Brian Setzer Orchestra / Shibuya Kokaido 2003 / 2CD

Brian Setzer Orchestra / Shibuya Kokaido 2003 / 2CD / Non Label

Translated Text:

Live at Shibuya Kokaido, Tokyo, Japan 22nd October 2003 STEREO SBD

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Ultimate specification with ultra high quality original sound board album. The work included in this work is “Shibuya Public Hall on October 22, 2003”. It is the decision board of the live album which recorded the full show with an abnormal sound board which is as great as the outflow of stakeholders.
Speaking of BSO, I am looking forward to visiting Japan for the first time in four years in January next year, but this work is a part of Japan tour which will be the fifth time. First of all, let’s check the position of the show on a schedule.

· October 22 + 23: Shibuya Public Hall ← ★ Coco ★
· October 25th: Zepp Sendai
· October 26: Nagoya City Auditorium
· October 28th and 29th: Namba Hatch
· October 30: Hiroshima Health Pension Center
· November 1 & 2: Zepp Tokyo
· November 3: Pacifico Yokohama National University Hall

Over all, 10 performances. BSO boasts a strong popularity even now, but this performance is the largest Thailand. It was a very popular japan tour. This work ‘s Shibuya public hall performance was the first premiere of that.
The biggest point of such work is “Super Sound Board” quality. The soundboard album “TOKYO 2006 FINAL NIGHT (Zion – 119)” with THE NASH VILLAINS released the other day is also very popular, but this work was also brought from the same original route. And its quality surpasses even “TOKYO 2006 FINAL NIGHT”!
In fact, I do not know how to express this sound. Disk 2 Although “Hell Bent” at the beginning is missing very slightly, besides that it is perfect for everything. Despite the large households, each one sound is perfectly coherently separated, and one of the sounds is caught neatly even from the start up to the mute. It is easy to call “as if it is an official”, but more than that. Actually, this time there is an official work “THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION”, but the world is different from the official board which adjusted the ringing by mix / mastering. Soundboard Jumping out of the desk as it is Singing voices / playing of the rounds are just recorded and the freshness of the outings is fully opened. Although it can be said that lack of great cheers is also lacking in reality, on the contrary “the feeling that BSO is in front of you”, “the sense of sync with BSO” has exceeded even the officials lightly. We have dealt with line sound sources of stakeholders in various bands, but it is an exceptional “super sound board” among them.
And, some people may think that you read like this “It looked like somewhere …”. Yes, this recording is the same as masterpiece “SLIP INTO A NIGHT” which shook the industry once. This time it is a CD again from its original master. And this time pursue “limit” suitable for permanent preservation. While correcting the sound of the sound more vividly, the stereo feeling which was closer to the right was also corrected normally with the previous departure. To be honest, it is not a big change like a change, but even if I exactly checked from corner to corner, there was nothing like adding that hand. It was also a perfect soundboard master so much.
The show drawn with that sound is not wonderful again. Although Brian Setzer delivers rock’n’roll / rockabilly that is extremely gorgeous in various forms from trio to BSO, BSO is the core of that career as well. Over ten years since its formation, a plentifully ripe ensemble is at its full end.
Moreover, it is also good that it is one stage passing. The above-mentioned official record “THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION” was a completely different mood of the show with one disc, but this work is a genuine overnight performance. In addition, “THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION” showed a lot of famous songs that could not be heard. From the standard STRAY CATS “(She’s) Sexy + 17” to the rare “Folsom Prison Blues” “Smokin ” N Burnin ‘” 11 songs in all 25 songs do not suffer “THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION”. It is the best live album even when listening as a sequel / supplemental board of the official work.

Although it is official quality, it approaches with the survival that surpasses the official work “super sound board”. It is a masterpiece of live in Japan playing plenty of famous songs that can not be heard even with official works with that sound. Also an exceptional and exceptional super best live album at the Setzer collection. Please, enjoy it.


・10月22日+23日:渋谷公会堂 ←★ココ★

そんな本作最大のポイントは、“超サウンドボード”なクオリティ。先日リリースされたTHE NASHVILLAINSとのサウンドボード・アルバム『TOKYO 2006 FINAL NIGHT(Zion-119)』も大好評真っ最中ですが、本作も同じ独自ルートからもたらされたもの。そして、そのクオリティは『TOKYO 2006 FINAL NIGHT』さえも凌駕している!
実際、このサウンドをどう表現していいのか分からない。ディスク2冒頭の「Hell Bent」が極わずかに欠けているものの、それ以外に何から何まで完璧。大所帯にもかかわらず、1人ひとり1音1音が超クッキリに完全セパレートしており、その1音が立ち上げから消音まで振幅までもが綺麗に捉えられている。「まるでオフィシャル」と呼ぶのはカンタンですが、それ以上。実際、この時期はオフィシャル作品『THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION』もあったりするわけですが、ミックス/マスタリングで鳴りを調整した公式盤とは世界が違う。サウンドボード卓からそのまま飛び出す丸出しの歌声/演奏は、まさに録って出しの生々しさ全開。大歓声もほとんど入っていないために臨場感に欠けるとも言えますが、逆に「すぐ目の前にBSOがいる感」「BSOとのシンクロ感」はオフィシャルさえも軽々と超えている。さまざまなバンドで関係者流出のライン音源を取り扱って参りましたが、その中でも格別の“超サウンドボード”なのです。
と、ここまでお読みになって「どっかで見たような……」と思われる方もいらっしゃるでしょう。そう、この録音はかつて業界を震撼させた名作『SLIP INTO A NIGHT』と同じもの。今回、そのオリジナル・マスターから再度CD化しなおしたものなのです。そして、今回は永久保存に相応しい“極限”を追及。サウンドの鳴りを更に鮮やかに整えつつ、既発では右に寄っていたステレオ感も正常に補正しました。正直なところ、様変わりするような大変化ではないのですが、精緻に隅から隅までチェックしても、そのくらいしか手の加えようがなかった。それほどまでに完璧なサウンドボード・マスターでもあったのです。
しかも、1ステージ通しなのがまた良い。先述の公式盤『THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION』はディスク1枚ずつでまったく違うショウのムードでしたが、本作は正真正銘の一夜公演。さらに『THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION』では聴けなかった名曲も大量に披露。STRAY CATSの定番「(She’s) Sexy + 17」からレアな「Folsom Prison Blues」「Smokin’ ‘N Burnin’」に至るまで、全25曲中11曲が『THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION』とは被らない。オフィシャル作品の続編・補足盤として聴いても最高なライヴアルバムなのです。


Disc 1 (48:59)
1. Pre-Show Music 2. Hawaii Five-0 3. The Dirty Boogie 4. Let The Good Times Roll
5. Pennsylvania 6-5000 6. Jumpin’ East Of Java 7. Drive Like Lightning (Crash Like Thunder)
8. Since I Don’t Have You 9. Pipeline 10. (She’s) Sexy + 17 11. Stray Cat Strut
12. Sleepwalk 13. Bye Bye Love / Hey Good Lookin’

Disc 2 (49:29)
1. Hell Bent 2. Folsom Prison Blues 3. Smokin’ ‘N Burnin’
4. Don’t Trust A Woman (In A Black Cadillac) 5. This Cat’s On A Hot Tin Roof
6. When The Bells Don’t Chime 7. Gene & Eddie 8. Rock This Town 9. Jump, Jive An’ Wail
10. Rumble In Brighton 11. Sexy, Sexy 12. Gettin’ In The Mood



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