Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band / Tokyo 1985 Day 3 / 2CD

Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band / Tokyo 1985 Day 3 / 2CD / Zion
Live at Yoyogi Olympic Pool, Tokyo, Japan 13th April 1985

Play sample :

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The titles of Bruce Springsteen’s first performance in Japan released in the past by the ZION label were sold out for a long time because they were all recorded on their own, which was not distributed among traders, not to mention on the net However, maniacs all over the world, let alone Japan, are constantly receiving requests for recurrence. Even so, “TOKYO 1985 3RD NIGHT” was one of the days in Tokyo where even the LP was never released in 1985, and it was said that even the correct set list was not known overseas (it was known from early on in Japan. There were even rare shows.
It was the third day’s sound source uploaded by mania mjk5510 that excavated the sound source of “ST. PAUL 1984 1ST NIGHT” on the first day of the “BORN IN THE USA” tour this time did. However, a few years later, the “TOKYO 1985 3RD NIGHT”, which had a much higher sound quality, was released, and it was a historic masterpiece that impressed the maniacs all over the world with the impression that “Japanese sound sources must be Japan”. Moreover, it has been a long time since it was difficult to obtain.

35 years have passed since the performance in Japan in 1985, which can be said to be a legendary region, and it is about to recur… Audience master of the new Tokyo third day sound source There was a tape provided. I thought that the quality was… but when I heard it, I was amazed at how the sound image turned on. The tremendous sound pressure surpasses even the name recording “TOKYO 1985 3RD NIGHT” that was capturing the performance close by. Due to the high quality of sound, the previous recurrence plan was withdrawn and the plan was switched to this limited press CD release of the new finest audience.
Despite the overwhelming sound image, the sound source this time had some recording defects. There is no reason not to use “TOKYO 1985 3RD NIGHT” to compensate for those points. For example, I patched it for 10 seconds from the start of “Out In The Street”, but if you compare it here, you can easily realize how this sound source is on and the sound quality is powerful. It will be. What a high level comparison target.
However, in addition to such a slight loss, the sound source this time had some places where the sound was muffled due to the taper posture and the position of the microphone moving at some points. At the end of the phrase, even the sound that hits the microphone at the end of “The Promised Land” will be included, but I do not dare to take measures such as switching to a different sound source with them, rather compensating for a slight problem It was recorded in a form that makes good use of the sound source of this time. The sound is so good. Speaking of which “TOKYO 1985 3RD NIGHT” has a wide and delicate sound quality, it’s attractive that the performance is captured with a bold force.

It was also well received when “TOKYO 1985 3RD NIGHT” was released, but after the two previous Tokyo shows that took place two days in a row, it became a Japanese person who could not speak English because of the inclusion of narration. It is also a popular secret that the playing time that fits on two CDs by leveraging the set list without songs like “Racing In The Street” which was badly received. The presence of the “BORN IN THE USA” tour, which allows you to listen to two discs in a row alongside the “A GREAT GIG IN THE KYOTO” that is currently on sale in Kyoto, is also valuable, and even during your first performance in Japan That is why it has been regarded as important by enthusiasts. Even so, it is valuable that a few pre-start announcements that could not be heard in “TOKYO 1985 3RD NIGHT” are recorded.
And above all, Bruce visited for the first time to come back here to revive “Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)”, which was a classic at the end of the live, but which caused a large crustal movement that suddenly became unplayed in 1985. It may be an indication of how much you care about the reaction of Japanese fans. In fact, it was worth the revival of this song, and the performance of the first visit to Japan began to show excitement from this day. It’s also good to say that “Reason To Believe” was released for the first time in Japan from “NEBRASKA”, a solo song by Bruce.
The Japanese themselves should have prepared themselves to welcome the blues on the third day of Tokyo, and their excitement is also wonderful, and their presence is captured in a wonderful balance. Especially in “Hungry Heart”, it seems to me that she is doing her best chorus despite her typical Japanese and English. This is the typical Western music concert of the Showa era. Still, the biggest point of the sound source this time is that the sound image of the performance is very close to the presence. The harmonica from “The Promised Land” intro is a level that makes you illusion that it’s a sound board. It is the birth of a masterpiece that replaces that masterpiece “TOKYO 1985 3RD NIGHT”. Well, this sound image is close!

★A world new collection of new spring teen collectors! !! Moreover, the highest sound quality ever! !!

ZIONレーベルが過去にリリースしたブルース・スプリングスティーン初来日公演の各タイトルはネット上どころか、トレーダー間にも流通していなかった独自入手のオーディエンス録音ばかり、しかも極上音質揃いだったことから売り切れて久しく、未だに我が国はおろか、世界中のマニアからも再発のリクエストが絶えません。そんな中でも「TOKYO 1985 3RD NIGHT」は東京日程の中でも1985年当時にLPすらリリースされたことがない一日であり、海外では正しいセットリストすら判明していないとされた(日本では早くから知られていたのですが)レア・ショーですらあったのです。
それを世界的に正すきっかけとなったのは今回「BORN IN THE USA」ツアー初日の「ST. PAUL 1984 1ST NIGHT」の音源を発掘してみせたマニアmjk5510がアップロードした東京三日目の音源でした。ところが、それから数年後に音質がはるかに上回る「TOKYO 1985 3RD NIGHT」がリリースされて「やはり日本の音源は日本でないと」という印象を世界中のマニアに印象づけた歴史的名作でした。おまけにこれがまた入手困難となって久しい。

今や伝説の域だと言っていい85年の来日公演から今年で35年が経過し、そろそろ再発を…との企画が上がっていたところに、新たな東京三日目音源のオーディエンス・マスター・テープの提供がありました。果たしてそのクオリティは…と思いきや、いざ聞いてみればそのオンな音像ぶりに一同驚愕。ただでさえ演奏を近くに捉えていた名録音「TOKYO 1985 3RD NIGHT」をも凌いでしまう凄まじい音圧。あまりの高音質ぶりから、先の再発案が撤回され、この新たなる極上オーディエンスの限定プレスCDリリースへとプランが切り替えられることになったのです。
圧巻の音像ではありましたが、今回の音源はいくつかの個所で録音の欠損があった。それらの個所の補填にこそ「TOKYO 1985 3RD NIGHT」を使わない手はありません。例えば「Out In The Street」の開始から10秒間にそれをパッチしているのですが、ここを聞き比べればいかに今回の音源がオンで迫力満点な音質であるかをいとも簡単に実感してもらえることでしょう。何とハイレベルな比較対象かと。
もっとも今回の音源はそうした微々たる欠損以外に、いくつかの個所でテーパーの姿勢やマイクの位置が動き、少し音がこもってしまう箇所がありました。挙句の果てには「The Promised Land」終盤でマイクに何か当たった音まで入ってしまうのですが、それらで別音源に切り替えるといった処置を施すことはあえてせず、むしろ微々たる問題を補って余りある今回の音源を活かす形で収録しました。それほどまでに音がイイ。言うなれば「TOKYO 1985 3RD NIGHT」が広がりと繊細さをたたえた音質だとすれば、こちらは骨太な迫力で演奏を捉えているのが魅力的。

そして「TOKYO 1985 3RD NIGHT」のリリース時にも好評を博しましたが、この日は二日連続で行われた前二回の東京ショーの後、語りを含んだせいで英語の通じない日本人に受けの悪かった「Racing In The Street」のような曲を外したセットリストのてこ入れによってCD二枚に収まる演奏時間というのも人気の秘訣。現在も好評発売中の京都「A GREAT GIG IN THE KYOTO」と並んで二枚のディスクでサクッと聞けてしまう「BORN IN THE USA」ツアーという存在がまた貴重であり、初来日公演の中でも海外のマニアからも重要視されてきた所以なのです。それでいて「TOKYO 1985 3RD NIGHT」では聞けなかった開演前のアナウンスが少しだけ収録されている点は貴重。
そして何よりライブ終盤の定番でありながら、85年に入ってぱったり演奏されなくなるという大地殻変動を起こしていた「Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)」をここにきて復活させたことは、ブルースが初めて訪れる日本のファンの反応をいかに気にしていたかの現れでしょう。実際この曲が復活した甲斐があって、初来日公演はこの日からワンランク上の盛り上がりを見せるようになったのです。ブルース一人の弾き語りアルバム「NEBRASKA」から「Reason To Believe」が日本初披露となったのも吉と出たのでは。
日本人自身も東京三日目ということからブルース一行を迎える心構えができたのでしょう、彼らの盛り上がりがまた素晴らしく、その臨場感も見事なバランスで捉えてくれています。特に「Hungry Heart」では典型的な日本語英語ながらも頑張って合唱している様子が微笑ましい。これこそ昭和の洋楽コンサートの典型というもの。それでいて臨場感以上に演奏の音像が非常に近いというのが今回の音源最大のポイント。「The Promised Land」イントロのハーモニカなど、それこそサウンドボードかと錯覚してしまいそうなレベル。あの名盤「TOKYO 1985 3RD NIGHT」に取って代わる名盤の誕生です。うーん、これは音像が近い!



Disc 1 (78:34)
1. Intro.
2. Born In The USA
3. Prove It All Night
4. Darlington County
5. Reason To Believe
6. Atlantic City
7. The River
8. Out In The Street
9. Glory Days
10. The Promised Land
11. MC
12. My Hometown
13. Badlands
14. Thunder Road

Disc 2 (74:40)
1. Cover Me
2. Dancing In The Dark
3. Hungry Heart
4. Cadillac Ranch
5. I’m On Fire
6. No Surrender
7. Bobby Jean
8. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
9. Born To Run
10. Ramrod
11. Twist And Shout / Do You Love Me


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