after addition. By the way, a strange sound heard in the intro is a radio jingle fragment of which was Hisara when it is published.

6. Meeting Across The River (aka The Heist)
Here is also the initial take that Springsteen sings while playing talking alone. Lyrics are not here and there completed in the evidence. Of course intro of horn and wood-based and does not appeared. I can not help but remember the excitement to take in the fresh state even here.

7. Jungleland
Another edit version starting from dramatic intro that has not been used after Having appeared this time. Excerpt of this intro is heard in box of documentary, here, which has been recorded even longer, also contains the voice of Springsteen of laughing will in 2005 while listening to this part during the intro (from the individual sound source Source has been heard from the conventional is …) there things that can guess, you move on to the strings containing another mix.

8. Lonely Night In The Park
It is said to be in between the part of the mania had spread from the previous, first appearance this time outtakes. In unpublished songs very strong atmosphere causes foreseen but rather the “DARKNESS ON THE EDGE OF TOWN”, it therefore appears to had been shelved. But the song itself is attractive enough. Even if it was recorded in the outtakes collection “TRACKS”, in any way the discomfort did not. Many of mania will be shocked in this unreleased.

9. Walking In The Street
This is familiar outtakes from the old days. Such it seems that it’s not only the left track of the unfinished state, pop atmosphere this also attractive. This song and following sound source also be used anew low generation sound source this time, it has been achieved recording of a high freshness state natural.

10. Thunder Road
Acoustic version that shocked the mania around the world in the “E TICKET” and “BORN IN THE STUDIO” is old. Here also it records again from the low generation sound source.

11. Backstreets (with strings)
12. Born To Run (double-track vocal with strings)
13. Jangleland

And these are familiar different mix sound source from conventional. This might be nice to say that the bonus track existence. Among them, “BORN TO RUN” is more than existing (hard to understand the difference between) the most difference is easy to understand in a different mix, dull Springs teen had multiplexed chorus version (laughs). The last “Jangleland” is strings containing version that became the original separate intro mix of the previous. Thus, the rare sound of surprise was condensed into one, their highest luxury realistic session Collection title is released in limited press CD. Very popular “BORN IN THE U.S.A. ESSENTIAL RARE MASTERS” also surpassing content and sound quality, do not miss to hear not even Springsteen-mania, of 70s rock historical masterpiece document here now!


昨年末に当店がリリースいたしました「BORN IN THE U.S.A. ESSENTIAL RARE MASTERS」は違いの解りづらい別ミックスや演奏がラフすぎて印象の薄い別テイクなどを省いて一枚にレア音源を凝縮させた結果、予想を大きく上回る好評をいただく結果となりました。やはり貴重な音源であれど、面白味を欠いたスタジオ音源を聴かされるくらいなら、いっそのこと楽しめるパートだけで十分…そんな思いはコアなマニアですら薄々あったことでしょう。その結果が「BORN IN THE U.S.A. ESSENTIAL~」の大好評へと結びついたのだと実感させられました。

当店は今回、次なるスタジオ音源の凝縮タイトルをリリースいたします。そこで「BORN IN THE U.S.A.」から時計の針を十年ほど戻し、1975年に舞い降りてみたいと思います…そう、今回はスプリングスティーンの金字塔アルバムと言っても過言ではない、あの名作「BORN TO RUN」のセッション音源がリリースされるのです!スプリングスティーンは近年「DARKNESS ON THE EDGE OF TOWN」と「THE RIVER」のアウトテイクやライブ映像をまとめたボックスをリリースしてきましたが、まず「BORN IN THE U.S.A.」に関しては今後のリリースが予想されますが、それが何年後になるのかは予想不可能(笑)、それに「ESSENTIAL RARE MASTERS」に収められたラフミックスが収録されるとは到底思えません。
それならまだしも「BORN TO RUN」に関しては十年前にボックスがリリースされておきながら、そこにはアウトテイクが一切含まれていなかった…。確かにハマースミスという衝撃的なライブ映像が見られたものの、その点に不満が残された点は否めません。このボックスのリリースから十年が経過し、当店が満を持してリリースするのが同アルバムのセッション音源集なのです!
ちょっと待って、「BORN TO RUN」のセッション音源と言えば「WAR AND ROSES」や「RUNNING OUT OF INNOCENCE」で聴けた別ミックス音源じゃないの?あれこそ元は同じテイクのミックス違いばかり…今更それらを聴かされても。そんな風に思い起こすマニアの方が大多数ではないでしょうか。安心してください、今回は演奏自体が全く別物、正しく別テイクの嵐でしかも初登場音源ばかり。

実のところ、2005年の「BORN TO RUN」アニバーサリー・ボックスのリリース時、マニアが秘匿していた同アルバムのセッション音源がネットラジオという形で公開されていたのですが、どうしたことか話題とならず、先の「RUNNING OUT OF INNOCENCE」などはその放送の後でリリースされたにもかかわらず、従来のミックス違いばかりを寄せ集めていました。それに今回の音源は何といっても音質が素晴らしい。これほど貴重な音源が最高の音質で聴かれるとは。残念ながら「Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out」の音源のみが発掘なりませんでしたが、それぞれの収録トラックに関して触れてみましょう。

1. Thunder Road
別ミックスだけでなく、以前から別テイクが流出していた数少ない「BORN TO RUN」収録曲ではありますが、ここで聴かれるのはまた違った初登場別テイク。アルバム・バージョンと比べるとまだまだ詰めが足りない雰囲気ではありますが、はるかにワイルドな演奏とブルースのホットな歌が圧巻!間違いなく初期の段階のテイクだと思われます。

2. Night

3. Backstreets

4. Born To Run

5. She’s The One

6. Meeting Across The River (aka The Heist)

7. Jungleland

8. Lonely Night In The Park
一部のマニアの間では以前から広まっていたと言われる、今回初登場のアウトテイク。非常に力強い雰囲気がむしろ「DARKNESS ON THE EDGE OF TOWN」を予見させる未発表曲で、それ故にお蔵入りしてしまったように思われます。しかし曲自体は魅力十分。もしアウトテイク集「TRACKS」に収録されたとしても、何ら違和感がなかったのでは。多くのマニアがこの未発表曲に衝撃を受けることでしょう。

9. Walking In The Street

10. Thunder Road
古くは「E TICKET」や「BORN IN THE STUDIO」で世界中のマニアに衝撃を与えたアコースティック・バージョン。こちらもまた改めてロージェネレーション音源から収録しています。

11. Backstreets (with strings)
12. Born To Run (double-track vocal with strings)
13. Jangleland

そしてこれらは従来からおなじみの別ミックス音源。これはボーナストラック的な存在と言っていいかもしれません。中でも「BORN TO RUN」は複数存在する(違いの解りづらい)別ミックスの中で一番違いが分かりやすい、スプリングスティーンが多重コーラスしてしまった冴えないバージョン(笑)。最後の「Jangleland」は先の別イントロ・ミックスの元になったストリングス入りバージョン。こうして驚きのレア音源を一枚に凝縮した、最高に贅沢なリアル・セッション集タイトルが限定のプレスCDにてリリースされます。大好評「BORN IN THE U.S.A. ESSENTIAL RARE MASTERS」をも凌ぐ内容と音質、スプリングスティーン・マニアならずとも聞き逃せない、70年代ロック歴史的名盤のドキュメントが今ここに!

1. Thunder Road (alternate take)
2. Night (alternate take)
3. Backstreets (alternate take)
4. Born To Run (backing track)
5. She’s The One (alternate take)
6. Meeting Across The River (aka “The Heist” alternate vocal take)
7. Jungleland (alternate take)
8. Lonely Night In The Park (outtake)
9. Walking In The Street (outtake)
10. Thunder Road (acoustic)
11. Backstreets (with strings)
12. Born To Run (double-track vocal with strings)
13. Jangleland (with strings)

Bruce Springsteen (vocals, guitar, harmonica)
Roy Bittan (piano, keyboards)
Clarence Clemons (tenor, baritone, and soprano saxophones, backing vocals, percussion)
Danny Federici (organ, accordion, glockenspiel, piano)
Garry Tallent (bass, percussion)
Steven Van Zandt (guitar, backing vocals)
Max Weinberg (drums)
Suki Lahav (backing vocals, plays violin on “Jungleland”)
Charles Calello (arranged and conducted the strings on “Jungleland”)
David Sancious (keyboards on “Born To Run” )
Ernest ‘Boom’ Carter (drums on “Born To Run”)

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