Bob Dylan / The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan Radio Station Disc & Sessions / 2CD

Bob Dylan / The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan Radio Station Disc & Sessions / 2CD / Non Label

Studio A, Columbia Recording Studios, New York City, NY, USA
24th & 25th April, 9th July, 26th October, 1st & 14th November, 6th December 1962

Play sample :

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Bob Dylan’s masterpiece album “FREEWHEELIN’BOB DYLAN” from the folk era. Today, it has established a solid position as a historical masterpiece, but there were twists and turns before its release. Recording began in April 1962, but no take was adopted for later albums from the two-day session there. On the contrary, the recording was done intermittently and was finally completed in December. At this point, Dylan was an artist who didn’t make a sale and didn’t fly with just one first album, but there’s still a reason why he spent so much time recording his second album. I’m not surprised.
On the contrary, the album was put together only with the materials that were once recorded in 1987, and in April of the following year, even though the promotion board to be distributed to the radio station was made and progressed to the stage just before the release, it is exactly that. After additional recordings were made in the month, the contents of the album changed at the last minute. That is the form of “FREE WHEELIN’BOB DYLAN” that we have been listening to until now, but once the completed version was made, it is one of the most difficult items for Dylan collectors. It has been handed down as. “THE FREEWHEELIN’BOB DYLAN RADIO STATION DISC” was released on a limited press CD with a famous sound source that was carefully filed by a maniac from such a literal Mega Rare Promo LP.
If you simply reproduce the song order of the withdrawn version of the album, the sound source is abundant, so it will be reproducible. However, the reason for this title is that you can enjoy the mono mix recorded in the phantom version with the best sound quality, thanks to the fact that it was properly filed from the promotion board. For example, “Let Me Die In My Footsteps”, which was recorded in this version and was the only song adopted in the album from the session in April 1987 at this time. This song was later recorded in “BOOTLEG SERIES” with a new stereo mix, but strangely it was released in a short version with the lyrics of No. 5 cut.
It can be heard here in the mono mix and complete in 1962. In addition, it was the best sound quality. Therefore, “THE FREEWHEELIN’BOB DYLAN RADIO STATION DISC” (hereinafter referred to as “already released board”) was very popular and became Sold Out in no time. Recently, dead stock has been excavated, and restocking in a very limited number is also an instant kill level. I wonder if it was the one that was waiting for a re-release.

However, this time it is not just a re-release of the existing board. This is because another take group recorded as a bonus is now in a very difficult situation to obtain, unlike when it was released in 2014. So, this time, I divided it into a phantom version side and a session side by using two discs. This greatly expands the recording time of sessions and other takes. Disc-2 contains a lot of valuable sound sources that appeared just 10 years ago and surprised enthusiasts all over the world.
It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a symbol of the 1960s, not to mention the representative song for Dylan. And by dividing it into unreleased songs, it has been upgraded to a document produced by the masterpiece “THE FREEWHEELIN’BOB DYLAN”. In particular, the unreleased songs in April 1987, which have become a series of warehousing, are recorded significantly compared to the already released version.
At the beginning of the recording, there were many blues covers such as “Going Down to New Orleans” and Robert Johnson’s “Milk Cow (Calf’s) Blues (Good Morning Blues)”. Isn’t it the death of the judgment? However, in addition to these, Dylan’s playing technique is much improved from the first album even in the cover song such as “Baby, Please Don’t Go” which has been increased in another take this time, and as a guitar master It will let you see the side. Also, in “Milk Cow”, Dylan is short, but there is also a valuable scene where he plays the piano accompaniment for the first time.
Furthermore, regarding “Corrina, Corrina”, which recorded only different takes by playing and talking on the existing board, another take from Dylan’s first band session that was held for the first time in October is also recorded. Next, we recorded a lot of different takes from the band session held in November, and especially for “Mixed Up Confusion” which did not bear fruit even though it was recorded twice, the expression will change for each take. It is unique to band performance that it is interesting to understand the situation.
On the other hand, regarding the songs adopted in the album, the other take of “I Shall Be Free” is totally different from the arrangement while playing Dylan, and as a result, it proves how much Dylan’s creativity was overflowing in the session of the album that spent a year. Will do it. These precious takes can also be recorded by expanding the disc. By the way, the famous songs “A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall” and “Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right” are both decided by Dylan in one take, and unfortunately there is no other take.

And for the first album itself, the band performance “Rocks And Gravel (solid road)” will start after “Blowin’In The Wind”, so the difference from the regular version released later is too big. From there, it continues with “Let Me Die In My Footsteps”, so I’m still amazed at the difference in impression. In addition, both of these are good songs, but it is unavoidable that they were replaced when “Masters Of War” was born in the more famous song “Girl From The North Country”.
By expanding to two discs in this way, even though the material for two albums was recorded, the album that was once completed was changed at the last minute by narrowing down from there, making it a historic masterpiece. Promoted to a valuable document that reminds us that it has become. The sound quality is perfect this time as well, and all the valuable sessions where you can get a glimpse of trial and error until reaching the peak of Dylan during the folk period are content that you will never get tired of. In addition to that, the version has been upgraded to the strongest two-disc set called the first version of the phantom album!

ボブ・ディラン、フォーク時代の最高傑作アルバム「FREEWHEELIN’ BOB DYLAN」。現在では歴史的名盤として確固たる地位を築いていますが、そのリリースまでには紆余曲折がありました。レコーディングは1962年の4月から開始されたものの、そこで二日間に渡って行われたセッションから後のアルバムに採用されたテイクはゼロ。それどころかレコーディングは断続的に行われ、12月にようやく完了。この時点でのディランはセールス的に鳴かず飛ばずだったファースト・アルバム一枚だけで芽の出ないアーティストだったにもかかわらず、セカンドアルバムのレコーディングでそこまで時間が費やされた理由は未だに釈然としません。
それどころか一旦は62年に録り終えたマテリアルだけでアルバムがまとめられ、翌年の4月にはラジオ局に配るプロモ盤まで作られてリリース直前の段階にまで進行したにもかかわらず、正にその月になって追加のレコーディングが行われた挙句、アルバムの内容が土壇場になって変更という展開。それが現在に至るまで我々が愛聴している「FREEWHEELIN’ BOB DYLAN」の形な訳ですが、一旦は完成したバージョンもプロモ盤が作られただけに、ディラン・コレクター最難関アイテムの一つとして語り継がれています。そんな文字通りのメガレア・プロモLPから丁寧にマニアがファイル化してくれた名音源を限定のプレスCDにてリリースしてみせたのが「THE FREEWHEELIN’ BOB DYLAN RADIO STATION DISC」でした。
単に撤回されたバージョンのアルバムの曲順を再現するだけなら音源は豊富ですので再現可能でしょう。しかし本タイトルのもとになったのは、ちゃんとプロモ盤からファイル化してくれたおかげで、幻のバージョンに収録されたモノ・ミックスを最高の音質で楽しめるという。例えば本バージョンに収録され、この時点では62年4月のセッションから唯一アルバムに採用された曲であった「Let Me Die In My Footsteps」。本曲は後に新たなステレオ・ミックスが施された上で「BOOTLEG SERIES」に収録されましたが、不思議なことに5番の歌詞がカットされたショート・バージョンでのリリースとなったのです。
それがここでは1962年当時のモノ・ミックスかつコンプリで聞けてしまう。おまけに最高音質ときた。それ故に「THE FREEWHEELIN’ BOB DYLAN RADIO STATION DISC」(以下“既発盤”と称します)は大好評を博し、あっという間にSold Outになったのでした。最近になってデッドストックが発掘され、超限定数での再入荷も瞬殺レベル。正に再リリースが待たれていた一枚かと。

ディランにとっての代表曲どころか1960年代の象徴と言っても過言ではない「Blowin’ In The Wind」二種類の別テイクを収めたのは前回と同様ですが、それ以上にディスク一枚を丸ごと別テイクや未発表曲に割いたことで名盤「THE FREEWHEELIN’ BOB DYLAN」制作のドキュメントへとバージョンアップ。特にお蔵入り連発となってしまった62年4月の未発表曲は既発盤と比べて大幅に収録。
「Going Down to New Orleans」やロバート・ジョンソンの「Milk Cow (Calf’s) Blues (Good Morning Blues)」などレコーディング開始当初はブルースカバーが多く、これではファースト・アルバムと変わりがないのではないか…という判断から没とされたのではないのでしょうか。とはいえ、これらに加え今回は別テイクも増量された「Baby, Please Don’t Go」など、カバー曲でもファースト・アルバムよりディランの演奏技術がはるかに向上しており、ギターの達人としての側面ものぞかせてくれます。それに「Milk Cow~」ではディランが短いながらも初めてピアノの伴奏を披露するという貴重な場面も。
さらに既発盤では弾き語り別テイクだけを収録していた「Corrina, Corrina」に関しては10月に初めて行われたディラン初のバンドセッションからの別テイクも収録。続いて11月も行われたバンドセッションからも別テイクをふんだんに収録し、中でも二回に渡って録音が行われながら実を結ばなかった「Mixed Up Confusion」に関してはテイクごとに表情を変えてゆく様子が解って面白いのがバンド演奏ならでは。
一方アルバム採用曲に関しても「I Shall Be Free」別テイクはディランの弾き語りながらまるでアレンジが違っており、結果として一年を費やされたアルバムのセッションにおいてディランの創造力がいかに溢れていたかを証明してくれます。こうした貴重なテイクもディスクを拡大したことで収録が可能となりました。ちなみに名曲「A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall」と「Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right」はどちらもディランが1テイクで決めており、残念ながら別テイクは存在しません。

そして一枚目のアルバム本体ですが、「Blowin’ In The Wind」の後にバンド演奏の「Rocks And Gravel (solid road)」が始まりますので、後にリリースされた通常版との違いはあまりに大きい。そこから「Let Me Die In My Footsteps」と続くものだから、印象の違いには今なお驚かされます。おまけにこれらがどちらもイイ曲なのですが、それ以上に名曲であった「Girl From The North Country」に「Masters Of War」が産まれたとなっては差し替えられたのも仕方がない。

Disc 1(44:50)
Test pressings and promotional albums for radio station, Columbia CL 1986 (mono) April 1963

1. Blowin’ In The Wind
2. Rocks And Gravel (solid road)
3. Let Me Die In My Footsteps
4. Down The Highway
5. Bob Dylan’s Blues
6. A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall
7. Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right
8. Rambling, Gambling Willie
9. Oxford Town
10. Corrina, Corrina
11. Talking John Birch Paranoid Blues
12. Honey, Just Allow Me One More Chance
13. I Shall Be Free

Disc 2(71:35)

1. Blowin’ In The Wind (take 1)
2. Blowin’ In The Wind (take 2)
3. Rocks And Gravel (solid road) (solo version take 3)
4. Bob Dylan’s Blues (take 2)
5. Rambling, Gambling Willie (take1)
6. Corrina, Corrina (solo version take 1)
7. Corrina, Corrina (take 2)
8. Corrina, Corrina (take 3)
9. I Shall Be Free (take3)

10. Going Down to New Orleans (take 1)
11. The Death of Emmett Till (take 1)
12. (I Heard That) Lonesome Whistle (take 2)
13. Sally Gal (Take 5)
14. Baby, Please Don’t Go (take 1)
15. Baby, Please Don’t Go (take 3)
16. Wichita Blues (Going to Louisiana) (take 2)
17. Milk Cow (Calf’s) Blues (Good Morning Blues) (take 1)
18. Baby, I’m in the Mood for You (take 4)
19. That’s All Right, Mama (take 1)
20. That’s All Right, Mama (take 5)
21. Mixed Up Confusion (Take 3)
22. Mixed Up Confusion (Take 5)
23. Mixed Up Confusion (Take 10)
24. Rocks And Gravel (Solid Road) (Take 2)
25. When Death Comes Creepin’ (Whatcha Gonna Do?) (take 1)


Non label

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